355. The 8 Most Addictive Foods

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. What we're going to talk about this morning is addictive foods, but I just got to tell you something. This came out yesterday. Again, I [00:00:30] always talk about COVID, but I just want to tell you why get outside, folks. Get outside. You got to go outside. A new study came out yesterday. Yesterday. Let me just read it to you. This is a study that came out yesterday.

A saliva droplet... They're telling us, "Wear a mask because of saliva droplets." Right? Okay, whatever you think about that. But here's what they know about that droplet. If you're inside [00:01:00] your house, if you're indoors I mean, doesn't have to be inside your house, just be in doors, that saliva droplet can last up to 60 minutes in the air. If you're indoors, that saliva droplet can last 60 minutes. You can be infected from another person, whatever. 60 minutes.

If you go outside, like I am this morning, you know how long that droplet lasts? 90 seconds. A minute and a half. [00:01:30] It's gone after that. Isn't that that amazing?

I know that in Ontario, for example, on the weekend, a lot of people sort of broke the rules and they were out on the park and they were partying there. Somebody said that they got COVID out. They're just so tired of it that they... They were all young people. But I'll tell you something. You guys know me. I've been consistent from the day one of this COVID virus. I [00:02:00] said, when I was in Florida, don't close the beaches. You're making a mistake. I can understand. You look at doctors or whatever, and the virus is everything to them. I get it. I understand that. I don't know if they don't realize it or whatever, but when you go outside, you're not transmitting.

I read a study and it was in the United Kingdom. It said that, [00:02:30] as far as they know, they track everything. Once somebody got the virus, they tracked who you're with, where you went, blah, blah, blah. You know what they said? As far as they could trace, not one person transmitted or got the virus outside. It was indoors. The worst place is when you go into... Now we're really finding out. I think what good will come out of all this is how we treat people [00:03:00] in the old age homes. They're realizing that it's like the third world for a lot of our seniors in those homes. You know me. I've always said that what they should do... Well, if I could bring two vitamins with me into every old age home, I'd bring vitamin D and B12. But they should get them outside. I know their staff is short and whatever. My generation and older, [00:03:30] they're scared of the sun. But if you could preach to them that this was therapeutic for them, this was therapy for them, this is medication for them. Get outside. I know you guys do it, but I'm just reinforcing. This study came out that droplet from your saliva will last 90 minutes or 60 minutes indoors and 90 seconds outdoors. Minute [00:04:00] and a half outdoors. Boop. It's gone. You ain't going to infect anybody outdoors. Get outdoors.

I just had to bring you that. Because I can't believe... Well, and Julie is saying they got the coronavirus on a cruise ship. Well, yeah. Now you're in a Petri dish. You're in a Petri dish. You're in a ship. You're in close quarters. I get it. That's a Petri dish. That's different. I'm not telling you never [00:04:30] to go on a cruise. Because I think they're going to make those places, cruises, a lot safer. They're going to have to. They're going to have to adapt. I don't know exactly what they're doing. They're going to test you big time. It's just the way it is going to be on a cruise.

But listen, guys, get out in the sun. You know me. Get in that sun. You are a human solar system. Every cell in your body is looking for vitamin D. It's looking for the sun. [00:05:00] You need that.

Good. Let me talk about addictive foods. I promised you this morning that that's what I would do. An interesting study that came out on addictive foods. Let me just read it to you. Here are the top addictive foods in North America. The top. Bread. They listed eight of them, by the way. Bread, number one. [00:05:30] Pizza, donuts, chocolate ice cream, fries, cookies, chips.

Now listen, guys. We're surrounded by that. You've heard me say this. I often tell my grandchildren. One thing about grandchildren, they're smart. They observe. They know grandpa. They go, "Grandpa, there's sugar in that," or whatever. Because they know me. They know what I preach all the time. [00:06:00] I kind of get a chuckle from them. But I'm telling my grandchildren, "Look, I had cookies and ice cream, too, when I was a kid." But we live in a different world. We live in a different world. We're surrounded by... What happened? I'm writing a new book right now and I was giving the history of food. It's interesting, if you go through the history of the food industry.

You [00:06:30] know what the first fast food was? It wasn't McDonald's. They came much later. What is the first fast food? Bread. Yeah. You see, they changed the way they made bread in about 1880, 1890. If you read, it's interesting. As part of my graduate work, when I did my thesis, I did it on chronic fatigue syndrome. But part of my studies were is in the history of nutrition. [00:07:00] It was very fascinating. I have a chapter in my new book that I talk about what man has done to food. You guys know me. I talk about this all the time.

