Transcript Of Today's Episode
Dr.Martin Jr: Brandi, if you have any questions, you can start reading them away.
Brandi: Lester would like to know if there's any help for tinnitus?
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, that's a great question. Tinnitus is a lot more common than people realize. I have tinnitus on and off because of an old head injury, so I understand what that's like. You have to determine the cause of it, first of all. A lot of people get tinnitus [00:00:30] because of high blood pressure. Other people get tinnitus because of nerve damage. Some people get tinnitus for, it could be something as simple as a Candida infection. There's a lot of reasons for tinnitus. But yes, there are ways to manage and get rid of tinnitus. In fact, there are a lot of people associated with Martin Clinic that are using Navitol and they'll tell us that their tinnitus has gone away or it's down to next to nothing. That's [00:01:00] a very common thing that we hear as well about tinnitus. That works well. But again, you want to find out the root cause. If you've got high blood pressure, I would bring your blood pressure down and that will most likely help with the tinnitus as well. I don't know if you anything else you want to add on there, Dad?
Dr.Martin Sr: We talked about it in the last few days as we've been going over... Online we've been talking about tinnitus being on check the engine or check your engine light [00:01:30] when it comes to insulin. A lot of patients over the years have said once they have really watched their diet, got their insulin down, usually with the combination of Navitol, their tinnitus was better. It can be a real pain, for some people it never goes away, it's never fun. But like you say, get to the root cause of it and try and address that issue. Even blood pressure, if [00:02:00] you look at high blood pressure-
Dr.Martin Jr: And cortisol, right? High cortisol can cause that as well for people. Those are the things that I would look at as well. All right Brandi?
Brandi: Kristen is wondering, why do I lose hair when fasting and what should I do?
Dr.Martin Sr: Oh, fasting.
Dr.Martin Jr: That's the thing. That's a good thing to point out. We talk a lot in generalities. We'll do what we call ... My dad and I are big believers [00:02:30] in the 80/20 rule. We'll talk in generalities, things that we know will benefit 80-90% of the people, but not everybody benefits from everything. Fasting for some people, their body doesn't respond well to it. Most people, they feel fantastic or they notice improvements in metabolic health, energy even, and fasting helps to control their appetite, stuff like that, and so fasting is fantastic for them.
Dr.Martin Jr: But there are some [00:03:00] people that don't do well fasting. Some people, their thyroid is super sensitive and slows down when they're fasting but that's a rarity. But again, obviously, if your hair is falling out and you know that's from fasting, if you could say that's from fasting because that's another thing. We did a video on our website a while ago of all the main reasons why hair falls out, thyroid being a big one of it, digestive enzymes being another reason, stress, obviously cortisol is a [00:03:30] big reason, gut health is another reason, iron deficiency is another reason, lack of protein intake is another big reason, so there are other reasons. If you can go through those things and say hey listen, that's not what's causing it, I'm pretty sure it's fasting. Then honestly, I wouldn't fast. It's as simple as that.
Dr.Martin Jr: But I would go to our website, find that video, look at the causes of that first and see if anything else makes sense first and then in that case address it. Most people [00:04:00] though it's thyroid, iron, digestive issues, cortisol. Those are the ones usually. I would look at that and then see if that makes sense. If not, then don't fast. I don't know if you anything else to add to that, Dad?
Dr.Martin Sr: I think you hit them all. A lot of women are like this because they realize how little protein they actually consume. They like salads. I always like to tease [00:04:30] women about chicken in salad. Not that it's bad for you, but if you want hair, you better have protein, and a lot of women just don't get enough protein, they don't eat enough protein. When they're fasting, of course you're not eating at all.
Dr.Martin Jr: That's a great point because one of the things that we try to tell people when they're fasting is that because you're shortening your eating window down, it doesn't decrease the amount of protein [00:05:00] requirements that you need in a day. It just means that you have less hours to get them in. If you are used to getting 25, 20, or 30 grams of protein for breakfast and you skip breakfast, you still need to get that into your day. One of the things people have to pay attention to when they fast is they have to have a little bit of a plan to make sure they're getting enough protein. I would say, and that's a great point by you, is that I would say that the reason why the hair might be an issue when fasting is because I would [00:05:30] look at your protein intake for sure.
Dr.Martin Sr: Yeah.
Dr.Martin Jr: All right, Brandi.
Brandi: Is gelatin and glycerin in vitamins okay?
