373. 2 New Studies On Meds

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. Going to have some fun. We'll talk about a few studies. I'm going to do three or four studies, I think, this morning. Here's the headline. I didn't do it. I didn't write it, but I [00:00:30] read this yesterday. Statin Drugs, Crime Against Humanity. Now I think you know me well enough. And if you don't, I'm just going to share with you that drugs are ... Look, if a drug saves your life, I'm all for it. So you hear me. I always give you both sides, right? There's advantages, disadvantages. But there's only one medication where I just don't ever believe in it. I just [00:01:00] have to tell you that. To me, it's based on faulty science and that is the statin drug. What are statin drugs? Cholesterol lowering medication. And I don't think I go a day without talking to you about cholesterol and the cholesterol hoax, in my opinion.

So two studies came out in the last few days on [00:01:30] statin drugs, and one of the headlines was it's a crime against humanity. So let's go over that. One of them suggest that, especially in older people that take statin drugs and many, many older people ... Now remember what I've said to you, statin drugs, and specifically Lipitor, is the number one selling drug of all time. It always blows me away every [00:02:00] time I mentioned that. It makes my head explode. Lipitor is the number one selling drug of all time. It's the Wayne Gretzky of drugs. And I just can't get over it. And guys, listen, if it even put a dent in heart disease, I'd be all for it. If it put a dent in heart disease, I'd be all for it. But the premise was wrong. [00:02:30] The premise was the problem with your heart or your arteries is cholesterol.

And so this drug will lower your, what they call bad cholesterol, which is LDL. So they found a medication. You have to go back a good 40 years now. They found a medication that will lower your LDL. And so they can [00:03:00] prove it to you. You can take a cholesterol medication and your LDL will go down. But so what? What does that do for you? What does that mean? What it mean if your low density lipoprotein goes down? It means nothing. As a matter of fact, here's what they're saying. Here's another study, and I'll bring it together because I don't want to spend all morning on this because you've heard me rail against [00:03:30] stuff so many times.

Someone has a heart attack. 100%, they're going to leave the hospital ... I don't care what the cholesterol was, they will leave the hospital, 100% of the time ... I've never heard of an exception. Even though many a times the cholesterol was normal, they will leave the hospital on a statin drug, 100%, for sure. And cardiologists will admit that [00:04:00] they could lose their license if they don't prescribe it. Even though for example, that 60, 70% of patients that have a heart attack, their cholesterol is within normal limits. But here's what it says. If you've had a heart attack, here's this study, the higher your LDL, the higher your LDL is, the better your survival rate is and the better chance that you don't have a second one.

[00:04:30] The very thing that they try and do and bring your cholesterol, hammer it down, hammer it down because it's the bad guy, they're showing in this studies, one, that after a heart attack, I don't know if they've done studies before it, but after a heart attack, if your LDL is low, your risk of having another heart attack is higher. If your LDL is high, your risk of having [00:05:00] another heart attack goes down. It's unbelievable.

So all I'm saying is ... Plus, the study showed in older people, if you're on statin, drugs,, your risk of having a cerebral hemorrhage, a stroke, is increased. Isn't that the reason that they give you cholesterol medication is to lower your risk of having a stroke and heart attack? Yes. So let me reemphasize the truth. [00:05:30] The truth is what you really need to be concerned about is not LDL. You need to be concerned about your triglycerides and your HDL. Why is that? Because if you have high triglycerides, you have what we call metabolic syndrome. And if you have metabolic syndrome, your risk of a cardiovascular event or stroke goes up big time. [00:06:00] So you want to have low triglycerides and high good cholesterol, HDL.

