410. Q&A With Dr.Martin

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to the Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: Well, good morning. Lots of good questions about potassium, magnesium. Amazing what happens when you clean up your diet. How little your body needs, [00:00:30] how little. When you have the nutrients that you need, how you hold on to those nutrients, how your body thrives with those nutrients.

Someone asked a question, let me just get to it about the liver. How long does it take? Who asked that question, now? I just want to get here. How long does it take to fix the liver? Even if you've had, good question, that's [Sherry 00:00:01:01]. I think it's Sherry or is it Sherry? Hold on. [00:01:00] Yeah, Sherry is asking, how long does it take to fix your liver? Listen, your liver is unbelievable. Your liver is looking to be regenerated. It is an organ.

So your liver, well obviously people, if you had to line up your body and say, what's the most important organ, well you'd probably say your brain, true. But remember, your liver, you can't function without a liver. You just cannot function without a liver. Your liver is [00:01:30] essential. It does over 600 functions in the body. And I've always said it, your liver is a suitcase. Your liver is the Costco parking lot. And when your liver gets gummed up and full of fat, you are in deep trouble.

And that is the first thing that happens in metabolic syndrome. Your insulin is elevated and insulin is food. And then it starts to pack the liver with fat. So it's [00:02:00] amazing. 30 days you're going to empty your liver. Well doc, I've had a bad diet all my life. I know. And it's going to take you time for your body to regenerate, but not your liver. Your liver will come back rapidly. You just stick to the plan for 30 days and don't go back eating all crap afterwards, obviously. I think everybody understands that. I'm not saying you always have to stay on the reset, but some people do stay on [00:02:30] the reset or they're reset-like, meaning that they rarely go off the reservation when it comes to eating because they just have to be disciplined. But for a lot of people, they've abused their bodies and then they come back and then they say, no man, I feel so good. I feel so good.

I've had people on the reset for three or four years, three or four years. They've never really come off of it. They don't trust themselves. And they're fine. [00:03:00] They're very healthy. They loved the way they look. They love the way they feel. So the good question is 30 days will empty your liver. It'll empty it. So that's how unbelievable your body is. It comes back very, very rapidly. You got to just give it the right thing.

Okay. So that was a very good question. Okay. So intermittent fasting, how to get enough protein if you're intermittent fasting. Well listen, if you're eating between those, let's say you're only [00:03:30] eating for a six hour window, meaning that let's say you stop at six o'clock at night. You don't eat until noon the next day. And then you eat from noon till six o'clock, when you're eating the right nutrients, you're getting lots of protein. You're getting lots of it. And when you're again, like I said, when it's nutrient dense, you see the idea with food is the quality of food. And when it's nutrient dense, you're getting it's pure protein. [00:04:00] You might have protein in a hamburger, but if you have a bun and you have french fries, it's not that your body's not absorbing that protein, but it's got to do so many other things for the crap that you just ate.

But when you're eating nutrient dense, even within a six hour period, you're going to get enough protein. Now, if you need to gain weight, because some people get on the reset, they've lost all their muscle or whatever. Well then add [00:04:30] Dr. Martins Perfect Protein. Add that to your diet. So a perfect smoothie with, with cream and I like the bone broth protein because it's collagen. It's the best protein in the world is that stuff.

Okay. So use a protein powder and then these are ways you can get enough protein if you need more. But generally, [00:05:00] like I said, if you're having that nutrient dense foods, you're going to do just fine, okay?

And then Nancy and Sally asks questions about meat and listen, I get it guys, okay. I think some people think that, well doc, because I get asked everyday. So let me just say, well doc, what about the hormones in meat? What about the... But guys, what are you comparing it to, vegetables? Fruit? [00:05:30] Unless you have it in your own yard, but go to the grocery store. Unless it's organic, it's been sprayed with herbicides and pesticides in the soil. What's in the soil will be in the plant. So I understand that. Don't get me wrong. I understand there's hormones. A lot of these, especially these mass farms are using hormones and antibiotics. And look, [00:06:00] you have to understand I'm speaking in generalities. I think Tony said it best the other day, Tony Jr. When you're on the Titanic, don't worry about the carpeting. And don't worry about painting the rails. Change course first.

