Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to the Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. And once again, welcome to another live, soon to be, podcast. I hope you're having a great day, we're going to [00:00:30] entitle this one, Unintended Consequences. Story out in the publication, Psychology Today. Low brain cholesterol, unintended consequences. Now, listen, I am 100% sure that cardiologists have [00:01:00] good intentions. Oh, for sure, 100%. I mean, they're doctors. They have good intentions.
Now, years ago they discovered a medication, you know all about it, they're called statin drugs and they became the number one selling drug. Lipitor in particular, but there's Crestor and Zocor, and statins became [00:01:30] the number one selling drug in all history of medicine, statins. Number one selling drug of all time is Lipitor, it's still number one. The problem is, is the unintended consequences. Now, first of all, why did cardiologists and almost every doctor in the universe prescribe statins?
[00:02:00] You know the history, but I will refresh your brain. Because to the vast majority of physicians, nevermind cardiologists, but almost all physicians in the traditional allopathic medicine, believe cholesterol is the boogeyman, cholesterol is no good for you. In particular LDL, [00:02:30] low-density lipoprotein. What does that mean? Well, LDL... They found a medication to lower LDL. Now let me bring you back, I've got to bring you back a little bit more, repeat history. I call him a serial killer. It's not nice, but I insist on it.
A fellow by the name of Ancel [00:03:00] Keys, one guy in the 1950s did some research and he said, "What is at the root of heart disease is cholesterol." And the hypothesis that he had became fodder for the food industry, the cereal companies, especially, "If cholesterol is the bad [00:03:30] guy and it's at the root of heart disease, then we must reduce cholesterol." Thus, the cereal companies, the food industry in general, but cereal companies said, "Well, we need to change people's minds."
Now this is so well established. It's so much into our thinking that cholesterol is bad, [00:04:00] that 99% of the population, if you were to do a survey, go into your hometown, take a hundred homes. 99% will tell you that what causes heart disease is cholesterol. Ancel Keys... And the reason I call him a serial killer, I don't think he meant to do it, but [00:04:30] by teaming up with the food industry, which he did, and teaming up with the pharmaceutical industry, which he did.
Now, listen, I got educated in the '70s. Cholesterol... It was starting in education that cholesterol was a bad guy, but there was no statin drugs. So [00:05:00] my education basically was biochemistry, and biochemistry said, "Well, you can't live without cholesterol." But there was some teaching coming in, that waxy substance cholesterol, "You know what? There's doctors now saying that it's at the root of heart disease." And I'll tell you something, in the late '70s and [00:05:30] the early '80s, the medical profession went hook, line, and sinker on cholesterol being bad.
The pharmaceutical industry was racing to lower cholesterol. They succeeded in bringing out medication, statin drugs that were lowering cholesterol. Now, again, I am not questioning people's motives. [00:06:00] Look, the pharmaceutical company, I don't question their motives. First of all, every pharmaceutical company has teams of scientists, but at the end of the day, they better find meditations. They'll never talk to you about food. They'll never talk to you about natural products. They need to patent things, otherwise they don't make money, as simple as that. And they're [00:06:30] in it to make money, obviously.
But what happened, and this was unprecedented, unprecedented in the medical realm, is that the pharmaceutical companies were now 100% influencing the teaching at medical schools. They were doing all the research, they were doing all the studies, and [00:07:00] they were telling the medical students, "Cholesterol is bad." And so you can imagine it, they had to undo hundreds of years of biochemistry. And I'm telling you, they made it up. Ancel Keys, it permeated in all the medical schools.
So like I said, allopathic medicine, almost 100% of them believe [00:07:30] cholesterol is the boogeyman, they're doing you a favor by lowering your cholesterol. They believe it, they think they're right. The unintended consequences... And now I'm getting to the root of the story today. The unintended consequences in Psychology Today is what lowering your cholesterol does to your brain. [00:08:00] Now, you know me, if someone calls you, "Fat head." You take it as a compliment. You don't want to lower cholesterol in your brain.
The problem with statin drugs is they go across the blood-brain barrier and they lower your cholesterol in your brain. [00:08:30] I'm telling you, if I talked to 99 out of a hundred doctors this morning, and I told them that, that statin drugs go across the blood-brain barrier and lower your cholesterol in your brain, they would say, "Well, that's probably a good thing, because it's going to help you from having a stroke." Not thinking, forgetting biochemistry. It's an unintended [00:09:00] consequence, and they didn't do it on purpose, guys. No.
