Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes,
Dr. Martin: Well good morning everyone and welcome again to another live this morning and hope you're having a great start to your day. Question and answer Friday. A lot of good questions. [00:00:30] Okay, let's go through this. So we'll start off with conditions and then we'll go to questions more about supplements. So that's how I divided them this morning. The first one, Shelly is asking, "Can you discuss atrial fibrillation?" Yeah, absolutely. We can discuss it. I'm trying to think if I actually did a podcast... I know I did a podcast on, I don't know if it was all [00:01:00] about atrial fibrillation, but I know I did. It'd be quite a while ago. Let me just say, first of all, what is it? Right? It's when the heart goes out of rhythm. You remember, two big things about your heart. One, it's a muscle. Two, it's an electrical grid.
Electricity. Atrial fib can be dangerous because it elevates your risk of having a stroke [00:01:30] or a heart attack. But I want to say this, okay? Just follow me for a second. Why is there so much atrial fib today? I'm a why guy. Why? Why do we have so much autism? Comparatively. Why are we losing the war on cancer? Why, why, why? I got all these whys. And so for me, I try and get into [00:02:00] the why. Why would we have comparatively? Okay, remember I've been around a long time. So why wouldn't we have comparatively atrial fib today? Big, big, big jump in the rates of atrial fibrillation. Why does it occur in women more than men? Why? You know what journalism has done today? Journalism is supposed to ask the five W questions. Why? When? Where? You know, like that kind of [00:02:30] thing.
I'm a journalist when it comes to health, I want to know why. Why did we see that? Okay. So here's a couple of things that I want you to think of. Now, remember what the heart is? The heart is a muscle and the heart is a grid. Electrical grid. Why do we see so much problems with the heart? Number one, food. [00:03:00] Your heart's a muscle, your heart needs protein. Your heart needs Co Q-10 for the little battery packs within the heart muscle cells. And today the vast majority of people, they don't eat enough protein and especially red meat. There is nothing better for your heart than a steak, [00:03:30] ladies. And it's not chicken where you're going to get in. You can have chicken because it's protein, but it will not elevate your levels of Co Q-10. You get that in red meat. Steak. You need that to have a strong heart.
I'm sorry. I know that offends certain people, but I got to tell you what I know, controversial or not. So for [00:04:00] the muscle, you need Co Q-10. When you take a statin drug, by the way, to lower your cholesterol. Even on TV, they advertise, "Oh, if you're taking a statin drug, you're going to have low levels of Co Q-10." So they tell you to take it as a supplement. Well, you can take it as a supplement, but I'd rather you eat it. Your body makes Co Q-10, just feed it properly. So [00:04:30] protein, protein, and especially red meat. That's one of the big issues today. It's one of the reasons that you see so much atrial fibrillation. Here's another one. It's a grid. You need water. Dehydration. Well as a matter of fact, let me prove it to you.
If you get atrial fib, you know what they're going to put you on? A blood thinner. They don't want your blood to be too thick. And I understand that. [00:05:00] You want to thin your blood? Add water. H2O and only H2O is water. Coffee's not water. Coffee's good, but it's not water. Orange juice isn't water. Tea isn't water. Only water's water. Let me hit another bird with a stone here. Sheryl was asking drinking water from the tap. Should I boil it? If [00:05:30] you live out in the country, maybe. If you're living off a well and you don't have a filter on. I'm more interested, Sheryl, in you filtering your water. Two things that I would tell you to do if you're drinking tap water. One, filter it, get all the chemicals. Like in Sudbury, 2100 or so chemicals are added to the water here. I prefer not to drink it, but if you are going to drink, filter it, get a Brita, [00:06:00] or get a Zero water, or get one of those things that not that expensive, or put a filter on your tap or whatever.
Filter that water. More important than boiling it. And add salt to it. Add Himalayan salt. You're now adding 84 minerals. What does that do? Well, it makes your water more alkaline. You don't have to spend a lot of money to get alkaline water, okay? So, that's [00:06:30] what I recommend. But getting back to atrial fibrillation, strengthen the heart muscle and when those chambers in the heart get thick and they start playing with the electrical grid and throw the heart out of rhythm, one of them is dehydration. That'll thin your blood naturally and strengthen the heart muscle. Eat vitamin S, steak. Lay off the alcohol too. [00:07:00] And by the way, another thing too, magnesium. Magnesium's good for atrial fib because magnesium plays with that electricity. That's why I like electrolytes. I like magnesium, I like potassium. So good question, Shelly, to start the morning off. Sinus problems, Wendy.