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah. Here's the thing about any real supplement is most ... When you build a formula out, you can't fill a capsule completely. There's a few reasons why, the machines can't, a lot of times too the [00:06:00] dosage may not fill a capsule, the density of the nutrient being used and the space it takes up and stuff like that. You can't have a capsule that you can shake on the inside, you can't do that. You have to fill it with something, so you try to always fill it with something that is not going to cause any health effects in people. You always want to look at that. Sometimes people put junk as fillers and there is some crappy stuff [00:06:30] out there that I wouldn't put in a filler. But gelatin is pretty ... Again, where do they get the gelatin from and all that other stuff, there's other issues to look at. You can't have a filler free anything.
Dr.Martin Jr: It's kind of funny, we live in a world where there's certain buzzwords, keywords, no fillers and no this, no that. Most of the time when you consume something, unless it's whole food, you have to put something in a capsule so that [00:07:00] it fills the capsule. You just can't have a transparent or an empty capsule. You can't do it. Even when it comes to the production of them, it just doesn't work. That's a good question because a lot of people do ask that stuff. I would watch over crap fillers, but yes, I wouldn't get too concerned about that. Go ahead, Brandi.
Brandi: Eve would like to know what is the best supplement to take if you want to replace a salad or your greens?
Dr.Martin Jr: [00:07:30] That's a good question. Dad, you talk about this a lot, so you want to answer this one?
Dr.Martin Sr: I love our Blood Boost because it's got everything in there. There's no multivitamin like it. I mentioned it last week, all of the nutrients we picked in there, all the vitamins, all chelated, they're [00:08:00] all ready for absorption and really high quality. When you look at what's in the salad, for example, what's in the salad that's so good for you? It's Vitamin K1. But I'll tell you, and I say this all the time, K1 is all right, K2 is better.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, K2 is better.
Dr.Martin Sr: You're better off to get Vitamin K2. If you take our Vitamin D, we put the best K2 in the world in there, the MK7. It's the most [00:08:30] absorbable of all your Vitamin K2s. The importance of that is that K2 takes calcium and puts it where it belongs.
Dr.Martin Jr: I always tell people K2 is like a traffic cop, it directs it.
Dr.Martin Sr: It directs that calcium because it's still the number one selling supplement, I don't know if people know this or not, but it's still number is calcium. If you talk to a doctor, [00:09:00] they'll tell every woman on the planet take a calcium supplement for your bones. The problem is, that supplement never gets to your bones for a lot of reasons. Without K2, you need K2 to bring that calcium. Think of what that does for hardening of your arteries. You don't want calcium in your blood vessels.
Dr.Martin Jr: That calcium is going to blood vessels, you're right, [00:09:30] we've said this before and there's been different articles looking at it that the supplementation of calcium, I think we're going to look back on that, without having the proper stuff in it will be a mistake. The body naturally regulates calcium. You have your parathyroid glands and calcium is necessary to live, so you'll pull it out of bone to put it into your blood and vice versa. If you don't get enough Vitamin D, magnesium, boron, selenium, all these other things, [00:10:00] you can take calcium all day and it ain't going to fix your bones, it's just not going to do it. Plus, my theory, which is not worth anything-
Dr.Martin Sr: Sure it is.
Dr.Martin Jr: I can't even buy a cup of coffee with my theory, but my theory is you can't separate osteoporosis and sarcopenia, they go hand in hand. It's impossible to have bone loss without muscle loss and vice versa. Somebody that has healthy, strong, muscles, not muscle [00:10:30] wasting, doesn't have osteoporosis because it's a system. You can't look at the bones as an isolated system. The bones don't do things on their own, they need things to feed it, they needs things to move, they need everything. It's a full system. You can't just look at the bones and fix the problem in the bones. Usually, people have muscle wasting, they have digestive stuff going on, a whole lot of other things. All right Brandi.
Brandi: How do either of [00:11:00] you feel about using a microwave?
Dr.Martin Jr: Again, it's the 80/20 rule but go ahead, Dad.
Dr.Martin Sr: Look, in a perfect world, if we lived in a perfect world you probably ... Here's what I tell people about microwaves, don't overuse it. Don't use it on every meal you're going to heat up. [00:11:30] To use a microwave once a while, I know it does, if you get it at the high heat, you're killing the enzymes in the food. I understand all that. But like I tell people, what planet are we supposed to go live on? It's pretty hard to be convenient and get rid of your microwave. I just tell people don't overuse it.
