Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martin During the episode, the doctor share a lot of information. As awesome as the info maybe it, is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr.Martin: Well, once again, good morning, everyone. We're going to talk today about inflammation. I'll tell you why I'm going to talk about it. Because Novartis, which is a big, big drug company [00:00:30] are now doing studies on a new drug called, let me just, I'm going to pronounce it the way it's spelled, because I don't know if that's how they pronounce it. Canahinewbab. Canahinewbab. Well you haven't heard of it I don't think, and I'd never heard of it before, but they're pretty excited, Novartis is because they were doing studies on what it does for heart disease. And what they found out is that [00:01:00] it lowers inflammation. Okay? And that can be beneficial for arthritis and all this and that. Again, good for them. They're out discovering new medications. Okay? And this is showing some promise with rheumatoid arthritis.
And isn't it interesting though, I just want to bring this out because this is something that started years ago, years ago, years ago, years ago, I think I wrote about it back in [00:01:30] the late eighties or nineties. I wrote this in a book about inflammation. Okay? The good guy, bad guy. So inflammation, if you punch me in the arm and I rub it, your body's ambulance system, I'm drawing more blood, I'm drawing extra enzymes, I'm drawing heat to the area and that's good, isn't it? It's just [00:02:00] a natural response. It's the body's ambulance response. That's the good guy of inflammation. So inflammation is part of your body's response to an infection, to an onslaught of viruses or whatever inflammation. And by the way, in COVID it's one of the biggest problem is because the body overreacts to that virus and it's the inflammation that gets in the lungs [00:02:30] and which is one of the most dangerous things. One of the most dangerous side effects of the body overreacts, it's almost like a little bit of auto immune.
So what I wrote about way back, I mean you have to go back 30 years. I talked about the significance of inflammation in disease, and inflammation is not Houdini. That came from Tony Jr. Inflammation, not Houdini. There's always [00:03:00] something that causes inflammation. So the pharmaceutical companies, I can understand what they're doing. They're looking, they were looking for something for heart disease and they found out it lowered inflammation. Okay? Now it's just going through I's trials. And I don't know what the side effects are. I didn't read about it. I just wanted to talk about inflammation today.
How do you get inflammation? Again, if you have an infection, you want inflammation. [00:03:30] It's part of the fever. I think we coined at the Martin Clinic, sickness without a fever, because if you go back a hundred years, go back even 50 years, 60 years probably, most people didn't die of cancer or heart disease. They died of infection, tuberculosis, huge killer. I remember my grandmother and my dad's sister [00:04:00] died when she was 18 years old of some form of meningitis. Teenage girl, a young adult in those days. You're looking at what year? So it was my dad's older sister, so in the 1930s, she died of infection. But today people are dying of inflammation, not caused by infection. Although there could be an underlying infection that, well, I will talk to you about. [00:04:30] But as far back as 30 years ago, I was talking about a silent killer, inflammation. And like I said, inflammation is not Houdini. And it's your body's immune response overreacting. Okay?
So let's talk about some of the reasons that you could have an inflammatory status in the body and you wouldn't even know it because most doctors. I'm not saying all doctors, but most doctors will not measure. [00:05:00] One of the best ways to measure inflammation is by a test called C R P, C reactive protein, C reactive protein, and you need to be under one. Like doctors will say, "Well it's only dangerous if it's above six." No, no, no, no. Inflammation is dangerous if it stays in your body over a long period of time. Why? Because it destroys your blood vessels.
The first thing that happens with insulin, when you have [00:05:30] insulin resistance and remember inflammation is not Houdini, so we always talked about the three main things that inflammation is over here, but to start, you got to reverse engineer, go back, even high circulating insulin, so it's food. It's sugar man. Sugar is one of the most inflammation producing substance in the world. Your body hates sugar. Your [00:06:00] brain loves it. It'll tell sugar, "Come here, come here, come here." Because it's fuel. Your brain will just, whatever you're eating, it will say, "Give it to me. I'm taking 20% of my cut." When you eat 20% of your cut, your brain wants it. Why? It's headquarters.
But what is so toxic is sugar. And remember you're having a piece of bread. It's going to be sugar in five seconds. So don't fool yourself. This is why the other day we talked about oatmeal. "Oh Dr. Martin it's steel [00:06:30] cut oatmeal." I don't care. It elevates your sugar. We showed it elevates your sugar to 380 in the United States of America and into 21. It goes like that. That's how fast your sugars rising, with carbohydrates and your brain will say, "Give me that, give me that, give me that I want that. I take 20% cut." It's like the bank. They get the big cut first. But you see how [00:07:00] important fuel is because what happens with sugar is, it produces inflammation.
