413. Children And Plant Based Diets

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. We're going to talk this morning about what pediatricians know, that most people don't. It's a study, not [00:00:30] a study, but a statement that made the North American Society of Pediatrics. Okay, so we'll talk about that this morning.

The North American Pediatric Society made a statement, and you probably didn't see it or read about it, but I'm always looking to flag anything in the health news, behind the health news. But here's what they said. They didn't want any infants drinking [00:01:00] plant-based milks, which has become very popular today. Like, coconut milk and probably the most popular is almond milk or soy milk. What else have they got, hemp milk, hemp seed milk? The North American Society of Pediatrics have said, "Well, we don't want you giving that to infants."

We've talked a lot about this in the last little [00:01:30] bit, that there's a whole movement today, it's a pretty incredible, about the big, big push. I really believe there's a motive behind it. But there's a huge push for a plant-based diet and plant-based burgers, plant-based drinks and plant-based everything. The idea, of course, is to get rid [00:02:00] of animal products. They'll tell you that that's bad for the environment. I don't agree with that at all. I'm going not to come at it from anything but a scientific basis, and that is nutrition, nutrients. Again, you know me, so where I come from, I always talk about two kingdoms. Well, there's three kingdoms of food. I think you'll enjoy this, when you see our new book. [00:02:30] Looks like it's on target to come out in September. And that is, I have a whole section on what I call kingdom eating.

There's a plant-based kingdom. There's the animal-based kingdom. Then there's the man-based kingdom. When you read about a meatless burger, that is manmade. Because God, I believe, wants you to eat from two kingdoms: the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom. [00:03:00] Then there's the manmade stuff. I even include bread in there. It's just because, and I make the point in the book, that bread today is not what bread used to be. The flour is different and how they process that flour is different. The oil in food is different. You go back a hundred years, there was no such thing as canola oil. So a lot of the manmade foods, they call them vegetable oils, [00:03:30] but they're really just industrialized oils, and then there's industrialized sugars. You see, the world has changed. Because, they're using high fructose corn syrup. These are what I call manmade, the man kingdom. So you have God's kingdom, which is two groups, animal and plants, which include your fruits and vegetables, your grains, [00:04:00] even though the grains have changed. It's not the same. Everything has changed. But basically, if you stick within those two groups, you'll do very well of food.

Now on the reset, and I just reiterate this, on the reset, I want you to stick to one food group, and that is animal foods. There's a reason for that, and I'll maybe talk a little bit about that. But let's go back to the statement that the North American [00:04:30] Pediatric Association said, they don't want kids weaned. This is, of course, after breastfeeding. If you go back when I was a kid, there was a push to go away from breastfeeding, because man had made something better call formula. Actually, the food industry is not stupid. They got pediatricians, even back then, to get away from nature and say [00:05:00] that, "Oh, formula, it's got everything in it. We put everything in it. Mommy's milk is not as good." I'm telling you, I grew up in that era, where women were being lied to. Why would you bother? It's inconvenient well, I don't know if it was inconvenient. I'm not a woman. Then your husband can get up in the middle of the night and feed the baby. I don't know if it came from men or not. All I know, it was [00:05:30] a big push. Now there isn't a pediatrician, I believe, there probably isn't anymore, that wouldn't tell a woman, "If at all possible, breastfeed."

But this statement is not about breastfeeding or not breastfeeding. This is about after you've breastfed the baby, and now you're putting the baby on milk. Not mama's milk, but they want you on dairy, and not plant-based. [00:06:00] Now, you guys know what I think about today's milk. It's like white Pepsi. Because if it's skimmed and it's fat-free generally. But a baby will do well, if you give baby whole milk or cream. Because that's good for the baby. Today, there's a hundred times more sugar in milk than there used to be. Because why? Because, they took the fat out of it.

Now, I don't think the Pediatric Association was talking [00:06:30] about whether they should have fat-free milk. They think that's healthy for you. But even so, what they were really saying is, "Don't put a child on plant-based milks." So, coconut, almond, soy, hemp, cashew milk, I guess, peanut milks. They were saying, "No." The reason they said it is because it doesn't provide [00:07:00] enough nutrition. Folks, don't fool yourself. If you like almond milk, if it's unsweetened and you just want to have a drink of almond milk, go for it. But I'm not telling you it's good for you. I'm not going to tell you that hemp milk is good for you. I'd rather you drink cream. There's a reason. I say it. There's a reason that the Pediatric Association has said it.