And look, if you can get organic meat, if you can get grass fed beef, of course I understand that. It's better for sure. But I [00:06:30] talk to hundreds of thousands of people every week and I'm talking in generalities. I'm talking the boat, the Titanic and getting them off of it.

And of course for some people they are purest meaning that, because somebody asked about, Melanie asked about [arethrathrol 00:06:52] and maltitol and sorbitol and xylitol. What are those? Those [00:07:00] are sugar alcohols, okay. And look, they're natural to some extent, but your body really doesn't know what they are in a sense that your body doesn't recognize those things in your gut. Are they bad for you? Look, some people don't tolerate them well but again, if you're on the Titanic and you've been a big sugar eater all your life, sugar is poison and you use an artificial, [00:07:30] I'm not calling xylitol in that they sort of half are artificial because they're sugar alcohols. They're not sugar and they're not alcohol, but they call them that, sugar alcohols. They're made from plants. But your body, did they really recognize them? No, but when you have aspartame and all that, of course I don't like that stuff.

But I'll give you an example. Somebody asked me the other day, can I have a diet pop? Well, not on the reset because I really [00:08:00] want you to do a detox on the reset. But look, if that's your little treat of having a diet pop, in generalities, I want you to lower your insulin. That's the number one thing. And if you're having a little treat with a diet Pepsi or a diet Coke, I don't like it, but I'm not going to crucify you for it. Do you know what I'm saying? And then like Tony Jr. says, once you've changed course, well then you can change. You might [00:08:30] want to paint the railings of the Titanic or change the carpets. I like that.

As you get more focused, you can do that. I understand that. But just, you have to understand when I do these lives, I am talking to people. I'm trying to get them to do the big thing first. And that is to get off sugar and crappy carbohydrates. I understand everything about meat. It's always better if you get the best meats. If you know a farmer, if you [00:09:00] know a butcher and you know where he's getting that meat, it's always better for sure, for sure. But look eating a piece of any kind of meat, let me just make a blanket statement, eating a piece of any kind of meat, including a [pepperet 00:09:18] and even baloney is better than eating a piece of bread. You got it?

Now that might offend some people, but I don't even take it back. You know why? Because [00:09:30] I'm aiming for metabolic syndrome. My whole world is to fix metabolic syndrome, which is caused by insulin, high circulating insulin and insulin resistance. Because 88% of the population have trouble with metabolic syndrome, 88%. I'm aiming at that 88%. If you are in the 12% and very healthy, you know what to do. You know what to do, you know how to keep yourself healthy and hey, [00:10:00] god bless you. I'm on your side, man. Okay. But there's 88% that are the, our loved ones and our family and whatever. And the people that you know, so this is where I come from. I'm aiming at that 88% to get them to change. They're on the Titanic. And I want to turn their life around for their health. That's what I aim at.

So just understand where I'm coming from. And I do appreciate, I understand all these things. We don't live in a perfect [00:10:30] world, we just don't. And so I try and get them to make the big changes first and then to focus in on other things, okay. So that was Nancy and Sally asking a good question.

Marlene says she has trouble with heartburn after drinking water. Some people have that, okay. But you know what Marlene, I find? Stick to your guns about keeping your insulin down because the number one reason, number one reason, heartburn [00:11:00] is your body. It's heartburn, acid reflux is not the cause of your problems. It is a symptom. Acid reflux is a symptom of insulin resistance or high circulating insulin. It's a symptom. It's also symptom, can be, of low acidity in your stomach.