So again, if you're going to send me your blood work, just understand that I will not comment on your LDL. I won't comment on it. You might want me to comment on it. "Oh, Doctor, what's my total cholesterol mean?" I don't care. I care about you, [00:06:30] but I don't care about those numbers. I don't. Those numbers were made up in order for you to take medication. The greatest marketing strategy in the history of mankind was the strategy to promote statin drugs. It's the crime ... I didn't say that, although I like it. It's the crime against humanity [00:07:00] is cholesterol lowering medication. Now let me just reemphasize before I go to another study. Let me reemphasize that in order to get your triglycerides down and to get your HDL up, they both involve food. Food. So how do you get your triglycerides down? You lower your carbohydrates. [00:07:30] You lower your sugars. If you lower your sugars, triglycerides come from crappy carbohydrates and sugars.

Read your labels. Do the reset. Get your triglycerides down and they will come down every time. Why? Because triglycerides are directly proportional to the food you eat. Yeah. You never [00:08:00] hear that. You won't hear it. Why won't you hear it? Well, the pharmaceutical industry is not going to tell you that. I'm not saying they're bad people. I'm just telling you they're in the business of selling medication. Come on. So think about what I just said. You can lower your triglyceride, tri, three, fats, triglycerides, three fats, make dangerous fat in your [00:08:30] blood. And they don't come from fat. They come from sugar and carbs. So that's number one. How do you get your triglycerides down? Change your diet. Triglycerides are formed in your liver when the suitcase is full and it's full of glycogen when you eat too many carbs. And your body's smart. It's just trying to empty out your liver. This is what, folks, we call ... It's one of the classics of metabolic syndrome. And [00:09:00] 88%, that's not my statistic, 88% of the population have metabolic syndrome.

It's the elephant in the room, even with COVID and everything else. It's the elephant in the room. Everybody's worried about the virus. If you have a healthy immune system and you have good triglycerides and you have good HDL, the chance of you getting COVID ... [00:09:30] Even if you get it, you're not going to get sick. You won't. Proven fact. And don't tell me about some kid in Texas got sick. Come on. Some people get sick from drinking too much water. Come on. No, I'm just telling you the truth.

Now, secondly, HDL ... So this is what I'm interested, triglycerides and HDL. How do you elevate your HDL, good cholesterol? How [00:10:00] do you elevate it? You want that to be high. They are The FedEx trucks on the highway of your blood vessels. You want HDL? Why? Because they're going to go after and they're going to hitch their trailer to your triglycerides and they'll pull them right out of your body. You see, you need good cholesterol. You need HDL. And HDL is food. So tell me what it is. You know what it is. How do you get good [00:10:30] levels of HDL? From the animal kingdom. You can't get cholesterol ... I talked to you about this yesterday. You do not eat cholesterol from plants. It's not in the plants.

Now, by the way, 85% of your cholesterol is made in your liver. 85% of it. And you know me, God doesn't trust you enough to eat enough cholesterol. I think he was looking ... God was looking down [00:11:00] the corridors of time and looking at the 1970s when the cereal companies told you it was a bad idea to eat bacon and eggs in the morning, eat our cereal because they're great. Frosted Flakes, sorry. No, they're not. You want to elevate your triglycerides? Eat Frosted Flakes. You want to elevate your triglycerides? Eat Cheerios. You want to elevate triglycerides? Eat oatmeal. So how do [00:11:30] you get your HDL up? How do you get your HDL up? Eggs, meat, and cheese. And the more good cholesterol you have in your body, the better chance that you'll never have a heart attack or stroke. Cholesterol, your brain is made up of it. So remember that. So that's that.

I got to tell you this because something came out week. I don't know if you saw it. I was going to comment on it last week. Anyways, I got [00:12:00] sidetracked and I wanted to bring it up because it was unbelievable to a guy like me, by the way. Now I don't know if you knew this or not, but Lancet last week had to make a retraction. Lancet, okay? It's one of the most prestigious journals, medical journals, The Lancet. They had to do a retraction on the malarial drug [00:12:30] used ... Well, it has been used for COVID. They had to do a retraction. And the reason was that they got caught with their pants down. They fudged numbers. Incredible. And do you know that just yesterday, the NIH, the National Institute of Health in the United States fired 54 scientists because of their ties to pharmaceuticals [00:13:00] and especially foreign pharmaceuticals. They were getting money, paid to fudge the books.

