450. Q&A With Dr.Martin

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: Well, good morning question and answer. Let's get to some of the questions, okay? I don't know if I'm going to get to all of them. There's a couple of questions [00:00:30] that people ask me. Listen, we're going to answer the question, but they're not necessarily appropriate for... Because if it's only for you, okay? You're giving me something that either I've rarely ever heard of or it's not applicable to anybody else. We'll answer the question, but I'm not necessarily going to do it on a podcast or a live, okay?

So if I didn't [00:01:00] answer your question this morning, don't take it personally. I'm going to try, because I try and fit in here things that will hit a lot of other people to make this interesting, okay? So Shannon was asking about readings for vitamin D. I think I did teaching on this and I know we did emails on this, but anyway, let me go over vitamin D readings because it is a good question. What are you looking for?

Unfortunately, [00:01:30] a lot of physicians are not so interested in your vitamin D levels. And I hope they change their mind now that we've gone through COVID because one of the things that we learned is vitamin D levels are essential because they've proven it that if you had low levels of vitamin D, you were much more susceptible to getting sick and being hospitalized, and even into the ICU [00:02:00] with low levels of vitamin D.

So I've been saying it for years, it's not vitamin C, it's vitamin D, okay? linus Pauling won the Nobel prize in his work in vitamin C. He actually came and lectured to our class. Linus Pauling. He was a hero back then because he talked about the importance of vitamin C. And you know what, I liked it. I [00:02:30] liked therapeutic doses of vitamin C. Somebody was asking me this morning about the vitamin C we put in our Novotel.

See, vitamin C on its own, I explained this yesterday, vitamin C is poorly absorbed on its own. That's why I'm not big on supplementing with vitamin C. Just on its own, okay? Now, what research has proven is that if you put vitamin C with pine bark [00:03:00] extract in Novotel, it stays in the body. It becomes much more bioavailable. That's the word we use, bioavailability, okay? So that's why we put it in... And I liked the acerola cherry, okay? The extract from the acerola cherry, the source of vitamin C in there is probably the most bioavailable, in my experience.

But you're rarely ever going to hear me tell somebody, " [00:03:30] Well, you need vitamin C. Nah, you don't. You need the real vitamin C, coffee, which we talked about yesterday because it's a polyphenol. Poly means a multitude of phenols. And coffee has a profile that is similar to vitamin C. It's even better. Some people sort of want to take me to task on that because, "Come on, coffee [00:04:00] is not vitamin C." Well, yes it is.

But let me explain, if you know anything about Canadian history is Jacques Cartier in the 1600 traveled from France. It wasn't called Quebec at the time, but he came to Canada. And on the way, 25 men died of scurvy. And if you Google scurvy, it'll tell you it's a lack of vitamin C. But when he got to, [00:04:30] now called Canada, but that's where he came on the St. Lawrence River, where my grandfather was born, north of Quebec City is where Jacques Cartier met up with the First Nations people.

They gave Jacques Cartier himself and men, the rest of his shipmates, pine bark, a tea. Jacques Cartier actually [00:05:00] wrote it in his annals. "They gave us a tea, made a pine bark." Well, is there vitamin C in pine bark? No, there's polyphenols. That's what Novotel is. It's a multitude of nutrients. Not ascorbic acid, better than that.

Jacques Cartier wrote, "Man, oh man, not only do we feel better..." Because I don't think Jacques Cartier [00:05:30] would have said, "Oh, we died of scurvy. He didn't even know what scurvy was." I don't know that. Maybe he did. So all I'm saying is that coffee has like pine bark. I mentioned yesterday, quercetin. So getting back to... See how I get off? Getting back to vitamin D it's more important for your body than C is. [00:06:00] You're a human solar panel.

Now for my American friends, your number should be, I like around 60 to 80 in terms of your numbers. If you're fighting cancer, I like it to be at a hundred. Now, some doctors would say, "Well, it's too high." Nah, it's not too high. It's ideal to fight cancer. In Canada, I like between 150 and 200. [00:06:30] The measurements are different. So those are numbers that I like for optimizing your immune system, optimizing your immune system.

