458. Added Sugars And Fructose

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. And welcome to another live this morning. Hope everyone is doing well. This is a study. I haven't seen it anywhere on the mainstream media. But it was pretty interesting [00:00:30] in terms of total sugars, and what was done was on average daily sugar intake between three countries, China, Mexico, and the United States. And they broke it down into two groups, sugar added to food, and then [00:01:00] natural sugars that people were eating in fruits, some vegetables, but mostly fruits. You really get a picture here of what the big, big problem is in our society today. Huge, huge issue, and comparatively. And I will talk about that as we go through it, but let me just give you these things and I will post this. I'll post it after so that you can [00:01:30] see it. You take notes while you can write this down, okay?

Between China, Mexico, and the United States, the amount of sugar added and the amount of fruit, sugar fructose, that is part of our diets every day on average. So let me just give it to you and then we'll break it down. In China, they added 26 grams. So a little bit [00:02:00] more than four teaspoons of sugar a day to their diet, plus nine grams of fruits. So fructose, so added sugars, which is mostly high-fructose corn syrup. And if you got another name for it, it's only a disguise, because the food industry, that's what they use, high fructose corn syrup. So 26 grams [00:02:30] in China above four or five teaspoons, so let's give it five and nine grams of fructose from fruit. That was in China. In Mexico, it was 92 grams of added sugar every day, 92 grams. That's a lot, approximately. That's [00:03:00] 23 teaspoons of sugar a day in Mexico.

Now remember this about COVID. I actually did a podcast on this. The health czar during COVID and it made the headlines. No, it wasn't broadcast the way it should have been, but it hits some mainstream headlines. And that is in Mexico, the health czar during COVID went after Coca-Cola, because Coca- [00:03:30] Cola was cheaper in Mexico than water. And he said, you're killing our people, Coca-Cola, and the reason COVID, and... And this is well established is that COVID and diabetes, while it was even mentioned yesterday on the mainstream media, they're not even arguing this. If you got problems with your metabolism, you got metabolic syndrome, which is [00:04:00] insulin resistance. The health czar in Mexico had it right. And that makes you 100 times more susceptible to COVID amongst many other things, of course. The health czar was furious at Coca-Cola. They promote their product in these small villages. And I'm sure this has to do with the 23 [00:04:30] teaspoons of added sugar, added sugar, and then another 55 grams of fructose from fruit, which I call God's candies. Now that's in Mexico.

In the United States... Listen to this, every day on average, the average American consumes 124 [00:05:00] grams of sugar, 31 teaspoons a day, 31 teaspoons of added sugar. And then another 76 grams from fruit. The number one fruit consumed in North America is what? Orange juice. You know what I think about that? [00:05:30] The worst thing you can do is drink fruit. The worst thing you can do. Now Dr. Martin's Perfect Smoothie allows you a few berries, not orange juice. So you see the problem? I was online last night with people that were doing the reset. I understand it. I get it. But the doctor, God [00:06:00] bless them, they're worried about cholesterol. Your LDL is so bad. Low density, lipoprotein. Cholesterol is the boogeyman still in medicine today. It's so hard to change their mind, but the elephant in the room is not cholesterol. This doctor said quit eating so much [00:06:30] animal fat and protein. The problem is just what we talked about here today. It's not cholesterol. It's sugar. It's sugar.

And what sugar does is it spikes your insulin. Insulin's job is to take sugar out of the bloodstream. Your body will not allow sugar to stay in the bloodstream. [00:07:00] Empty out your five liters of blood, pour it on the ground and search for sugar. You'll get less than a teaspoon of it. Even if you consume 20 orange juices and five chocolate bars, your body is so fearfully and wonderfully made, sugar is toxic inside your blood vessels, not cholesterol.

[00:07:30] I was online yesterday with another patient, former patient, "Oh, Dr. Martin. I got hardening of the carotid arteries." What's that caused by, shocker. It looks like fat. I know. I get it. It looks like fat. Cholesterol is fatty. It's a fatty substance. "I got hardening of [00:08:00] the arteries. It must be cholesterol." No, it isn't. You need cholesterol. You can't live without it. 85% of your cholesterol comes out of your liver. God doesn't even trust you. You won't eat enough of it. So what does he do? Your liver makes 85% of it. You have to add 15%. You better eat it. [00:08:30] Bad lipids, bad fats are what? You know the answer to this. Repeat, repeat, repeat. What is a bad fat in your body? Is it cholesterol? No. It's triglycerides, three fat balls. I'm going to bring some fat out here. What will make this fat? [00:09:00] The three fat balls that will go through your bloodstream and clog up your arteries. What makes these? Not cholesterol. Triglycerides, tri three glycerides fats. Three fat balls.

