Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to the Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. I've got several studies. I don't know how many we'll get to, but we'll get a couple in this morning I thought you'd be interested. It's always a privilege for me to be able to share [00:00:30] with you this morning. So this morning, I want to talk to you about a couple of studies that came out over the last few days that I'll comment on. I'm not going to spend a lot of time on it because you guys know what I think about vitamin D, but I guess there was a negative study. No, it wasn't a study; it was an article in the Toronto Star about vitamin D.
I can show you 500 studies [00:01:00] on the effectiveness of vitamin D. You are a human solar panel. I can't emphasize that enough. The sun and vitamin D is essential. Your body won't work properly without it. It just doesn't. You have low levels of vitamin D and every, every cell in your body is going to suffer from that. You know me, again, to me everything that [00:01:30] we see in society, every disease, one of the factors is vitamin D, vitamin D. Get outside, get in the sun, and if you can't get enough sun, then make sure you're taking vitamin D.
The question is whether you should take vitamin D in the summertime. Well, most people got low levels of vitamin D, so I'm not against it. Take a couple of thousand to 4,000 [00:02:00] IUs. You know what? There are so few people that have high levels of vitamin D, it's rare. When they talk to you about all the side effects of having too much vitamin D, I would ask any physician, any physician, "Have you ever?" "Oh, the waiting rooms in the emergency departments in the hospitals are full of people that have high [00:02:30] levels of vitamin D." No, it's the opposite. Believe me when I tell you that.
There was a study out on the weekend. It was more of an article, but it referred to several studies and on candida albicans. You notice that I titled it The Silent Enemy. I think in the states, they sort of coined Covid as being the invisible enemy. A virus, you can't see [00:03:00] it. Well, a silent enemy, really mostly invisible, is what we call candida, candida albicans, yeast or fungus. It's silent. A lot of people don't realize they have it because there's very few doctors really that are... If you have toe fungus, that is an internal [00:03:30] problem. That's an internal problem. You got yeast. You have fungus. Yeast is a fungus. Mold is a fungus. They're cousins.
A lot of people don't realize that they have trouble with that. I want to go over that some of the silent, when we say a silent invader, because for a lot of people, they don't realize they even have it. Again, it's so poorly understood and [00:04:00] so poorly treated in North America. The vast majority of people have trouble with candida. One of the biggest reasons that they do is because of their diet. See, candida is a yeast, guys, outside your body. Think about it for a minute. My wife's been telling me they can't find any yeast. The grocery stores are out of yeast. Everybody's baking. I guess they're staying at home and baking. There's [00:04:30] no yeast, and there was a real run on flour. But yeast outside your body, guys, think about this for a minute. It makes bread rise. You guys know that. What do I know? I've been told it makes bread rise.
What happens if it's inside your body? Well, then it is an invader. I like what the Bible says about yeast because it says a little bit of yeast [00:05:00] infiltrates. A little bit of leaven infiltrates the whole loaf, doesn't it? Outside your body, you bake with it, but inside your body, it is an invader. It's a fungus. One of the reasons is that we're feeding it. I used to always tell my patients, "Quit feeding the bears, okay?" Now, I woke up in the middle of the night because [00:05:30] I heard a clink, a loud sound outside my... and we got a big bin out there because of this construction going on in our home. I figured the bears got into it. They always say in Northern Ontario, don't feed the bears, like hide your garbage and don't leave your garbage out.
When you eat sugar and crappy carbohydrates, [00:06:00] you're feeding the bears. Yeast will not grow inside your body without you feeding it. This is why I always tell people, "Quit feeding the bears." You're giving them sugar, and you wonder why your candida is not going away. Now, again, there's other factors. A big one is food. One of the things that I've found over the years is that [00:06:30] candida albicans... That's just another word for yeast, okay? Medicine likes to use big names like candida albicans. What's that mean? It's yeast. It's fungus. So all I'm saying is don't feed it. It loves sugar. It loves crappy carbohydrates. The one sugar that it thrives on more than any other sugar... It doesn't thrive on fruit, by the way, [00:07:00] unless you have fruit juice. It doesn't thrive on that because that fructosen there is surrounded by fibers, and so the yeast doesn't feed on it. If you want to have a few berries or whatever, that doesn't feed yeast.