And by the way, somebody asked a question about pH, let me get to it. It was [00:11:30] a very good question. What about pH? Oh yeah, because their doctor said meat is acidic. No, it's not. Coffee is acidic. No, it's not. Tomatoes are acidic. No, they're not. Sugar is acidic. Yes it is. Okay, explain doc. Well, listen, your body is so intelligent. Fearfully and wonderfully made. When you have steak, okay. Oh, it's acidic, [00:12:00] doc. The pH police are out and they tell you don't eat meat, it's acidic. Nah, it's not. You know why? Because when you eat meat and it gets into your gut, your body has baking soda, sodium bicarbonate, that makes your meat alkaline. It makes your tomato alkaline. It makes your coffee alkaline inside [00:12:30] your body. That happens inside. Might be acidic, tomato's acidic. Everybody knows that, but not when it gets into your gut. It becomes alkaline. Only sugar is acidic and stays acidic.

So you want to change your pH? Then eat good foods and make sure your kidneys are working well, okay. Make sure your kidneys are working well. That could be a problem too when you're [00:13:00] losing your magnesium and potassium, because somebody was asking about kidney problems.

Margaret was asking about blood clots and her family has a history of a clotting factor. Well then you need to be careful, Margaret, with eating too much [salad 00:13:16] because that's where vitamin K1 is found. And K1 helps you in clotting and you have trouble clotting. So two things, make sure you're getting enough vitamin K2, which is found in eggs and meat and [00:13:30] cheese, especially in butter and cheese curds, okay. And make sure you're drinking enough water. If you have a clotting factor, keep your blood, your blood flows through how many thousands of miles? 60,000 miles of blood vessels in your body. Put them all together, 60,000. One and a half times around the equator. But do you know what? Water makes the river go.

So just think of your blood as a river, [00:14:00] but a lot of water. It'll flush out your kidneys. It'll help flush out your liver. It'll flush out your bowel. Water will just keep that, it scrubs the kidneys and the kidneys get gummed up too. And one of the biggest trouble is keep your blood vessels supple too, with H2O. Vitamin W, vitamin W.

Okay. Good question. Wendy's asking about alcohol. Well, look, alcohol is always... [00:14:30] The way I always line up alcohol with people. If you're on the reset 30 days, no alcohol. You have to clean the liver out. Alcohol is going to go directly to your liver. So don't fool yourself. Alcohol goes directly to your liver. It don't pass go. It's going to go to your liver.

So I always tell people, look, you're eating good and you want to have a glass of wine. Always look at the risk versus the reward. Risk reward. I always put that, [00:15:00] try and get that into people's mind, okay. So be very careful with alcohol. Never overdo it obviously. And if you got trouble with your insulin, then I would tell you to be a tee-totaler. If you have trouble with insulin and you've got any kind of fatty liver or whatever, you need to get off the alcohol. But then, I mean when you clean up and you want to have a drink, look, I'm not telling you not to do that, okay. You got to make that a personal decision [00:15:30] and just don't...

I think what happens in society, this is about 20 years old now, it's more than that. 20, 25 years old, there was a whole thing about alcohol is so good for you. It's the new vitamin and women got this idea that having a glass of wine after a day's work was the best thing they could ever do. It's good for your heart and all that. That was a bunch of nonsense by [00:16:00] the way, okay. They called it the paradox in the Mediterranean diet type of thing that people were drinking wine and that was good for their heart. Alcohol is not good for your heart. Don't kid yourself, okay. The red wine, I understand what they're saying, the antioxidant, but you can get antioxidants in a much better place and not have alcohol with it. And again, just understand what I'm saying. I want you to make [00:16:30] that choice for yourself, okay.

But on the reset, no. You have to come off the alcohol for 30 days because I have to empty that liver out and I want to regenerate your pancreas and the way to do it for 30 days, you can not have alcohol, okay. And again, after that of course somebody will always tell you in moderation and that, yeah absolutely. But just understand it's sort of the risk reward factor [00:17:00] that I look at.

Kathy was asking, do probiotics feed bad bacteria. No they don't, good question Kathy. What if I got more bad bacteria than good. Is probiotics feeding the bad guys? No. See what probiotics do, okay. And you guys know me. I like a broad spectrum. What's that mean? It's got 10 different strains. You're putting in every strain from acidophilus to l. rhamnosus to l. reuteri, and [00:17:30] all the Latin names that they give those tribes. They all do different things. And a broad spectrum probiotic will only increase your good, but these are good guys. They don't feed the bad guys.