Dr.Martin Jr: It's the hierarchy of needs. When you start assessing people's health, that's not where you start. [00:12:00] Them stopping to use a microwave is not going to fix all their health issues. You start with the most obvious things first and the big things, the things are going to move the ship, the most direct things. You don't want to start tinkering with the paint on the boat if it's going to hit an iceberg. You move the boat. You worry about the pain and the look of everything after. You've got to do the most important things first. Microwave is so far dow the list of where I would start. I would look at all the big things that we [00:12:30] do know first. As you start to fix things, you can go down that path and say okay, let's look at this, let's address this. When it comes to health, again, it depends where you're at on your journey. I agree, throw things on the stove. Cast iron, all those things are so much better for you. But again, if you're going to hit an iceberg, that's not where I would start, I would definitely look at other things first.
Dr.Martin Sr: Good question.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, it's a good question, we get that asked a lot. Go ahead, Brandi.
Brandi: Do you have any recommendations [00:13:00] for gingivitis and gum recession?
Dr.Martin Jr: That's a great question. Go ahead first, Dad.
Dr.Martin Sr: Good question, because I was just reading something yesterday on gingivitis and the effect it has on heart disease because of inflammation. You get bacteria or fungal. I'm a big guy on probiotics. I think there's nothing better than probiotics. [00:13:30] I know that probiotics go to your gut, but they leave there too. There are certain strains that are good in the mouth against gingivitis. Get a good broad spectrum probiotic. That's why we talk about it all the time. I love oil of oregano for the mouth. It is a great thing to brush your teeth with and to rinse your mouth with because it doesn't kill all your good bacteria. That's what I like about it. [00:14:00] It is an anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal but it's not harsh to the extent, some of the mouth washes, they kill everything. Alcohol-based mouthwashes, I'd be very careful with that. I know they tell you to use that for gingivitis but then you're killing all your good guys.
Dr.Martin Jr: I talked about this all this week. We're being told to wash our hands, but don't use those [00:14:30] Purell or whatever. The problem with that is that you're killing everything. You need to have good bacteria, and don't over clean. Your mouth is the same thing. Don't be killing your germs a thousand times a day because that's not good. But I like oil of oregano and probiotics. Those are my two favorites.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, and if you look at again, when it comes to oral health in mouth, a lot of stuff that happens in the mouth, for example [00:15:00] like gingivitis or cankers, are really an expression of a gut issue that's going on. Cankers, generally for example, either it's a gut issue causing a B12 deficiency and B12 fixes a lot of cankers or they've got a digestive enzyme issue. Digestive enzymes and B12 will fix cankers in a lot of people. Same thing with gingivitis, there's a lot of times where, like my dad was mentioning, it's a gut issue, it's a probiotic issue, it's an enzyme issue. [00:15:30] I would definitely take B12, I would be taking Navitol again, to help blood flow, anti-inflammatory, all those kind of things naturally. But yes, I would start with the gut out in a sense for gingivitis.
Dr.Martin Sr: [inaudible 00:15:46] watch your sugar intake.
Dr.Martin Jr: That's right, that's right. Okay, Brandi.
Brandi: Deb would like to know how long does it take for your insulin resistance to go down and how quickly does it come back?
Dr.Martin Jr: Insulin resistance? [00:16:00] Again, let's go on one side of the scale. You have a diabetic, a person who has been diagnosed with diabetes meaning that their insulin resistance was so bad that they couldn't control their blood sugars anymore. Blood sugars are a reaction of longstanding problems with insulin. On one side, you have a type 2 diabetic. Then on the other side you have somebody who is prediabetic or metabolic [00:16:30] syndrome. They're not quite diabetic. How long does it take to fix it? I just saw a study it could take as little as seven days if the problem is addressed.
Dr.Martin Jr: We tell people with that, when it comes to insulin resistance, that you're not cured, you're in remission. If the same conditions that were there before come back, it's going to come back. If a person consumed way to many carbs or crappy carbs for their tolerance and [00:17:00] they have too much of a cellular energy, basically the cells just don't like it, it's going to come back again. You can reverse or bring into remission diabetes fairly quickly. Studies show anywhere between seven and 21 to four weeks, five weeks depending on how you're doing it. Liver fat, same thing. You can add liver fat in seven days and you can take off some liver fat in seven days. One thing with the body, you give it the right stuff, it wants to fix itself, it [00:17:30] wants to get better. Do you want to add anything else to that, Dad?
Dr.Martin Sr: Just your two studies. The positive one is within six or seven days, you start to effect in a positive way insulin resistance. It shows you how wonderful it is if you really watch your carbs. Secondly, crappy carbs and crappy vegetable oil. The other one is on how [00:18:00] fast you can go south, and 12 days, they're saying 12 days, I read a study this week that in 12 days your metabolism can head the wrong way. Just go on two cruises or a two-week cruise-
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, not no more.