Okay, that's a common problem. If you have chronic sinusitis, if [00:07:30] you get recurring sinus infections, let me tell you why. I'm a why guy. Why do you get that? Why do certain people have so much trouble with sinuses? It's yeast. It's fungus. It originally came from the gut. You get a sinus infection. You take an antibiotic. Sometimes [00:08:00] you have no choice. It's raging and you're really unwell. The problem with that is you kill all your good bacteria. Then you set up yeast and fu... You know, remember what yeast is. Yeast is the first cousin of mold. They're cousins. They're first cousins. Guess where you find mold? Moisture. You see, [00:08:30] a lot of people have trouble with their sinuses because they have fungus in there. It's a yeast, it's a mold. And then they can get a post-nasal drip. So what do you do? One, broad spectrum probiotics.
And I even got people sniffing. Don't do it in public. They think you're taking cocaine. Open up a probiotic because it's broad spectrum and you can [00:09:00] sniff it into your sinuses. It will help to go in there and get rid of that candida. I love oil of oregano spray. Now, listen, I should have brought it with me this morning, just so I can show it to you. There's a sinus spray called Sinucleanse, I believe. They owe me money because I'm always pumping their tires and telling people to take. But this is the best [00:09:30] thing you can do to clean those sinuses out because what oil of oregano does... Now, don't just put pure oil of oregano drops into your sinuses unless you want to take a beeline to heaven. Don't do that. It's too strong, but they actually make a spray. I love it.
And at the first sign of a cold, by the way, sniff sniff. Now you how I like oil of oregano [00:10:00] and put it on your toothbrush and all this and that. And that's very good, it's going to get into your body, brush your teeth, brush your gums with it, it'll get into the body. But if you can, try and deliver it in here. Don't overdo it. So chronic sinusitis, if you have to take an antibiotic, I don't like them, you know, it's like ladies with bladder infections. If they're recurring, it's not a bacteria. The bacteria is not [00:10:30] the cause, it may be there, but it's caused by because along the bladder wall, you're going to get yeast. It occurs after the very first antibiotic, if you don't take enough probiotics to get rid of that. And then guess what? Here's another thing don't feed the bears.
Don't give yeast sugar. They multiply. A lot of people, even on the Reset, have told me that their [00:11:00] sinuses are much better. And for some, milk will make your sinuses worse. Milk has got lots of lactose. That's why I like cheese better. It's eggs, meat, and cheese, and even cream because it doesn't have the lactose in. It has a little bit, but not much. Milk has a lot of lactose. That's why you see so much trouble with milk today because milk ain't natural anymore in the grocery [00:11:30] store. Milk is supposed to be half cream.
When I see 1% or skim, I say 1% is the size of the brain of people who drink that stuff. They only got 1% of their brain working. Maybe two. It's not natural. That's not what milk is. Anyways, you know what I think about that? White Pepsi, I call it. Don't give your kids one [00:12:00] or 2%. Give them whole milk. There wouldn't be the problems today. 70% of kids have trouble with, they call a dairy, but they really have trouble with milk and ice cream. Very good questions. And I'm doing ranting, of course. Velma, "How do I increase my white blood cell?" Well, listen, whether white or red, it's usually... When I see low counts [00:12:30] of white blood cells, it's usually like a borderline anemia. Increase your blood count by eating more red meat. Increase your B12, increase your vitamin D. Now vitamin D doesn't make T cells or natural killer cell, but vitamin D will take the ones you have and charge their batteries.
You want to charge you white blood cells' batteries. Pretend [00:13:00] it's like your cell phone. You have to charge them. And that thing that charges your white blood cells is the sun, vitamin D. That's why you don't get sick in the summer very often. You don't get a cold. I mean some people, "Oh Doc, I got a cold in the summer." Okay, but you're the exception. So Velma, good question. Rebecca is asking about donating blood. That's [00:13:30] a good question too, Rebecca. What do I think about that? Well, especially if you have high ferritin, you got high iron levels in your blood. They'll tell you, you should go donate blood. Your blood's thick. It's thick, full of iron. Iron is good for you, but not that much. But that's usually a problem, in my experience, with your liver is gummed up, but I'm not against giving blood.
Now, listen, [00:14:00] can I just go off here for a second? You don't have to go too far back, a hundred, 150 years or not even that, they did blood letting. Take your blood out of your body and they were wrong. Now you can go give blood, but you're going to save people's lives by giving blood. You get a kid that's got leukemia or whatever he needs. They go through that stuff like it's water, [00:14:30] man. They need blood transfusions save people's lives. But here's what I say. If doctors 150 years ago had read the Bible, the life of the flesh is in the blood. You don't take it out of your body. You put it into your body. Blood can save your life. Anyways. blood is important. Absolutely. But I got no problem. You want to go donate [00:15:00] blood? Make sure you're not anemic.