Next week, we're going to talk about... We'll do this, okay? I'm going to make a note of it because I'm just thinking of it now. But next week we'll talk about... We have to do this because it's October. The flu season is coming. So what do we do? What is a natural... [00:07:00] I'm writing this down so I do it. Natural flu shot. What should you do? So we'll talk about that next week. This is the time of the year. If you stopped taking vitamin D for the summer, then it's time get back. I've been taking vitamin D every day, okay?

Okay. Good question. [Denuta 00:07:24] was asking about vitamin B3, whether it's good in sleep. Well, it's not been my [00:07:30] experience. Look, I'm a big guy on vitamin B, okay? I'm a big guy. I'm not big on you taking it as a supplement, by the way, okay? Now, if a woman is getting nausea during her pregnancy, I'll recommend B6. B3 for sleep? Nah. I mean, look, in my experience, no. As a supplement, no. Here's my philosophy on vitamins B. [00:08:00] There's one that you need as a supplement for most people. Why?

Because they're extremely low in vitamin B12. B12 is a different puppy altogether. You know why? Structurally, it is huge. On the best of days, B12 is not an easy vitamin to absorb. That's why doctors, and they used to be into it, big time used to give you a [00:08:30] B12 shot. Doctors had gotten away from that. They shouldn't have, but good news is you can take a B12 shot every day under your tongue in a form called methylcobalamin, okay? Methyl. You got to look for the methyl, B12.

I have thousands of patients over the years, thousands of patients taking B12. They were extremely low in B12. " [00:09:00] Oh, Dr. Martin, my doctor said I'm too high on B12." So what? I want it to be high. You want to talk numbers. About 800 to 1,200 in blood work, B12. It should be optimized. Again, these normal ranges, it's like your thyroid ladies. Oh, it's in normal range. Why do you want it to be in normal range? The blood work is old. B12 blood [00:09:30] work is old. It's 100 years old.

Oh, it's 300. It's normal. It's way too low. You need to optimize B12. Now, how do you get B12? Steak. I had roast beef last night. By the way, I'm doing the reset, okay? But B12, the value majority of the population is low in it. If you have any kind of digestive issues, you're low in B12. Any kind. " [00:10:00] Oh, doc. I got acid reflux." Well, you're not absorbing B12 then. So you should take it as a supplement. Maybe we'll go over that. What are possible symptoms of low B12? You know what, maybe we'll do that. I know I've done it in the past, but I'm making some notes, possible symptoms of low B12, okay?

We'll go over that. That's a real good thing, okay? So next week we'll look at the natural flu shot. I'm going to [00:10:30] teach next week too, by the way, just to tell you, the difference between fruit toast and glucose. Lots of new stuff on that, fructose and glucose.

Okay. So Shannon, I think I answered your question. Denuta, as far as I'm concerned, there's much better things for sleep. Vitamin D helps your sleep because it elevates your melatonin. But if you can't get in the sun, then you make sure you're taking vitamin D. And the best thing that I've found... [00:11:00] Look, I put it all together in our cortisol formula. A lot of thousands people use cortisol formula, not only for stress hormone, but help them to sleep. There's no formula better in my humble opinion.

Fasting. Good question. We talked about this last night. What breaks a fast? Well, look, if you eat anything or drink anything with calories, technically you're breaking the fast. So the purist out there would say, "Well, [00:11:30] you can't have coffee with cream because you're breaking the fast." Nah, you're really not, okay? Because why are you doing... That's why... I mean it. Our new book coming out, I almost called it Fasting Without Fasting. It'll probably be on a cupboard somewhere because when you eat eggs, meat, and cheese, you're fasting with... It mimics a fast. It mimics it.

Of course, technically [00:12:00] it's not a fast. And I even encourage it to do intermittent fasting if you can. Folks, we eat not only too much, we eat too frequently brought to you by the food industry. Of course, they want you to eat frequently. Where did that come in? "You're hypoglycemic. You need to eat more frequently." Nah. you need to regulate your [00:12:30] insulin. When you regulate your insulin, you will not have to eat frequently. Because you see, what insulin does, you know that. It takes sugar out of the bloodstream. Job numero uno.