What is the problem with lowering your cholesterol in your brain, cholesterol your body needs? How many times have I said it? Every cell in your body needs cholesterol, because it's made up of cholesterol. Your cell wall is cholesterol, you need cholesterol. Now, did you read our email this morning [00:09:30] on the importance of vitamin D? Without cholesterol, you do not absorb vitamin D properly. And what are they finding about vitamin D? Well, I'll tell you, it's every day, it seems, they're putting out a new study on vitamin D.
From your brain to your toes, you are a human solar panel. The more they study it, the more they realize that if you have low [00:10:00] levels of vitamin D you are unhealthy, case closed. From COVID, to cancer, to heart disease, to diabetes, to Alzheimer's, to autoimmune, it don't matter. If you have low levels of vitamin D, you are unwell, and you [00:10:30] do not absorb vitamin D without cholesterol. The unintended consequences.
Now, your brain is what, 2% of your body weight on average, but what your brain needs is cholesterol. It'll take 20% of your cholesterol. Why? [00:11:00] Because cholesterol, your brain doesn't work without it. It's protective, it protects your myelin sheath that is around your brain and your synapses. And inside your brain are neurotransmitters, billions of them. You need cholesterol for [00:11:30] your brain to work... And listen, if you don't believe me on this, go to your pharmacist, or when you get a statin drug, read the possible side effects.
One of them that's written there is cognitive, brain, memory issues, because it lowers your cholesterol in your brain, and memory. Oh yeah, but [00:12:00] I always get a kick out of the commercials about cholesterol. Like, "I just got my cholesterol numbers back." And they give each other high fives, and they... I remember one that made me laugh like crazy, was one where a fireman was coming down the pole at the fire station. And he pretty near fell off, because he was so excited that his cholesterol numbers were going down. "My doctor said [00:12:30] I got low cholesterol." And giving everybody in the fire station high fives.
And I'm thinking, "Okay, dull brain. Why do you want to lower your cholesterol? I'm trying to elevate your cholesterol. Your brain needs it." People with the lowest levels of cholesterol die young, and you [00:13:00] know me, I always talk about, "Don't outlive your brain." They always want to get that LDL down. They want to get your total cholesterol down. Ooh, I'm going to have to go for another walk, get my blood pressure down. Folks, listen to me, please, please. You don't [00:13:30] have a cholesterol problem, you have a sugar problem. It's not cholesterol, it's insulin. You want to damage your brain? You need cholesterol.
And by the way, your body only makes 15% of your cholesterol. Where does 85% come from? Your body makes it. [00:14:00] You have to eat the other 15%. It's up to you to eat 15%. I've always used this expression, "God don't trust you." You look down the ages of time, you're a carnivore. The new enlightenment, the new world order, the new normal, "Let's get your cholesterol [00:14:30] down, and I don't eat animal products." I can't get over it. I shouldn't be surprised, but I can't get over it.
It's almost like, "Are you not thinking?" If you don't make enough cholesterol... Your body don't trust you, 85% is made within your body. 15%, God expects you to eat it. And you can't [00:15:00] get cholesterol, let me refresh your brain, in the plant kingdom. It's not there. It's exclusive to eggs, meat, cheese, fish. It's in dairy, it's in animals. In butter, not margarine. You got margarine at home? You know what kicking [00:15:30] a field goal is? Kick it out of your house. Why are you aiming for low cholesterol?
You want to have a healthy brain? Get your HDL up, high-density lipoprotein. What is that? It's the Amazon trucks on the highways. Do you know, for my American friends, the border between [00:16:00] Canada and the United States is closed. Only people that can travel by car, or by truck, or by... Our essential workers. HDL is an essential worker. It needs to be high to transport hormones, to get rid of your triglycerides. One, [00:16:30] HDL is a transporter of hormones.
Ladies, why would you want to lower your HDL? Why would you want to lower your cholesterol, why? Your brain needs it, your skin needs it, your eyeballs need it, your heart needs it. Ladies, I'm speaking to you, but men, because we're dense. But [00:17:00] ladies, you want to stay young? You need cholesterol. Why? Because it transports your estrogen and your progesterone. Think of those trucks, they're essential workers, they can cross. They get across the blood-brain barrier too, to go into the brain and get rid of your triglycerides. That's what gives you a stroke, triglycerides. Three [00:17:30] fat balls made from sugar. So it's not cholesterol, it's sugar.
