Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Brandi: C.J. would like to know is there a point in fasting past 24 hours if you drink black coffee throughout?
Dr. Martin Jr.: [00:00:30] That's a good question. The way that we look at fasting, we kind of have three different categories of fasting that we talk about. We have what we call intermittent fasting which is the well-known one which is the 16-8, meaning a person fasts for 16 hours and then they have an eating window for eight hours and most people, this is the one they do. They stop eating around 7 or 8 at night and then they fast and they eat lunch around 12 or 1 and [00:01:00] that's what that kind of 16-8 intermittent fasting looks like. Then there's what we call every other day fasts and that one's common as well. People will do that one maybe once, two, three times a week, and they'll eat supper at nighttime, they'll fast till the next day's supper, so they've fasted for 24 hours but they get to eat food every day, so it's not like they have to go to bed one full night without eating and that works well for some people also.
Then when you start doing longer [00:01:30] than 24 hour fasts, we call those therapeutic fasts, and those are usually done with a purpose. I have a friend coming off a seven day fast and he's doing it for a health purpose, health reason. So the question is, [Brandi 00:01:49] specifically if they're drinking coffee, is there any reason to do a more than 24 hour fast?
Brandi: Right.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, so here's how I would answer that question. [00:02:00] Coffee ... It's funny, right? We love coffee. We talk about coffee, it's got a ton of benefits, very good for you antioxidantwise, a lot of positive studies on coffee and coffee, especially black coffee, doesn't break a fast in any way whatsoever. Now some people will do a fast and they'll eliminate everything and just drink water, they'll do a water fast, and that's fine, but if you're drinking coffee [00:02:30] and you're doing it longer than ... You could do that, it's just ... I would ask the question why are you doing it? What's the purpose of it, if you're doing it therapeutically, what's your goal? Do you have a timeline in mind? But yeah, there's no problem doing that. Dan, I don't know if you want to add into that.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Well just on one of your points, on why are you doing it, one of the ... I think we talked about this ... Might have done it on a podcast, I don't remember, but we talked about in cancer, like if you get a cancer diagnosis, a [00:03:00] study was done on doing a three day fast, just to start. That's the protocol, part of the protocol to ... Just to negate all fuel to cancer cells, right? So doing a three day fast and apparently that's very therapeutic for cancer. I guess if you got a cancer diagnosis, it wouldn't be a bad thing to do, but fasting just generally, is tremendous for you. Every aspect [00:03:30] of fasting is good. I'm careful about going past a 24 hour fast without purpose like you said, just because at the end of the day, you got to be careful, you don't want to go ... Without being supervised to some extent, you don't want to go past that three day mark and then ... Unless you know exactly [00:04:00] what you're doing. As far as coffee, I'd never fast if I couldn't drink coffee.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No, neither would I.
Dr. Martin Sr.: There's no way. I'd tell people, "Hey, I'm out."
Dr. Martin Jr.: The best part of fasting is coffee.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Hey, even on the reset, like if you can't drink coffee, I'm out. Like it's just not going to be me, so coffee's so good for you, it's part of your fast. Like why drink water if you can drink coffee? No, you want both. I like both.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. All right, go ahead [00:04:30] Brandi.
Brandi: [Katherine 00:04:30] says, "During the reset, does your body actually kill off cells and detox and can this cause body odor or smelly urine?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Smelly urine is dehydration typically. That's the number one cause of smelly urine is dehydration, so I would say ... I would up your water intake big time because that's usually the cause of that most of the time. Killing off cells, so that is what [00:05:00] they call autophagy which is the old cells dying off and get eaten up in a sense and that's one of the benefits of fasting by the way. Fasting, one of the anti-aging aspects of fasting is the fact that your body goes through this autophagy process which is why as my did mentioned, that study of a three day fast with cancer is it really stimulates this autophagy process to occur, so that's the first thing. Also fasting is tremendous for mitochondrial health. It makes [00:05:30] your mitochondria healthier which are those ... Mitochondria is just a battery pack of your cells. You can't make energy without it, so it's very healthy for that. Reset, does it stimulate an autophagy? One of the benefits of the reset and the reason why we talk about it so much is it kind of ... It's a fasting mimicking in a lot of ways. It mimics fasting in a sense for the insulin purposes, but when you're [00:06:00] eating food, it doesn't have the same effect, even if you're eating low insulin food, on autophagy as fasting would, but again, your body naturally turns over.
The healthier you are metabolically, the healthier that process goes all the time anyways. So a person who is sick, their ability to get rid of old cells and bad cells and all these things is not as good as somebody who's healthy, so the healthier you get metabolically, the more that process that naturally takes place takes place even better. [00:06:30] So the answer to that would be yes, but not the same way as a fasting would. I don't know if you have anything else to add to that, Dan?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Well just we sort of call ... It's fasting without fasting. It gives you maybe not 100% of the benefits of fasting, actually not eating, but when you eat nutrient-dense foods and you keep your insulin down, yeah. You get a lot of the benefits including cell death [00:07:00] and regeneration.
Now one of the things just about the ... You're detoxing, so one of the things that's happening in the reset and it also actually helps when you are ... This is occurring when you're fasting is you're emptying your liver and so when you're emptying the liver, I talked about that this morning on the live. Like the liver, that organ there, absolutely incredible, [00:07:30] and it does 600 things, and one of the things that your liver does will do ... It produces hormones, it does a lot of things, it produces cholesterol, 85% of your cholesterol comes out of your liver and cholesterol is very important for the body. So all I'm saying is, "Yeah, like maybe you're going to get a ... You might get a change in the urine or the smell and whatever," and some people, [00:08:00] they detox faster than others and some people get a die-off too of candida and that can be affecting you.