But the other thing it does is it regulates. It keeps your blood sugars within a certain range. Not too high and not too low. But when you have insulin resistance, your cells get sick and tired of insulin all the time because you're reading too [00:13:00] frequently and the wrong foods, crappy carbs.

Oh, by the way, news headline yesterday. Did you see that? You guys must think, "Dr. Martin, he's a genius." But you see over in Ireland, I guess someone took some way to court the Subway. You know what? The Ireland Supreme court said, Subway bread is not bread. It's [00:13:30] got too much sugar in it." I was bursting out laughing. Guys, it ain't just Subway. I mean, I'm glad I'm not a shareholder. That would be not good news making headlines like that.

Like when you get a Subway sandwich, what was that guy's name that lost a lot of weight then he was all over Subway. Remember that? All he ate was Subway and he lost weight. [00:14:00] It wasn't good for him. You go to Subway, just eat the meat. Leave the bread alone. It's full of sugar, but you know what? I don't care what kind of bread it is. It's going to turn to sugar. These are what we call hidden carbohydrates. They're hidden because you think, "Oh, it's bread. It's whole wheat. It's 15 grain. It's 70 million grain." I don't care. It's still primarily a carbohydrate [00:14:30] and you're going to need a lot of insulin to break it down. The reset allows none of that.

John, our good friend from Elgon, Illinois asked this, "Well, doc, you mentioned yesterday that, and the studies are out, that you can empty your liver in six days." So John is asking, "Why is the reset 30 days?" Because there's a lot of other things I want to fix too, John. But it's a good question. Look, [00:15:00] let's say you've already done the reset. I've done the reset in the past. Let's say you've already done the reset and you want to do the reset for one week? Not a bad idea.

I recommend you do the reset a couple of times a year if you're metabolically messed up. The idea with it, John, okay? And it's a good question. The idea with this diet is also to change. It changes about 20 things. It [00:15:30] changes your mitochondria. It changes your fuel. It regenerates the pancreas. Yes, you empty your liver in the first six days. I mean, isn't that an incredible? But I want you to change fuels and I want your body to get regulated that way and to bring balance even to your hormones. And I want to increase the length of your telomeres. Remember, we talked about that the other day. What are telomeres? They're little wicks, candle wicks inside of your [00:16:00] chromosomes, in your DNA.

Wow. We can link in them. The longer your telomeres, it's like the candle, the wick. The longer the wick, the longer the candle lasts. There's nothing better in anti-aging, than the reset. It's anti-aging eating. Isn't that wonderful? Proven. So that's why, John. Okay? And you can certainly do a one week reset. [00:16:30] I don't recommend it the first time. But if you want to do that... For some of you listening today, let's say you want to just do it for a week, especially if you've done it before, and our Canadian thanksgiving is coming up next weekend. Well, do it until next Friday then. You can do it.

But the true reset is a 30-day program. And by the way, it takes three weeks to form habits, John. That's another reason. Even just human psychology tells us that. Three weeks to form a habit. [00:17:00] And I want people to form new habits. You should hear the testimonies of people. Incredible.

Okay. So Beth was asking about red meat. It's hard to digest to lose weight. That's not true, Beth. It's not the time that it takes to digest food that is going to affect your weight loss. That has nothing to do with that. Healthy weight loss is when your cells at the cellular level once... Because somebody asked me, " [00:17:30] How does that work?" Well, digestion starts right in your mouth. You have enzymes. Release, right? From your saliva that start breaking down the food gets to the stomach.

Your stomach should be very acidic. If it isn't, then start taking digestive enzymes to help your stomach. I take that digestive enzymes every day. It breaks the food down. Your stomach is a furnace. It wants to mulch your food to make it micro-sized. And that [00:18:00] mulch gets into your small intestine where your body absorbs those nutrients.

