421. Bowel Cancer

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: We're going to talk about a very sad story this morning. Of course, I think it was, was it yesterday or Saturday? That Chadwick Boseman. [00:00:30] Okay. Now I think kids liked him a lot because of some of the movies he did. I liked him in the baseball movie and he starred in that. What was that name of that 42? What was it of Jackie Robinson? He played Jackie Robinson. And was that the movie called 42? I think it was, wasn't it? I don't know. He wore number 42. I know that. And [00:01:00] anyways, very sad. A very young age, but I want to give you the headlines so that we can just talk about something very significant. And it's unfortunate that cancer today, it gets lost in the shuffle a little bit. We've been so COVID crazy. And the last six, eight months, virus, virus, virus, virus, virus. You get tired of it really.

[00:01:30] But in the shadows of that, and actually the CDC came out on the weekend. I don't know if it was actually a headline, it should have been, that they finally admitted. So when you see in the United States that 180,000 people have died of COVID. They said that wasn't true. They died with COVID, but they didn't die of COVID. And to CDC finally admitted it. And you know me, guys, I've been saying this since, [00:02:00] no, way back, January, not March. It's the preexisting conditions, preexisting conditions. And I know, and I don't want to get into the politics of it, but the CDC admits that only 6% of all the deaths actually died of COVID. They didn't die of COVID, they died with COVID, but they put them up in the lineup. If they were dying of cancer, [00:02:30] they put COVID. Craziness. It scared the living life out of people.

What do you want to do, Doc, die? Of course not, but medically it wasn't true. And I've said that from the beginning. The elephant in the room is metabolic syndrome. Okay. So now let's, I don't want to stay on that rabbit trail. Let me focus in on bowel cancer because the headline this morning, okay. The [00:03:00] headline this morning, [inaudible 00:03:01] because I don't even think people were talking about this. Here's a young man, very young, 43 years old, a superstar, bowel cancer. But the headline behind the news was African American men, especially, are very susceptible to bowel cancer. And by the way, in the last 30, 40 years, bowel cancer is up about 300%, [00:03:30] and in young people, and we're going to talk about cause and effect this morning. You know me, I'm going to go to the cause and the effect because if we have bowel cancer and the CDC and that are telling us that it's out of control, and I've known that for a long time. It didn't take a Chadwick Boseman dying for me to talk to you [00:04:00] about bowel cancer.

And look, there's absolutely no guarantees in life. I know that. I know that. But there's a reason bowel cancer is up 300% from the 1980s. 300%. And it bothers me when they talk about the war on cancer. President Nixon said, "We're going to defeat cancer." Well, no you didn't. And cancer today is a much bigger problem [00:04:30] than COVID, but we don't talk about it so much. It's almost like Russian roulette, load up a chamber and eventually you get cancer. Well, I want to talk to you today about, let's talk about why and then what to do. And again, I'm not guaranteeing anything, but you got to put everything on your side. Why? Let's talk about [00:05:00] why is bowel cancer up 300%. Come on. Why? What's changed in the world? Number one, insulin. It's what's changed in the world, since the 1980s.

We talked about this last week, high fructose corn syrup, insulin. And we found out, we talked about it on Thursday. It was blow the socks day off Thursday. What did we talk about? High fructose [00:05:30] corn syrup. And we know what it does to the liver. We know what it does to the liver. It is unbelievable what it does to the liver. I used to say, "It don't it don't pass [inaudible 00:05:44] the gut. Goes directly to the liver." And that's true, except with one little deviation that we talked about and you know what's gone up way, way, way, way up too? I look for the stats, guys. What's up [00:06:00] 300% too? Not just bowel cancer. Liver cancer. And it's not because of alcohol. It's not. Liver cancer is up because of sugar. And because they put the antichrist of sugars, high fructose corn syrup, into everything.