Here's another one that produces inflammation. It's a double whammo. Omega six. And it's not the Omega six per se. It's the Omega six ratio to Omega three. Your body needs to have that just about, maybe a little touch more of Omega six than three, and you'll find it won't create inflammation. But if you're constantly [00:07:30] eating vegetable oils, what are vegetable oils? Crappy carbs in the middle aisles of your grocery store, from your cookies to your crackers, to your pretzels, to you name it, in the middle aisles of the grocery store. If it's packaged and it lasts for awhile, you know they used vegetable oil, canola oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, grape seed oil. It doesn't matter. All those oils. They are industrialized [00:08:00] and they create an enormous amount of inflammation.
People don't get enough Omega three today, from fish, from vitamin S, steak. They don't get enough Omega three. So that ratio between Omega six in your plant oils, like even when you have peanuts, and almonds, and peanut butter, like I like. That is an Omega six, but I take a lot of omega-3. I have [00:08:30] to in order to balance that out because I got to have my peanut butter. Don't try and talk me out of it. I won't listen to you.I named it vitamin P on the Martin Clinic alphabet, Vitamin Alphabet. It got a vitamin, vitamin P. And all I put on there is, because I like it. Okay? I'm sorry. It's got no carbs by the way, and no sugars, one sugar. Peanuts have a gram of sugar in just because they're peanuts. Okay? So they're not adding, [00:09:00] at least my peanut butter, natural peanut butter doesn't. Okay?
So what are the causes? What are the causes of inflammation? The drug companies are looking for products that will lower your inflammation, but I'm telling you what causes inflammation. The first one is your diet. This is why the reset is so good for you. You lower all your markers of inflammation. I've proved it to patients, thousands of them. They get better. [00:09:30] They feel better. Their joints get better. What? Yes, because you're lowering inflammation. Inflammation is destructive, not only to your joints and that. You see that in rheumatoid arthritis, how inflammation, prolonged inflammation can just destroy joints. Have you seen people that are crippled up. But what is it doing inside? And this is one of the things I talked about.
I Just got to go back to this for a minute. One of the things I talked [00:10:00] about in the 1990s, I'm telling you, I think it was 1990 maybe, first time I talked about inflammation, in a book, I talked about, they were showing that if you had rheumatoid arthritis. Okay? So you got autoimmune rheumatoid arthritis, your body's attacking itself by going after your joints. That's rheumatoid arthritis. Okay? I mean, you can have all sorts of forms of arthritis, but rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis, where your [00:10:30] joints in your skin are involved. You know what? You know what happens. They are 50% more likely to have a heart attack. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you're not going to die from the rheumatoid arthritis. You're going to die from the heart attack. Why? Because inflammation doesn't just affect the joints and your muscles. In Fibromyalgia it attacks your blood vessels. This is what I was talking about. It can attack your heart.
[00:11:00] So inflammation remember is not Houdini. Inflammation is caused by the diet, seed oils, vegetable oils, sugars, crappy carbs. Just call them crappy carbohydrates. They're crappy carbohydrates. And they create an enormous amount of inflammation in the body. Okay?
Two, lack of exercise. When you don't move, you create inflammation in your body. [00:11:30] Move, move, move, move. You need vitamin E. Any movement's going to be good. Okay? I'm going to do a session on sun, steak and steel. Move. Get your movement. It's important. Go for a walk. It lowers inflammation. It lowers all markers. These things have been proven by the way. So vitamin E, you need exercise. Exercise, [00:12:00] it really helps.
Three lower your stress. Stress is cortisol. What it does, let's say you have a little bit of inflammation in your body already, because you're not eating good, or you're not exercising, you're not moving enough. You already got a low grade fever. You don't see it as that. Because you can't touch your head and go, "Oh gee. I got inflammation." It doesn't work like that. [00:12:30] Sometimes it's very silent, but it's important to understand that when you're stressed, now listen, your body has given you, look you're fearfully and wonderfully made. If somebody comes up behind me and scares me, the fight or flight goes on and that's normal. I'm going to punch you, or I'm going to run. That's the fight or flight. That is a normal reaction. Your body is made for that. Your hairs on the back of your head go up and [00:13:00] your blood pressure goes up and everything goes up. But you know, one of the biggest effects of that stress does not go away. You create inflammation. And if you already have a little bit of inflammation, stress makes it a hundred fold.
And this is why, if you've heard me in the past, I've said this many a time, ladies stress will cause inflammation. It pours gasoline on inflammation. [00:13:30] And then it'll attack you, especially in your breast tissue. This is why I always ask questions. When a woman gets breast cancer, it is rarely, rarely, without a factor of stress that hits them, a relationship, or family dynamics, or financial, but usually in women, it's more of relationships. It's the way you're [00:14:00] built ladies. When someone is sick in your family, who worries the most? Women. That's just a fact.
