Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctor share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. Let's talk about hair, everything hair. And I know I get ladies' attention when I talk about hair. Well, the bible's very clear about hair. It says it's your glory. So [00:00:30] ladies, don't be shy and don't be ashamed. Your hair is very important. And I get it. Men, yeah. Well, listen, I'll give you a statistic, by the way, it's normal, ladies, to lose about a hundred hairs a day. So don't panic if you see a little bit of hair in your shower or whatever. If it's coming out in clumps, that's different. But I remember my, I've got three daughters and between my wife and my three daughters, I remember that our bathroom, my [00:01:00] word, those girls, my three daughters and my wife have even, they have beautiful hair. Really. I guess it comes mostly from the mother. It can't be from me. But even today. Because my girls are all in their 40s and they got beautiful hair.
But I remember when they were teenagers, they hair in the shower, in the bathroom and, Oh my word. [00:01:30] So a little bit of hair loss, about a hundred hairs a day, which seems like a lot, but it's not really a lot. So let's talk about six reasons, six reasons why you would lose your hair. You see, if someone came into the office with hair loss, it wasn't always their primary reason for coming. Although a lot of times it was. There's always a reason for hair loss. So I'm talking about [00:02:00] losing about more hair than a hundred little hairs a day that are being replaced all the time.
Let's go into six reasons for it. One of them. I just want to get it right off the bat. Look, there is hereditary and genetics involved. So if mommy had very thin hair, it's possible that that's what you inherited. [00:02:30] But I'm not talking about thin hair. I'm talking about hair loss. So some maybe have fine and you don't have maybe as much hair, that it could be hereditary and what can you do about that? Well, we'll get into some of the things you can do to really help with your hair.
For men, so Keith and the others out there, [00:03:00] Dave and others, if you lose your hair, it's men, after 50, 50% of them really start thinning out or get male baldness. So, that shocked me when I was 50, because for me it always had a lot of hair and I started thinning out, it's amazing. And [00:03:30] I got a spot in the back of my head here that's thinned out. But for men, don't get too uptight. It's actually abnormal when you see a male over 50 with just a real head of hair. Because a lot of men just lose it. So let's keep the men out of the equation today and talk more about women's issues. Because really I'm aiming at them when I [00:04:00] talk about.
So one of them is hereditary. Let's talk about hormonal, because [horror-mones 00:00:04:06], horror-mones can have a major effect. I want to go over a couple of them. They all have to do with the thyroid, but let's talk about that for a second. So here's where hair loss can happen fairly frequently, after having a baby. So post gestational hair loss, it's not that it's [00:04:30] common. It can happen. Why is that? Well, you leave all your progesterone in the placenta and you're not making, your ovaries are not making enough progesterone. If you don't make enough progesterone, you're making your estrogen, but you're not making enough progesterone. Remember, ladies, between estrogen and progesterone, I don't care how old you are, the day you start ovulating, estrogen makes you [00:05:00] a woman. Progesterone is pro-babies and you need both to be equal.
Where horror-mones take place is when there's an imbalance. Like when we say estrogen dominance, it's always in relationship to how much progesterone you are secreting. So postpartum, even postpartum depression is hormonal. It's hormonal. Why? The balance between estrogen [00:05:30] and progesterone, what happens? If your progesterone is not at the level it needs to be to balance out your estrogen, it slows your thyroid down. It slows the thyroid down.
Here's another instance where there's hair loss, PCOS, PCOS. You know what PCOS is? Polycystic ovarian disorder. That is so common today. Why is there so much polycystic ovarian disorder, [00:06:00] two hormones, too much estrogen and too much insulin. And this is why doctors will often prescribe Metformin. Metformin is a diabetic drug. But they'll give it to women who have PCOS. And if you have PCOS, one of the things that happens, you're growing hair, but in the wrong places. PCOS, because it elevates your estrogen, you're elevating, ladies, your testosterone.
Look, you need a little [00:06:30] bit of testosterone. It's just like men. We need a little bit of estrogen. It's normal, a little bit, but that's not our dominating hormone. Your dominating hormone, you don't want it, ladies, to be testosterone. You know why? Because you'll grow hairs on your chin. That's often PCOS, polycystic ovarian disorder. And your ovaries are secreting way too much estrogen. And insulin makes things grow.