I can't emphasize it enough, you need cholesterol. Now, if I'm around in 10 years from now, I will continue to preach it. I don't care how unpopular it is or it becomes, I don't [00:18:00] apologize. "Dr. Martin read me... Cancer, and... " I hear it every day, "Don't eat too much red meat." Why? There's a whole generation coming of vegetarianism. Worse, veganism. Whole generation coming, because of propaganda. [00:18:30] It's a gift to the pharmaceutical industries. It permeates teaching in schools. And as my son... When his daughter was in... Both of his kids now are out of... Well, one is in college.
But he used to tell me, he said, "Dad, high school now is indoctrination. They hardly teach anymore, it's just indoctrination. The climate, [00:19:00] sexuality, you name it. Animals higher on the food chain than human beings." And I don't care, guys. I don't care. I mean it, I don't care if I get lambasted, I'm not going to stop preaching it. I don't apologize. Look, I'm not a researcher per se, researchers work in labs. [00:19:30] I've worked with real people for 46 years, real people. I tell people, I still do online, "You're not eating enough cholesterol. You better get cracking."
"Well, doc, how many eggs can I eat in a week?" "A hundred." You want your brain to be good? You better [00:20:00] put cholesterol in that brain. The unintended consequences. "How much meat should I eat?" "How much do you like?" Seriously. Now again, I know it goes against the grain. Another thing that statin drugs do when they cross the... They do it all the time, but when they cross the blood-brain barrier, another thing that your brain needs is CoQ10. [00:20:30] You'll even see that on the commercials on TV, CoQ10, they advertise it. Why is CoQ10 so popular today? Because of statin drugs. Well established, you take a statin drug, you're lowering your CoQ10.
And your muscles are often damaged by low levels of CoQ10. What's your heart? [00:21:00] It's a muscle. Unintended consequences. Sorry for getting so excited. Heart disease has been misdiagnosed. I was listening to a guy the other day, I think it was on Sunday. He got a presidential pardon, he'd been let out of prison. I think he was there over [00:21:30] 20 years. They found out that they put the wrong guy in jail, he got a full pardon. The wrong guy in jail is cholesterol. Cholesterol is not the bad guy, been put in jail. Really started in the 1950s. I'm telling you, [00:22:00] the wrong guy went to jail, the bad guy is sugar.
And I'll just finish with this. What Ancel Keys never put into the equation in the 1950s when he saw cholesterol at the crime scene, of course, you're going to have cholesterol at the crime scene. You got Amazon trucks, you got FedEx trucks, you got essential worker trucks. They're all over the highways, of course [00:22:30] you're going to have cholesterol. But when he saw cholesterol at the crime scene, he assumed that was the bad guy. Of course, you're going to have cholesterol in your blood vessels, but what he didn't realize in the 1950s, he didn't know it, what causes plaque wasn't cholesterol.
In the '50s it was smoking. [00:23:00] President Eisenhower smoked four packs of cigarettes a day. So did my dad, by the way. And they didn't understand that in those days, how bad smoking was for you, it still is. But then the food industry, when they got you off cholesterol, had to replace the fat. And they replaced it with sugar, and we [00:23:30] went from 25 pounds of sugar a year in the 1950s to somewhere close to 200 total pounds a year today. Destructive to your blood vessels like nobody's business. Creating triglycerides that gum up your blood vessels and damage your blood vessels. They take away from the Teflon of your blood vessels, [00:24:00] and then you start developing plaque.
It's not cholesterol. Cholesterol, of course is going to be at the crime scene. Always will be, but it's not the bad guy. Okay, I've finished my rant. Okay, you guys are great for listening, I mean it. Appreciate all the faithful watchers. Like I said, I'm not making [00:24:30] this stuff up, it's the Psychology Today. Seeing so much brain issues because of low cholesterol. You better do your part and eat it, you got 15% to make up. I eat enough cholesterol, I could give you some of mine to help you. Okay, once again, thanks for watching. Share this, [00:25:00] it will give them another sense of teaching. They only get it one way, and self-care is health care. Take care of yourself first. Okay, love you guys. Lord willing, we'll see you tomorrow.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.