Probiotics are not to feed your good bacteria, by the way, they are to make more good bacteria. And this is why when you see a good probiotic, it's always got 50 billion bacteria or whatever already in the kabillion. And I like soil based probiotic. [00:18:00] They're the best because they pass your stomach acidity. And then secondly, you don't have to refrigerate them. You can travel with them and you know me about probiotics. So I don't have to just keep harping on them, how good they are. But my word, what we know about the microbiome today, what we know about bacteria today is incredible. It's the new science really of what was sort of...

[00:18:30] I talked to you the other day about the history, right, of infectious disease. And you had the fight between, a lot of you enjoyed that. I really appreciate that. Between Louie Pasteur and [Autwin Beshan 00:18:46] and Louis Pasteur had won the day. And it's too bad because Autwin Beshan was almost 200 years before his time. And he talked about the host. He talked about your immune [00:19:00] system. He didn't talk about the virus or the bacteria like Louis Pasteur did. And today the world went for the virus and not your immune system. And you guys know what I think about that. The world is virus, virus, virus, virus. Wear a mask, wash your hands.

And you know what Anthony Fauci was saying last night? I watched him. Well you should put goggles on too. They started, wear a mask, don't wear a mask. [00:19:30] You don't need to wear a mask. Only the doctors need to wear a mask and nurses, okay. And the frontline workers, they need a mask. But you don't need a mask. Now we need a mask, but it's not enough. Fauci was saying last night that we should have goggles on too, because there's mucus. I always said, I told you guys that. That you can touch your eyes. You touch your eyes, you got mucosa up here, who doesn't play with their eyes or rub their eyes, or even, especially if you have a mask on. [00:20:00] The only thing you can touch is your eyes. Use vitamin A. Vitamin A is your invisible shield from all your mucosa, from your eyes, nose, and mouth, okay. We talked, Sandra I answered your question.

Marilyn was asking about flax seed. How much flax seed? I like flaxseed by the way. In our new book we'll have that recipe for the low carb bread, [00:20:30] okay. And Rosie makes a great low carb bread with flaxseed. I love flaxseed. Why? Because they got lingans and they lower your estrogen. For men that's important, and women too. The womanly hormone, estrogen. It's a big problem in our society today. It's a growth hormone and you want to keep it balanced ladies, and men too. So lingans, how much? I like about two tablespoons a day of that.

Zinc. Karen's asking about zinc. [00:21:00] Well, I like, you get a lot of zinc in vitamin S. See, I would rather you eat your zinc. Now you can take it if you want to take some zinc, I have it in our blood boost. You can take zinc in a lozenge. I got no problem with that, but you don't want to be taking more than 50 milligrams of zinc a day. And I'd rather you eat your zinc. I really would eat your zinc because you get it in vitamin S. Zinc you get in vitamin S. [00:21:30] Zinc, by the way, is all only found in the animal kingdom. There's not enough zinc in plants for a mouse, okay. So remember that. Zinc is found in the animal kingdom, eggs, meat, and cheese.

Gabriela was asking about skin creams that have sugar in them. I guess some skin creams have sugar. Or she was saying some soaps. Yes, I've seen soaps with sugar, buy you don't have to [00:22:00] worry about that as far as that elevating your blood sugar, okay. Even if it's on your skin, it won't elevate your blood sugar. Your body knows what to do with that, okay. So good question.

Charlene asking about humidity, how it affects the body. Well a lot of people feel the humidity. They can tell you when it's going to rain. I call my wife the cloud lady because she can read clouds like nobody's business, okay. Rain's coming. Okay. I don't even think there's a cloud in the sky this morning that [00:22:30] I can see. Okay, so it can affect your body for a lot of people that have any kind of arthritis or what they used to call rheumatism. You remember that? I never hear that anymore. I got rheumatism and when it was humid, they felt it. And a lot of people do. The opposite of that, of course, is the sun. How good you feel in the sun, right? Oh yeah. Get your 20 minutes today. If you're getting weather, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, I can go into the sun for an hour easily [00:23:00] now without even covering up, okay. But I'll put a hat on.

