Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to the Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information, as awesome as the info maybe it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Good morning, everyone. We're going to talk about hair and we're going to talk about nails today, especially women here talking about [00:00:30] the importance of your hair and nails. I haven't met a woman yet that isn't interested. And so this morning I wanted to talk to you and men, you'll be a little bit interested in this. Men lose their hair. My hair is really... I used to have lots of hair. My word, when I look at my graduation pictures, and I think I've shown them to you in the past. And when I graduated 1974 with nothing [00:01:00] but hair man. And actually my hair was short compared to most people in the mid 70s, there, most men and long mustache. And it wasn't this color, I'll tell you that. It was dark brown hair.
But anyways, I think it's important to look at these things because your hair and nails ladies, and to some extent, your skin will be a reflection [00:01:30] of what's going on. Women, the Bible says that your hair is your glory. Your hair is your glory. So you know what? It's ingrained in you. It's part of who you are. So your hair is very important. My wife has beautiful hair. My daughters have beautiful hair. They really do. Probably comes from their mom. But women, they want to have... Their hair is the [00:02:00] glory. So of course you want to have healthier hair and nails. And we're going to talk about that today. Men, we don't care about our nails, maybe we have a little vanity about our hair, but men and nails, who cares. But again, I understand that because I've always been noted as a woman's doctor because I'm a guy that looks into horror-mones.
So we're going to look a little bit into that this morning [00:02:30] as we talk about your hair and nails. Okay? So let me just go over some basic things that you want to do. Then I will give you a protocol for healthy nails. Okay? I'll give you a protocol. I'll give you the Martin Clinic protocol for healthy hair and nails. But if your hair, ladies especially is going South, what I mean by that, is it thinning out? Are you losing hair? [00:03:00] It's never normal. Look, if you're 80 years old, you're going to have a little bit thinner hair than you had when you were 40 years old. That's natural. But not till then, really. Not til then. Really, I mean that. And there's always reasons that your hair is thinning. And we'll talk about that. Are you losing hair? Or your nails have ridges and they're not healthy. We will look at causes. And then we will talk about a protocol [00:03:30] on how to fix it.
And I literally, over 46 years of practice have helped thousands and thousands of women get their hair back and get it to where they wanted it. Okay. Because I go at the root issue. I always go at the root issue. So I think you'll find this interesting this morning as we talk about this. Okay. So let me just say, first of all, what are... There's three [00:04:00] main, let's say, four main causes of your hair, thinning or hair loss. And what you see in your hair oftentimes apply to your nails. They're very, very similar. So when I talk about what can cause your hair, not to be what it should be, I'm generally referring to your nails too. Okay? So just understand that.
Now let's go [00:04:30] over something. The biggest cause of thinning here is digestive. You must look at your gut, especially your stomach and your small intestine, which isn't that small. But you have to understand that. That hair is often a digestive issue. It's not what you're eating sometimes, but what you are absorbing [00:05:00] that is so important. As we get older, this happens to the best of us is that we lose our ability, comparatively, to digest, especially protein. Do you know that you need almost a perfect stomach and perfect acidity to digest protein, especially as we get older. And folks, if you take a strand of hair, take a strand of hair... I love when my [00:05:30] granddaughters are over and they use our bathroom because you can see hair, you know how teenagers are, and they got beautiful hair and they got hair. They got a hair as they brush their hair of course they have hair that falls onto the floor.
And I'm always laughing a little bit because I know a lot of women that love to do a transplant so they could transplant a teenager's hair and put it back [00:06:00] on their scalp. But it's very important to understand something. The gut. The gut. Hippocrates said 2000 years ago, that the majority of diseases start in the gut. And boy, oh boy, oh boy, was he ever right. The gut. Your hair, when you take out a strand is made up of 99.9% protein. Protein. And protein is absolutely [00:06:30] essential for hair. You are what you eat. You are what you absorb. And the nutrient, the macro, the most important macro nutrient that you need is protein. And the problem in our society today, it's a huge problem, I think I'll get into this in another podcast. Right now, in the United States, they're going through [00:07:00] a process of tweaking the USA dietary guidelines.
It's a scary thing for me to watch this. I've been looking at the news coming out of these guidelines and it's been hijacked. Hijacked, and I'll go into this. I'm not going to go into it this morning. But I want to go into this because it has been hijacked by the vegans. They've hijacked the committee. And I will do a [00:07:30] full report for you guys on this. Because when you understand what's behind it, then you will understand. But in this day and age you see, protein has gotten a bad rap. Hasn't it? Well, animal protein has gotten a bad rap. Because vegans will tell you, "Well, you can get all the protein you want from your vegetables or your beans." But that's not true. That's not true. It's not science guys. It's philosophy. It is religious like. [00:08:00] It comes from the veganism and vegetarianism.