Dr.Martin Sr: You can be in trouble metabolically. The nice thing is you can change that, but it doesn't take long the other way either, 12 days and you're starting to effect [00:18:30] your metabolism and even your brain they were showing in 12 days you can change the structure negatively on your brain with sugar.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yup. A lot of people are going to have quarantine brain when this is over.
Dr.Martin Sr: It's hard not to eat when you're in quarantine.
Dr.Martin Jr: It's crazy. I don't care who you are, it is difficult to maintain any kind of positive routine throughout this thing. People may still be exercising every day but they're not moving [00:19:00] around as much and their eating habits are messed up right now, no question. All right, Brandi.
Brandi: Allie would like to know, do we discontinue our Vitamin D during the summer or just cut back on the dosage?
Dr.Martin Jr: Again, great question. Here's how I would answer that question. We know that probably 90% of people are routinely low in Vitamin D. If you are a person who gets out in the sun every day in the summer where your arms and your legs and your [00:19:30] face are exposed every day, then you're probably pretty good and you can eliminate that. For a lot of other people, we would tell them to probably cut down to about 4,000 IU of D3 in the summertime and then let that sun do the rest of it. That's what we would recommend just based off the fact that most people aren't in the sun every day in the summertime. We need the sun, we need Vitamin D3, there's no question.
Dr.Martin Jr: Look at COVID-19. It's so funny, when this [00:20:00] all came out, dieticians came out with their big proclamation that there's no food that can help in the prevention of COVID-19 and there's no supplement that can help. Boy, they jumped the gun on both of those pretty quickly because less than a few weeks after, how many studies have come out now showing directly how much Vitamin D status can impact a person's ability to keep it mild and survive it compared to somebody who is very [00:20:30] low. Diet wise, if people can eat themselves to the point where they ruin their immune system, they can definitely eat themselves to the point where they strengthen their immune system. They jumped the gun on that. It was, in my opinion, a very irresponsible and dumb thing that they put out. I don't know what they were thinking. They're supposed to be the food people. Anyways, that's another rant for another time.
Dr.Martin Jr: But at the end of the day, to me Vitamin D is honestly one of the most important biomarkers for your health. [00:21:00] You want to have a very good, healthy level all the time. If you're not out in the sun every day, then I would probably supplement still in the summer. I know what I do in the summer. I'll tell you what I do. I take 12,000 IU roughly every day and in the summertime, I'll take 4,000-8,000 and then I'll get out in the sun if I can. If I'm not, I'm not too worried about my levels slipping too much. Dad, I don't know if you anything else you want to add.
Dr.Martin Sr: I agree with that. The best way really to [00:21:30] know is if you could routinely get your Vitamin D levels checked. That doesn't happen, at least in Canada, it's very difficult. The doctors are reticent to even prescribe the blood test. If you had a blood test, you'd realize. But like Tony Jr. said, when you analyze that, about 90% of the population are low in Vitamin D.
Dr.Martin Jr: And optimally low, right?
Dr.Martin Sr: It's a hormone, [00:22:00] it's not even a vitamin. For me, I always argue with people because, "Doc, it's a fat soluble vitamin." I know that but it really isn't a vitamin because you can't live without Vitamin D. You're a solar panel. Every cell in your body wants Vitamin D to work properly. I get it. The waiting rooms aren't being filled with people ... [00:22:30] The emergency rooms are not being filled with people sitting there going I'm waiting to see my doctor because I'm sick because I took too much Vitamin D. As a matter of fact, it's the opposite.
Dr.Martin Jr: I do you remember when that one article came out where that one guy overdosed and it just freaked people out. There was no context to the thing or nothing. There was no history.
Dr.Martin Sr: What the guy went through.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, what was his context?
Dr.Martin Sr: Do you know what he had? Kidney stones.
Dr.Martin Jr: Listen, [00:23:00] public health when this is all said and over, they're going to have to answer for a lot of things that they've done. You've got to remember, public health officials forever have been telling people to stay out of the sun. Now, the very same thing that they're telling people to do, is the very same thing that strengthens your immune system.
Dr.Martin Sr: And it kills the virus.
Dr.Martin Jr: It's kind of a funny thing.
Dr.Martin Sr: It kills the virus.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, we try not to comment too much on what's going on with COVID-19 because you don't want to [crosstalk 00:23:29]. [00:23:30] Yeah, you don't want to get me started. Anyways, next question Brandi.
Brandi: Diane would like to know, nodules on the thyroid, could it be from estrogen overload?