Of course they'll do that too, right? The Red Cross, they check your blood right on the spot, you know? And they don't want no hepatitis or anything like that. They don't want your blood. But anyways, for sure you're saving people's lives when you give blood. I'm all for it. Okay. Antonio is asking... Antonio, that's a Latin for Tony. Hello Antonio. My French name [00:15:30] is Antoine. Oh, I hated that. When I was in a French school, the nuns would call me Antoine. I'm telling you. I would hit the roof. I didn't like that. My name is Tony. You can call me Anthony. I'll let you do that. But don't call me Antoine. I don't like that.
Can I call you Antonio? He's asking, "Did the body go into gluconeogenesis?" [00:16:00] Gluconeogenesis is just taking your food and turning it into sugar. Yes. To some extent when you're eating the Reset, eggs, meat, and cheese. Yes. Your body goes into gluconeogenesis. Antonio. Good question. I don't know if you remember this, but this is what I've said. Listen, if your body needs sugar, glucose, [00:16:30] all food turns to sugar, all food eventually. The problem with carbs is they turn to sugar rapidly and that requires an enormous amount of insulin. So if your body needs sugar, yes, it'll take steak. But now you need very little insulin. See the idea with the Reset is, you know my expression, you're [00:17:00] sending your pancreas on a holiday to Hawaii for a month. You're regenerating not only your liver, but your pancreas because you need so little insulin.
You're giving your body a big time rest and detox, especially because you're aiming at the liver too but Antonio, I like the way you're thinking. Okay. That's good. It's a good question to ask. And he's [00:17:30] asking about, "Are oxalates in the urine caused by too much protein?" Nope. Next week, I promise, we're going to do a whole session on your kidneys. You'll find it interesting how your kidneys work and what you do to save your kidneys. Folks, you can't live without kidneys. Another thing that we've seen, an enormous increase is kidney disease, chronic kidney disease or acute injury to the kidneys. [00:18:00] But oxalates come from veggies. You got too much oxalates in your urine? Well, it's a good thing it's in the urine. You don't want oxalates sticking in your kidneys because they'll form stones. And how do you get that? You get it by consuming too much vegetables.
Because that's where your oxalates come from. And tea, ladies [00:18:30] and chocolate, ladies. They give off oxalates. Now, if you've got good kidneys, drinking a lot of water, they're in your urine, but it's not for protein. That is the big lie. We'll talk about that next week. I promise. It's not protein a problem. It's not salt either. Touch that next week. The next question, I'm sorry. [00:19:00] Anne, "Does eating salt decrease bone density?" Just the opposite. I'm not a big guy on a salt-free diet. Even if you have high blood pressure, it ain't the salt. It's sugar. Don't blame salt for what sugar did. It's like blaming the hamburger. You're blaming the hamburger instead of the bun. It's not the hamburger. It's the bun. It's not salt. [00:19:30] It's sugar. I know, we bought that lie about salt. Your bones need minerals. That's why I love Himalayan salt or a good sea salt. Natural salt, not table salt.
That's sodium chloride. I'm not big on that. That's not real salt. But seriously guys, this is really important for you. You need that. [00:20:00] Your body needs it. Your bones need it. Okay? You need those minerals. So very, very good question, Anne, it's the opposite. Add minerals. Your bones need vitamin D, your bones need magnesium, your bones need different minerals. If you take vitamin K2, or you eat a lot of cheese curds, and butter, you're going to put calcium in your bones where [00:20:30] it belongs and you ought to eat your calcium. Don't take calcium as a supplement. The best sources of calcium are eggs, meat and cheese. In nature you eat them and K2, because K2 is in nature. K2 is found in butter and cheese, especially curds. That'll take your calcium, put it right in your bones. Okay? So let's answer some questions about supplements.
[00:21:00] Mike, zeolites. I haven't been asked that question in a long time. What do I think about them? Zeolites are like ancient rocks. You know, they grind them into a powder or whatever, and then you can take it as chelation. What is chelation? Chelation, C not K. You pronounce it with a K. Chelation. I [00:21:30] liked EDTA as chelation. It's a vinegar-like substance. Okay? And I like probiotics for chelation. Look, I don't have a lot of experience with that. You know, it was like DE, which is... How do you even pronounce it, dio...? It's like charcoal, but you don't eat charcoal.
I used to tell people you're not made for that, [00:22:00] don't put that in your stomach. You don't put rocks, zeolites so much in your stomach, because I think it will coat your stomach. And by the way, those ancient... They have lead in there and aluminum and that. And look, my experience is I'd rather use something that I know. So I'm not saying I'm against it. I'm just saying, hey, I don't have the experience with it. I know how to chelate heavy metals out of the body because I've been testing for heavy metals for a long time, lead [00:22:30] and mercury and cadmium, aluminum. I used to do the urine test to find all that stuff. And if it was in your urine, it's in your tissue. I would chelate it out of there. You know, one of the best chelators is probiotics. One of the best chelators is cleaning your liver out.