A lot of people don't realize they have yeast in their urine and not till it starts coming out of the body do you actually realize that. We used to test for that in the office. You could see yeast in the urine and a lot of people with candida, when that starts coming out of the body, that's a good thing. You want that.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. Yeah. One thing just quickly as well ... [00:08:30] We talk about the liver all the time, people don't realize that the liver plays a massive role in converting T4 to T3, so a lot of what happens is one of the connections to insulin resistance and people that have sluggish thyroids is the fact that the liver is not properly converting T4 to T3 which causes a lot of issues so one of the benefits of the reset is also liver health which also makes the thyroid and everything work better for a lot of people, but anyways, that was just [00:09:00] a little aside. All right, go ahead, Brandi.
Brandi: Deb says she just started taking [inaudible 00:09:06] Vitamin D and she is confused on how many drops to take to get 5,000 IU.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Five drops. Each drop is 1,000 IUs.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, a lot of people, not droppers.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Not droppers. No no no. Because that thing is ... Our Vitamin D, liquid D is very potent in the sense that each drop is 1,000 IUs, so just tiny ... Just little, little drops, [00:09:30] so use five little drops in there, you'll see that's 5,000 Ius [inaudible 00:09:34]
Dr. Martin Sr.: How many, Brandi, was it ... How many in that bottle that you get? Is it 360 doses of [inaudible 00:09:43]
Brandi: More because [inaudible 00:09:43]
Dr. Martin Jr.: In a dropper it's a lot. You don't want to like ... Five drops is 5,000 IUs.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I actually used to get a few patients with that, that if you ... At the start of a cold.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. [00:10:00] They call that the Vitamin D hammer. We wrote about that.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Put the full dropper of one day. [inaudible 00:10:05] the first day. What a difference that makes.
Dr. Martin Jr.: [inaudible 00:10:08]
Dr. Martin Sr.: Oh by the way, by the way, study. Just came out. Actually I was going to talk about it this morning, never got to it on Vitamin D. There was a 102 patient study on Vitamin D. A physician, so it wasn't double-blind or anything like that, but it was an observational ... With his patients, a one year taking [00:10:30] only 2,000 IUs. Out of 102 patients, only one of those patients got a cold. That was a study I read this week. Anyway.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, and 2,000 IUs is not much.
Dr. Martin Sr.: That's nothing.
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's nothing, no. That's not much, so it's ... That's good.
Dr. Martin Sr.: That's what Brandi gives to Charlie.
Brandi: That's right. Every morning in his applesauce.
Dr. Martin Sr.: There you go.
Dr. Martin Jr.: My son forever, when he was younger, he thought his applesauce ... [00:11:00] He was shocked to learn that applesauce wasn't brown because I used to open up the Navitol capsules and put it into the applesauce and it just made it brown. He was shocked when he ... I remember when he first learned that it wasn't brown, so just a little bit, but anyways, go ahead, Brandi.
Brandi: Rosa says she's in her third week of the reset but she hasn't gotten her probiotics yet, slow mail. Is she still getting rid of parasites?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Absolutely. She ain't feeding the bears. Parasites need food. Parasites [00:11:30] and candida love sugar so I can tell you Rosa, 100%, they are dying and they're very angry at you. Those little pets inside of you don't like you at all anymore. 100%.
Dr. Martin Jr.: All right, go ahead Brandi.
Brandi: Anne says for low carb almond flour, can it still cause inflammation due to high omega-6 levels?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Well, two things, right? So two things when it comes to [00:12:00] those kind of flours is ... It's important to know this, is that some people have a sensitivity to almond, almond flour and don't digest it well, so that will cause inflammation for sure. Yeah, it definitely can, and again, so when we talk about omega-6 fatty acids, it's important for people to understand that, omega-6 fatty acids, non-vegetable oil stuff, like the original flaxes and all those kind of things, right? The original omega- [00:12:30] 6s are good for you. The problem that we have today is we need a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 and the closer to one to one, the healthier, the better it's going to be, but it used to be that most people on average had around a four to one, five to one, between omega-6 omega-3. Now research is clear it's around 22 to one, and that massive difference of omega-6 intake versus omega-3 intake [00:13:00] has caused a lot of inflammatory disorders.
So again, if a person consumes a ton of omega-6s in a day, compared to omega-3s, that causes problems which is why we like DHA for a whole lot of reasons, but one of the reasons ... People get a lot of omega-6s in their diet as it s, so you just have to ... If you're eating low carb and you're not eating a lot of processed vegetable food, vegetable oils, then that kind of stuff, if you have no sensitivity or no allergy to it, [00:13:30] there's no problem to that. Again, if you consume a fair amount of vegetable oils or all these things and you switch to that, you're still going to have issues. That's how we just tell people to kind of look at the overall thing, are you consuming a lot of omega-6s, and if not, if you are, then you better increase your omega-3s as well. I don't think if you want to anything to that?
No, that's good.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Okay.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's good.
Dr. Martin Jr.: All right. Go ahead, Brandi.
Brandi: I have a question from Joan and I think it's referring to when Dr. Martin said a few [00:14:00] weeks ago that you can get Vitamin D through the sun through your eyeballs.
Dr. Martin Sr.: This morning. This morning.