Men we're from another planet. It's not that we don't worry, but when a man gets stressed out, you know what it attacks? It's not cholesterol. It's the heart. And it's caused by inflammation first, then cortisol on top of it. So if you've got a bad diet and then you're stressed, if you don't [00:14:30] sleep properly your cortisol goes up. If your cortisol goes up, you don't sleep properly. It's a vicious cycle, but it can be very dangerous. Cortisol can be very dangerous because it pours gasoline on inflammation. Got it? That is why it's so important to lower your stress level. Lower your stress levels. Not always easy to do. If you're not a good sleeper, if you don't sleep, there's a lot of side [00:15:00] effects to not sleeping. One of them is your cortisol goes through the roof. Cortisol goes through the roof. Okay?
So poor diet, lack of exercise, stress; number four, hidden infections. This is where leaky gut comes in. Leaky gut is a war that goes on. And I just want to explain it again and again and again, because the gut is so important when it comes to inflammation, because what happens [00:15:30] inside your body, it's hidden. You don't even realize it. You might have a fungus, candida, yeast, that's in your bloodstream. As we speak, if you've taken any antibiotic and you did not replace that bacteria that was killed... Remember five days of an antibiotic, wipes out all your good bacteria, trillions of them. They're gone.
So if you've got a bad diet, you're feeding, candida. Yeast [00:16:00] wants to be fed. And that's why so many women have sugar cravings. They have a low grade yeast infection. Ladies, you understand yeast better than men do. Men don't get yeast very much. Well, they get it, but they don't understand it. Ladies. You've had a yeast infection. You know what that is. "Oh Doc, I don't have any yeast. I don't have a yeast infection in my privates." Oftentimes you do, because you can have [00:16:30] leaky gut, leaky skin. You got acne, leaky gut leak, brain leaky gut, leaky lungs. Do you have postnasal drip? You've got yeast. You got yeast. You snore? You usually got fungus. You got candida? You got a white tongue? Candida. A lot of people don't realize they have that. It's hidden things like bacteria, even parasites. I don't talk about parasites very much. I should talk about the more. I guess [00:17:00] it's because I got away from my microscope.
I remember a lady coming into the office, I just about died because I was laughing so hard. Usually the girls would, my staff would take the blood and then I would just go in and I was the closer. I'd come in and I'd look at all the results. And the blood was always up on the big screen. And I would look at it. And I remember this lady come in and she said, "Doc, I don't want to see any parasites. And I don't want you to tell me if there's any." I said, "You better turn your head." [00:17:30] I was looking at this thing crawling across the screen.
I remember two doctors used to deny parasites even... "Oh, they can't get in your blood, they would kill you." "Nah, they just slowly kill you. That's all. They don't kill you immediately." Okay? They don't act like bacteria. Okay? Although they can. But a lot of people have parasites. Quit allowing your dog and your cat on your bed. You're sleeping with the enemy. [00:18:00] Not the dog or cat, but the parasites that they have. Cats lick their but. What do you think they got? And then they lick you. Okay? Hidden infections like parasites and candida bacteria can cause inflammation. Your body responds to it. You might not even sense that inflammation. You might not have any pain. You don't have a fever if you have parasites. Parasites don't create a fever. 99.9% of every [00:18:30] parasite, other than diarrhea, you wouldn't even know you had it, but they're very common.
This is about 25 years ago... I don't know if it's 25, 20... Dr. Oz said 80% of people have parasites. He was right. It's more like 90%. Hidden allergies can give you inflammation. Silent allergies. A lot of people don't realize they have food intolerances. They don't do well with certain [00:19:00] foods or whatever. You have to listen to your body. The best test you can do, is do the elimination test. "I don't digest that well." Okay? Well then stop eating it. "I eat that and I don't feel so good." Okay. There's a clue. You don't have to spend Five, six hundred bucks doing a food allergy test, because usually when you have leaky gut, everything comes back like, "All of the markers. Oh, you're sensitive to 50 foods." Not really, but you're [00:19:30] hypersensitive. That doesn't mean you eliminate everything. This is why I created the reset. Okay.
Now hidden allergies. Even the environmental can cause inflammation. You know what it's like when your sinuses are stuffed up or whatever. That's inflammation. But again, I'm talking more the silent inflammation, the one you don't even know, you have. Toxins like mercury, lead, cadmium, those are the big three. Aluminum, the big four. Lots of people have mercury [00:20:00] in their body. Well, your body responds to that. And what is the best way to get rid of mercury, lead, and cadmium? What's the best way? Empty your liver. Your liver is a detox machine. Empty it and you will empty your body of heavy metals. Isn't that incredible? Why do you think I aim at the liver on the reset. I aim at that organ to empty it so that your body [00:20:30] knows exactly how to filter out your mercury, lead. That's why the reset is so anti inflammatory and other reasons. Because we're emptying your liver. You need to empty that.