And guys that bugs me. You have no idea how that gets my blood pressure going. Fudging the books beccause they have a vested interest. Why would they be not want to ... The malarial drug, by the way, hydroxychloroquine, hydroxychloroquine ... You remember that? I listened to a lot of doctors say they [00:13:30] found it to be very effective. If you were very ill with COVID, they were using hydroxychloroquine, which is a malarial drugs that's been used for years and years and years, but there's no money in it. There's no money in it because now you can get it off-market. The patent on it is gone and now you can knock it off and it's been ... So when pharmaceutical companies [00:14:00] no longer have a patent, they don't have a vested interest anymore in protecting the patent. The patent is gone. So what happens? They made up that this drug was no good for COVID.

Now guys, that's not my expertise. We'll talk about it, I think this week, about everything COVID. But all I wanted to bring out to this morning is imagine, in the last week, two [00:14:30] major stories, you might not even have heard of them. These are major in the health business. It's major studies because they were fudging the books on studies, one of them negative, because they didn't want hydroxychloroquine to work because there's no money in it. They want a vaccine. There's going to be billions, not millions, billions of dollars in a vaccine [00:15:00] as they race towards a vaccine for COVID-19. Now, I'm not telling you whether it take the vaccine or not. I'm not telling you that. I'm just telling you what's in the background. And then the other one, at NIH yesterday, they fired 54 scientists with ties to pharmaceutical companies abroad. Guys, this is incredible.

You [00:15:30] know me, I'm sort of the news behind the news. I want to try and bring some clarity to some of these things that are happening so that you understand. And maybe you didn't even see these links. It's astounding to me, astounding. Okay, let me hit another one. Here's the headline and let me talk about it just for a minute. Type one diabetics don't do well in spite of advances in medicine. So [00:16:00] type 1 diabetes has been around for a long time. Type 2 is what we call adult onset diabetes. And I've said this so many times that if you have even pre-diabetes, it's part of metabolic syndrome. If you have elevated insulin, you have a high circulating insulin, effectively you are already a diabetic. But we call that adultonset diabetes. It has everything to [00:16:30] do with your diet. It just simply it's your diet.

Type 1 is autoimmune. You're born with it or you get it autoimmune-wise, usually when you're very, very young. The body turns on itself. The pancreas is not working properly because of autoimmune, and now you need to be on medications. And medications, God bless them for type 1 diabetes, insulin. It saved your life. Now, [00:17:00] I just want to bring you a little clarity on this study because here's what they said. Type 1 diabetics don't do well in the long run in spite of advances in medication. There's good advances in medication in terms of the pharmaceutical industries do some good things. They do. You got type 1 diabetes, you need medication.

But I'm going to tell you why they don't ... Type 1 diabetics have 100% increased chance of having [00:17:30] a stroke or a heart attack or kidney failure, blindness and all these things. They don't do well. Really, they don't do well even though ... Is it because the medications over a period of time lose some of their effectiveness? It's probably that. Yes, for sure. But secondly, it's not just that. It's because even today, even in here we are in 2020, they haven't got the memo yet. What's [00:18:00] the memo? If you have diabetes type 1 or type 2, if you have diabetes type 1 or type 2, it don't matter which one, you have an allergy to carbohydrates.

You have an allergy. You can't eat carbs. You don't do well. But even today, even today in 2020, the medical profession [00:18:30] and their associates, dieticians ... Dieticians are associates of the medical profession. They're trained by the medical profession. And God bless them. I know they mean well. I do. I never, never go after their motives. But dieticians, if you're a type 1 or type 2 diabetes, they'll say, "Well, yeah, but you need a balanced diet." Do you see my headache coming? Do you see the headache? Do you see the inflammation around my brain right now?

