Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode the doctor share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. And once again, welcome to another live this morning and hope you're having a great day and I'm enjoying my vitamin C this morning. [00:00:30] I hope you are having a great day. Guess what we're talking about this morning? Kidneys, kidneys. Couple of new studies came out on the kidneys and I just want to go over that, we'll do a little teaching. What are your kidneys, you know? Pretty basic, but just understand how your kidneys function, what happens? How do you get kidney problems? What to do about it, how to protect [00:01:00] your kidneys. You ain't going to live well without kidneys. So you need them. Understand how they work. And I think you will appreciate that.
Okay, so I got a little demo here. So for people that will be listening down the road to a podcast, I'm doing an illustration here this morning. So I'd want you to picture it in your mind if you're not on live with us. But I brought a glass out of tomato juice, a little bit of [00:01:30] salsa in there. So let me stir it up and just because your blood, obviously red, it's a little darker red than that, but we've put a little bit of salsa in there. Because I want to show you what your kidneys are doing, okay? So then I brought out a strainer. See the strainer? And another glass. So I'm just going to pour this in, pour the salsa in and tomato juice. [00:02:00] Pretend this is your blood, because that's what happens. What are the kidneys doing?
Well, kidneys got four main functions. We'll talk about that. Four main functions. Number one is to filter out toxins out of your blood, impurities. So I'm pouring this and I'll show you this in a second. You see the filter there, the strainer? That's what your kidneys are like. [00:02:30] Blood's going through there and they're filtering out, okay? They don't allow things to stay in the bloodstream that are not good for you. So they strain it. You got a strainer there. So as you can see, it's straining into the bottom. Now you can see that again, for those on a podcast, understand that I'm just showing an illustration. So [00:03:00] kidneys are there for that reason. That's one of the biggest reasons.
And then of course they're producing urine and you want all of that stuff to leave via your urine. But one of the best things that you can do, and now I got some water. Think of your kidneys as Niagara Falls. You ever been to Niagara Falls? What do you see when you go to Niagara Falls? Not the [00:03:30] city, the falls. What do you see? Two in the morning, four in the morning, four in the afternoon. It don't matter. Water is continuously flowing. I can't emphasize this enough how you need to pour minimum of two liters of water to clean [00:04:00] the strainer. Your kidneys are the strainer, the salsa, it's thick. You don't want that staying there. You want to pour water all the time through that process. And guys, only water is water for your kidneys, okay? So only water is water.
The biggest [00:04:30] problem in kidneys and kidney disease is the lack of water. I listened to a colleague of mine the other day on YouTube. And I tell you, I don't know is that they never see patients and they're just researchers. The guy's smart and he gave some good teaching. But he said one of the problems is, don't drink [00:05:00] too much water. Well, I guess you could drink too much water. I agree with that, too much. The problem is I never see it. He said, "Wait until you're thirsty." It's just the opposite. You must get into the habit of drinking water. It's a habit. Your kidneys will thank you. How do you think you make kidney stones? Whether they're oxalate [00:05:30] from vegetables and chocolate and tea, or they're uric acid crystals, your body makes uric acid. It's one of the byproducts. Your body makes it.
But your body's smart. It wants to get rid of any extra uric acid. It turns it into urea and you're supposed to pee it [00:06:00] out. You want to pee it out, but the illustration of the strainer, which is your kidneys, you better be pouring water through there all the time. Niagara Falls guys, Niagara Falls. So very, very important. Let me just give you another couple of functions. Do you know that your kidneys help in the manufacturing of Vitamin D? [00:06:30] You think your kidneys are important? Dihydroxy-25 helps your blood levels, your blood serum levels of vitamin D. Big study out again on vitamin D. We'll talk about that this week, I promise. So kidneys, they help with vitamin D.
They help with straining obviously getting rid of the toxins, turning them into urea, forming urine. [00:07:00] And then the kidneys help your pH. Your pH in your blood has to be in a very narrow range, slightly alkaline. Your body will do everything it can to keep your pH of your blood in that slightly alkaline state. Kidneys have a huge, huge factor on that. And you don't want to strain your kidneys. [00:07:30] You keep your pH of your blood water, water.