How do you make triglycerides? Sugars. You try and undo [00:09:30] 60 years of bad teaching in nutrition. 60 years of it. Doctors, God bless them, they go to medical school. And even today, even in 2020, they're being taught, "You better lower that animal fat, because fat makes you fat," in medical school. And a lot of other [00:10:00] schools too. Dieticians, Holy moly, they're smart. Not easy to become a dietician, but their training is... Why don't they invite me? Just simple biochemistry. You got to undo it.

I know you're under a lot of pressure. [00:10:30] The doctor's looking at LDL or total cholesterol and they're going, "Oh, I've never seen such numbers." They got their biochemistry wrong. I'm sorry. It's triglyceride. Plus you need to have good HDL. What is HDL? High density lipoprotein. It is good cholesterol. [00:11:00] By the way, there's no bad cholesterol. There's bad lipids, but that's a triglyceride. You can hardly get medicine to even look at triglycerides. They do the testing when they do the lipid profile, but they go directly to, "Oh, what's your total cholesterol in your LDL?" It's looking for love in all wrong places. [00:11:30] Ooh, I'm telling you it drives me insane. It's why I got gray hair. I don't care, guys. So I'm going to repeat it a million times. I will repeat it every day. Every day, every day, every day, every day. There is an agenda to be a vegan, to be a vegetarian. It's an agenda. It's a religion and cows are [00:12:00] bad. They're bad for the environment. Then they're bad for you. No, they're not. They're very good for you.

And I've proven it to tens of thousands of patients. Change your diet. Cut out your sugars. Stop consuming 31 teaspoons of added sugar [00:12:30] a day. Stop. And then your 76 grams, which is 19 teaspoons of fructose. Oh, Dr. Martin it's fruit tose. Yeah, I know. But when you have fructose, even when you have an apple. "An apple a day keeps [00:13:00] the doctor away." Not any more it doesn't. It used to when I was a kid, because we didn't eat like that. I had ice cream and cookies too, I tell my grandchildren. But we didn't live on sugar. We didn't live on packaged goods that were full of sugar.

China, here we are today, 26 grams, about five teaspoons. In Mexico, because they're [00:13:30] drinking Coca-Cola for breakfast, they're at 92 grams, 23 teaspoons. And we're at 31 in North America, plus 76, 19 teaspoons of fructose. You know what fructose does? How do bears get fat? Well, they consume about 30,000 blueberries a day. [00:14:00] I can't get over that. But that fructose is stored as fat immediately. Why do you think I got you off fructose on the reset for 30 days? No bread, nada.

One of the points I'm making is we live in a different world. I can't stand the new normal. [00:14:30] The new normal, aren't you tired of hearing that? And people never want us to go back to the old way, nine months ago. They want the new normal, forever social distancing, forever wearing a mask and lotta lotta nada. I think we'll never be able to fly again. I'm just giving you a prediction. I'm not a prophet nor the son of one. [00:15:00] I'm just telling you that I don't think you will be able to fly in 2021 ever again without a mask. And maybe, just going to give you the new normal, I think, and I'm not like I said, what do I know? I'm just giving you my opinion. You're ain't going to be able to fly without a vaccine. That's my opinion.

When the vaccine comes out, if you want to jump on an airplane, [00:15:30] I think you're going to have to have a vaccine, especially if you're going to travel internationally at all. This is just my opinion, but I'm making a point. We don't live in the same world anymore. When you ever see a dump truck, and if a dump truck came to your house, and sometimes you'll see a dump truck bringing soil or whatever and then dumping the load. Well, think of that as sugar. That's [00:16:00] how much sugar the average North American is consuming a year, a dump truck load. Do you think your body was made for that? And this is what they miss on the whole thing about your health. Because sugar has an effect major on all the chronic killers in the world today, including [00:16:30] COVID. They don't want to talk about that.

The pharmaceutical companies want you to take a vaccine. Pharmaceutical, food, politicians, the media, they drive the narrative. And so they're going to talk to you about cholesterol. There's a drug for cholesterol, [00:17:00] but the drug you need to stop eating is sugar. 26 in China. They didn't get the memo yet from the food industry. Nine grams of fruit. Mexico, 92 grams, 55 grams of added fruit, and U.S. 124 [00:17:30] and 76. Hot off the press, guys, on the most recent bad habits. But I'll tell you, it's destroying our lifestyle. Because heart disease, still the number one killer, not caused by fat, not caused by cholesterol, caused by sugar and how it's driving insulin. [00:18:00] And insulin drives up inflammation and insulin drives up salt. You hold on to salt, it drives up blood pressure. It's not salt, it's sugar. I've proven it to so many people, if they will only listen.