It's an ism. It's not science. It has nothing to do with science. It has everything to do with politics. And anyways, one of the biggest problems in our society is that we've replaced... And this has been a failed experiment that I've talked to you about so many times. They've replaced protein, especially animal protein and [00:08:30] fats with carbohydrates and vegetable proteins, and legumes. The problem with those, vegetable proteins and lagoons is that they don't have the amino acid profile, the building blocks of protein that you need for healthy hair and lot of other things. So there was a couple of things that happened. One of them is that it's like a religion. The other one [00:09:00] is the whole cholesterol thing, I hate to come back to it every day, but I have to, because you have to understand what happened. And it was the whole cholesterol thing.
Well, don't have bacon and eggs and don't have too much red meat because it's going to cause heart disease and especially cholesterol. Every day folks, I mean it every day. And listen, I don't mind answering your questions. So don't think for one minute that I don't appreciate [00:09:30] the fact that you ask questions. I want you to ask questions. I insist that you ask questions. I don't want you like sheep that just follow without questioning anything. Please question. Question me. I got no problem with it. But one of the questions I get every day, "But my doctor told me my cholesterol was too high." While [00:10:00] your doctor doesn't know anything about nutrition. So just understand where that's coming from. I get it. They have no training in nutrition. None, nada, zero for most physicians, they don't know anything about nutrition.
So they drank the Koolaid of the dietician society and [00:10:30] the dietician profession. And they haven't changed anything 50 years. Well maybe eat a little less sugar, but you need a balanced diet and very little red meat if any, and don't eat any animal fat and saturated fat makes you sick. Guys, you've got to understand that. I know you do. But I just need to repeat it because these are the problems with protein. This is one of the reasons that you don't even eat enough protein. And then if you compound it [00:11:00] with the fact that if you have any digestive issues, you have acid reflux. Are you on any type of medication to reduce the acidity in your stomach? You're not going to absorb protein. You'll absorb a little, but not much. You're not going to have healthy hair without absorption of protein.
So if you have low stomach acidity, how do you know doc, if I have low stomach acidity? Do you have acid reflux? [00:11:30] Do you have ridges in your nails? Do you have thinning hair? Then you have trouble with your stomach acidity. It's very important. It's not that you have to, "Doc, I have too much acidity. Acid reflux is too much." No, it's not. It's not enough. The cause is not enough acidity. And then your proton pumps, which are little pumps inside your stomach produce even more acidity. They say, "Well, they don't have enough. I must produce [00:12:00] more." The problem is when the proton pumps produce more, it goes up into your esophagus and you get acid reflux. It's so common today. I use that word epidemic too often. This is worse than an epidemic. So one of the biggest problems in here is protein and the absorption of protein.
The amount of protein that we're eating. And this is why you'll get me back to [00:12:30] eggs, meat, and cheese. You want healthy hair? Eggs, meat, and cheese. Seriously. Okay. So reason number one is digestion. I love digestive enzymes. A broad spectrum, digestive enzyme with lots of lipase and amylase and especially protease. What is protease? It's an enzyme that breaks down your protein. You guys, don't be scared of digestive enzymes. I used to say, they're American Express. Don't [00:13:00] leave home without them. Okay. They're so good for you. They're so good for you. Now, let me just talk about a minute in the small intestine. The small intestine, its not as small, its very wide compared to the large intestine. And the reason is that... I love what Tony Jr said. It's like you have a shaggy carpet. You remember the shaggy carpets in the 1970s? It was the big fashion.
Get yourself a shaggy carpet. Well, [00:13:30] lots of dust and dust mites and whatever it could live in the shaggy carpet. And the reason being is that it had those tentacles, but that's what your small intestine is like. It has a shaggy carpet inside of it for the absorption of your nutrients when you eat. You see the big part of digestion is not only your stomach, but also your small intestine. [00:14:00] And when you have leaky gut, when you don't have enough friendly bacteria, you develop a malabsorption syndrome, and the biggest nutrient that you will not absorb... In terms of macros. Okay. When I say macros, I mean protein, fat and carbohydrates. Those are your three macros. Okay? You learn that first day in, not medical school unfortunately. [00:14:30] You learn that the first day of nutrition or at least you should. What are your macros? Fat, protein, carbohydrates.