So they form urine. They regulate your fluids and listen, they help, and here's another function. Blood pressure. When your kidneys will help to control your blood pressure, this is why doctors, go back a 100 years, [00:08:00] were telling people, "Don't eat too much salt, because that's going to affect your kidneys and that is going to affect your bloodstream." Hypothetically that's true. Especially if you eat the wrong salt, which is table salt, sodium chloride. But blood pressure is really more about sugar than it is salt. Your kidneys get assaulted [00:08:30] by sugar. It's an assault. Sugar abuses your kidneys. You don't believe me? Ask a diabetic. Diabetics are 100% more likely to have kidney malfunction. It's not salt, it's sugar, and your kidneys won't function properly unless you lay off the sugars.
[00:09:00] And by the way, the worst sugar is what? High fructose corn syrup. Another study came out. You know what I call it? The antichrist of sugars. That's what the food industry uses today. Don't get fooled by the food industry. You know why? They masquerade the high fructose corn syrup. They rarely ever put on a label, because they got caught. High fructose, well fructose comes from fruit, must be good. [00:09:30] Comes from corn really. Corn syrup. Oh, it must be good. Nah, that's the worst garbage in the world. That is sugar on steroids. New study came out. I'll talk about it on behavior in high fructose corn syrup. But I promise you, we'll get to that.
But sugar is what destroys kidneys. A lack of water destroys kidneys. A lack of vitamin [00:10:00] D, can't metabolize vitamin D if you don't have vitamin D. It's not Houdini, can't make it up. You're a human solar panel. You need the sun. And when there's no sun, you need to substitute and take vitamin D, which I did this morning. Because we're in Northern Ontario and you're not going sunbathing anytime soon. So kidneys, [00:10:30] what did they do? They filter. Think of a strainer. If you go into a men's washroom and you go for a pee, oftentimes you'll see within the urinal that there's a strainer there.
So you want your kidneys to last you a lifetime. You understand what they do. What happens to kidneys [00:11:00] if you have dehydration and you have sugar, you're a sugarholic. I mean, who the heck today isn't? See, your kidneys, how do they work? I mean, we know what they do, but how do they work? Well, they work because you got blood supply going to the organ. You have arteries and capillaries. And arteries, just like your heart, [00:11:30] get damaged by sugar. Sugar, what it does, left in the bloodstream it destroys your blood vessels. It destroys those little capillaries the same way it will destroy your eyes. And people get macular degeneration or they get glaucoma or they get diabetic retinopathy, cataracts. How do you get that? Blood supply.
[00:12:00] And the little blood supply to your kidneys are damaged because sugar does not belong in the blood. It can't stay there. That's insulin's job. It must, it must get sugars out. Well, doc, my sugars are normal. Yeah, but they may be high normal. The destruction starts rapidly, blood vessels. And if you do not have a good blood supply to your [00:12:30] kidneys, and if you don't drink enough water, if you have sugar, sugar destroys the blood vessels to the kidneys. If you don't have proper blood supply, that filter, that screening process, the mesh doesn't work as well. It'll affect your blood pressure. It's not salt, sugar. And I know it goes against [00:13:00] the grain, but it's true. So it's really, really important to understand that. Kidneys you need, you want them to last a lifetime. So you can get acute kidney disease.
By the way, let me talk about what is the number one source of acute kidney damage, chronic kidney damage number one is sugar, [00:13:30] it's your diet. But do you know what the number one acute kidney damage, do you know what it is? Medication, medication. The number one acute damage to kidneys that sometime cannot be restored is nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories like Advil. [00:14:00] People live. Oh doc, I got migraines, okay. And that's no fun, but you just need to understand when you take, even if it's over the counter, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories are the number one damager to kidneys in what they call acute kidney disease, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories. So Advil, Motrin, [00:14:30] and Tylenol. Now Tylenol is harder on your liver than it is on your kidneys, so pick your poison.
And guys, please. I understand pain. Who likes pain? So it's really important to understand that if you're taking Advil or Tylenol or Aleve, [00:15:00] I'll tell you guys, this is well documented. People don't realize that is not, "Oh doc, I get it over the counter." Aspirin, "Yeah, but I want to thin my blood because I got a history of heart disease." Just be careful. All I'm saying is, these are facts. You know what number two list on the medications that damage your kidneys? [00:15:30] Antibiotics, antibiotics, damage the kidneys. In acute kidney disease, antibiotics. How does that happen? Well, they destroy the friendly bacteria. You know what guys? You got bacteria, most of it is in your gut. You got over three trillion bacteria in your body. [00:16:00] We talk about this all the time.