You see, I always talk about two things. Even in breast cancer, in ovarian [00:07:00] cancer, in uterine cancer, ladies, two growth hormones. Estrogen makes you a woman and insulin, insulin is a growth hormone. When there's any obesity, obesity is a symptom, it's not the cause. "Oh, I'm obese." Yeah. Why? Too much insulin. It's too much insulin. And sometimes too much estrogen. You're too much of a woman and estrogen's job is to hold on to fat. So [00:07:30] just understand that. So hormones, horror-mones. I'm actually going to come back to this in a sec. I'll come back to it because there's other things that I want to talk about.
Autoimmune disorder like Hashimoto's, again, affecting the thyroid. Rheumatoid arthritis. They call it alopecia areata. This is when you lose chunks of hair in certain [00:08:00] spots. You'll have a bald spot, ladies, that can be alopecia areata, that could be due to Hashimoto's, it could be alopecia areata is actually an autoimmune disorder. Now remember what, I think I said this yesterday, or maybe Monday when I was talking about autoimmune. The autoimmune always, always, always has a leaky gut component. Remember that autoimmune always has [00:08:30] a leaky gut component.
So lupus, Hashimoto's, Crohn's, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, all of these autoimmune disorders often that come with it is hair loss. So it's important to find these things out. And if you have an autoimmune, you might know already. A lot of people, though, they have all the signs of autoimmune, but they don't even know they have it.
[00:09:00] Here's another one can cause hair loss, high cortisol, emotional stress. Stress, ladies, for you. When men are stressed, we don't get a lot of the symptoms women do. For men, stress, it can be very dangerous because it pours fire on inflammation. And that can attack our hearts. And men without a lot of symptoms sometimes will have a sudden heart attack, because they've been under stress. And that's that inflammation is, [00:09:30] where doctors are looking for cholesterol, I'm looking for inflammation, because inflammation can damage blood... The first thing that inflammation damages are blood vessels. So for men, that can be very, very dangerous being under emotional stress. But for ladies, it often affects their hair, because when your cortisol is too high, Ladies, it does not allow the conversion of T4 to T3. [00:10:00] T3 is what your thyroid needs to function properly.
Your body. It's amazing, ladies, I've shown you this in the past that you take out a teaspoon, a teaspoon of T3 that you make in a year, but you don't want to be missing it. Because if you don't make that T3, see, oftentimes the doctor's only checking your TSH, your thyroid stimulating hormone. It's very, very, it's why most, [00:10:30] not all doctors, of course, but most doctors miss the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. They miss it. Why? They're relying on the lab. The lab is everything to a doctor. It shouldn't be, they lose their instincts.
If you have cold feet and cold hands, ladies, and you're lethargic and you don't feel good. The thyroid, you've got an unexplained itch, [00:11:00] the thyroid. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's a duck. That's what my dad used to say about the thyroid. So, the lab, I know it's, the labs are wonderful. And I used to train my staff, even in my office. Jeannette, Nicole, train them. Symptoms always trump the lab. Our lab, that we get the lab test in and [00:11:30] the patient, if the patient had all these symptoms, I didn't care what my test showed me. I didn't. Not that I didn't look at them, but I was much more interested in how that patient felt, much more interested in how that patient felt.
So hereditary, hormonal, autoimmune, emotional. Here's another one, drug induced. Of course, we know about chemotherapy. Anybody that's ever gone through chemotherapy, the vast majority of them lose their hair. Well, that's [00:12:00] chemotherapy. That's one of its side effects. But there's another one, contraceptives. Contraceptives, oral contraceptives. The problem with oral contraceptives, and ladies, listen, men have almost no right to talk about it. But I think you're giving me permission to talk about contraception, oral contraception.