You'll notice if you eat steak, you will not lose much of it. You eat a lot of carbs, you're going to have a large stool. And people think that's a good thing. It's not a good thing. That was brought to you again by the food industry, especially the cereal companies. Oh, you need oatmeal because if you don't eat oatmeal, you're not going to have a big number [00:18:30] two. Who said that? People think, "Oh, doc. I didn't go to the bathroom today. I'm constipated."

No, no, no, no. Well look, some of you are as regular as clockwork. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm not saying that. All I'm saying is... I remember actually doing some conferences because I'm a speaker, right? So this company brought me in and [00:19:00] I would just do a generalized topic on nutrition or whatever as a paid speaker, okay? And they were good people. I enjoyed working with them.

I did a tour of Canada for them. But they were big into look at your stool and it'll tell you everything. I disagree. Now, your stool can tell you some things. Some people see parasites in their stool. Well, that's where [00:19:30] they belong by the way. You want a parasite to be in your stool. When they do a stool analysis, you see parasites in there, your body is doing its job. It's getting rid of them. The problem with parasites is when they're not in your stool and they're floating through your bloodstream because they got into your bloodstream through leaky gut. Anyways.

So Beth, I don't know if you were making a point or just asking me the question about red meat. Is it hard to digest? [00:20:00] Nah. It's not hard to digest. Your body loves red meat, so it needs it. Your body is intelligent. It knows exactly what to do. And some people, if they have trouble digesting, "Well, they've got a problem." It's usually right in their stomach. How many ladies are listening to me right now that they don't even have a gallbladder?

They don't have a gallbladder. They lost. You know why primarily? Because the food industry made you lose your [00:20:30] gallbladder. What? Yeah, because you were eating fat-free ladies. Why do women lose their gallbladder more than men? Because you eat chicken and salad. Salad and chicken. You don't need your gallbladder for salad and chicken unless you're the skin on the chicken. Oh, skinless chicken.

No, but seriously, we ate fat-free for how long? You got an organ in your body called you a gallbladder. It is a [00:21:00] reservoir for bile to emulsify fat. It wants to help you to break fat down and absorb all those vitamins that come in fat, fat soluble vitamin. And we're so upside down. We think we're smarter than God. God gave you a gallbladder. You know why? He wanted you to eat red meat and chicken.

No, you can have chicken. But seriously, why do you think so many... And there's estrogen, there's hormones [00:21:30] involved too. If you're estrogen dominant, it affects your gallbladder and your thyroid and a lot of other things. Okay. Oh boy. I'm getting bogged down. I want to do a couple of more, okay?

Conditions. Polymyalgia arthritis, Jerry was asking. Well, that's auto-immune. Polymyalgia arthritis is usually... It could be viral, but you don't get it unless it's a perfect storm. Polymyalgia. Poly means mediary. I've had [00:22:00] people come in, they're so full of inflammation. They literally could not button up their shirt. And I say, "Well, you got leaky gut." Well, number one, you have a yeast infection that's leaky gut, leaky joints, right? Leaky gut, leaky joints.

So you got to look at that, Jerry. You got to fix that and sometimes a virus will tip it off or even a parasite, or even yeast. But that's in leaky gut. Those things shouldn't have [00:22:30] never got into your bloodstream in the first place. Then you add, Jerry, then you add in my opinion, your immune system sort of turns on itself because you're stressed.

Cortisol is pouring gasoline on the fire of inflammation. It makes everything worse when you're stressed. Stress is supposed to be short-term, not long-term. And usually it's a perfect storm. By the way, do you know what October is? [00:23:00] It's breast cancer month. Guess what we're going to be talking about too? I'm going to do a whole workup on breast cancer for you. We'll do a session or two. What do you do to prevent it? Why is breast cancer...

It was mentioned last night on TV, on a newscast at one out of seven women in North America will have breast cancer. It's worse than that. One out of seven is 2018 statistics. It's down to one out of six women. [00:23:30] You ever get in a room with six women. Count. One, two, three, four, five, six. One of those women will get breast cancer. And you're telling me we're winning the war on cancer?

