Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Okay, I hope you're having a great day. Today we're going to talk about location, location, location, okay. And this is going to be a little bit of a teaching [00:00:30] on leaky gut, okay. There are at least 1,300, probably 1,400 studies on leaky gut. And yet it's a very difficult for doctors, and I say this in all due respect, to one, even recognized leaky gut, and two to make a diagnosis. And you have to understand this, okay. I think it's important that you understand this, that [00:01:00] doctor's training is, this is why I said location, location, location. You know what that signifies. In real estate, that's a big saying right? Location, location, you can have beautiful house, but if it's in a bad area, your value, or you can have, for example, Toronto, okay. In Canada or out in Vancouver, you can have a very small house, but because it's in Toronto, it's worth a whole [00:01:30] lot of money. It's location, location, location.
So that's in real estate and medicine has that mentality. So for example, if you have rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease, medicine looks at that as they understand that it's autoimmune, but they look at the joints and say, well I've got to treat that. [00:02:00] Not looking at the cause of autoimmune, which we'll go over this morning, all autoimmune, all of it, is leaky gut it's leaky gut. I'm going to explain that, but just understand when medicine looks at something like this, they don't look at where it could originate from.
And that's very important because you need to understand that any autoimmune and a lot [00:02:30] of issues start where Hippocrates said 2,000 years ago that all disease start in the gut. It's that battle. It's the microbiome, good guys and bad guys. Very important to understand that. And leaky gut has to do with the little lining in your gut. Your blood should be pristine. It's the river of life, okay. The Bible says [00:03:00] it. The life of the flesh is in the blood. And medicine, go back a century ago, even maybe a little bit earlier than that, they did blood letting because they figured, well if we can take your blood out, we'll get your disease out. No, and now medicine understands they have to put blood into your body. You better replace that blood. You can't live without it, but your blood really [00:03:30] should be pristine. You got red blood cells, you got white blood cells and you got platelets and you would have nutrients flowing through the rivers of your blood vessels, 60,000 miles, one and a half times around the equator. That's how much blood vessels you have.
And people don't think of blood so much in, it's bringing you your oxygen and it's bringing you your nutrients, [00:04:00] very intelligent, but there should be no garbage in there. But if you have leaky gut caused by, take one antibiotic for five days, you'll strip away all your good bacteria in five days. Am I telling you not to take an antibiotic? Of course not. I always tell people, look, antibiotics, the greatest discovery of the 20th century, but the curse of the 21st. It's not that [00:04:30] they don't work. It's the side effects of an antibiotic. What does it do? It creates what we call dysbiosis, an imbalance. Your gut is an ecosystem. It's an ecosystem.
What's happening in California, guys? What's happening there? Why is it in Canada? Why are the forests burning there? It's mismanagement of the ecosystem. It really is. [00:05:00] I don't know about the climate, but I know I lived in Northern Ontario all of my life, pretty well. And the forest industry is huge here. And I had some very good friends who were in the forest business. You know what they knew? You better do burns, controlled burning, to keep that ecosystem because if you have to too much garbage in there, [00:05:30] I mean dead trees and growth around the trees and if you don't clean that out and burn it in a controlled burn, you're going to get big trouble.
And guys, this is a lot like your gut. When you take an antibiotic, I mean, that's just one way, I'll tell you some more, but one of the ways is antibiotics because they don't know what to kill. [00:06:00] They kill everything. They kill your bacteria and good. If you need an antibiotic by all means, but you better replace those friendly bacteria. Otherwise you're going to get an overgrowth of yeast and that will start a forest fire in your body. Let me tell you that.
Candida yeast never belongs in your blood. You can have some in your gut. A little bit, no problem. [00:06:30] Lots, big problem. And that little lining that protects your blood. There's a barrier there. It's made up of bacteria. It's made up of little cells. It's a little single cell lining that keeps bacteria out of your blood. See bacteria, it don't belong in your blood. Bacteria belong in the toilet. And if you have a healthy gut, [00:07:00] bacteria goes in the toilet. Yeast, in the toilet. Viruses, in the toilet. Toxins, heavy metals, plastic never belongs in your blood. Xenoestrogens, They don't belong in your blood. Your blood's supposed to be pristine. No pollution of the river, but that's what leaky gut is, guys.