In 1880, 1890, they changed the flour. That's what man did. They stopped using the stone crushing to grind the flour. That made a big difference to flour because they... [00:07:30] Instead of stone ground, they were using porcelain rollers. It took all the nutrients out of the flour. That was the first fast food. Bread. Because then they came out with white bread and it was cheaper. It was fast. It lasted longer on the shelf. That's what they found out. With the stone ground, it had much [00:08:00] more nutrients and it was certainly better for you, but they couldn't mass produce it. It wouldn't last on the shelf very long. That was your first fast food.

Isn't it interesting that when you look at addictive foods, bread is number one on the list? You know what the Bible says? Man shall not live by bread alone. Man shall not live by bread alone. [00:08:30] I could. I love bread. I do love bread. I mean it. I got to watch myself because I married an Italian girl. Rosie, I mean, the best cook in the world, I happened to marry her. She loves to bake. She loves to cook. Her spaghetti is to die for. I mean that. Die for. [00:09:00] When the grandchildren come over, guess what they want? Grandma's spaghetti. It's their number one choice.

Number one on the hit parade is bread. What the food industry did, it's fascinating. Like I say, I have a complete chapter in my new book on this. Coming to a theater near you, by the way. That book is coming out in September, maybe a little bit before. But I'm just giving [00:09:30] you a little heads up. I like it, of course. I'm writing it. But I talk about what man has done to food. Man, like you would think like bread is, I mean, come on. I mean, in the history of mankind, they've always made bread. But like I said, they changed the bread. That's why your bread in the grocery stores, by and large, is so carby, so starchy, so sugary, so [00:10:00] insulin-producing, it's the number one addictive food still in this day and age. People put in their surveys that's what was number one.

You know what was number two? Pizza. It's interesting, because my wife, Italian, her parents from Italy, like Rosie said, "I never had a piece of pizza until I went to university." They didn't make pizza. Not that Italians didn't make pizza, but in the [00:10:30] 1950s and the 1960s, when Rosie was a little girl at home, they never had pizza. She said, "We didn't eat pizza. You didn't go to somebody's Italian place. You had pasta, but not pizza."

Pizza is sort of a new phenomenon. It's sort of a new phenomenon. Today it is hugely popular. Kids, young people today, young people especially, they live on pizza. [00:11:00] They live on crappy dinner. They live on that kind of stuff. It's the number one choice amongst young people is pizza. Even in schools, Friday is Pizza Day.

Listen guys, I'm not telling you never to have a pizza. I'm not telling you that. I'm just telling you what is addictive today and what even people will admit they're addicted to. Bread. Pizza. Chocolate. You ladies, you ladies, [00:11:30] you want to go by Laura Secord's do a swan dive. You're addicted to chocolate. Mostly women. Come on, guys. You know that I'll pick on you. But for food addiction, you're more into bread than you are into chocolate because women... You know what chocolate is? Usually when you a real craving for chocolate... We're going to talk about this in a minute, because I just want to talk to you about three signs that you're [00:12:00] eating the wrong food. I want to talk about that. But let me just finish the list first.

Chocolate. Ladies, usually when you got a real craving for chocolate, you have a hormonal imbalance and usually you're dominant in estrogen. You have too much estrogen. It's one of the signs that you love chocolate. You can love chocolate and be balanced hormonally. But generally, [00:12:30] I found over the years, these are just my experience in the clinic, you love chocolate, you crave chocolate, your hormones are out of balance. This is one of the reasons that for some women especially, chocolate can induce a migraine. You have chocolate, have a migraine. You crave it, but it can induce a migraine. Folks, that is estrogen dominance. Too much estrogen compared to your progesterone. [00:13:00] Remember that. Too much estrogen compared to your progesterone.

Now, the other one is ice cream. Oh no. Donuts. Donuts. Now, that's for policemen. Donuts are very addictive. I mean, I love that stuff, too. I just never eat that stuff. You won't see me eating a donut. I wouldn't have one donut a year. I mean that. I just can't. For me, you guys know me. I got trouble [00:13:30] with insulin. Join the cast of people have trouble with insulin is me. I got diabetes written on my forehead. I got to be super careful. Super careful. Me and carbs don't do well together, and I married an Italian. Imagine that. I have to be so careful. So, so careful. Donuts.

The other one was ice cream. Ice cream. Who doesn't love ice cream? But again, [00:14:00] I'm just telling you what the list says. Ice cream.