Okay. So to absorb these things properly, you need a good small intestine and you need, it's a forest in there, of good bacteria versus bad bacteria. Now, one thing that in leaky gut... Can I explain this to you? One of the things that happens... And over the years, I [00:15:00] think I learned this from my father. I learned to be very observant. Okay. People, you came to my office and I was very observant. I'd be looking at your hair. I wanted to see your nails. I often would look people in the eyes and then observed their skin. Because you know what? They were windows for me to look into what was going on. And a lot of people were saying, "What? Dr. Martin, he's [00:15:30] creepy. He's looking at me." Well, any good doctor better have a look at their patient.
I laughed because one of my patients was telling me a little while back, "I went to my family doctor and he had his back turned to me and was on the computer. Didn't even turn around to talk to me." I'm serious. I just about "What?" "Yeah, they were on their computer." "What's the problem?" Okay. They look it up on the computer and said, "Okay." [00:16:00] What kind of medicine is that? Use your eyeballs to observe. But one thing I did have with hair when a woman especially, and a lot of men too, but mostly women, "Doc, my hair is thinning out." "Yeah. I can see that." And now we're look at the scalp and I would see fungus, dandruff, by the way, is fungus. Candida, fungus getting right up into the scalp.
A lot of people don't realize [00:16:30] that. Seborrhea. Medicine, doesn't it love big words? Just to keep you confused? That dandruff flaky skin on your scalp, you know what that is? That's a fungal infection. Where did that come from? It didn't come from your scalp. It came from your gut. Yeast, fungus travels up to the scalp from the gut. Leaky gut. I got a new one. Leaky [00:17:00] gut, leaky hair. Leaky gut leaky here. Okay. So we talked about the gut. We talked about digestion, especially of protein. You need all those amino acids, guys. So this is why I'm a big guy on digestive enzymes. I'm a big guy on a broad spectrum probiotic that kills your yeast too, which is it's got L. reuteri and L. rhamnosus. We use it as part of our [00:17:30] immune boosting formula within our probiotic. These things are made for these things.
So digestion, the diet, the lack of protein, especially your essential amino acids. Okay? Thyroid. Sluggish thyroid. Thyroid distress syndrome. And a lot of times it's not even the thyroid per se. The thyroid is a puppet as Tony Jr. loves to say, the thyroid is a victim. [00:18:00] It's not the cause. It's the victim. Now, sometimes it is the cause. Okay. Sometimes it is the cause. But even if you have Graves' or Hashimoto's or whatever, it doesn't come from the thyroid per se. That's auto-immune, that comes from the gut. All autoimmune, from MS to Graves' to Hashimoto's to rheumatoid arthritis, to [00:18:30] eczema, psoriasis, it's leaky gut. Folks take care of your digestive track. And don't feed the bears. Don't give your gut that has candida or yeast in there. Don't feed it. They're hungry bears looking for sugar.
And they hate steak by the way. So thyroid becomes sluggish. Why could it become sluggish? Well, there's several reasons. One of them is leaky gut. Why is [00:19:00] that? Look, your thyroid makes T1, T2, T3, T4 and calcitonin. What does that all mean? Well, the one that your thyroid needs the most is T3. And it's a very finicky part of the thyroid is your amount of T3. But the conversion of T4 to T3 occurs when everything is going [00:19:30] right in your body. Every other thing. The gut. You see in the gut, this is where 80% of your conversion of T4 to T3 occurs in the gut. Here's another reason where you're not going to convert T4 to T3, ladies, this is for you, cortisol.
You're stressed. You're not sleeping. Your cortisol goes up. Your cortisol goes up, you're not sleeping. It's a vicious cycle. Millions [00:20:00] and millions and millions of North America suffer from this condition. And one of the things that can be affected will be your hair and your nails. It's a thyroid distress. It's not the thyroid, the organ itself, as much as what goes on in the adrenal glands or the gut. And here's another one. The ovaries. If you have estrogen dominance, you don't have enough progesterone, [00:20:30] your conversion of T4 to T3 will not be as good. And I'll prove it to you. Because a lot of women have had trouble after having a baby with their hair. They had a baby, they left all the progesterone in the placenta. And guess what happened? Their estrogen took over, but they didn't get enough progesterone. You see ladies, especially with you, well, only with you, estrogen and progesterone need to be balanced.
They need to be [00:21:00] balanced. So when I say estrogen dominance, you say, "Well, I'm menopausal. How can I be dominant in estrogen?" But it's always in comparison to your progesterone. And this is why women, after having a baby, a lot of times we'll go through postpartum hair loss, a lot of other things. And a lot of perimenopausal women will lose their hair, thin their hair. And the only place they're growing hair is on their chin that's horror- [00:21:30] mones. It's estrogen dominance, estrogen dominance does not allow your thyroid to work properly. This is why you look at food ladies and you gain weight. You don't have to eat it, just look at it. You want to know why I'm a woman's doctor primarily? Poor ladies, you don't have to eat you just have to look at food. If you got horror-mones. That's an imbalance.