And so what happens with that is really an autoimmune response. Over a period of time, [00:07:30] you can get celiac. Listen to what I'm going to say. If you have any food intolerance, oh Doc I can't eat eggs. Okay. You got leaky gut. Doc, I can't have dairy. What are they saying now? Some 60, 70% of kids, they have dairy allergies. It's not the dairy, although there's too much sugar in milk. So, oh Doc I'm lactose [00:08:00] intolerant. Yeah, but you got leaky gut. You have to understand that. You might have an allergy. Asthma, what do you think that is? Leaky gut. It started in the gut.
And we talked about recently Alzheimer's and the study coming out that, look, there's two ways you can get Alzheimer's. One, insulin. We talked about that, what sugar does to the brain, especially the memory center, but you know what they're finding out now? Alzheimer's, yeast [00:08:30] in the brain, fungus. How did it get there? How did it get into your brain? MS, what are they finding? Yes, they got plaques on their myelin sheath, but how did it get there? Why did plaques form? Leaky gut, yeast, fungus. Parkinson's, fungus on the brain, started in the gut.
So when you have a bad diet, one antibiotics, two a bad diet. [00:09:00] Sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, not good, not good. It feeds. You get an overgrow. It attacks the lining of your little protective lining, the body guards, along your gut wall that won't allow garbage to go in the blood. But what happens if they're not there? Chemicals can destroy the gut. So these are important things to understand, location, location, location. So like functional medicine, [00:09:30] we want to get at the root because that's very important. Very important to get at the root of the problem.
So let me explain. I'm just going to give you a little bit of physiology. I want to do a little bit of teaching, okay. Just on, okay. So now we talked about the origins of leaky gut. The greatest discovery of the 20th century is antibiotics. The curse [00:10:00] is what? Antibiotics. When you take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, Advil, over the counter. And I get it, you got pain. Of course you want to take that. What's the problem? It destroys the lining of your gut, that little protective lining. It acts like an antibiotic. One of the things they talked about in aspartame, artificial sweeteners will destroy your friendly bacteria. [00:10:30] So what happens?
Okay, so now the lining isn't there, that little protective line. So we're talking about leaky gut. When the little protective lining is not there. Fungi, primarily, bacteria, undigested food. So here's another reason you get leaky gut, because you don't have a good stomach. Your stomach is a furnace. It's a mulcher. A very acidic stomach will do a job of breaking food [00:11:00] down to bite-size. If it doesn't happen, oh Doc, I got acid reflux. Yeah, I know. Well, I have too much acid. Nah, you don't have enough acid. And now your body overcompensates and starts to make too much acid. And it goes up to your esophagus and you're very uncomfortable. Acid reflux is a symptom. It's a symptom. It's not the cause. It's low acidity, [00:11:30] but why is that? Too much insulin. It's your body screaming at you. Change your diet.
So substances larger than micro sized particles get into your blood. That's leaky gut. We talked about the cause of leaky gut, the causes. And now we're talking about, okay, what happens? As substances that don't belong in your blood, they don't belong in there. So your body reacts to them, okay. They get into the bloodstream [00:12:00] and they activate what we call antigens, okay. I know a lot of this is big words, but what is an antigen? Okay. So something's in the blood. Your body says, hey what is that? It flags it. Your body's unbelievable, fearfully and wonderfully made. Your body's immune system, your antigens cytokines, they activate. So [00:12:30] when you have cytokines, antigens in your blood, your white blood cells, your lymphocytes.