I was showing Rosie this morning, it was a, let me get it, a chocolate. Let me read this to you. My grandson was, well, a lot of my grandchildren [00:06:30] worked at Tim Horton's in high school. They're hard workers. It's good for you. And one of them was at Starbucks, my oldest grandson. And he said, "Grandpa, you wouldn't believe what they order here at Starbucks." He says, "I just never stopped pouring sugar into these drinks." But I just want to show you, I flagged this this morning. It's incredible. I'll read you. You go to the Dairy Queen, right? [00:07:00] Who doesn't like the Dairy Queen? But I just want to tell you here, this is a Blizzard. You like Blizzards? You go to the Dairy Queen, but listen to this. This is the Oreo Fudge Brownie Blizzard, large. It's incredible. 292 grams of sugar.

You going to die, you eat that. That is eight cans of Coke, eight [00:07:30] cans in one Oreo Fudge Brownie. I bet you, it tastes good, but you see what's happened? And this is so important when it comes to cancer guys. Obviously, I don't know Chadwick Boseman. I really don't. And I have to speak in generalities. You understand that. His specific case, I can't speak of, but because he did die on the weekend, I wanted to relate the news behind the news [00:08:00] that so often never, never, never, never gets talked about, the why. Why do African Americans? Now, listen, it's not like Caucasians don't get bowel cancer. They do. It's up 300%. It's just up even more in the African American population. Why? Insulin, due to sugar? Insulin's a food hormone. And if you [00:08:30] have a blizzard, an Oreo Fudge Brownie. I often use the example of a ballpoint pen.

And when it's got ink in it, think of this because this literally is the size of your pancreas. Your pancreas is actually the size of a ballpoint pen. What's inside your pancreas? Insulin. So think of ink as insulin. You squirt, squirt, squirt. [00:09:00] Can you imagine how much insulin you need if you have an Oreo Fudge Brownie Blizzard? "Oh, Dr. Martin, it's my birthday." I get it. I want to go to Dairy Queen. I get it. I got grandchildren too, you know. I understand all that. But all I'm telling you is the biggest problem, and even COVID, why were African American population in the United States more susceptible than the rest of the population of [00:09:30] the United States to COVID? Insulin. 80%. It's unbelievable. 80% of the African American population is obese. Obesity is a symptom. It's not the cause. It's a symptom of insulin resistance.

Diabetes is a disease that comes from insulin resistance. You use insulin too much and your cells [00:10:00] go, "Hey, I don't like you," but insulin has no choice. It must get rid of sugar in your bloodstream. Can you imagine if you have an Oreo Brownie Blizzard, your insulin goes crazy, but your cells go, "Hey, hey, hey, hey. Get away, get away, get away, get away." But insulin goes, "I got no choice. I got a dump load, a boatload of sugar and I got to store it." So what happens? Insulin resistance. It's like a coating [00:10:30] on the cells. It's like the lock. Insulin is like a key. It's trying to open the door and the lock is jammed, but it'll eventually open it. It just got to keep going and going and going and going. And your pancreas secretes more and more and more insulin. What's that do? Several things. One of them, what does it do specifically to the bowel?

It destroys the lining of the bowel. We talked about that. That's what leaky gut is. It destroys [00:11:00] the good bacteria in your bowel. Good bacteria will keep you from bowel cancer. Let me say it again. Good bacteria will keep you from bowel cancer. But if you're eating too much sugar and crappy carbs, you're much more susceptible to bowel cancer, all other cancers too. So, that's number one. Insulin. And that's why it's affecting, it's not genetics, guys. It's food. [00:11:30] You can override your genetics. Here in Canada, I'm a friend to the First Nations people. And they're so much more susceptible than us white folks to diabetes and cancer. 80% in Canada. Sugar. The new [inaudible 00:11:49], poison. Yes? So it's important to understand that, what insulin does. Creates a firestorm [00:12:00] of inflammation in the gut. You might not even know. I'm not even talking about symptoms.

You might not have any symptoms at first. But guys, what makes cancer grow? You know the answer. A PET scan. It's not for your pet, but PET scans. They're specifically for cancer. How do they work? They give you a cup of radioactive glucose. You get put in the machine and guess what? [00:12:30] If you got cancer anywhere, from your brain to your toes, you light up like a Christmas tree. There's a reason for it. What does sugar do? Cancer cells go, "Come here, come here, come here, come, come, come here. I love you. I love you." Remember what your growth are. Insulin and estrogen, insulin and estrogen. They're growth hormones, and you grow, grow, grow. Cancer grows, but it needs fuel. And it needs [00:13:00] the bad fuel. It needs insulin. It needs estrogen. So the best thing you can do, the number one thing you can do, get off sugars.