Remember when these, the pharmaceutical companies are wonderful. The problem [00:12:30] is when you're taking oral contraceptives, it's horses urine. Like, "Oh, doc. It's got estrogen in it." Yes, but it's got horses estrogen in it. It's not human, it's horses. As my old friend, Dr. Fishman used to say, "Ladies, if you start eating hay, then take hormones from oral contraceptives." Or even when they [00:13:00] give you in your menopausal years or whatever, when they're giving you estrogen, remember, it doesn't come from human beings. It comes from horses urine. And horses are about 10 times bigger than a woman. And so they can really mess up your body. There's a lot of side effects that don't often show up right away, but down the road. And this is one of them, hair loss.
You know what I see today? I see [00:13:30] so much more hair loss than I used to see. Incredible. Incredible. Again, and I'm not telling you never to take oral contraceptives and your daughters or your granddaughters or whatever. I'm not saying that. All I'm saying is, be careful to the side effects. Because a lot of times hair loss is drug induced and you wouldn't think it, you wouldn't know it. Because no doctor's going to tell you that, but that can be a side effect of oral contraceptives.
[00:14:00] You know what? In 46 years of practice, did I ever see hair loss? Thousands of times. But I'm going to tell you something. Over the last 20 years of my practice, I saw it much more frequently. It was a big issue because of horror-mones, ladies, horror-mones. And even drug induced was horror-mones. Unless it was chemotherapy, but drugs, [00:14:30] when I say drugs like oral contraceptive, even if it's progesterone, the UTI, it's not natural progesterone. It's horses progesterone. And I'm very, very careful with that for sure.
So let's, now we've hit five of them. Drug induced, autoimmune, hormonal, all of it is hormonal, and genetics, hereditary. Now let's talk [00:15:00] about the sixth one. And I'm going to spend the rest of the time on this, because this is very, very, very important. And this is happening much more frequently today. Low protein intake. Low protein intake. Take a strand of your hair, but ladies, listen, your hair is 99%, 99% protein. And in this [00:15:30] day and age and it's occurred over a period of time, starting in the '70s and much more going forward, not enough protein.
Now there's two types of protein, there's two kingdoms to give you protein. The animal kingdom, eggs, meat, and cheese. And plant proteins. Are plant proteins good? Yes, but you know what's better? The animal protein. Why? Because [00:16:00] the profile of the amino acids, the bioavailability of the protein is much higher, much higher in the animal kingdom than it is in the plant kingdom. This is one of my expressions, Popeye didn't get those muscles from spinach. He was lying on TV. You don't get muscles like that unless you're eating animal protein. Ladies, you don't [00:16:30] eat enough protein. And you don't eat enough animal protein.
Ladies, you don't. Your hair needs it. Your body needs it. It needs a complete profile of amino acids. The building blocks of your body. Amino acids. And you need it. And that's one. So lack of protein in nutrition, that is so common today, especially in the younger [00:17:00] generation, I feel sorry for the younger generation. Because every day, every day, every day they're being bombarded, indoctrinated in this vegetable culture I call it. It's a vegetable culture. "No, don't eat the animal, anything that's got eyeballs. Don't eat it." Guys, that's not true. It's not good for you. I feel sorry for the young people today who are being indoctrinated.
Go online. And how many people think the way [00:17:30] I think, or talk the way I talk? Many of my colleagues, gurus, drinking the Kool-Aid of vegetables overtop, they bringing it over top of the animal kingdom. It's not true. You take up basics in nutrition. All I'm saying is, don't... You know me, you know where I come from, you know how I talk every day, are you waiting for me to change my mind? I won't. I've been consistent in [00:18:00] 46 years of practice. I've never come off. So protein, one. But here's another one, ladies, especially for you.
Iron, iron. Look, there's not enough iron in the plant kingdom for a mouse. There's iron in spinach. There's iron in kale. But it's not heme iron, or heme iron. I call it Heme, Tony Jr. calls it heme [00:18:30] iron. And he's right. It's supposed to be pronounced heme iron. H-E-M-E. You get it in vitamin S, steak. That's where heme iron is. You can't get heme iron. It's not in the plant kingdom. It's not there. You want to know why, young people, young ladies, they're losing their hair? They have an iron deficiency. They don't realize it. [00:19:00] They don't realize it.