Somebody asking about, Diane asking about cellulitis. Let me just try to get through this. And cellulitis, what do you do? Well if you got cellulitis, you probably need an antibiotic. You usually don't fight cellulitis without it, but during and afterwards, cellulitis probiotics, very important. Because when you take an antibiotic, you're going to strip away all your good bacteria. [00:23:30] Replace, replace, replace. And then I love oil of oregano. Oil of oregano with cellulitis. So brush your teeth with it, take it as drops, put it right on your skin. Put it on your skin. You have any of dermatitis or whatever. Put some oil of oregano on your skin. It's very antifungal. It's very antibacterial. It's very antiviral, okay. I just love oil of oregano.

Somebody was asking about, I didn't write the name down here. [00:24:00] Vitamin D for babies. I'd be careful. Look, vitamin D they need, but generally if you're breastfeeding, mommy, you take vitamin D baby gets vitamin D, okay. Mommy, you go sit in the sun. If you're breastfeeding, baby gets vitamin D. So I don't like supplementing, because the question was asked about an eight month old baby. Now, if [00:24:30] they're always sick, then just give them a little drop of vitamin D, which would give them about a thousand IU's. And eight year olds, depending on their size, not so much the age but their size, because vitamin D goes by your size and depending on eight year olds, but kids do well with a couple of thousand IU's of vitamin D. They really do. They really do, okay.

So Jessica was asking about the appendix. [00:25:00] They used to say, I guess if you go back 40, 50 years ago, they said your appendix was just like your tonsils, your body didn't need them. You absolutely need them. They're part of your immune system. The appendix is part of the immune system in the gut. And your tonsils are part of the immune system in your throat. They're the gatekeepers. And even in the gut, they're important. And so they just said, oh you can take that out. I mean how many people, especially my generation [00:25:30] had their tonsils taken out at the first sign of, we were racing to the hospital. My dad didn't believe in that.

So I still got my tonsils. My dad used to say, your tonsils are there for a reason. They're blocking that bacteria from going down into the trachea and into your lungs. That's your body, they're the gatekeepers. Oh my tonsils are swollen. That's a good thing. What's wrong with that? They're just doing [00:26:00] their job. And now you'll almost have to drill without anesthesia. A doctor, drill their teeth to take your tonsils out unless they're full of gangrene. They don't want to take them out anymore. And I don't blame them. They finally learned that they were important part of your immune system. So your appendix, but you can live without it.

You can live without your tonsils. For sure you can. If they're constantly infected, I guess, and blocking up everything, [00:26:30] but very few people need their tonsils. If you change their diet, give them probiotics, try and save the tonsils because you need them, right. You need them.

Okay. So I think I answered every question somebody was asking about. Carol, Shirley, Laurie, peripheral artery disease and water retention. Okay. And again peripheral, your circulation, circulation, circulation in the legs. Peripheral [00:27:00] artery disease often happens with smokers. They lose their nitric oxide. Nitric oxide opens up your blood vessels. It's why I'm very, very big. The number one thing I'm big on B12 and I'm big on Navitol, Okay. Navitol, pine bark extract. I really like that. It's my favorite in terms of opening up your blood vessels by elevating your nitric oxide. And if you have water retention, it could be due to meds, it [00:27:30] could be because you have congestive heart failure.

It could be because you're dehydrated. Doc, I got a lot of water retention. Well, your body's smart. It's holding on to water because you're dehydrated, okay. So folks, very, very good questions this morning. Okay. Love you guys. We'll talk to you soon. We've got some great topics coming up next week. And if you get a chance, share this. If you're not part of our Martin Clinic Facebook group, [00:28:00] join our private group, okay. Love you guys. Talk to you soon.

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.

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