"Oh, Doc, I can't drink coffee without sugar." Yes you can. You get used to it. You can do it. You know what another problem is with the gut? Huge problem, low vitamin D levels. And once again, nobody likes to talk about it. Your gut needs vitamin D. Every cell in [00:13:30] your body needs vitamin D. You are a human solar panel. And the African American population is worse because of their pigmentation. They need more vitamin D than I do. I'm pretty fair. That's the way it is. At 80%, 80%. It's higher than that. But I'm just going to tell you what we know statistically. 80% of the population is low [00:14:00] in vitamin D, low in vitamin D. Vitamin D, it's part of my protocol. Anybody that ever has cancer, better not to have it, but if you're wondering what to do, make sure your vitamin D levels are good.

Vitamin D is not just for bones. It's for your bowel. You are a human solar panel, your immune system. We talked about [inaudible 00:14:24] and COVID. Your immune system doesn't work without vitamin D. That's [00:14:30] an important thing for your bowel. You know what they show in here? I'm going to give it, you need vitamin C too. The real vitamin C, coffee. I know you guys. I drive people crazy with this. Because vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is big time overrated. Cause you're not supposed to take a supplement of vitamin C. You don't absorb it. It's poorly absorbed. And by the way, it looks like sugar. Ascorbic acid looks like [00:15:00] sugar. Guess which one your body will take. If you try and get vitamin C in an orange juice, believe me, your body is just going to take up that glucose first because they look alike.

Get your vitamin C in coffee. The real vitamin C. I get a lot of blow back on that, but it's true. It's true. You see, the polyphenols, poly means many. [00:15:30] It's better to get many polyphenols. It's better to get instead of anthocyanins you get proanthocyanins. Pro means many, many. The more diverse those antioxidants are, the better it is for you everywhere. But one of the things they're showing is that coffee is one of the best defenses against [00:16:00] bowel cancer. Now not coffee with sugar. "Dr. Martin, I got to have sugar." No you don't. But seriously, I mean, isn't that good news? Isn't it? Polyphenols proanthocyanins, found in coffee. You know what else is found in coffee? Let me just tell you. There was a big thing on COVID, okay. That remember what's the [malaria 00:16:26] Drug, for malaria, and zinc, right?

The combination of the malaria drug and zinc helps COVID. Now there's a lot of controversy [00:16:30] about that because the malaria drug, it costs 65 cents, but do you know how they found out it works? The malaria drug take zinc and drives it inside your cell to help with immunity. That's how it works. That's why they were saying, "Don't just take the malaria [00:17:00] drug. You need to take zinc with it." And even additional medical doctors agreed with that. Well, what looks like a malaria drug? Hydro, what's it called? I'm going crazy. [Hydrocloraquin 00:24:30], isn't it, right? How does it work? It takes zinc and it drives it inside the cell to build your immunity. That's how it works in that combination. Well guess what hydrochloraquin [00:17:30] looks like. Well, it's almost identical. A polyphenol called quercetion. Q-U-E-R-C-E-T-I-O-N, quercetion.

Guess how you get quercetion? Coffee, highest source. Drink coffee, eat vitamin S, which is zinc, steak. And you have the cure for COVID. [inaudible 00:17:58] quercetion. That's what it, coffee. [00:18:00] Coffee is full of quercetion. I know it's right in front of us, guys, but again, coffee, and I think it's primary barely due to quercetion, is very good for your gut. They're showing now GI, any GI cancer, one of the greatest things you can do is to drink coffee to prevent it. Wow. That's significant. Isn't it? What a significant finding. Yes, [00:18:30] for sure. Cut out the crappy oils too. You know me on crappy oils, the vegetable oils. They're not vegetable by the way they're made in the lab. Like canola oil and all that. To make that into an oil, that terrible stuff, and that's found in the middle aisles of your grocery stores, I try and avoid like the plague.