And by the way, just so I get this out of the way. If you have too much iron, your liver is, you got fatty liver, that's from insulin. Because some people get too much iron. It's not that they're eating too much. It's because they're eating too many carbs and too much sugar. And they got, their liver is full. The parking lot is full. And that's what can give you a hemochromatosis, which is too much iron. But the opposite is true for most [00:19:30] women. And especially the young generation. I have to convince people to eat steak.
"Oh doc, I read online that red meat's not good for you." Well, I don't care where you read it. It ain't true. It's an essential vitamin, vitamin S on the Martin Clinic hit parade, you need it. Low protein, low zinc. Zinc has got a lot of ink, doesn't it? Over COVID? What zinc does. They were treating people with [hydrochloroquine [00:20:00] 00:00:20:00]. And the malarial drug with zinc. Didn't work without the zinc. So when you got a doctor talking about how they used it and it's controversial because they want to give you a thousand dollars. I covered this in a podcast. If you want to go back, just follow the money. Because it's incredible how there's so much money in politics. It's incredible. There's so much lobbying.
But they said, [00:20:30] they really vilified a malarial drug that's been used for the last 50 years, hydrochloroquine. And it's been around for years and now the patent's off of it. So there's no money in it. It costs 65 cents, I think, for a dose of it. It's like the price of aspirin or whatever. It's cheap, but they have another drug that they think is better. At least they've been promoting it. And that's a thousand dollars a [00:21:00] dose. Because it's a patent on it. I don't know. I like zinc. But zinc is found where? You don't even have to, you don't have to take zinc as a supplement. You could, not going to hurt you or don't take too much of it. But zinc is good for your hair. But where is it found? In steak, vitamin S.
No wonder people will get so sick when they don't eat steak. And when I talk about steak, I'm talking hamburger, [00:21:30] I'm talking roast beef, a little bit less in pork, but there's zinc in there. Guys, it's not in chicken. Zinc is not in chicken. Neither is B12. And you need B12 for good hair too, by the way. You need B12. B12 is such an essential vitamin. Forget the big complex. Eat your B's. If you will, eat eggs, meat, and cheese, you get a lot of B's. But you get B12 too. You want to have healthy hair? B12.
But this is one of the things, and [00:22:00] ladies, what is a perfect storm for your hair? Let me finish with this. What's a perfect storm for hair loss? Is a lack of protein, those amino acids, a lack of B12, a lack of zinc, a lack of iron, the heme iron, H-E-M-E, heme or heme. Like the Dodge Hemi engine. Heme iron. If you don't get that plus. So, nutrition, [00:22:30] hormones. Ladies, horror-mones, the thyroid, you got cold hands, cold feet, you got weight gain. You're tired. Look at the thyroid and cortisol. The stress. Stress has a big effect.
So horror-mones, remember cortisol is a hormone. It affects your thyroid. Stress, too much estrogen compared to your progesterone, this combined with food. This is why when you do the reset, how [00:23:00] many thousands of people have said, "Oh, my hair's better." Yes, because you're eating a nutrient dense, it's got everything you need in the food. The proteins, the amino acids, the B12, these zinc, the iron, the right iron that you need for a complete nutrition. So that's where I come from. Everything today hair.
So share [00:23:30] this, share this. Anybody you know that's got any issue with hair loss, give them some information on it. Like I said, I'm an information guy. I want to educate, educate, educate, rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. Constantly going over stuff. I'm a one-track mind though when it comes to food, you know that. Don't wait until I change. I won't change. I'm not going to go with the times. I'm not going to go with the agenda. I'm not going to go with even a lot of my colleagues. I won't do it.
Because I listened [00:24:00] to a guy on the radio the other day, a radio talk show and he said, "I'm right. And they're wrong." I'm right. And they're wrong. So I've done, finished my book. Not ready yet, because is at the publishers. So, they do their cleanup and their editing and blah, blah, blah. But my job is done. So that's coming to a theater near you, hopefully in September sometime. I don't have a date yet, but hopefully we will very soon. [00:24:30] You're going to love this book. I mean it. So any questions? Send them off. We'll talk to you tomorrow about them. God bless you. Love you. And I mean that. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode. And thanks for listening.