Brandi: Okay. I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. Does it happen if you're wearing prescription eyeglasses?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yes. Yeah, you still get it, and what I was saying though is if you can, okay? Not everybody can do it, they're so hyper-sensitive.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, that's like my eyes.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, but if you can get ... Here's the study that I mentioned this morning, [00:14:30] that if you can get 20 minutes without sunglasses on, you got little receptors in your eye ... Like I said, you're a human solar power, and you got little solar panels in your eyeballs too. They really need that sunlight. So if you can, if you've got hypersensitive eyes you can't do it. But if you can, here was the study. The study showed that that those solar panels in your eyes increase your [00:15:00] melatonin.
Dr. Martin Jr.: You sleep better.
Dr. Martin Sr.: So it's one way your body makes melatonin during the day is by the sun going into your eyeballs. Now of course you make melatonin too if it goes on your skin and especially your arms and legs but the other thing I mentioned this morning was interesting in this study, is the same sunlight that you need for melatonin in the morning, especially in the morning, but anytime, but especially in the morning, [00:15:30] the same thing applies to darkness at night. So the darker your room, the no light, no light at all, and that's why I brought that mask out this morning, I said, "Don't wear a mask for COVID." I got very controversial this morning. Brandy, wait till you listen to it. You might edit it, but I just said, "Look, I know everybody wants you to wear the mask but actually you should wear an eye mask when you sleep."
Dr. Martin Jr.: Especially if you have a bright room.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Because if [00:16:00] you've got no light at all, you're going to get that extra melatonin and that's just a study that I commented on this morning. That was our leading story this morning but it's interesting, isn't it?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Also there was an interesting paper written showing that even some of the blue lights or the red lights from alarm clocks affected melatonin production while you sleep which is why ... For example in our room, we just take little black electrical tape and we just cover up all those little lights from things that are plugged in and just [00:16:30] a dark, black, black room for sure, but yeah. That's good advice because a lot of people that ... If they get melatonin in the day from the sun and then they increase the production while they're sleeping, that fixes a lot of sleeping problems as well for people.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Okay, go ahead, Brandi.
Brandi: [Michlan 00:16:48] says, "I put 35% cream in my coffee during both intermittent fasting and reset. Do I nullify the benefits with the cream?"
Dr. Martin Jr.: Depends how much because what happens is ... [00:17:00] Here's the thing. If you're looking to be a true fast, then you can only have a certain amount of energy intake and you're breaking that fast physiologically. Now some things take a long time to digest. Some things don't have the same effect on the purpose of insulin and the purpose of blood sugar and stuff like that while fasting. You just got to be careful how much you're putting in. If you put a little bit in for taste, that's fine. If it's enough, [00:17:30] you just got to ... Again, it depends why you're doing it. If you're fasting and your only sin is a little bit of cream in your coffee and you're doing this consistently, I would not sweat it at all. I wouldn't worry about it. If you incorporate that into a lifestyle, I wouldn't worry too much about that. To me, like we get real caught up on these little fine details when ... Like I said, if you're doing this 16/ [00:18:00] 8 and you put a little cream in your coffee, I wouldn't sweat it. I really wouldn't sweat it. Put a lot of cream in your coffee then that's a different ballgame.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah, if you have 10 coffees a day -
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, I wouldn't sweat it too much. I wouldn't get too worked up. You're still having a tremendous impact on insulin and remember one of the things we try to people with fasting all the time is this. There have been now, in the last couple years, multiple studies come out showing that even if a person fasts and they don't lose any weight, [00:18:30] they get so much more metabolically healthy. Again, the idea is to get healthy. Weight loss with fasting is a bonus. A lot of people don't necessarily lose weight just by fasting, but they get metabolically healthier, when they fast and they start eating lower carb and stuff like that, then they start getting all the weight loss benefits too as well, but fasting is good for you, period, and I wouldn't get too worried about those little details to be honest with you. I wouldn't worry too, too much. I mean if your coffee's [00:19:00] that much cream, that's a different ballgame.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I think just to add exactly what to Tony Jr. said, get yourself a recipe for success, not for failure. I always tell people, tell my patients, "Look, like reward yourself. Like come on, life is tough enough." Like I said to you earlier, if I can't have a coffee, for heaven sakes, I'm not doing it. I'm sorry. It's like people [00:19:30] say, "Well I'll never, ever, ever, ever have a pasta again." Well good for you if you can do it, but I always tell people I like the reward system. Because I married an Italian girl so if I can have pasta once in a while, I'd just love that, and it encourages me even more to stay on a low carb lifestyle and make it a lifestyle. If you need a little cream in your coffee, I like my coffee black but for people that like cream, better [00:20:00] to have 35% cream than to have milk.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Better to have 35% cream than to put sugar in it. Far better. So if that's why tickles your fancy, then absolutely do it and you're still doing great.
Dr. Martin Jr.: All right, go ahead Brandi.
Brandi: Okay, so I'm going to get you guys fired up. Are you ready?
Dr. Martin Sr.: COVID.
Brandi: No. Francine would like to know what about red meat and gout, [00:20:30] apparently they don't go together.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, well listen. Yeah. That's a good question because for most people, for most people, that is not the cause of their gout. For most people, the uric acid biochemical process goes through fructose and high insulin. That's their problem.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Absolutely.