What feeds yeast is crappy sugar, like high fructose corn syrup. It made candida take off like never before. I remember in the '70s. 46 years in [00:07:30] practice, I can tell you something in the '70s. I mean, doctors didn't even believe in candida. "Candida, you can't get that in the blood." Well, even today, some doctors, "Well, you can't get candida in the blood," like you can't get fungus in the blood. You can't? Of course, you can. You see, you never have candida in your bloodstream unless you have leaky gut. Yeast doesn't come out of... It's not Houdini. [00:08:00] It just doesn't appear. Yeast comes from a bad diet and leaky gut. So when you don't have enough friendly bacteria, you can get a yeast forming.
Now, everybody has a little bit of yeast in your gut. It's part of the makeup of your gut. You have a little bit of candida in there, but it's kept at bay when you eat well. One five- [00:08:30] day antibiotic will start a yeast infection in your body. Five days of an antibiotic, will start a yeast infection in your body. Now, again, I'm not telling you not to take an antibiotic. I'm not saying that. All I'm saying is when you take antibiotics, just understand you are starting a yeast infection. Ladies, you know this better than anybody else because when you get a bladder infection, [00:09:00] you know that you take an antibiotic because you've got a bladder infection, then often after that, you will get a yeast infection. Why is that? Because yeast is the first cousin of mold. It proliferates in moisture.
So yeast can become systemic. It can get into your bloodstream. It can travel to the brain. One of the things that this is fascinating is there have been several [00:09:30] studies that came out to show that in Parkinson's, for example, that the Parkinson brain is usually full of yeast or fungus or candida albicans. Isn't that incredible? Think about that, that the brain can be full of yeast, and they're showing in Parkinson's that that's a big, big issue. So just understand that. The idea is like [00:10:00] leaky gut, the biggest factor in leaky gut are antibiotics. The greatest discovery of the 20th century saved millions of people's lives. The problem is it starts a candida or a yeast infection.
This is me, and again, you might disagree with this statement, but I believe that autism is leaky gut [00:10:30] with a fungal infection or a yeast infection or a candida infection into the brain. This is what I believe. It started in the gut. It often starts in mummy's gut and transmitted to the baby through the placenta. I believe... This is me and I think I'm right... that because of the dysbiosis in mummy's gut, [00:11:00] that we now have a new scourge in our society.
You know what kills our society much more than COVID? Yeast. I think it's at the root of autism. I think it's at the root of it. In my opinion too, by the way... Tony, Jr. often says about when he says in my opinion, he says, "It won't buy you a cup of coffee in my opinion." But I'm just [00:11:30] giving you my experience, guys, and what I have observed over all these years. When I started practice in the 1970s, autism, what? The first time I ever heard autism, I think it was 1978 or 1979. I was at a board meeting in Toronto, and one of my colleagues, Dr. Cochran... I'll never forget that. He's passed away now, but he told me that he had two autistic [00:12:00] children. Seriously, guys, I looked at him like, "What? John, what are you talking about?" "I've got two kids that are autistic." I didn't even know what he was talking about. This was 1979 or '78. Autism, he gave me the coles notes version of it back in the '70s.
Guys, I'm going to tell you something. Before that time, I'm not saying there was never autism, but if you look in my medical books... I mean it. You look in [00:12:30] my books in the '60s and the '70s, you won't find it. You won't find it. This is a new scourge in our society, and I believe 100% in my opinion, that it comes from leaky gut.
Did we ever have leaky gut before? Yes, but not like we have it today because of the over use of antibiotics. Again, the greatest discovery of the 20th century, [00:13:00] the overuse of it. It's a double-edged sword because it can get rid of the infection. If you have an infection, 100% behind you, but it's the other side of it. It's the side effect of that infection. When you take an antibiotic, you are now creating in the gut, especially... You got three pounds of bacteria in your gut. So when you get on the scale, go minus three. [00:13:30] It'll make you feel better. Just say three pounds of bacteria.