Remember yesterday, I was talking about T-cells. T-cells, they look at it as an infection. Something that would ordinarily oftentimes is harmless. Your body overreacts. The T-cells go crazy. Your body responds with inflammation. I love Tony Jr. He pegged this years ago. He said, " [00:13:00] Dad, it's disease without a fever." People in the 1950s and before, even in the... They used to die of infection. Not that it doesn't happen anymore. We've seen a virus kill people and it's not a deadly virus. I don't want to get sidetracked, but it's not a deadly virus to someone who has a good immune system.
But anyway, what happened? Even with COVID, it's in the bloodstream, body [00:13:30] overreacts to it. It's called a cytokine storm. And I was listening to a physician last night who explained that this virus was made in a lab, by the way, in China. Apparently she's got evidence to prove it, but not the point. Another physician who came on just after her said that in his treatment of COVID, for example, what he saw, unlike [00:14:00] any other virus before this, is the storm, what they call the cytokine storm. Your body overreacted to it. The immune system went crazy, especially in the lung area. So all their people who were vulnerable, their body went into what they call a cytokine storm, inflammation big time. And that could get into the lungs.
But that's what autoimmune is, guys. Autoimmune [00:14:30] is the body's overreaction to debris in the bloodstream coming from, remember now, the gut primarily. Primarily it's fungi. It's fungus. It's candida. It's yeast. The most common candida is candida albicans. Oh, don't you love Latin? Why don't they just call the yeast? Everybody understands yeast. You need it to [00:15:00] make bread. It goes whoop. It expands. It permeates everything. That's the problem when it gets into the bloodstream. So when someone has crippling rheumatoid arthritis, it started a long time before that in the gut, maybe even they were set up for it as children when they started taking antibiotics for ear infections.
I'm a history taker. All my [00:15:30] practice life, I was asking questions. My son-in-law, an emergency physician. I saw an advertisement last night. I got to get it because it just had me laughing, [ 1-800-SAM 00:15:45]. My son in law is a physician and I call him 1-800-SAM. But you know, he said something that's very interesting. He said the biggest thing is asking questions. I'm asking questions. I want to know your history because it's very important. You [00:16:00] just didn't get rheumatoid arthritis because of genetics. Genetics has very little to do with autoimmune. I mean, it makes you more susceptible, but you need to start it with leaky gut, otherwise it doesn't occur.
So leaky gut. See what I was saying by location, location, location? Doctors see arthritis and they go, okay, I need to put you on steroids or [00:16:30] prednisone or antiinflammatories. And sometimes even chemotherapy, methotrexate. I get it. They're treating the symptoms, but you better get at the root. The root is in the gut. And unfortunately we don't have a little light on our head that goes leaky gut, leaky gut. There's yeast. There's fungus. There's garbage in your blood. It don't belong there. Wouldn't that be nice if we had that little thing there?
[00:17:00] That's how it works, guys. Your body's overreacting to it. A cytokine storm and inflammation, we know. Inflammation really isn't that the root of disease. Although many doctors think it is. Yes. It's involved. It's very involved. It's the destructive thing, but why inflammation? Why? You see leaky gut, we have the trinity of disease [00:17:30] at the Martin Clinic. Tony Jr. and I years and years and years, we talk all the time and I pick his brain and he picks mine and we talk and talk. And I remember we were having a pow wow. No, but we were having a session and we were working on a webinar and we came up with this, look I know inflammation's involved. And then we, you know, us, we've always [00:18:00] talked about food and that's insulin. Insulin, insulin, insulin, it's too high. It creates inflammation. Yes, food. And we knew the other one was leaky gut, leaky gut.
So you have location. The gut is the originator and your brain may be one of the locations that leaky gut will affect. It may be your joints. We talked last week, I believe on a [00:18:30] previous episode, we talked about the kidneys, leaky gut, leaky, kidneys, leaky gut. Look guys. Anything, anything on your skin that doesn't belong there from acne, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, name me the skin. You have to go back to the gut. Your skin is just a visible organ. And [00:19:00] sometimes it will display what is going on in your gut. Leaky gut, leaky skin. Leaky gut, leaky joints. Leaky gut, leaky brain.