Get rid of all the garbage in your liver by doing the Reset and believe you me, you'll take every heavy metal out of your body in 30 days [00:23:00] because your liver knows how to get rid of that stuff. It does. It won't accumulate if your liver is clean. So I'm a guy to go another step back, Mike, I go back another step, okay? And I like the liver to be clean because the liver knows exactly what to do. And we'll talk about how your kidneys filter that stuff out too, we'll show you the next week. If you fix your kidneys, your body is intelligent, it knows how to get rid of heavy [00:23:30] metals. It'll chelate it naturally.
And I like probiotic because there are certain bacteria, they leach onto heavy metals and get rid of them. That's how smart that bacteria is. So very, very good question, Mike. Okay. We appreciate it. Elsie is asking about... You know I talked about that oil of oregano spray? Keep it in your purse ladies. Oh, I get so uptight about this. All the chemicals. [00:24:00] The world is not thinking past its nose. We have such a short term vision. The virus, the virus, the virus. And we hear it 24 and seven. I'm not against washing your hands. I'm not. Soap and water. I was reading an article the other day.
Health Canada pulled a lot of those hand sanitizers. [00:24:30] They pulled them off. They said you got cancer stuff in there. That's why I like oil of oregano. You want to make your own? I like the spray, I got the spray. This poor girl, I just happened to come off of the chemicals on a podcast and then I went to a store and the girl, the first thing you're coming in, she wants to squirt my hand.
I don't like that stuff. And I gave her a little lecture, poor girl, thank [00:25:00] God I had a mask on. I didn't mean to do it. She didn't know what I was talking about. I said, you don't want to put that stuff on, it looks like estrogen. Who else was asking? Oh yeah, because Sherry was asking about perfume. Just understand that when you spray that on your body or whatever, your body thinks it's estrogen because it looks like estrogen. Anything that's chemically made. [00:25:30] Look, I want you to smell good too, okay? I'm just telling you what chemicals do. They look like estrogen. That's why we see so much breast cancer. It's breast cancer month. Get away from chemicals as much as you can.
You're never going to get rid of all of them, but as much as you can. I just can't stand these hand sanitizers. And when I see people, they're just over spraying [00:26:00] everything. The poor kids in school, they're spraying down everything. The poor janitors that got to work in that stuff. I'm telling you. We have no idea. We already see too much childhood cancer. Just wait, just wait till we see what we're going to see. No, but seriously guys, like I get it. I know the virus is around. You want to wash your hands [00:26:30] or you know what.
But don't put this crappy chemicals. Gets my blood pressure up. I'm going to have to go for another walk, bring that blood pressure down. I know, I know, I get so uptight. Coleen was asking about sweeteners and the brain. What does it do? Well look, you know like aspartame, and the chemical sweeteners. I don't like those things. [00:27:00] I don't. Sucralose and all those things. I don't like them. That's why, when you're doing the 30 Day Reset, you're not taking any of those sweeteners. You can use Stevia. You can use some xylitol and erythritol. Anytime you see an O-L at the end of it, that is what they call a sugar alcohol. Now don't overdo it with that stuff, a lot of people don't tolerate sugar alcohols. They're sort of semi [00:27:30] natural, I call them. Don't overdo it.
Good question. I think I touched them all. Oh, Lucy, "Will I get enough potassium eating eggs, meat, and cheese?" Yes. Now look, as your body makes an adjustment, if you start getting cramps, make sure you're taking some extra potassium. I like potassium. Add a lot of Himalayan salt. You got a lot of potassium [00:28:00] in Himalayan salt. You got a lot of magnesium. You got boron, you got a lot of things. But yeah, like I said, as your body changes fuels, some people get cramps and your body's making a huge adjustment, especially at the kidney level. Add some potassium, extra salt. If that doesn't do it, then actually take a couple of capsules of potassium. [00:28:30] So very good questions guys. My blood pressure's coming down.
Oh, chemicals. We live in an infested world and now we're on steroids on those things. Unbelievable. Like I said, we're not thinking past our nose. The cancer that's going to come out of this. I listened to the president last night and he said the solution can't be worse than the problem. [00:29:00] And I agree with that. I think we're not thinking. What about the long-term effect? I want your immune system to be able to fight any virus. That's where I come from. Guys, I love you. If you want share this with your friends. If you're not a member of the Martin Clinic, private Facebook group, join up today. I did a little teaching yesterday on a little sleep trick. [00:29:30] Okay. Love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode. And thanks for listening.