[00:19:00] It is the stupidest. It is so crazy. What causes type 2 diabetes is you're a carboholic. Now listen, some people get away with eating a little bit more carbs. In the short term, they get away with it. They think they get away with it. They eat more carbs and they can have sugar. "Oh, I can eat ice cream till the cows come home, and I can drink soda and blah, blah, blah." But you know [00:19:30] what? If you're a type 2 diabetic, and especially a type 1 diabetic, you can't have that stuff. You can't have it. It's poison for you. You have an allergy to it.

I won't tell you the cat story. I've told him too many ... Here's a shortened version. Lady comes into the office and she's got allergies. And I say, "What are you allergic to?" And she says, "My cat." I said, " [00:20:00] Well, get rid of it." She says, "I can't." I said, "Well, I can't help you." That's a short version. I like to draw it out. That's the short version. If you have trouble with blood sugar, if you have trouble with insulin, you need to get rid of the carbs. It's as simple as that. I didn't say it was easy. It's not easy. But it's simple. Don't make it complicated. "Oh, Doc, but it's type 1 diabetes." I don't care. It doesn't matter. [00:20:30] They can't have carbs. They don't do well with carbs. And when their blood sugar goes down and they race for a chocolate bar, I understand why they do it. But it's like reaching for cocaine. It'll give you a high, it'll give you a temporary fix, but it's not helpful in the long run. You should never have a chocolate bar.

You should never have granola. Granola. I hate to be generalistic, [00:21:00] but men don't like granola, women do. A lady after yesterday's show, I was laughing because she said, "What do you have against salad?" I loved it. "What do you have against salad?" I said, "You're not a rabbit." But if you're a diabetic type 1 or type 2, you just can't have carbs.

So there's this study. In the long run, why do type 1 [00:21:30] diabetics don't do well? Because they need medication, and the reason they need so much medication ... I know it's autoimmune so don't misunderstand what I'm saying. I fully know what type 1 diabetes is. The problem is food. You're not going to cure it like type 2, but type 1, you can manage it much better and in the long run do much better if you cut your [00:22:00] carbohydrates down. As a matter of fact, I suggest you cut them out. Never have another one. "Oh, Dr. Martin, what am I going to do if I don't have another carb?" Your body will do very well. If your body needed sugar, it'll take steak, vitamin S, and turn it into sugar. Did you know that? If you don't believe me about sugar, empty out your five liters of blood and you will find your body does everything, everything. [00:22:30] All of your metabolism works together to keep your blood sugars tightly regulated, tightly regulated because sugar left in your bloodstream is exceedingly dangerous.

I mean, that's the clue of all clues. What I'm telling you, sugar is the new smoking. Sugar is poison. It's poison on steroids. I've talked to you in the past about the [00:23:00] food industry. In my new book I'm writing, there's 99 names on food labels for sugar. 99. I counted 99 hidden names for the new fructose that they put in everything from ketchup to your bagels, to cereal, to your sodas, into yogurt. And they put it in everything and then they hide it. [00:23:30] The food industry's not stupid. Oh, it's fructose. It must be good. Nah, it's not good at all. It's poison. There's nothing that will poison you more than sugar. And by the way, by the way, when you're eating cereal, I don't care what kind it is, it's going to be sugar in five seconds. When you have a piece of bread. "Oh, Dr. Martin, it's whole wheat." I [00:24:00] don't care. It's going to be sugar in five seconds. Don't fool yourself. Don't fool yourself. All of that is going to turn to sugar. It'll be sugar so rapid. So just be very, very, very careful with that.

So I brought to you two studies. I had seven or eight here that I was going to do until I get down into my rabbit trails and I get my blood pressure going [00:24:30] and my stress levels going. Now, if you have a chance to share this, okay, because it really helps to get the message out when you share it. And then if you have any questions, let me know. Love you guys and talk to you soon, okay?

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next [00:25:00] episode, and thanks for listening.

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