And then lastly, mold. Mold can be deadly. I don't know if I've ever told you the story of a patient that I saw years ago, years ago, it's got to be 25 years ago. A young man came to see me just come out of the hospital. And he had, they thought it was pneumonia. [00:21:00] They couldn't find anything. He was very unwell, and his mother said, "You're going to go see Dr. Martin." And I started questioning him because he was deathly ill. He had no energy, no nothing. And I said, "Have you been exposed to mold?" And he said, "Well, I was scraping a dock. And I don't know." He said, "It seems to me,", you see what you ask questions. [00:21:30] And I said, "Well, you've been exposed to mold. It's not bacteria. It's not a virus." That's what they were looking for.
I sent them back to the hospital. And I wrote a note. I said, "Bring this to emergency and get them to look for mold." You know what? He was dead within a week. Never forget that. He got black mold in his lungs and it killed him. It was too late. By the time they gave an anti fungal medication... [00:22:00] See, they were giving him antibiotics that made it worse. I'll tell ya. It was shocking. I knew he was deathly ill, but a lot of people get exposed to mold and they have all these symptoms and they don't feel well. And it's difficult for medicine because they rely on testing. Their instincts, they go out the door.
I had a young lady in the office a few years ago, it even got written up in our local newspaper. Dr. Martins a hero. Well, I really wasn't [00:22:30] a hero. I listen. So what happened? This lady comes in and she tells me her story. I asked her, I said, "How long have you been unwell?" She said, "Well, it's been going on for a couple of months now. I don't feel good. My brain is like spaghetti. It doesn't think. I'm confused. I'm exhausted. I don't feel well. I've got joint pain. I got this and that. And I've had every test known to man. And it's all [00:23:00] coming back negative. And I said, now tell me about the place you live in. And she said, "Well, there's been a lot of water damage." I said, "Is there any mold?" She said, "Well, you know what? Come to think of it, I'm sure there's a lot of mold in my bathroom." And I said, "Well, you're the canary in the coal mine." I said, "It's mold. Man, that's why you're..." And I said, "You need to go back and get the H out of that place you're living in."
Now, that's not easy. She was a single mom. She didn't [00:23:30] have money. I said, you got to go to the newspaper. And that building that you're living in has to be condemned. Do you know that in Sudbury, there's been three buildings that have been condemned? And I got it started because I saw patients were sick all he time and they had inflammation, but they had "No, I had all the tests done. Everything was good." I said, "Well, you didn't get the CRP test done" and I said, "You were exposed to mold. You got the sick [00:24:00] building syndrome. Your house or your building that you work in."
I had a lady come in from the city, working at the city. They were working in the basement. It was an office that they were using in the basement. And anybody that worked in that basement, were sick. Not all of them, but just about every one of them. I said, "Well, you're exposed to mold in that." I said, "You got a union. Get the union to test." And sure enough, I was right. There was mold [00:24:30] coming out the wazoo in that building. And it wasn't everybody that was sick, but a lot of them were sick.
And I'm always questioning because I want to know why. Why would you be not feeling good? There's a reason. And what mold does, it creates inflammation. It can attack your lungs. It can attack your brain. Remember mold is the first cousin to yeast. Mold is a fungus. And so [00:25:00] these are some of the hidden things that cause inflammation, from the diet, to the environment, mold. A lot of people, my wife, Rosie, she is very sensitive to mold, not me so much. I'm a sniffer. I can smell mold, but it doesn't bother me. Some people are the canaries in the coal mine. Their systems are hypersensitive to mold.
Look, it's never a good thing to be in mold at any time, but [00:25:30] some people are hypersensitive to it. So you understand. Okay? So clean up your diet. Move. Make sure your environment, it's mold free. Empty your liver to get rid of toxins like mercury and lead and cadmium, aluminum. Even the plastics, the EPA and all those bad plastics, you'll get rid of them when you empty your liver. Your liver knows how to get rid of that stuff. if it's empty, if it's clean. [00:26:00] Okay.
So hope you appreciated this morning, our little teaching on inflammation. So I'm not so worried about them developing a drug for inflammation, and we can talk about some of the other things you can do for inflammation by getting your Omega six, Omega three levels up, but it's diet guys. It's the diet. It starts with the diet. Lower your crappy carbohydrates that are full of sugar and full of [00:26:30] Omega six. Okay. Okay. You guys are great.
Now I got some new studies for next week. Oh, fantastic. You're going to enjoy. Guys, let me just say one thing. I sure appreciate the fact that join me, most of you on a daily basis. It's much, much appreciated. Share this with your friends and family. Okay? Because this is an important topic, inflammation. Isn't it? It is. And I just want to give you backgrounds to studies, things that [00:27:00] I'm looking for or watching. Anyways, we sure appreciate your loyalty to this program, the Doctor Is In podcast and Facebook Live. We love you. Okay? We really do. Thank you very much. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr.and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.