Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. We got lots of questions this morning. We'll go over them and I think I'll be able to cover them. Okay, here we go. One of the questions that was asked was about diverticulitis, [00:00:30] diverticulosis. Okay. What is it? And some people have been asking that question. It's very common today, by the way. I think it's big time, misdiagnosed because it's not always easy to find, but diverticulosis is when you actually got little poaches that form within your gut and it'll become diverticulitis. So diverticulosis is a chronic condition of the gut and diverticulitis is when it gets impacted, [00:01:00] just like you would get an impacted tooth. And if anybody's ever had an impacted tooth or whatever, ain't no fun. When your gut is sore, it ain't no fun.
So, as I was saying to you yesterday, I'm a why guy? Why is it happening? Okay. Usually you get that diagnosis, IBS is when doctors don't know what you have, your bowel's irritated. Okay. You don't have to be a rocket [00:01:30] scientist and you don't have to go to your doctor to know that your bowel is irritated. "Oh, you have IBS?" "Yeah." "Why do I have IBS?" Okay? A lot of IBS is misdiagnosed, diverticulosis. What I used to do in the office, if a patient came in, say, "Well, my gut's bugging me, which was every day, every day, every day." I literally, would palpate the area, because [00:02:00] it's amazing what happens when you palpate. I understand that they do the scopes and everything like that and the colonoscopies and this and that, but my old fashioned training was literally put your hands on the area, find it.
A lot of times, what I would do is palpate and I would go to the transverse colon, the gut, you got lots of it, it's about 26 feet. If you take it and spread [00:02:30] it, you would cover a tennis court with your gut. So there's a lot of things that can go wrong in the bowel. So when I would palpate, put my hands on their gut, I would start at the top, I would check the gut, the stomach, you see? Because that could be H. pylori, it could be small intestine bacteria. I don't believe it's bacterial, I believe it's fungal. And that's usually a big problem in the gut, [00:03:00] diverticulosis. Okay?
A lot of times, like I said, it's misdiagnosed because they can't find it. Sometimes those little pouches are so small, you can't see them. Now usually, at a colonoscopy, they will see them, but my word, you don't have to wait till you get a colonoscopy to find out if you have diverticulosis or not. Like pressing real hard, especially on your left hand side, pressing real [00:03:30] hard, get someone to do it for you. If you've got little poaches, you'll really feel it, you'll feel it. And if it ever becomes diverticulitis, that means it got impacted.
If you Google, diverticulosis, they'll tell you to eat a lot of fiber. That's the worst thing you can do. That's the worst thing you can do, to have insoluble fiber. That's the problem today. [00:04:00] Why do more? And I mean, it's about 90% to 10%, 90%, 10%, it's women. Why do women get diverticulosis? Salad. Yes, too much. You're not a rabbit. You're not breaking that stuff down. Where does spinach get caught? In your teeth. And you ladies that love salad so much, that's why men don't get it as much. Not that we don't, men eat salad too, but not [00:04:30] as much. No, but seriously, fiber is so overrated, it is overrated. "Oh, I got to have my fiber. I start my day, every day, with fiber." Well, it's overrated.
And look, if you got a gut and nothing bugs your gut, who cares so much? Right? But I often tell patients, I actually talked to a few yesterday. [00:05:00] Now, guys, if you don't know this, at the Martin Clinic, we like to answer your questions, so don't be shy. We will answer your questions. Our staff is fabulous for that and they're always asking me questions that you're asking me. Sometimes I jump online or whatever, and answer the question directly.
But one of the things that I see today, it's like a scourge in society, is gut issues and especially with women. [00:05:30] Yeah. And look, when you do the reset, let me just tell you how you can help heal diverticulosis. You got little poachers? Number one, probiotic. Number two, give your gut a rest. I was saying to a patient, "Listen, Linda, listen, rope your diet in." "Oh doc, I love variety." [00:06:00] I know that variety is the spice of life, but not if you have digestive issues, your gut is angry. Stop eating fiber, "It's angry, doc." I know. Your stomach's going, you're bloated, your gas. "Oh, doc, it doesn't matter what I eat, my gut's sore." Yeah. Stop eating.
And especially, stop [00:06:30] eating roughage and seeds and nuts. You see, when I put you on the reset, the reset is so good for your gut. George, this is for you, because you had me laughing yesterday because you said, you were commenting on our Facebook group, that "Your pancreas has gone to Hawaii. Your liver has gone to Hawaii on holiday and your gut went on a holiday [00:07:00] too, to Hawaii." It did, all 26 feet. You have to buy two tickets, to put your bowel on the plane to get to Hawaii. No, but seriously, you give your gut a rest.