Now, in your gut, you either got good, bad, or ugly. If you have good bacteria, you're winning the war inside your gut. You can't have yeast. You can't have candida inside your gut. If you have a good bacteria, you're fine. It's called you win. But these kids that are born with mummy [00:14:00] taking an antibiotic the year before or even during the pregnancy, or she has dysbiosis because of a bad diet or whatever, and then you have a candida or a yeast infection. It can travel up to that child's brain, and thus you have autism. Like I said, I'm 100% convinced of it.
You want to know why I'm such a big fan of probiotics? Guys [00:14:30] not yogurt, okay, because a lot of people come back at me and go yogurt. Yogurt, I wouldn't give that to my dog, yogurt. The number one breakfast today in North America for women is yogurt. It used to be cereal. That's still the kid's number one breakfast choice. It feeds that yeast. So does yogurt. I wouldn't touch that stuff with a hundred-foot pole. That's me. I don't like [00:15:00] it.
So let me give you some possible symptoms that you have candida, possible symptoms to candida. Number one cause, antibiotics, consumption of high fructose corn syrup. Big, big, big factors today. Now, symptoms of a yeast infection, chronic fatigue. It can be at the root. I've never seen a case, by the way, of what we call CFS, or chronic fatigue syndrome, where they didn't have leaky gut, not one, [00:15:30] all the years that I've been in practice. I've written several books on chronic fatigue syndrome, and I never, never saw a case of chronic fatigue syndrome, I never saw a case of autism either, by the way, without leaky gut. Never saw a case.
So difficulty concentrating could be candida that's traveled up into the brain via the vagus nerve. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Isn't that the commercial for Las [00:16:00] Vegas? Well, you have a connection between your brain and your gut. It's called the vagus nerve. It's your 10th cranial nerve. It attaches to the base of your brain and to your small intestine. You know what? That's how you get butterflies by the way, too, when your cortisol is high. It travels via the vagus nerve. You have more hormones in your gut than you have in your brain. If that travels up... I call it Jacob's ladder... [00:16:30] if it travels up the vagus nerve into the brain, you could have difficulty concentrating.
You know what's another one? Chronic sinusitis. "Dr. Martin, I have allergies." Yeah, why? I've never seen any case of allergies. You got a food intolerance to dairy? You've got a leaky gut. Why do you have an intolerance to dairy and the person next to you...? By the way, 70% of the population have some intolerance to [00:17:00] milk because milk's not milk. Milk is white Pepsi. That's another thing don't touch with a hundred foot pole unless you have a cow in the backyard, then drink milk. Otherwise, don't drink it. Why do you need it for? Drink coffee and water.
Difficulty concentrating, mood swings, these things can play with your hormones because of candida. Digestive issues, obviously heartburn, and this is why, guys, so many [00:17:30] people on [inaudible 00:17:30]. They feel so much better digestively. "Duck, eggs, meat, and cheese, and I feel better. My gut is better." "Yeah, well, you're not feeding the bears. You're not feeding the yeast." Yeast can line from the sinus... A lot of people have humph, humph, humph. They're trying to clear their throat all the time, they have postnasal drip, they got all sorts of trouble with their lungs, and they wonder what the problem is. The problem is that they've [00:18:00] got yeast. They've got candida. Don't feed it. Stop acne, dry skin, eczema, psoriasis. Those are fungal, and remember fungus is yeast. It comes from the gut. It comes from the gut, and might not show up right away.
You can take an antibiotic, and it may be a year or two later that you start having issues because you created what they call a dysbiosis. You've got more bad bacteria [00:18:30] than good, and the third army invades. You see, it's not the good, the bad. They look at each other and they keep each other intact. The problem is if your good guys are down, you wipe them out. The invading army of yeast comes in.
I remember I don't know how many years ago. I'm going to say late '80s, maybe early '90s, I can't remember. I did a TV program in Dallas, Texas. [00:19:00] I had written a book on chronic fatigue syndrome and the modern woman's curse. It got a fair amount of ink in the United States, and I did a lot of TV and radio shows, interviews. I flew down to Dallas, and I remember sitting in the green room. You know what a green room is? The green room is where you wait before you're being interviewed. I was going to be on a [00:19:30] show. Doug Kaufman, I believe the guy's name was. He was interviewing, so I was in the green room with this guy, Dr. Simoncini.