Dr. Martin Jr.: [00:21:00] Red meat, it's not that they're eating red meat that gave them gout in the first place. Again, probably 90%+ people that have gout, it isn't from red meat. There is a small percentage of people that have a hard time with purines, a small percentage, but it is unreal how over time, red meat and stuff has started to take the blame for causing gout. It's not. It's [00:21:30] the same type of studies that go after meat eaters because they consider somebody who has McDonald's a meat eater and then they blame everything that happens around that meal, the fries, the vegetable oils and all the sugar drinks, but they had a meat, so they're a meat eater and it's the meat's problem. That's how those studies work by the way. It's not that they're just looking at only the meat, they're not getting rid of a whole lot of other compounding things like did that person smoke and sometimes they do, [00:22:00] but they don't ... That's how that works.
The short answer is if I had gout, I would be very, very, very careful with the amount of fructose, the amount of sugar, and that I would be controlling my insulin. That would be my first place to start because that's most likely what caused it in the first place. Then if that doesn't control the issue, then I would start to look at some other things but for most people, and I think that you'd back me up on this.
Dr. Martin Sr.: 100%.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Most people, they get [00:22:30] rid of their gout when they cut out fructose, sugar and they bring their insulin down.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I bet you ... Just for me, I bet there's nobody in the universe that eats more red meat than me. I think so. I haven't met anybody that eats as much red meat as I do. I'll tell you what. I remember the first time I ever heard about gout, I was reading in one of my textbooks. They called it the king's disease [00:23:00] because the king used to get it, the rich guys in the old days, even in the Medieval times when they were writing about this gout that happened, the king got it and the peasants didn't. So they said, "Well the king was eating red meat." It's not that the king was eating red meat. He was drinking a lot more wine and beer than the peasant was."
Dr. Martin Jr.: And a lot of food.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yeah. A lot of alcohol [00:23:30] and so when you get your insulin down, then 99% of people get better and their inflammation, all their inflammation, all their inflammation markers go down including uric acid. So look, you're right. There are the odd ones when they talk because if you google it, it will only talk about purines and gout is purines and so don't have mushrooms and don't have sauces [00:24:00] and all this and that, but it's the sugar, guys. Don't blame red meat for what sugar is doing ... Just one more point. The reason that I think I'm right and we're right, The Martin Clinic is right about this, is because when you look at the amount of gout there is today, when the consumption of red meat has gone down, it has gone down because of vegetarians and vegans and blah blah blah, it's gone down. [00:24:30] Since the 70s, way down comparatively, but gout has gone way up in the same atmosphere as insulin levels have gone up.
Dr. Martin Jr.: There's a correlation for sure.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I talked about it yesterday. The amount of fructose that children are consuming has gone up 300% in the last 20 years. 300%. Wait till you see [00:25:00] the gout that's going to come out of that. So I get passionate about it because to me we get lied to and it bugs me. Whenever someone lies to me, I can't handle that. It bothers me.
Dr. Martin Jr.: One more thing too when it comes to this study because one of the things you're starting to see now when it talks about sugar is like, "Well no, because see, sugar consumption is down over the last five years and yet we still have all these diseases," but the problem is is if the sugar consumption is down to here, it's still that much too high. It doesn't matter [00:25:30] if it's coming down, it's still ... That irritates me when I look at statistics or when they show these charts of consumption of sugars coming down and yet people are having more diabetes and metabolic is because we're still consuming way too much sugar. I don't care if it's come down, it's still way too high. It doesn't that matter. That's another thing that irritates me with that but yeah, I wouldn't worry too much about that. So Brandi, to answer your question, yes, you got us worked up.
Brandi: My favorite part of the day. [00:26:00] I have another fasting question from Tyler. He's fasting 18/6 and he's wondering when he can take his fish oils and his B12.
Dr. Martin Jr.: So B12 anytime, doesn't matter. Like if I'm fasting, I'll take my omega-3s, like the DHA that we have, with food at lunchtime or at dinner, I'll take it because I take a lot of it. Personally I've taken between four and six capsules a day and [00:26:30] for me that would probably break a fast in a sense that way, so I'll take it with food. Plus for a lot of people it's easier to take with food anyways but that's how I would do it. B12 doesn't matter, any time. That won't affect anything. Fish oil, most people do better with food so I would take it that way. All right, go ahead Brandi.
Brandi: Laura is wondering if you have any suggestions for dry eyes besides the drops.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. So two things. [00:27:00] High DHA. If you go through and look in our Facebook group, there will be a lot of people who will tell you that they've cured their dry eyes by taking a lot of DHA, so I would definitely take a lot of DHA and I would take Navitol which has pine bark in it. The combination of those two things for a lot of people have fixed dry eyes. I don't know if you have anything else you would suggest with that [inaudible 00:27:24]?
Dr. Martin Sr.: The reason we get so much of it is computers. Our phones, [00:27:30] and whatever, right? I mean just that blue light all the time -
Dr. Martin Jr.: And medications.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Has a real dryness effect on the eyes, so yeah, the high DHA, I found personally has been so very, very good ... Because I suffered with dry eyes just because I'm on a computer all the time. I find that that really, really has helped me and hundreds and hundreds of our patients too.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Oh yeah. Yeah. That's what I would do. [00:28:00] All right, go ahead Brandi.
Brandi: [Wellan 00:28:03] says, "We have finished our first reset. How can we tell if 30 days was enough?"