You're fasting without fasting. I don't know if I shouldn't rename my book that? So far, I got, the diet your doctor won't share with you. Because they won't, they won't share this one, I promise you that. They won't share eggs, meat, and cheese. Okay? [00:07:30] But it gives your gut a rest for, at least four reasons that I can tell you why. Fiber, that's one. Okay? You're not eating fiber for 30 days, four weeks and two.
So really, I've been getting a lot of that. "Is it 28 days, doc? Or is it 30?" Well, I'll tell you what, at 28 days, if you go by four weeks, you've done it. It's a 30 day program, [00:08:00] but at 28, you're done. Okay? But go two more days just for, it really is good for you because your pancreas is resting, your liver is getting cleaned out, 100%, and your gut is resting, it's regenerating. The problem with our gut, once it becomes angry, it's irritated and a lot of times it is diverticulosis, undiagnosed, little pouches, and they will [00:08:30] heal. They will heal, but you're not a rabbit nor a cow. A cow has four stomachs, there's a reason for that. So quit chewing on salad, which is glorified, grass, it irritates the bowel. Like I said, if you've got a good stomach, a good bowel too, and nothing's wrong, okay, you get away with a lot of stuff. Okay? You do, but doesn't make it good for you.
But seriously, I'm a big guy on, rope it in. "Oh, [00:09:00] doc, that means I can only have a couple of foods." Yes. Only eat what doesn't bother you. Doesn't that make sense? "Oh doc, I get tired of vitamin S, steak." I know, I never do, by the way. I could have steak every night. My father, I'm not kidding you, my dad found out he was a diabetic. I was in grade 12. Okay? [00:09:30] He came home, he says, "I'm a diabetic." Now remember, I was in grade 12, I didn't even know what he was talking about. I knew a little bit, but not much. I knew my grandfather had it and it was very rare back in, this was the '60s.
Diabetes was extremely rare. I got bad genetics guys, for diabetes. When I talk to you about these things, you know what? Every stinking night we would eat, my dad would come home from the office, [00:10:00] from the Martin Clinic, and I'm not kidding you, he had steak every night. My dad was my hero. I used to sit beside him, even in high school and when he'd come home and have his meal on his own, because we were eating around five, I guess. I can't remember exactly, but my dad didn't get home till at least 6:30, 7:00, on most nights, he was busy. And what did he do? He ate steak because he was a diabetic. Imagine my dad, back [00:10:30] in the '60s, knew enough, no more carbs. But if you got a bad gut, stop eating fiber. It's bothering you ladies.
So when you're on the reset, what are you not eating? You're not eating fiber. You're not eating lectins, which bind the proteins. You're not eating gluten, gluten smoothen. I'm not big on gluten as much as I'm big on insulin. You know, a lot of people [00:11:00] say, "Oh doc, it's gluten." And it might be, but more often than not, as soon as I get them off the carbohydrates, they're better. Their gut's better, their skin is better, everything is better. But look, if you found out it's specifically gluten, but don't eat the gluten free, stinking junk food, that's on the shelves today. "Oh, I can have gluten free cookies because they're gluten free." No, you can't. They're not good for you. They're [00:11:30] full of sugar and full of carbs. I know they don't got no gluten.
It's amazing what happens to your gut when you lower insulin. Insulin is an inflammatory hormone. It creates inflammation in your body from your head to your toes, including your gut. Okay? And you're not having cellulose. Do you know human beings, us, we don't have an enzyme called cellulase [00:12:00] and when you're eating vegetables and I not against them. Okay? Please, okay? But we're not a rabbit. Rabbits have cellulase. We don't, we don't make it. Somebody asked me, "I want to have all those vegetables, is that all right if I just take an enzyme to eat it?" Well, how about avoiding them, if they're bugging? Anyway. Okay. And you're not having the oxalates.
[00:12:30] So there's five reasons. Those five things will irritate your gut, big time. Okay? So give your a gut a rest. Let it regenerate and don't live on salad. I'm sorry, if I've offended you. The apostle Paul said in Galatians, I think it's 4:16. "Have I become your enemy, because I told you the truth?" Guys, I'm just going to tell it as it is. I've been doing this for 46 years and I'll tell you, we can fix guts and the worst of [00:13:00] the worst, the worst of the worst. But you got to take some times, some very drastic measures. Okay.
Now, somebody asked about gallbladder and I covered this before, but let me just say it again. Why do women, ladies, I don't mean to pick on you today. But I got to just tell you the truth, right? As far as diverticulosis, it's 90 to 10. Not that men can't get it, but they get it much more rarely. They get other digestive [00:13:30] issues, but they don't get diverticulosis as much, that's number one. Number two, 90 to 10 is gallbladder problems. There's two reasons for it. Why did we see so much of it today? There's two reasons.