Remember what I said, John the Baptist in the wilderness, "Repent. [00:18:30] Stop eating sugar." Like I said, I know there's a lot of even gurus telling you the opposite, but you have decisions to make. I give information. You make decisions. I give information. You make decisions. Do you know what a Berean is? Bereans didn't [00:19:00] take the Apostle Paul's word for it. They searched the scriptures. Guys, I'm just giving you information. You got to make those decisions, but I promise you, you won't believe it. Cardiovascular disease, cancer needs fuel, Alzheimer's. Why do you think they call it type three diabetes? Why do we see so much of it? [00:19:30] And don't be fooled. Don't be fooled by fruit. Fruit can be very deceptive. And again, when I was a little boy, different. We never had truck loads of sugar we were consuming in a year.

The average Canadian, listen to this, in the 1950s, part of my studies, I get my PhD in nutrition, was looking [00:20:00] at the history of nutrition. It's fascinating. In the 1950s, Canadians, North Americans, were consuming 25 pounds of sugar a year. Seems like a lot, but you know what? You know how they had heart disease in the 1950s? And it was 10% of the population in the 1950s, 10%. It's 50, 60% of the population today. [00:20:30] What changed? 10% wasn't sugar, by the way. It was smoking. The new smoking is sugar. "Oh, Doc. I don't smoke." Well, good for you. Do you eat sugar? "Yes." Well, it's every bit as bad. What clogs up your arteries? Cholesterol? Nope, sugar.

Sugar, what it does, it destroys your blood vessels. [00:21:00] It gets to that little Teflon layer, your little epithelial cells there. It's Teflon. And that's why blood flows through very easily until you got too much sugar. Creates inflammation from the insulin and it starts to damage the little Teflon. Now it's not as slippery. And now [00:21:30] plaque starts to form. Before you know it, you have a clot. It can block up your artery. It doesn't come from butter. It doesn't come from eggs. It doesn't come from meat. It comes from carbs, sugars.

Oh, by the way, let me give you another statistic. I just read this this morning. [00:22:00] The average American... This is an American statistic. You get a boat load of sugar, a boatload. I mean a dump truck load. Pour it in your yard. That's how much sugar you're consuming, the average person. Not you, you're smart, your kids, your grandchildren. But listen to this, and then you add fruit on it. Okay? [00:22:30] Another boatload of fruit. Fruit's good, but not when you got a boatload of sugar with it.

But listen to this. The average American consumes 133 pounds of flour. Now when you see white flour, [00:23:00] you see whole wheat flour, it's flour. What is flour going to be in five seconds? Count one, two, three, four, five. Flour just turned into what in your bloodstream? Sugar, 133 pounds of flour a year on average, that's going [00:23:30] to be sugar in five seconds. You see the problem we have? You know why I get gray hairs? But you have the pharmaceutical companies, the food companies that don't want you to know that. Of course not. "Oh, Dr. Martin, it's whole wheat. I had a whole wheat muffin. I had a Tim Horton's carrot muffin. I need my fiber." [00:24:00] Every time I say fiber, I pretend my nose is blocked, fiber. "Dr. Martin, I need my fiber." No, you don't. "If I don't have my oatmeal in the morning, I need my fiber." No, you don't. It's the new normal.

When it comes to food, you have to make a big adaptation, understand some biochemistry [00:24:30] 101. This is why we see such a big increase in heart disease. You would think, come on. If statin drugs were the answer, we would have eradicated heart disease by now. Still the number one killer, not COVID. Ooh, I get uptight. COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID. How many cases? [00:25:00] How many people are dying of COVID? And everybody's forgotten about heart disease. "Oh. We'll get back to that when we get rid of this virus." People are dying every day. Yesterday, 2300 people in the United States died yesterday, died of heart disease, nevermind cancer. That was 1600.

You know how [00:25:30] you can get those numbers? From the insurance companies. They know every day. 400 people yesterday in the United States died, 400 of diabetes yesterday, but all the media want to talk about... Remember here's the thing. Pharmaceutical, food, politicians, Scared Skinny, being influenced. [00:26:00] For every politician in the United States, everyone in Congress, everyone, they have two pharmaceutical reps. I don't know about the food industry, but they have two pharmaceutical reps just for every Congressman in Washington. And they are lobbying them 24/7 with money, with perks, with misinformation. That's how it works, guys.

[00:26:30] So you're not going to hear anybody go up against the pharmaceutical industry. Won't happen. Won't happen. They don't want to prevent disease. They want to manage disease. Okay. My heart's beat... If I had Rosie's watch... Because she's got one of those watches that tell her to breathe. I won't wear it. I don't want that thing telling me to breathe. Okay, I'm going to post this. Unbelievable. [00:27:00] Hey, I love you guys. Okay. I went overboard today, but I had to get it off my chest. Okay. So Lord willing, we'll talk tomorrow.

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode. And thanks for listening.

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