Dr. Martin Jr.: That's a good question. Again, how do you feel first of all? How do you feel is a good one. How are you sleeping is another good one. Those are the ... Yeah, go ahead.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Remember, Tony Jr., this comes from you. Three things. Energy, [00:28:30] cravings, hunger. You made that up, I stole it from you. If your energy is good, you can come off of it or do it again. I actually have patients that are resetting almost 10 to 11 months of the year. That's how good they feel and they're so scared, they were so metabolically out of whack that once they got better [00:29:00] they said, "I just love eating this way. I don't find it hard." Okay, go for it. You want to introduce some of the plant kingdom like the vegetables and fruit and that. Look, I got no problem. You don't always ... What we recommend at The Martin Clinic is a low carb lifestyle. Make it part of your lifestyle forever. So whether you're actually doing the reset, you can do the reset once a year, twice a year, every second month.
As I'm writing [00:29:30] this book right now I'm talking about that, all the options that you have, but again, what I would say Wellan is there's no problem doing it. So if you want to stay on it, you can. If you want to take a break, you can. For some people like I said that had cancer for example and I put them on the reset, [inaudible 00:29:56] no carbs, none, zero, nada. [00:30:00] Start with 30 days and then, "Well, you know what, it feels good, whatever." Well go 60 days. Go 90 days, but they had cancer. That's different.
Dr. Martin Jr.: If somebody has diabetes for example or they have ... They're pre-diabetic, I would do that until a lot of that has been reversed and you can start to introduce a little bit of carbs and stuff like that, but yeah. It depends what you went on that for in the first place will determine that but for a lot of people, the average person after a good month [00:30:30] of that, they're ready to start adding a little bit of plants or stuff like that to their diet. Go ahead Brandi.
Brandi: Lori says, "You mentioned birth control on this morning's podcast. How long does it take the liver to fix itself after years of taking the birth control pill?"
Dr. Martin Jr.: The good thing about the liver is that the liver is amazing. I mean it's amazing. If you pack a liver with fat, which can happen very quickly, you can [00:31:00] also take it off pretty quickly. There are studies showing a couple of days of fasting, a couple of days of eating low carb and some fat comes off the liver, right? Even when the liver detoxifies as well. It's amazing how fast the liver can bounce back from things, especially if you're doing the right stuff after, if you're not packing it full of fat, if you're rebooting in a sense glutathione, if you're doing all those kind of [00:31:30] things. I don't know if there's an exact timeline, but it comes back pretty quickly. I don't know if there's a specific answer to that question, I don't know if you would have a timeline, Dad? I don't know if you would have a timeline.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Well timeline again, like I said, for me, my experience now is that 30 day thing, but anything you do, like I say implementing intermittent fasting ... Here's what I did mention this morning and I'll bring it back to the liver. What I mentioned was we were talking about [00:32:00] xenoestrogens and then I talked about birth control which is usually and 99% of it is estrogen. They give you horse's urine. The problem with that is twofold. It elevates your estrogen, we were talking about breast cancer, and I said there's two things for breast cancer. One is insulin and the other one is estrogen, and one of the problems with birth control and it's well-established [00:32:30] is it does increase your risk of breast cancer. It just does. Blood clots and other things too, but one of the things that it really ... Because it elevates your estrogen and here's another good thing. Now I'm going to bring it to your liver. Your liver produces cholesterol and everybody says cholesterol is the boogieman, but remember cholesterol is FedEx trucks on the highways of your blood vessels to grab [00:33:00] triglycerides but also to transport your estrogen. So you want to elevate your levels of good cholesterol because good cholesterol, HDL, actually helps to keep your estrogen down.
You need estrogen but you don't want extra estrogen, what we call estrogen dominance. That's a factor there, so this is ... It's a very good question, I really appreciate it because [00:33:30] when you realize how your body works, you don't want that extra estrogen. That's what inflames breast cancer, big time, and for men, prostate cancer.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yep. All right, go ahead, Brandi.
Brandi: Darlene says, "My husband has lost the cartilage in his hip and is in a lot of pain. Curious what is the cause and can anything help besides surgery?"
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, so he lost the cartilage, so again, [00:34:00] most people, it's wear and tear, but it's funny because they say wear and tear but for most people it's actually a lack of wear and tear in a sense. The body responds very well to movement. Most joints break down from either a biomechanical issue that occurs in the joints below or above it, or [00:34:30] from a lack of movement is another one, high insulin will break a joint down very quickly, it will caramelize it very quickly, so there's a lot of aspects to that.
So once a cartilage has been ... So for example, the hip, right? The hip is an interesting joint because it's a very strong, weight-bearing joint and it also is in a flexed position all day as we're sitting, and then you have stuff like the hamstring that's pulling down on [00:35:00] the whole hip, whole mechanism of the hip, so when our hamstrings get tight, and so anyways, a lot of things happen to the hip joint specifically that make it wear down faster. Once it does, then you have less cartilage and the joint is not working properly, then you have inflammation.