One, if you're a woman, you make estrogen and if you make too much estrogen, if your estrogen dominant, one of the symptoms, what it is, and it often happens after having a baby. [00:14:00] You leave all your progesterone, ladies, in the placenta and your ovaries are supposed to kick it in and get it back up, so it balances. But progesterone is so important, even for your bladder, right? You know what that is ladies? And your gall bladder. It helps, for your gallbladder to work properly and this is why a lot of times women especially, will have [00:14:30] trouble with that.
But I'm going to tell you the second reason. The second reason that women especially, have trouble with their gallbladder is because they don't use it enough. Use it or lose. "Oh, Dr. Martin, I'm eating fat free, fat free yogurt." That ain't smart. We bought the fat free lie. It started with, don't eat butter, eat margarine, [00:15:00] right? Becel, we bought it, hook, line and sinker and we eat fat free. "Oh, I only eat doc, chicken." Well, you don't need a gallbladder for chicken. You need a gallbladder for steak and especially, if you eat the fat where all the vitamins are, eat the fat.
Yes. Because your gallbladder is a reservoir, of bile. It's a little pouch that holds on to bile. And when you eat fat, it helps to emulsify [00:15:30] it. Yeah. Like dish soap, picks up grease. Right? We know that, dish soap, right? It emulsifies the grease and that's what your gallbladder's made for, to emulsify your fat. You pour a little bit of bile, it helps to pick up, to emulsify it, to pick up all the vitamins and all the nutrients. Fat is so good for you. But, "Oh doc, I don't eat [00:16:00] fat. I eat fat free." I know, and that's stupid, and you wonder why your gallbladder is full of stones. Yes. How do you get stones in your gallbladder? You're not using it.
So somebody asked, good question. "Can I eat eggs, meat, and cheese, and I don't have a gallbladder?" Yes. Go easy though. And one of the best ways, when you don't have a gallbladder is, implement intermittent fasting. Give lots of time for digestion. Meaning, stop eating [00:16:30] about 5:00 at night if you can, no more food, if you don't have a gallbladder. Let your gut do it, it's got a backup plan. Your body's smart. And if you don't have a gallbladder, please, please, use digestive enzymes. Okay? You should. These are wonderful questions, but you can see why I get so excited all the time because people are lying to us.
You go online and the gallbladder and all, "Oh, [00:17:00] no wonder, gallbladder, we too much fat." No, it's the opposite. It's like your muscles, use them or lose them. God gave you a gallbladder, use it, otherwise, it's going to get full of stones and quit eating so much salad. Somebody said to me, "Dr. Martin, you're degrading women." No, I have not. I'm your friend. I love you, you guys know that. I'm just telling you like it is, because you're not going to hear that very much.
There's a whole agenda today, there is, [00:17:30] the news behind the news. There's an agenda to make us vegetarians and vegans, the meatless craze. It's craziness guys. I don't know how to explain to you as a PhD in nutrition, it's insanity, in my opinion. It is an agenda. It's not good for you, there, I said it. So I know, go on Netflix, "Don't eat this and meet them is bad." No, it's not guys, [00:18:00] you need it, you need it. Have I become your enemy, because I told you the truth? I just plan on preaching guys. I plan on preaching.
Okay, let me just see if I can get to the other ones, so I can get to some other questions. Oh, they're asking about xenoestrogens because I've mentioned that, right? Well, I went online, you know Purell, right? That is a hand sanitizer. And they said, "Well, what's in it?" Okay, let me just see. [00:18:30] I can't even pronounce it. Well, there's ethyl acetate. There was a recall by the way, on the ethanol, because it was industrial grade ethanol. They recalled some of these hand sanitizers.
Can I tell you something stupid that happened? This really happened, during COVID. People were gargling with bleach. They got so scared of the virus, instead of talking about the immune system, and nobody seems to be doing that. We're always talking about the virus and it scared some people [00:19:00] so much that they were garbling. I'm not kidding you. I went on Health Canada's website. They were gargling with bleach or spraying their hands with Lysol. If you can't pronounce any of those things, one thing they are for sure, are all xenoestrogens. You're worried about the virus, so you're cleaning your hands and I'm not telling you not to clean your hands.
By the way, when you walk into the hospital, [00:19:30] you can't go there now, unless you're transported there or you go to emergency, but you can't go visit because of COVID. But, you know when they have the hand sanitizers? That doesn't even get rid of it, that soap and water is much better to get rid of C. difficile, which is in the hospital. It's at your hospital, C. difficile. It's difficine, that's a French word, it's a [00:20:00] difficult bacteria to get rid of. It's the overuse of antibiotic. But when you walk into the hospital and you put your hand sanitizers, guys, you're killing all your good guys, all your good bacteria. It's part of your immune system guys, on your skin. So don't over clean. And I don't like chemicals because when you're rubbing your hands, they're going right into your body.