Folks, you want to wear pink, you wear pink all you want. You want to wear a ribbon? You wear a ribbon all you want. Nobody wants to get cancer and nobody wants to... But it bugs me. It bugs me. Ladies, you're being abused. You're abused by the medical system [00:24:00] that waits for you to get breast cancer. And then, oh, here we go. We're going to fight the war on cancer once you get it. How about we don't get it, ladies? How about we don't get it?

And I'm going to tell you, I'm pointing at you right now. Every one of you listening today has some cancer cells. Even around your breast tissue. Every one of you. Oh, you go to the doctor and you get a bite. You feel a little lump in the shower. "Oh, what is that?" [00:24:30] You go to the doctor and now it starts. "Okay, let's get a mammogram. Okay. And let's do a biopsy. Okay. And you know what? We saw cancer. Okay. And now it's chemotherapy and radiation. Let's cut your boobs off." I'm not talking about the treatment part, but that's what they do.

I'm talking about don't let cancer multiply. [00:25:00] We're going to go over all that. We're going to go over all that. What should you do? What should you do? And when I go over breast cancer, get your husbands to listen because I'm going to talk about prostate cancer. Do you know what? It's the same cancer? Just in a different area and a different species called males. It's the same cancer, not different. The same causes for women are the same causes for men to get prostate cancer. The two cancers [00:25:30] are identical in my opinion.

Okay. And Deb was asking about darker urine. Okay. So like you look at your stool. I mean, if there's blood in your stool, you got to check that out. Urine, dark. It could be, it can get yellow if you're taking, for example, our blood boosts that has a lot of B vitamins in it, okay? And I put them all in there, but that's for people who've got low blood or people that are getting cancer [00:26:00] treatment. The blood boost is tremendous for that. And it may turn your urine more yellow. Dark can be dehydration.

And Deb says, no, she's drinking water. It could be medications, make your urine darker. It could be a little bit of blood. You wouldn't even know it. But when we used to do urine analysis, a lot of times we would pick up blood in the urine, and that could be, Deb, because you're forming a little bit of a stone. You're eating too much salad because [00:26:30] you're getting too many oxalates. Deb, I'm teasing. Some people, you have to... Do I mean it? Yeah. If that's what you're doing, Deb. I don't know if that's what you're doing, but it's a possibility, okay? That's why I have to mention it.

Then last Renee was asking about, she has a ventricle problem in her heart and what should I do? Well, one thing you want to do, think of what your heart is. They're two things really. It's a muscle, okay? Yep, your heart is a muscle, okay? [00:27:00] And two, it's an electrical grid. It runs on electricity, your heart. So for food, the best thing you can do is protein, protein, protein for your heart because your heart is a muscle. You need amino acids. You need CoQ10.

Look, you might take it as a supplement. We have CoQ10 and in one of our Novotel heart and brain. I put CoQ10 In there and get the best CoQ10, which is ubiquinol, not ubiquinone. [00:27:30] But you know how you get CoQ10? Steak. You ain't going to elevate your CoQ10 levels if you have vegetables.

I'm not saying vegetable no good, but you're not getting it for your heart. You need animal product. CoQ10 is found in eggs, meat, and cheese for your heart. The other one too, Deb is magnesium. A lot of people are low in magnesium. And that really helps with the electrical grid in your heart, that ventricle there. And if you've got any damage in there, yeah. Like I do a high [00:28:00] protein and make sure your nitric oxide levels are good and things like that.

Okay. So guys, you've been great. You already know that next week is going to be a fun week. We're going to hit some good topics. We'll do the natural flu shot coming up. We'll talk about breast cancer month. We'll probably touch on it next week.

Should you wear pink or not? I don't care if you wear pink or not. I don't. And [00:28:30] we're going to talk about the difference between, oh, you're going to love this, fructose and glucose. Okay? what's the difference? And why it matters? Because it really does, okay?

So love you, guys. If I didn't answer some of those questions, we'll try and answer them online. And if you belong to our Martin Clinic Facebook group... If you don't belong, join please. Okay. Love [00:29:00] you, guys. Talk to you soon. God bless you.

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.

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