Now, if you Google him, Italian oncologist, you know what he said? Every cancer that he's ever seen, especially breast cancer... He was an oncologist. He said, "When I did the biopsy, I always had yeast in there, always fungal," so he said. This was [00:20:00] him. I'm just quoting him. I found it fascinating. He said every cancer that he's ever seen is got a root of yeast to it. You want to show how important your diet is? You want to know that? You want to know that eliminating sugar in your diet... If you do nothing else, nothing else, you just eliminate sugar in your diet. Think of how effective that is even for cancer. I don't care what [00:20:30] kind of treatment you get, but one thing you should do is eliminate sugar 100%. Don't feed the bears. Don't feed that sugar. So anyways, incredible.
So act on the skin, intense cravings. Ladies, if you want to do a swan dive when you go to Laura Secord's, the chocolate place, you probably have yeast in your body. You probably have candida. [00:21:00] They'll give you intense cravings. You know why? Because those bears want to be fed. They want to be fed. We already talked about the toe fungus. If you've got toe fungus, you've got candida, and it's not just in your toe. It's not just in your toe.
The problem, I don't like the medication, the antifungal medications because they're very, very harsh medications. You're better off to change your diet and don't feed the bears and [00:21:30] broad spectrum probiotics. We often use a candida formula. It's one of my favorite formulas for killing candida, specific supplements all blended in one that are really good at killing candida, including oil of oregano. I love oil of oregano. You guys know that.
Headaches or migraines oftentimes is due to candida. So it's sort [00:22:00] of guys a hidden enemy. Remember that. It's a hidden enemy. You don't see it. You can look at your tongue, and you might see it in there. Dentists often tell me they often see this, like a white coating not only on the tongue but around the gum area and that. They see it. They're not as aggressive as they should be in telling patients to change their diet. Dentists need to take nutrition courses. They do. [00:22:30] They're primary care doctors. They know about the gingivitis and what it does, but a lot of times gingivitis is not bacteria; it's yeast. I get it, but if you have gingivitis and if you take an antibiotic, a lot of times that wasn't the issue. The issue was fungal. Yeah, your bacteria goes [00:23:00] away, but the yeast doesn't. It actually gets worse after antibiotics.
Hundreds of thousands of women a year are taking antibiotics for recurring urinary tract infections, and folks listen to me, it is always, always yeast. Yes, a bacteria is there, but the bacteria is only sitting on top of the candida that's in the bladder. Remember what yeast loves. It loves moisture. [00:23:30] Ladies, you know that. Your anatomy is different than a man's. Men often get yeast, but they don't even see it. They don't see it, but they get it. Women get it, and they know more about it because they can really have a nasty yeast infection in their privates. It ain't no fun I've been told. What do men know? We know nothing.
So headaches, intense cravings, [00:24:00] chronic sinusitis, remember that. Lungs can be a big, big, big factor. So I just wanted to bring that out because there was a study that came out just talking about yeast again and fungal, and it usually never hits the radar. It's not sexy. I don't know what it is that medicine or even the medical news rarely ever picks it up. I guess all they can think of [00:24:30] when they're thinking of fungus is they think of toe fungus, and who wants to talk about your toes? I guess that's why it never gets a lot of ink. So guys, love you. Talk to you tomorrow, Lord willing. We're going to do another topic tomorrow and you guys are great. I appreciate it. Share this. The more we share it, the better it is, the more we share to our friends.
You guys, you always say this. Now, you guys, I have a circle [00:25:00] of influence. You guys. I share it with you. You have a circle of influence. Share it with them. Because if even one person in your surrounding circle of influence changes their diet, they can change their life. You'll be surprised how many people are being affected by information. They're self-educating, and this is where I want to spend the rest of my life is education. [00:25:30] Whatever God gives me in terms of time, I want to be able to use it to educate with passion about all the experience that I've gained over the years. I just want to share that. Now, you share it with others. Again, we appreciate you. You have no idea. So talk to you soon. Love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor [00:26:00] Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.