You know, call the COVID the invisible enemy. There's an invisible war going on in your body all the time between good and bad bacteria. It's one of the reasons I'm telling you, "Quit over cleaning." "I know doc, we're going to wash our hands." And I know, I know, I know. But don't over [00:16:30] do it. And use soap and water, or oil of oregano. Because you don't want to over clean. Anyways, I don't want to get into that. I'm just telling you. So the number one acute kidney disease is caused by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories. And even the over counter ones.
The other one is antibiotics. They kill your friendly bacteria and your kidneys need bacteria to work. [00:17:00] They need good guys. You don't want to destroy that. Antibiotics can cause kidney damage. You know what the third one is in terms of drugs? Chemotherapy. So if you know anyone on chemotherapy, try and convince them to be taking probiotics. It's so important. A lot of people after chemotherapy, [00:17:30] the kidneys don't work properly anymore. So these are just side effects.
And the third one is kidney stones. Most kidneys, not all of them. About 80%, maybe 75, 80% are oxalate, a byproduct of your veggies. That's all right. I'm not saying they're bad for you, okay? Please, I'm not saying that. I'm just telling you [00:18:00] where they come from. Oxalates. They can form stones, but not if you're drinking enough water to filter them, okay? So acute, chronic and kidney stones. Anybody ever had kidney stones? They're no fun. Ladies, what do they tell you? They're like having a baby, except when you have a baby, you get a prize at the end, [00:18:30] right? You got a baby.
When you have kidney stones, you get the pain, but no price. It ain't no fun. Those stones get caught. They start leaving the kidneys. Your body tries to get rid of them. And if they start tearing on their way down to the urethra, ooh, they're no fun at all, okay? Oh by the way, here's another, the fourth one. I didn't even [00:19:00] mention this. The fourth one that can cause acute kidney disease are heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, can be damaging to the kidneys. I mentioned antibiotics. They destroy the good bacteria, right? They kill your infection, but they destroy your good bacteria. What happens after they destroy your good bacteria? [00:19:30] The third army comes in and invades your kidneys. They can invade your brain. I was talking to a colleague the other day and I said, "Well, the biggest thing that I saw in autism is candida, it's yeast. It's fungus." Folks, fungus gets into the brain. That's what I believe autism is. It's a fungal infection.
But in kidneys [00:20:00] you get dysbiosis. And this is me. This is the way my little brain thinks. A lot of times heavy metals cannot be filtered out of your body like mercury and lead and cadmium because you have dysbiosis. Yeast is a big time carrier of heavy metals. You know what another carrier of heavy metals is? Fat, not [00:20:30] fat in the bloodstream. Fat in your tissue. Obviously obesity is insulin and we already talked about sugar. But another thing obesity, remember like when you have, and I'm just showing on the podcasts, I'm showing fat. When you have extra fat around what we call visceral fat, okay? This is what it looks like. I just showing a yellow [00:21:00] glob of fat.
Probably with this tissue it number one creates inflammation because your body sees it as a foreign invader, believe it or not. But the second thing is, guess what fat does? This fat around your organs do? It holds on to heavy metals like mercury, lead, fat loves heavy metals, cadmium, aluminum. [00:21:30] So you get a double whammo with obesity. And this is what I wanted to talk to you about. What were factors. Well obviously diabetes. The other one obesity and high blood pressure over a period of time. What does that do? Well that just destroys your blood vessels. But remember, if you bring high blood pressure back enough, you can take a diuretic for example. And I understand, [00:22:00] because in medicine they're trying to regulate your blood pressure. I completely understand that, but why do you have high blood pressure?
Now I talked to a young lady the other day that had idiopathic high blood pressure from a young age. Okay, but that's so rare. That's so rare. We talked about dysbiosis. We talked [00:22:30] about, and even your thyroid by the way. And I say this mostly to ladies. If you have hypothyroid, it can affect your kidneys. It affects everything. It's your metabolism. Your thyroid is the gas pedal. It slows everything down or speeds everything up, it's your metabolism. And we see so much hypo, especially, hypothyroidism today. And one of the [00:23:00] big reasons on the thyroid, the thyroid is a puppet. It doesn't act on its own. One of the big reasons that a thyroid malfunction ladies is estrogen dominance. We live in a crazy world full of estrogen, every chemical.