Why do you think Health Canada did it? I didn't do it. They recalled a lot of [00:20:30] hand sanitizers because they were using industrial strength ethanol, enough to kill you. It's a carcinogen, but xenoestrogens. Let me just see, what else did they put in there? Tocapharal, acetate, crosspolymer and methanol, propanol. If you can't pronounce it, it's a xenoestrogen, xeno. Okay? It's not estrogen, it isn't estrogen, [00:21:00] but your body thinks it is, it's a xenoestrogen. Your body mistakes it for estrogen and your body likes estrogen especially, you ladies. Ladies lives matter.
Part three. Somebody was asking about coffee, "Which is the best?" Dark roast. Well, it's like, what's the best chocolate? Dark. My wife calls it Ex-Lax. Sugarless, dark chocolate. I like dark [00:21:30] chocolate, but it has the most polyphenols and the most antioxidants, so does the dark roast. But they're all good, all coffee is good, it depends what you put in it. Somebody was asking me yesterday about the caffeine? Well, have the decaf. And if you can, look for Swiss Water, decaf. What's that mean? They use no chemicals to decaffeinate the coffee. A lot of people mistake the benefits of coffee and [00:22:00] it's not the caffeine that benefits you, it's the bean. So whatever which way you like it, and if you can't have the caffeine, a lot of people can't, it's usually a sign that your adrenals are bothered you, have decaf.
Somebody asked me about instant coffee. It's probably not as good, not as much antioxidant but it's still good. It's the bean, it's the beam. All the things I talked to you about yesterday, wasn't that fascinating. [00:22:30] The real vitamin C is coffee. Take home point from yesterday, just in case you forgot it. The more sugar you eat, the more vitamin C, the other vitamin C, that you need. You see, when you're eating low carb, you don't need a lot of vitamin C and coffee will do, because remember what I said? Okay.
I'm getting some courses ready. It'll be coming out in the fall on nutrition. I think some of you want to take the course. I think you [00:23:00] should, you'll enjoy it. Plus, you're going to get a certificate at the end, but you're going to have to learn this stuff. You're going to have to learn it. Okay? And vitamin C structurally, looks like sugar, it looks like glucose. They have very similar structures. So your cells can get fooled and your body, like I said yesterday, will take in that sugar first. And coffee is a prebiotic. Yes, yes, yes. Who just [00:23:30] said that? Was it you Cheryl? Hold on. Sari, Sari, yes. Coffee is a prebiotic. Yay. Your good bacteria, love it.
Okay, was there any other questions? Oh, nails and hair. Now let's do a whole thing on nails and hair. Ladies, your hair, it's your glory. You want to have wonderful hair, men nay, we don't care so much. Right? When I hit 50, I started losing my hair, [00:24:00] it's so typical for a man, thinning out. I'd love to have all my hair, but you know what? It thins out, most of us get that. But women, it's not normal for you to have thinning hair. So you know what? We'll do a whole session on this. Okay? Maybe next week. We'll talk about hair and nails. Men, we don't care about our nails, but you do, ladies. Don't you? And that's why we're from different planets, it's normal. [00:24:30] Okay. So I'm sorry ladies, I picked on you today. I just want to make sure.
Oh, you know what? Let me finish with this. Should kids be on a multivitamin? Nah, I'm not big on multivitamins. Okay? Very good question by the way. Give your kids a multivitamin, if you want to, but there's not much in a multivitamin. Look, if they have a specific condition, then get very specific. If you're not sure what to give your kids, here's what I recommend, every kid on the planet should [00:25:00] have, probiotics and vitamin D. Now, I give high DHA oil to a lot of kids for their brain. So you can be very specific. If they've got cognitive issues, I give them high DHA oil and Navitol. I mean, the best vitamin that you can give a kid is, get them off sugar. You want to give them a multivitamin? Get them off sugar or limit it. I don't know if you're able to get them off sugar completely, [00:25:30] it's not easy.
But you'll do your kid the best favor in the world if you can train them up. The kids are smart, oh, I find they're so smart, kids. Lead by example, parents and grandparents, they see it. You can lead a horse to water, you can't make them drink it, but at least you can preach it and do it by example. Okay? Thanks so much guys for all the good questions. You guys are great. I don't want to apologize for my rants, [00:26:00] but hey, it's who I am. I got to rant because when I get on things, it bugs me. Okay. Love you guys. We'll see you next week, prayerfully and stay healthy. Love you.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another, The Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.