It affects the thyroid. Your thyroid [00:22:00] is your gas pedal. Your thyroid is your metabolism, but it's the victim, so often, and not the cause, but you better fix it. You better fix it. You've got to get that balance back. So I talked about cortisol. I talked about your thyroid. I talked about a lack of protein in the diet, and I talked about digestive issues from leaky gut to low stomach acidity. These are all problems with your hair and [00:22:30] nails. Now let me just talk about another thing. I want to talk about your diet and the protocol that I use for healthy hair and nails. Number one, you know where I'm going to come from. Tell me three foods that are best for your hair and nails. I'm waiting. You should know this by heart. If you listen to me, I'm always talking about the three foods you need.
What are they? Eggs, meat, and [00:23:00] cheese. Eggs, meat, and cheese. You want healthy hair and nails? Eat eggs. Why? And we have a supplement and I just full disclosure. Full disclosure. There's a little bit of advertising. We have a hair formula at the office. I love it. Why? We formulated it, that's why I love it. No, but ladies often ask me "Doc biotin. Is it really good for me?" "Yeah. It's good for you. It's good for your hair [00:23:30] and nails." "Well, doc. Do I need to take a supplement?" "Well, you can, but why don't you eat it?" Where do you find the highest source of biotin? Somebody tell me. What is the highest source of biotin? Eggs. Nature's perfect food. Eggs. "Doc, my cholesterol."
You know what makes for healthy hair? B12? Do you know that 70% of [00:24:00] North Americans are low in B12? For digestive issues, for a lot of them, they don't absorb it, but big time they don't eat it. There's no B12 in chicken, ladies. There's no B12 in salad, ladies. There is none. So don't fool yourself. There's no biotin in chicken and salad. Salad and chicken. There's no biotin in that. Biotin is in your eggs. B12 is in your red meat. [00:24:30] Eat your bacon, eat your steak. Here's another one you need for healthy nails in here. Zinc. Eat your zinc. Eat your zinc. Have a steak. Vitamin S, because that's got B12 and zinc. You see where I come from? Iron, ladies, you need iron for hair, but you need hemiron. Hemiron is found in, red meat, steak, [00:25:00] hamburger, roast beef.
I know. I'm in trouble all the time with the dietitian. I'm in trouble online with my wonderful vegan friends and vegetarian young people. Especially the young people. They're drinking the Koolaid folks, because they live on social media and they're buying the lies. They buy the lies. Somebody said to me... Ladies, [00:25:30] tell me this all the time. "I'm coming back as a man. If there was reincarnation, I'm coming back as a man." I love that, because it's true. Men are big babies. And usually we got it pretty good. I'm coming back as a man. But I was saying to my wife, the other day, I'm coming back as a dog. Dog's got it so good today. I see people. Its almost hilarious how people treat their dogs. It's like [00:26:00] they are the king of the castle.
I'm coming back as a dog. Anyways, a little side note of humor there. You need B12. You need zinc. You need hemiron. And you need collagen. You want to know why I love bone broth? Collagen. Yeah. You want healthy nails? Collagen. Bone broth is [00:26:30] 100% collagen. I love bone broth. It leaches out all the collagen. You skim when you see bone broth. Wen you make it yourself, you see that healthy collagen on the top, the fat layer collagen there. Your body's made up of collagen, your hair is made up of collagen. Your nails are made up of collagen. This is why my favorite protein is bone broth. I love it. It's good for you. It's got everything in it.
One more selenium. [00:27:00] Selenium. You need selenium. Where is it found? Eggs, meat, and cheese. You can get some in nuts too. You can get some selenium in Brazilian nuts and that. But why eat nuts if they bug your gut? Eat eggs, meat, and cheese. You get lots of selenium. Isn't that interesting. I love Omega-3, too. It's probably another one. You know me and Omega-3, I love that healthy fat, those fatty acids. So good for your hair and your nails. [00:27:30] Good for everything else too. Your eyes, your heart, inflammation. Anyway. We could be here all day and talk about this.
So my time's up. Remember Friday is question and answer Friday. Send in your questions, I'll be happy to answer them. Would you share this with your friends and your family? We appreciate that when you do. And if you haven't signed up automatically for the Dr. Martin's, The Doctor Is In podcast, then get them and [00:28:00] review this material. That's how you learn. Repetition, repetition, repetition. That's how you learn. You guys are great. I appreciate the attention that you give me on a daily basis. Love you guys. See you tomorrow. Lord willing.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode. And thanks for listening.