They know what a lot of people don't know anymore in this day and age, [00:07:30] because of, I call it the religion of veganism and vegetarianism. It's like a religion, and it's not science. It's not scientific, because it's not ... You just have to take a basic course in nutrition to understand that there's a lot of things in the animal kingdom that are not in the plants. Now, plants are good. Fruits are good. Vegetables are good. [00:08:00] Legumes are good. I'm not saying they're bad for you. But they don't have everything that you need, and a baby needs. An infant needs good nutrition. Once they're off mama's milk, what they drink can be water. They don't need to drink any plant-based. But what the pediatricians are saying is that, they're just assuming you're giving them milk [00:08:30] after breastfeeding. Or for some parents who, some moms don't or can't breastfeed, and so they're talking to them. They're saying, "Well, look, the plant-based milks just don't have it."

The article didn't go into great detail, but it ... I'll go into a little bit of detail here for you. Just that you understand that, when you don't have any animal fat [00:09:00] or animal protein, you're going to miss out on. One of the things you miss out is cholesterol. I know they've made that the boogeyman. I'm sure that if I talked to the pediatricians, they wouldn't even talk about cholesterol being good for you, because they've been brainwashed. But you absolutely need to consume cholesterol, because your body makes 85% of it. You need to make the other 15%. If you don't, you are not going to have enough cholesterol. If you don't [00:09:30] have enough cholesterol, the HDL especially, you're not going to have enough. FedEx trucks of Canada Post or U.S. Post or Amazon trucks or whatever you want to call those delivery trucks, you're not going to have enough on the highways of your blood vessels to take down your triglycerides. By the way, your brain is made up of cholesterol. Your skin is made up of cholesterol. [00:10:00] Every cell in your body has cholesterol in it.

So if you insist, and mothers insist that kids don't eat plant-based, I think that's our only plant-based, I call that, in all due respect, and I mean this, because they've been brainwashed, I call it child abuse. Because the child is not going to get what they need. The child will just not get what nutrition they need, because they're not going to get ... Look, [00:10:30] there's protein in the plants. But when you see a label, for example, that would say, let's maybe hemp seed or flax seed or whatever, and you know me, I like flax seed. I like hemp seed. But when you look at the protein profile of plants, they can't match up to the protein profile of the animal kingdom. They just don't. The bioavailability of plant-based [00:11:00] proteins, they're not near as bioavailable as the animal-based proteins. So you need to understand that.

I know the world is shifting, now. It's getting away. It wants us to get away from animal-based products. But even pediatricians are saying, "Well, don't do that. Don't do that, because the children will not be healthy. They won't be near as healthy. Their brains won't develop properly." The pediatricians, who don't know a lot about nutrition, know enough about that, [00:11:30] to say that, to make that statement, the bioavailability of proteins. Then you have certain amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. You have essential amino acids that you must consume. Your body makes amino acids, but there's some of them you need to get from nutrition, your food, your food. I think of taurine, it's only found in the animal kingdom. Taurine [00:12:00] is what I call the smart nutrient. Your brain needs taurine. You need that. It's found in the animal kingdom, in eggs, meat, and cheese. L-Arginine, for your blood supply, L-glutamine, L-carnitine, [L-carnizine 00:12:19], they're found in the animal kingdom, not in the plant kingdom. They're just not there. Don't fool yourself.

When you have young people, and maybe your grandchildren or [00:12:30] your children, "Oh, Doc, I'm a vegetarian," because they go to school and they get indoctrinated. They're indoctrinated at school. Animals, the animal kingdom is higher than the humans. You can abuse a child, but don't abuse a dog. Listen, I get what they're saying, but is it true? No, it's not true. It's not true that you'll do just fine without animal [00:13:00] kingdom. You just won't.

Now, let me just talk about the reset for a minute. There's a reason on the reset. I can give you at least five reasons that, on the reset, I don't allow any fruits or vegetables or legumes for 30 days. This is a 30 day program, and you have everything you need. Look, if you had a choice, and if your body had a choice, it would always choose animal product over plants, [00:13:30] always, because of the density in nutrition. For 30 days, you're not going to miss anything, including minerals, including vitamin C. As long as you're drinking your true vitamin C, coffee, you're not missing anything. You're not missing anything.