Here's another one, lungs. Leaky gut, leaky lungs. We talked about fat. So that's insulin in the lungs, right? Fatty lungs, fatty tongue. So that's insulin. We talked about that, but one of the big problems in the lungs [00:19:30] is yeast. It's fungal, but fungal didn't land in the lungs before it was started in your gut. Sinuses, chronic sinusitis, leaky gut, leaky sinuses. Oh Doc, I'm always stuffed up and I have allergies to the environment. Why? Leaky gut. It didn't start in your sinuses. It started in your gut, went into the bloodstream. Leaky gut, isn't that incredible?
[00:20:00] So that's why it's so important. It's so important. You want to get at the root cause. And one of the things you want to do, for heaven's sakes, if you got yeast, fungus, candida, don't feed the bears. Don't feed it. Don't give it sugar. Yeast's favorite food, the sugar. Don't feed the bears. Nada. None. Not easy, I get it because yeast to will call [00:20:30] your name every day. It will say, oh Susie I need to be fed. I'm your little pet inside your body and I want to be fed. So give me that chocolate, give me that sugar. You want to know why you get cravings? Your yeast is calling your name, your little pet inside your body. It's a beast. It's not really a pet. It's out to bite you to make you unwell. The brain, the lungs, [00:21:00] the heart it's systemic, incredible. The skin, the sinuses, the joints.
So that's sort of leaky gut in a nutshell, guys. It's at the root. And I mentioned this to you several episodes ago, that yeast or fungi, according to some doctors, is at the root of every cancer. Upon biopsy of the cancer they see fungi. Where did that [00:21:30] come from? The gut, yes. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. Why we're so big on probiotic? What we know about the gut today, incredible. It's incredible. But again, medicine, and I don't want to be negative, but they often miss it because they're not looking. They're not looking at the root issue. They want to treat the symptoms. You got sinus problems?
Oh lady, here's another place. I just got to tell you one [00:22:00] more place. Especially you ladies, leaky gut, leaky bladder. Oh, Doc, I got a urinary tract infection. Okay. I got to get an antibiotic. Okay, I get it. If it's really painful, then get an antibiotic, but don't take it for seven days because that's what it says on the label. Take it for one day. As soon as the pain's gone away, stop it and double or triple up your probiotics. Why? [00:22:30] Because it's yeast. There may be a little bit of bacteria there and e-coli or whatever, but it's yeast along the lining. And ladies, you're famous for it. I don't have to tell you ladies about a yeast infection. You know what that's like in your privates, but what if it's in your bladder? Well, guess what? It's fungus. The bacteria just happens to be there. But when you get rid of the root issue and it may take...
Listen, this don't happen [00:23:00] overnight, by the way, because people ask me online all the time. How long should I take my antibiotics? Well, check your pulse. You're still alive. Take an antibiotic, excuse me, a probiotic. We changed our mind years ago. We used to say, take it a couple of times a year. Not anymore. No, the more we know, the more we know, the more we know. Probiotics, probiotics, probiotics, broad spectrum. What's that mean? At least 10 different strains. [00:23:30] Why? Because the different strains do different things. Some go after the candida yeast, some are anti-inflammatory, some do this. They're like tribes. They love different places.
So, leaky gut. Tomorrow, might talk a little bit more about healing the lining of the gut. We'll see, I've got a couple of other good teachings I want to do. So we'll talk. We'll see. I haven't finally decided, [00:24:00] okay. So any questions for Friday, send them in, okay. And sometimes look, if I don't do it on Friday, it's not because I don't love you, okay. It's not. I try and answer every question, but sometimes you ask me a question about an individual little thing that may be rare or whatever. And I'd rather answer you personally than answer online, but listen, send it in, [00:24:30] okay. Don't be shy. We want questions. Plus if you're not a part of the Martin Clinic Facebook group, the private group, please join.
Okay. Love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.