Again, pain comes from inflammation. A lot of times what happens when you take an x-ray of something, you'll see and you're like, "Oh, you got a little bit of arthritis in that joint," and the person's like, "I got no pain." [inaudible 00:35:30] " [00:35:30] Yeah, because you got no inflammation in there." That's what happens. Inflammation is what draws all the pain stuff in there and that's where pain comes from. So you control inflammation, you control pain. It doesn't mean you're going to reserve that cartilage. You can't put cartilage back in there that has been worn or gone away, but you can control the inflammation aspect of it. You do that by eating a certain way, low carb brings inflammation down because [00:36:00] of the insulin effect, but also you want to ... Like for example, we know a lot of people that when they get ... Like my dad says, so much DHA that they slide into a room and they slide out of a room, and our inflammation formula which if you take enough of that stuff, we got unlimited amount of stories of people that have had everything from unable to move their shoulders or a frozen shoulder and stuff like that, that's what I would recommend. I know you got a lot to say on this issue [00:36:30] as well, Dad, so -
Dr. Martin Sr.: Like often times with the hip and the problem with the hip are shoulders, they're avascular. Not a lot of blood supply going in there into regenerate, so it makes it difficult. One of the things with cartilage I like is ... Here's what I would do. Like therapeutically, I would use therapeutic doses for a week or two, give yourself a real good shot, get like Tony Jr. [00:37:00] Said, get that inflammation down, I would use the inflammation formula and I would use bone broth. I love bone broth for this reason because of collagen. See, bone broth is collagen protein and amino acids, and so your collagen, which you need, is bone broth. It's in the bone broth. It's the best protein in the world is bone broth protein. Because you've got all the minerals, you've got L glutamine which is a regenerator, you got [00:37:30] not only for your gut but for your joints. A lot of people have found with taking like a shake of the protein, the bone broth, it can help. Again, I do it therapeutically for a very short period of time to see if it can really help. Look, you want to try and avoid surgery if you can, but for some people, if it's too far gone, hey, that's one thing that modern medicine [00:38:00] is good at.
Dr. Martin Jr.: All right, go ahead, Brandi.
Brandi: [Hiri 00:38:05] is asking her and her husband are trying to do keto. Well she's doing keto but her husband is also incorporating crappy carbs and junk food and she wants to know what is the high fat and sugar combined doing to his body?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Terrible. It's the worst thing he can do. We always tell people if you're going to do keto and you're going to eat enough fat, you better not eat carbs because that literally, [00:38:30] if you're going to work in a lab ... Let's just say I would work in a lab and I want to do a little research on diabetes and I want to take some mice and I got to fatten them up, it's called rat chow, and rat chow, all that is is highly inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids, vegetable oils, combined with a ton of sugars and high, high insulin carbs, you put those two together. The worst diet on the planet is high carb high fat.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Poutine and donuts.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Oh yeah, it's [00:39:00] the worst diet. You can't do keto because it's not keto. It's literally the opposite of keto. You have protein, you have carbs, you have fat. You can eat protein up, you can eat fat up, but you better keep your carbs very low. You better keep your carbs very, very low which is why for example in our Serial Killer program when we first started, when [00:39:30] we had a [inaudible 00:39:32] day in a sense where people can have a Saturday and they can have some carbs, you don't want to mix carbs and fat. To me that's the worst thing you can do. You're looking for ... They call those high energy foods, when you combine with fat and carbs, that is one of the biggest dietary mistakes people make and that's how you go bad fast. You can't do that. That's the worst way to eat. Especially if [00:40:00] you throw a little bit of sugar in the mix, you might as well -
Dr. Martin Sr.: Ice cream.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, that's the worst way to eat, unfortunately. All right, go ahead Brandi.
Brandi: [Tim 00:40:10] would like to know your thoughts on varicose veins and if you can get rid of them without injections or surgery.
Dr. Martin Jr.: It depends. Varicose veins, some people have a few varicose veins, some people have some real problems, but again, anything blood vessel related, you can help. No question. [00:40:30] If you look at what causes problems in blood vessels, again we'll say it every time, high insulin. High insulin damages the endothelial layers of all blood vessels and it makes blood flow a problem. Also veins bring the blood back in, and you think about coming against gravity, so you want healthy blood flow so you want ... Insulin is one. Nitric oxide is another big time problem in people with varicose veins. They just don't open up their blood vessels enough so nitric [00:41:00] oxide is another thing. Are there things you could do? Yes. If you bring your insulin up, you bring up your nitric oxide, you do things to help improve endothelial layers such as pine bark extract and stuff like that. Yeah, for sure. You can help a lot. It depends on how bad they are to begin with. Some people, unfortunately, their varicose veins get so bad they got to do a medical intervention to get them back a little bit, right? Because you want to make sure you're not getting clots and stuff [00:41:30] like that. I don't know if you have anything else to add to that?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Remember, a hemorrhoid is a varicose vein, right? So all of the things that Tony Jr. mentioned are very, very helpful. Over the years, it's helped a lot in terms of internal hemorrhoids or external. Circulation, circulation, circulation. We talk about this and if you read Tony Jr.'s, emails, it's really important on that nitric oxide because nitric oxide, [00:42:00] it affects the endothelial, that Teflon layer along your blood vessels and when you get varicose veins, that's what happens, the damage is there. That's why we always love Navitol because Navitol has been ... They shown it. I don't know if there's anything that elevates your nitric oxide more than Navitol does, and it's pretty incredible, so I was talking the other day and just on a side ... Are we out of time? I don't want [00:42:30] to go off on a side issue too much. Brandy, too many questions or can I say this little story?
Brandi: Go ahead.
Dr. Martin Sr.: It's just that actually, the first time that I ever saw a study on nitric oxide, I heard about nitric oxide but the first time I saw a study was in France because I was doing ... I was actually presenting a paper there on chronic fatigue syndrome, [00:43:00] but there was a guy that was on I think after me, his name was Dr. Watson out of Utah, and he talked about nitric oxide and he said how important that is for your blood vessels and he said the best thing that he ever found for it was pine bark, so there you go.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, and that's why for blood health, blood vessel health, that we definitely recommend. We like curcumin, DHA, stuff like that, very good for you. All right, go ahead Brandi.