Cookies. Are you the cookie monster? You love cookies? Well, a lot of people love cookies, because they were number, what, six on the list.

Fries. Fries. Aren't they all sound good to you? Most people love stuff like that. Fries. What was it? Shania Twain that used to talk about going back to her hometown of Timmins [00:14:30] and having poutine, which is... That's bad food. You put carbs and fat together. You see fat and protein together are very good for you. Fat and carbs together is what Tony Jr. Calls rat chow. You want to fatten up a rat? You give them poutine. Melted cheese on the carb, you see. But, you see, fat on its own is very good. The cheese is good. [00:15:00] It's when you combine it with the carbohydrate that are really, really spikes your blood sugar and your insulin. You might as well have 10 chocolate bars if you're going to eat that.

The other one, and this is a funny one, I find, is chips, because I'm going to go to this now and do a little bit of something that I've observed over the years. Ladies, this is for you mostly. Because not that men can't have any of these things, but just generally with women, when you [00:15:30] crave chips... How many of you would just crave those chips? You know what you're craving? Well, not only the crunch because the food industry gets you ready for this in their crunch and their taste, they do it on purpose, guys. They hire people that are into addiction and they know how to addict you. But when you crave salt, you know what that is a sign of? Just remember when chocolate [00:16:00] was a sign of. If you're craving chocolate, it's your hormones. If you crave salt, it's your adrenal glands. Almost for sure, ladies. I'm picking on you because chips is mostly women.

This is what the survey said. Chocolate was mostly women. Men were addicted to bread and pizza. The top two, generally. Generally. There's [00:16:30] always exceptions. Just understand that when I say, I'm saying it in generalities.

But here's what I found over the years. Women that had a craving for salt, and they might not even acknowledge, they just like chips, they didn't know it was the salt. I said, "It's the salt that you're after." Remember, it's not salt that's bad for you. It's sugar that's bad for you. The chips, it's not the salt on the chips that are bad for you. [00:17:00] Because that salt has got a bad rap over the years. It's not the salt. It's the carb. It's the carb because that carb is going to be sugar in five seconds. Just remember that. Don't fool yourself. Oh, I read the label of a bag of chips and they didn't add any sugars to them. So what? They still got a lot of carbohydrates. Look at your oatmeal package. It doesn't have any sugars added, some of them, most [00:17:30] of them, but they're still very high in carbohydrate. Well, carbohydrate's going to be sugar anyway. Just don't fool yourself.

I always tell people, don't be deceived. Don't be deceived by the food industry. They hide stuff. They would have never even had their nutritional profile a label if it wasn't for guys like me back in the '70s and early '80s screaming at the government, "Make them tell us what's in [00:18:00] the food." They never wanted to label their food. Of course, they hid behind the fact. You know what they said? "Well, look, you're going to get our secret, how we made it." Nah, it wasn't that. We just wanted to know what you put in it. And But they still hide it. They still deceive. The food industry, I hate to be negative, are into addiction. They want to make addicts out of people. That's how they hook little children. That's why you see children today with sugar bellies. When you [00:18:30] take this list of foods that are very addictive, you know what we've created? We've created a monster. We've created a monster. Obesity and metabolic disorders in 88% of the population.

Let me remind you that even COVID wasn't affecting healthy people. A lot of people like to say, "Yeah, [00:19:00] there's a few healthy people that got sick, but not generally." Generally, 99% of the people that got sick had a preexisting condition or they were very old with no immune system. We've talked about that. Don't fool yourself, guys. When you watch the news, if you watch the news, just keep your worldview, your nutritional worldview intact, because you'll know that CNN, [00:19:30] and Fox News, and all those in the States, and CBC, they have an agenda, guys. That is to keep this thing going for 24 hours a day. You know why? They've never been so popular. They've never been so popular.

But remember at the background of all of this, when I blew your socks off, when I blew your socks off, was it last week or the week before? See, now I'm all mixed up in my time, because every day seems the same to me now. [00:20:00] But all I'm saying to you is this. Remember I showed you that five pounds of fat? If you have five pounds of fat, if you have visceral fat, you don't even produce the antibodies. This is what they showed in the United Kingdom when they gave the flu shot in 2018. They gave the flu shot in 2018. If you were what they classified as [00:20:30] having any visceral fat, you weren't even making the antibodies. The flu shot didn't work for you. But you never read that anywhere. It drives me crazy.