So what do you do? What do you do for kidney function? Numero Uno, H2O, or at the Martin clinic, vitamin W. [00:23:30] Two liters. For my American friends, that's 64 ounces, 64 ounces of water every day. How do I know how much? I'm telling you, after 46 years of clinical experience, two liters, 64 ounces will do it. Now some people need more, but very few people [00:24:00] that I've ever met need less. And please do not listen to the nonsense, "Oh, Dr. Martin, I'm not thirsty."
When I get up in the morning, I am thirsty for a coffee. I will not allow myself to have a coffee without first having a half a liter of water or 16 ounces for my American friends. [00:24:30] It's a habit. Every morning I will not allow. All I can think of is having a coffee. I got out of bed. I need a coffee. Am I hooked? Yes, I'm hooked on vitamin C, coffee, the real vitamin C. But I won't allow it until I have a half a liter of water. The vast majority of people on the planet, [00:25:00] especially in North America are dehydrated. They don't drink enough water, and there's nothing that will dehydrate you is if you eat a lot of sugar. Because sugar, it leeches out your magnesium and your electrolytes, your potassium. You need water. You need water, please. Two liters, [00:25:30] 64 ounces. Every day, seven days a week.
You want to protect your kidneys? You want your kidneys to last a lifetime? Trust me, I proven it to, when I say thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of people. I showed them, they're dehydrated. Wouldn't it be nice if they had a little light on the top of their head that was flashing? Add water, add water. [00:26:00] But you know what happens? You start drinking water and then guess what? Your thirst mechanism starts to kick in. You're protecting your kidneys. Lay off the sugars. You're protecting your kidneys, okay? Drink lots of water. You need vitamin D for your kidneys. Your kidneys need vitamin D. If you have low levels of vitamin D, your kidneys [00:26:30] don't work properly. And they help in the processing of vitamin D. Vitamin D, vitamin D. Not only for your immune system, but your kidney function and your heart function and your brain function. You're a human solar panel.
Kidney function really helps when you lower inflammation. That's why I'm big on omega-3. I'm big on high levels of nitric oxide, your blood vessels. What's nitric [00:27:00] oxide? It's an explosion. In 1980 they found out that your blood vessels have nitric oxide. We didn't even know that when I was in school. We knew about nitro glycerin that would give you nitrile when you had angina. But we didn't know that the body actually had them. It was discovered in 1980. I remember when they discovered it. What helps your [00:27:30] blood vessels? That's why I love pine bark. There's nothing better for nitric oxide than pine bark, and another one, B12. Yes, your kidneys can get damaged by a lack of B12. How do you get B12? In food? Chicken? Vegetables? No, red meat.
That younger generation. Oh, [00:28:00] they don't know what they're doing to themselves. They will not outlive their parents and probably won't outlive their grandparents. I'm telling you, they're drinking the Kool-Aid, right? This vegetarianism, veganism. It's a religion. It's not good for you, I'm sorry. How do you get B12? "Well, my diet, I got to get B12," somebody [00:28:30] said. Why? Why don't you eat it? Well, I don't like, it's not good for you. Well, how could it not be good for you? How could God put B12 in one food and then tell you it ain't good for you? Hello?
I'm sorry. You're the what up there? I don't get it, other than it's [00:29:00] propaganda. Okay, I don't want to get too uptight. Okay, there's your kidneys. A little nutshell of study on your kidneys. How they work. You know what to do. Share this with your friends. Share this with your family. You want to save your kidneys, guys? You ain't going to have a good life and you won't have a long life without kidneys. There's dialysis, I get it. [00:29:30] That's gone up about a million percent in the last 20 years even. Isn't it funny that high fructose corn syrup in a graph upped 300% in the last 20 years. High-fructose corn syrup in a graph. And guess what's up? Kidney disease. Dialysis up 300%. [00:30:00] You think there's a link? I do. Okay, love you guys. God willing we'll see each other tomorrow. I appreciate you coming on. I appreciate the faithfulness of our audience really. And that audience is growing and we appreciate that, you have no idea. Okay, so talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, [00:30:30] Dr. Martin, Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.