And by the way, by the way, bowel cancer is not caused by a lack of fiber. Because that's, [00:19:00] if you go on Health Canada's website or if you go on almost everybody's, all these gurus websites, "Oh, you need fiber. Fiber." Fiber is overrated, guys. "Yeah, but Dr. Martin, I don't go to the bathroom unless I have lots of fiber." Lower your insulin and you'll lower, I'm pretty consistent about that, that fiber's overrated. I'm not saying don't [00:19:30] ever have fiber. I'm not saying that. I'm just telling you it's overrated, especially on digestible fibers. You're going to have a big stool. That's all it means. It doesn't mean much. It irritates the bowel. I get most of my patients that have had any kind of GI problems, I get them off almost all vegetable, chicken and salad, irritates the bowel.

You're not a rabbit. Rabbits have an enzyme that you don't have [00:20:00] called cellulase. Humans don't make cellulase. Must be a reason for it. We don't need it. If you eat right, you don't need it. But if you live on vegetables, you're going to need cellulase and your body doesn't make it. How do you like that? Why do cows eat grass? They got four stomachs and lots of cellulase. Why do rabbits, [inaudible 00:20:29] they make a lot of cellulase. [00:20:30] Irritates the bowel, irritates the bowel. So be very careful with that. Yeast, yeast. Boy, that's a cancer producer. Don't feed the bears in there. Everybody has a little bit of yeast in their gut. I've talked to you a thousand times about the importance of keeping candida, yeast, fungus at a minimum. It lives off sugars and yeast is a growth, yeast outside your body. [00:21:00] You know what? You need it. For what? To make bread.

It makes things rise. True or false? It's true, isn't it? That's what yeast does. So when you have yeast inside of your body and you have enough good bacteria and you don't feed it sugar because it lives off sugar, yeast, and it'll spread like wildfire. So don't feed it. Because yeast, fungus is certainly a huge, huge factor in cancer, a huge [00:21:30] factor in cancer. So let's do a little synopsis. One, cut out the sugar, especially the high fructose. If you're going to the Dairy Queen, go once a year. If you're going to Tim Horton's or Dunkin Donuts, lay off the donuts and lay off the muffins. Eight teaspoons of sugar. They should put a warning sign on those things. Lay off the crappy oils. The vegetable oils, the PUFAs, polyunsaturated [00:22:00] fatty acids. "Oh, Doc must be good. It's unsaturated."

No. Saturated fat is actually the best for you. And among saturated fat, you want to lower inflammation, lower your sugars and lower your PUFAs and get the right fats, saturated fat and cholesterol and high DHA oil. Make sure your vitamin D levels are high to fight cancer. They should be near 100 [00:22:30] in the US of A, in Canada around 200 to 250, vitamin D. Drink vitamin C, that's coffee. The real vitamin C is coffee. Drink it, very important. Don't overdo the fiber. Very important. Don't overdo it and kill that yeast. That's why I'm big on probiotics, guys. Consistent, consistent, consistent. Probiotics, probiotics, [00:23:00] probiotics. That's what you do. Love you guys. Thanks for putting up with the rants, but you see, when I see something like this, a young man, all the talent in the universe, succumb to cancer, bothers me.

It does. It's almost like I take it personally. Bothers me. So we do everything we can, guys. We do everything we can. So very important. That's the little teaching today. [00:23:30] Thanks for watching. Friday, question and answer. If you're not part of the Martin Clinic Facebook Group, we invite you to do that. If you haven't signed up for the podcast, these are good teachings, guys. Share them with your friends. They can watch it, or they can sign up for the podcast. The Doctor is In podcast. You can sign up at martinclinic.com. You've got a smartphone. It's good to listen to these things so you can teach them to your friends and your family. [00:24:00] So sign up for that. We appreciate it. And if you could, leave us a review of the podcast. We appreciate that too. It helps with the distribution of the podcast. That's enough advertising. I love you guys. Talk to you soon.

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.

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