Brandi: That was a quicker [00:43:30] tangent than I was expecting.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, that was his shorter version.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I gave the long version the other day.
Brandi: Anne would like to know how do you raise your HDL?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Increase your high DHA is one of the best things you can do to increase your HDL. Eggs, meat and cheese. Increase your good fat and protein, the healthy ones, it will elevate, and exercise. [00:44:00] Did you know that Vitamin E actually increases your HDL? So all those good benefits of those three things and the primary thing therapeutically would be high DHA oil, food, eggs, meat and cheese.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, because there's ... HDL to a certain extent is correlated to metabolic health. The more metabolically healthy a person is, generally speaking, [00:44:30] they don't have a problem with HDL. So if you just ... How does a person become metabolically healthy? Food is one and then specially like my dad said for triglycerides, our HDL would be DHA for sure. That would be the way to go. All right, go ahead, Brandi.
Brandi: Deborah would like to know if there is a link between high anxiety and high sugar levels.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yep. For sure. Again, [00:45:00] for sure there can be. The mechanism is actually ... If you look at, there are three hormones that bring up blood sugar and there are ... There is one that brings it down. We all known insulin lowers blood sugar, there are three that bring it up. Cortisol is a hormone that actually raises blood sugar levels, and cortisol is impacted by diet. The way we eat can affect our cortisol levels as well, and what makes cortisol [00:45:30] unique is that even without dietary stuff, stress obviously is what impacts cortisol the most, right? If you look at somebody who is eating a ton of sugar, if you look at the impact that's doing, just even the biochemistry, the blood in terms of high blood sugar, low blood sugar, high blood sugar, low blood sugar, that creates ... When you bring your blood sugar down, so if you eat a lot of sugar, it spikes your blood sugar levels up, then your body does what I can to bring it [00:46:00] back down so it secretes insulin. The problem with that is is that the body will overshoot a lot of time, it makes way too much insulin, it brings your blood sugar levels down a little bit. Then your body has to kick in again to bring that blood sugar back up so you're making more cortisol that way, so that's one mechanism.
Also high sugar diets the body can interpret as stress and that will also cause an adrenal reaction that will cause a cortisol reaction. It can. In fact, there are a lot of people that [00:46:30] when they bring their diet under control and they start to control cortisol, their anxiety levels definitely start to stabilize a lot better. So there is for sure ... It's not for everybody, but there is a definite link between high, high sugar intakes and for somebody who is susceptible to anxiety, 100%. I don't know if you have anything else to add to that, Dad?
Dr. Martin Sr.: No, that's exactly right because we wrote a book several years ago now, Two Hormones That Want You Dead: Insulin and Cortisol, and boy, they go together big [00:47:00] time. They do. Get both of them down, very important.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. All right, go ahead Brandi. We got about 10 minutes left so we'll try to go through these as fast as we can.
Brandi: I don't have a name for this one but Mom has stage I prolapsed bladder, will the hormonal support and exercise help with that?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, that would take a lot of DHA as well. There is a definite benefit to taking DHA. Seems like that's the theme today of DHA is the theme of the hour, but yeah, for bladder health [00:47:30] exercise, yep, for sure. DHA, yep, for sure. I know my dad talks about probiotics a lot of times for bladder health also and then definitely balancing out a few of those hormones. I don't know if you have anything else you would add to that, Dad?
Dr. Martin Sr.: No, that's [inaudible 00:47:46] what I would do for that. Yeah, and keep your bladder ... The probiotics make a big difference in the bladder, big time.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, yeah. All right, go ahead Brandi.
Brandi: Kimberly is experiencing knee pain for the first time in [00:48:00] her life and she's taking the bone broth but she's wondering if there's anything else that can prevent that.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, so knee pain ... It's funny, right? Because when people come in for knee pain, I usually get them to kind of point where ... Because knee means a lot of things. Is it underneath the knee cap? Is it below the knee cap? Is it behind the knee? There's a lot of areas there. When somebody has knee pain, [00:48:30] a lot of times it could be the [inaudible 00:48:37] tendonitis in the knee or the irritated [inaudible 00:48:39] meniscus or something, so if it's an injury-based, then the injury needs to be treated, it needs to be addressed that way. Then in terms of nutrition-wise, we always give the same advice with that. Things heal better low carb, less sugar, and then we would have them take a fair amount of DHA, a fair amount of Navitol, [00:49:00] and a fair amount of inflammation formula, and that usually does the trick. But if it's an injury, the injury needs to be treated. Figure out exactly what's going on. [inaudible 00:49:09] meniscus that they tweak a ligament, are they having patella tendonitis, are they quad issues, hamstrings, stuff like that is where we would go with that. All right, go ahead, Brandi.
Brandi: Lori would like to know besides probiotics and healthy food, do you recommend any other supplements for acne in teenagers?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. Yeah. [00:49:30] Again, you've mentioned dietary stuff, you've mentioned probiotics. Sometimes they need enzymes. A lot of times they may have an issue with breaking down foods, so if somebody had acne, I would recommend enzymes and probiotics, and then I would recommend stuff for skin health. Again, skin is the largest organ in the body and the skin is a lot of times a reflection of gut health, so obviously there's an issue going on there. I would identify if there is any food sensitivities as well that might be causing it and then again [00:50:00] for skin health, we like a lot. Navitol and DHA again which is the theme of the hour. DHA is tremendous for skin health, but DHA, Navitol. Is there a food sensitivity? Probiotics and definitely digestive enzymes, and sometimes they got to do like a candida type of thing as well is usually what we would recommend, and I don't know if you have anything else -
Dr. Martin Sr.: The gut, the gut, the gut, the gut. Gut-skin connection.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, 100%.