What we can do, you and I can do, we can control what we put in our mouths every day. That's what you can control. You can't control everything. If there's the COVID virus and they closed the world down, there's nothing you can do about that. You can't do anything about that. But what you can do is take care of yourself and [00:21:00] understand what foods do to you. Especially the ones we just listed. Those addictive foods. The food industry will tell you that it's a balanced diet. "You can have that. You can have cookie." Here's men where they're the worst. They got to have a dessert after every meal. I don't know if it's a French-Canadian thing. I don't know. It's true. I got to have a little bit of dessert after my meal. No, you don't. You don't need [00:21:30] it.

Let me give you three signs, three signs that you are burning the wrong fuel in your body. That just three signs that you need to really listen to. Three signs that you are burning the wrong fuel in your body. Now, let me just talk about fuel for a minute. The foods that I just listed are carbohydrates, by and large. Don't tell me about the pepperoni on [00:22:00] top of the pizza. When I get a child in the office, what I would do with them, I said, "You like pizza?" "Of course I like pizza." I said, "Okay, well you have one slice. The second slice, you take only the toppings and eat the toppings. Leave the bread there. Leave the crust there. Can you do that?" "Yeah." "Well, you know why I want you to do that? Because you got ADD or ADHD [00:22:30] and you can't focus," and whatever. I said, "That carb is going right to your brain, so lower your carbohydrates." You can do it without leaving the planet.

I tell you this morning, listening to this as a podcast later on, listen to what I'm going to say. If you have one of these three signs or all three, you are burning the wrong fuel. Burning the right fuel is when you lower your carbs. Carbs are crappy fuel. They burn too fast. [00:23:00] Carbs are crappy fuel. They burn way too quickly. This is why, number one, it will affect your energy. That's the first sign. If you have low energy, 99% of you, if you are exhausted, 99% of you are burning the wrong fuel. You're eating too many carbs on. "Oh, Dr. Martin, I hardly eat any carbs." You're still eating too much. If you got low energy, change your fuel and get away [00:23:30] from the carbohydrates and up your protein and up your fat.

I'm telling you, are you always hungry? You're burning the wrong fuel. That's sign number two. You're always hungry. "Oh, doc, I'm hungry." Okay, you're burning wrong fuel. You see, I always relate the difference between carbs and protein and fat. I put protein and fat together, because you should eat them together, protein and fat. When you have a piece of steak, eat the meat and [00:24:00] the fat. Have both.

When you are a [carboholic 00:24:07], you are going to have generally low energy and you're going to be hungry all the time because here's my little analogy. Pretend you're a wood stove. Just pretend your body's a wood stove. Now, carbs are like paper and twigs in a wood stove. Like kindling. You [00:24:30] start the fire like that, but you don't keep your house warm in the winter with paper, do you? You burn that on the fire, on the log, on the fireplace. You don't burn paper. Maybe use some paper to get your fire started and some kindling, twigs, paper, and twigs.

If you want your metabolism to work, get off the carbohydrates and put logs on the fire. What are logs? Eggs, [00:25:00] meat, and cheese. They're logs on the fire. They burn for a long period of time.

Here's another analogy I use. I'm Mr. Repetition. Sorry. It's just me. I can't help myself. My wife said, "Get some new jokes." I can't. For Dr. Martin, there's nothing new under the sun. But listen, go to the airport in your... Now, good luck. There's nobody flying. But, [00:25:30] okay, let me use the illustration anyways. Go to the airport. You know what they're putting in those airplanes? They're not putting in the same fuel you run your car with, 87 octane. They don't do that. They're using jet fuel. Jet fuel is a very high octane fuel. Change fuels. Protein. Eggs, meat, and cheese will fuel your gas tank with rocket fuel. It will change [00:26:00] your energy. It will change your hunger. This is why the reset is so good because people will tell you after about a week, they're not hungry anymore. Why? Because when you have bacon and eggs... I don't know if it was one of my patients yesterday or whatever online, they said, "You know what a balanced diet is? A piece of bacon in both hands." I love that. I was on the floor laughing so hard. That's a balanced [00:26:30] diet. Change fuels.

Here's the third sign: cravings. We talked about that. You crave sugar, you crave salt even, and you crave chocolate. I talked about hormones and all that. Change fuels. Change fuels and your cravings will go away. One of the reasons, those three things, that I did the reset, and this is what I found over the years with thousands and [00:27:00] thousands of patients, it reset their metabolism to the point that they were not craving anymore, and they were not tired anymore, and they were not hungry all the time. It corrects it, folks. It corrects it. This is why I talk about this all the time. Guys, share this with your friends. Guys, love you guys and talk to you soon.

Announcer: [00:27:30] You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.

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