Very important to understand why I do this on the reset. Because when you take away temporarily, not forever, the plant kingdom, nevermind [00:14:00] what you're doing with the manmade stuff. So, no bread, no pasta, no cereals, no yogurts, no garbage, no muffins, no bagels, nothing that's manmade. And temporarily, you're off plants and legumes. There's a reason I do it. Because one of the biggest reasons, I want to give your gut a 100% rest. I want it to regenerate. Now, you know what I'm aiming for.

Number one, you're sending [00:14:30] your pancreas on a holiday for 30 days. You're going to regenerate your pancreas. But the organ that benefits the most from the reset is your liver. Your liver will do a complete detox. It will empty itself of all of its fat, and your liver will completely regenerate in 30 days. But your gut will also regenerate when you lay off the undigestible fibers. Fiber is overrated, guys. [00:15:00] It's overrated. I'm not saying never to have fiber. I'm not saying that. But for 30 days, I want to give your gut, it's going to be lectin free. It's going to be oxalate free. Oxalates, if you get stones in your gallbladder, stones in your kidney, they're either uric acid crystals, brought to you by the sugar industry, high fructose corn syrup, or they coming from the vegetables [00:15:30] that you're eating, and some fruit. Oxalates come from that. So you get kidney stones. Now, your kidneys are getting a break. Not only because you're lowering your insulin, but you're lowering your oxalates.

Now, you've heard about lectins. Lectins are usually from the legume and certain nuts and whatever have lectins. I don't think that lectins are necessarily bad for you. Some doctors think they are, at least one doctor, like [00:16:00] beans and ... Look, you don't live on that stuff though. If you got any kind of digestive issue, I agree with that. Then you got to get off your lectins, get off your oxalates, get off your gluten, when you go on the 30 day program. If you have any kind of skin or whatever, a lot of times it can be gluten. I call it gluten [inaudible 00:16:24], because the biggest thing that I do is lower your insulin, and that lowers your gluten, because you're not eating [00:16:30] any breads. You're not having any of that flour. You're not having any of that. So your gluten levels are all, are nil. The gluten is gone. Oxalates are gone. Lectins are gone. Undigestible fibers are gone. If they're undigestible, what are you eating them for? It's just to make your stool bigger. Anyway, I don't want to go into that so much.

Now, [00:17:00] just remember what the Pediatric Association said. They got something right. Don't wean your child on plant-based milks. I agree a 100%, 100%. To me, breastfeed as long as you can. Then wean your child, drink-wise, on water, on water. Kids don't drink enough water, and they should get used to it right out of the gate. Start drinking water. Kids that are weaned on water, they do [00:17:30] very well. They do much better than kids that even go on dairy go on grocery store milk. Like I say, if you have a cow in the backyard, I agree with milk a 100%. They really need cream, is what they need. Not so much milk, especially today's milk. It's not even the pasteurization, although that denatures milk, to some extent. It's not even that that bothers me as much as them taking the fat out of the milk. You need fat. [00:18:00] Kids need fat. They need animal fat, to develop their brains properly. Someone calls you a fathead, take it as a compliment.

Interesting isn't it, that they come out like a statement? It reminds me that, we sort of forgot this, but Sick Kids here in Toronto, world famous children's hospital, they made a statement, I guess about four or five weeks ago, they said, send the kids back to school. Now, [00:18:30] they're still debating whether they're going to be. Kids need it. Dr. Fauci said it the other day. He said, "Kids need to get back into school." Why? Because, they need to interact with each other. They're more worried about, and Sick Kids was more worried about a child's mental health than they were necessarily about this virus. But it's the same thing with the Pediatric Association. They're worried about this new craze, which is called veganism and [00:19:00] vegetarianism, coming to a theater near you. They're going to start taxing meat, in my opinion, because they really believe it. It's part of the climate and all this nonsense.

Okay, enough lecturing. Little bit of shortened version today, because of the fact that I'm away from my home studio. If you have any questions, we're going to have a question and answer Friday, coming up. [00:19:30] Don't be shy. If you're not a member of the, our private Facebook group, please join us. We'd love to have you as a member. If you have a chance, please share this with your family and friends. Love you guys. Lord willing.

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast, with your hosts, Dr. Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.

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