Dr. Martin Sr.: If they got acne, they got gut problems.
Dr. Martin Jr.: [00:50:30] Yeah, and they might have a hidden sensitivity. If they have a skin issue -
Dr. Martin Sr.: Dairy might be bothering them or something.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. Yeah. Might be dairy.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Got to figure that out.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. You got to identify ... I would recommend they go through our either leaky gut ... We should actually do a video on skin health, Dad? Maybe we'll do a little training on that coming up because we got a lot of questions. Maybe we'll do that, talk about all the different things. So maybe Brandi, remind us to do that and we can get a video up for that as well [inaudible 00:50:57].
Brandi: I'll add it to my list.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Sounds good. All right, go ahead.
Brandi: [00:51:00] What are your thoughts on dental implants?
Dr. Martin Jr.: They hurt. Yeah, I mean ... I'm neutral on it. I have no strong opinion one way or the other. If they're needed, they're needed. Back in the early days, the problem with a lot of dental stuff in the early days was all the mercury that they were throwing around and there's like ... Root canals are controversial. [00:51:30] You start reading about some of the introduction of that bacteria into the sinuses or into the ... There are some stuff and they ... That's another interesting ... Dentists over the years have had to modify how they do a lot of things and a lot of controversy on wisdom teeth as well, makes for some interesting conversations. I got some buddies that are more knowledgeable in this area and they're dead set against a few of those things, but implants, yeah. [00:52:00] I don't know enough about the longterm effect to comment on that really but I haven't really come across anything. Not like I have with root canals and wisdom teeth stuff and mercury obviously and all those things. I don't know if you have anything else on that, Dad?
Dr. Martin Sr.: No, just ... Now you're getting into the subject of oral health. If you have implants or whatever, I always tell my patients, "Look, make sure, remember, probiotics [00:52:30] go everywhere. So you want to have healthy bacteria." That was one of the issues with root canals or whatever, it was always the secondary infection creating inflammation that was the connection between your oral health and your heart disease, so I say the way to cut that all off and get very healthy is ... Is probiotics, it's healthy ... Make sure your [00:53:00] mouth has got enough good, friendly bacteria in there. That's why I love probiotics.
Dr. Martin Jr.: All right, go ahead Brandi, we got a couple more questions left and then we're going to be out of time.
Brandi: Deb's eight-year-old granddaughter suffers with growing pains in legs at night and can't sleep. Is this restless leg and what can she do?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, so that's a good question. A few things that we would recommend right [00:53:30] off the top as well is ... I would always look at diet also, because a lot of times these growing pains are kind of a side effect of like a food sensitivity, food allergy. Are they getting enough protein in their diet? That's a big thing, a lot of kids just do not get enough. If their diet is low in protein, that can cause those effects as well and then a lot of kids don't get enough Vitamin D and enough magnesium as well, so that's where I would look. [00:54:00] Those would be the big things I would check first. If they're getting enough Vitamin D, enough magnesium and they're getting enough protein and their enzymes and stuff are working, usually that fixes that issue.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I'd do 2,000 IUs of Vitamin D at least and get off the sugars because what sugar does, you're now eliminating magnesium, and so you might put them on some magnesium and Epsom salt baths or things like that to get their magnesium [00:54:30] levels up and cut that sugar out of their diet. It's amazing what happens.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. All right Brandi, one more question.
Brandi: Loretta would like to know what your thoughts are on plant sterols?
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah. I mean there can be a lot of benefits to it. It depends in what form or how they're taking them. Some things are better than others, there's no question.
Dr. Martin Sr.: [00:55:00] I haven't heard that question in a lot of years.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No.
Dr. Martin Sr.: Plant sterols, I remember ... I don't know how many years, maybe 20? It sort of went through a ... People were talking about them and then they sort of went off the radar. I can't even remember the last time I talked about them.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No.
Dr. Martin Sr.: I'm not against them.
Dr. Martin Jr.: No, I'm not against them at all. It's not like ... Yeah. What's the point of them, right? [00:55:30] When somebody asks us a question about something, we always are like why are you taking it. That's the first and foremost because a lot of times they are starting way on one end when they really should be starting over here so a lot of times it's like what are you taking it for? That's the better question because there could be a way better solution out there than that but yeah, we're not against it by any means. My question would be what's the purpose of them, what are you taking them for is how I would ... Then from there we would see if that's the best [00:56:00] route for them.
Okay, so we're out of time. Again Dad, you're going to do a Q&A tomorrow morning?
Dr. Martin Sr.: Yes, if Brandy sends me enough questions. Because I've got lots of studies. It was National Study Week. It really wasn't but I called it that because there was a pile of new studies that came out and I found a lot of them very interesting, and I only got to ... How many, Brandy? Well you don't know. You didn't listen this morning. I think I did two this morning.
Dr. Martin Jr.: Yeah, so ... But anyways, yeah. Again, we'll do this again next week. [00:56:30] There are so many people on here so we're ... I mean absolutely thrilled and humbled that a lot of people take time out of their day to join us and ask us some questions. We have fun answering the questions and again we'll see you next week. We'll do this again and then for those who weren't on here, we always record it and we'll throw it on our website and we'll email it out to everybody as well so again thanks everybody and have a great day.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts Dr. Martin [00:57:00] Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.