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, for sure. You've got to remember what nodules are. Nodules is usually an indication that it's not working properly or it's working too hard to do the same job. That's what happens as the body will produce these things. Estrogen dominance is a definite [00:24:00] cause of thyroid issues for a lot of women. Cortisol and estrogen dominance are probably the two most common causes of thyroid issues in women, no question, so yes. If a person has a longstanding issue with estrogen dominance, it's going to cause the thyroid to overwork and get messed up. Just because the thyroid is overworked and putting nodules, doesn't mean that you're not going to hypothyroid symptoms because it's just not doing its job properly, so it's working [00:24:30] a lot harder to do anything. Yes, 100%. That's a good question because as we talked about in videos in our metabolic storm program, estrogen and thyroid, we used to tell people that it's the hidden cause of thyroid issues for a lot of people, which is estrogen.
Dr.Martin Sr: One of the things that happens too, just to go back to probiotics, part of that importance if you've got leaky gut, could affect your thyroid because you're not going to convert [00:25:00] the T4 to T3. That can have an effect on nodules. I'm a big guy, look at the gut, look at cortisol, look at elsewhere from the thyroid, look at your insulin. The liver is a huge place for your hormones. Lots of things to look at for that.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah. All right, Brandi.
Brandi: Suzanne has been trying to get this question answered for the last couple of weeks now.
Dr.Martin Jr: Okay, we'll try not [00:25:30] to disappoint.
Brandi: It's my fault, guys. She's wondering what might be the underlying issue with migraines caused by eating chocolate, beans, and foods with sodium nitrate.
Dr. Martin Sr: I answered that question, didn't I Suzanne? I thought I did last Friday or whatever during question and answer.
Dr.Martin Jr: Apparently, you didn't answer it well enough.
Dr.Martin Sr: Maybe that's right, and I didn't.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, you might [00:26:00] not have. You answer a lot of questions, so we won't fault you for not remembering.
Dr.Martin Sr: I remember seeing that question, though.
Dr.Martin Jr: That's a good question and the reason is because a lot of times migraines triggered by a specific food is actually a sensitivity to that food and you shouldn't be eating it. It's as simple as that. Migraine is a nonspecific symptom. A lot of things can cause migraine. [00:26:30] If somebody comes in and says, I get migraines. We have to ask a lot of questions to get to the bottom of it because there's a lot of reasons why a migraine ... It could be for most people as simple as a neck issue, which is a biomechanical issue for a lot of migraines, no question. A lot of people are going around with these migraines that they've got just a bad neck. That's a common thing.
Dr.Martin Jr: As I mentioned, for you if you're noticing a pattern of migraines after those specific [00:27:00] things, then you've got a sensitivity to those things and might be a histamine issue, it might just be a flat out food and sensitivity or a food intolerance to that. I would avoid them.
Dr.Martin Sr: One of the things that I find, it's they're estrogen dominant.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, you're right. Dark chocolate is a common one for migraines. Banana is strangely enough as well for a lot people cause migraines. Yeah, I would avoid them if [00:27:30] that's then case. That also tells you something else, which is important to understand. That tells you that you have a definitely underlying gut issue that you have to be on top of all the time because it tells you that there are some permeability issues in the gut lining. There's stuff that you want to stay on top of, which is enzymes and probiotics as well. All right, Brandi.
Brandi: Yulema would like to know if there is [00:28:00] a connection between vertigo and your diet?
Dr.Martin Jr: Yup. The two most common causes of vertigo is biomechanical, neck, suboccipital area, very common. Any inflammation in the suboccipital area, which is the area just below there. If you push here and you're really sore, there's a good chance it might be coming from that. The second biggest cause and a lot of research points this out is insulin resistance. People that have high insulin resistance have vertigo [00:28:30] for blood flow issues, for nerve issues as well because high insulin resistance will affect the nerves. Yes, absolutely. Anything else you want to add to that, Dad? Usually, that's the top two causes that we talk about a lot.
Dr.Martin Sr: I remember there was sort of a run on this. Remember a couple of years ago, vertigo can be post viral.
Dr.Martin Jr: You're right, post viral is a big one. [00:29:00] Some medications cause it as well. When people used to come for me when I was doing injuries and stuff like that and they had vertigo, I would definitely ask what medications they're on because some medications can cause that. You're right, that was a couple of years ago, maybe six years ago. [crosstalk 00:29:20]. Yeah, a lot of vertigo post viral.
Dr.Martin Sr: Fine the night before, get out of bed, got a virus attacked the middle ear, [00:29:30] they had vertigo. By the way, one of the things we used to see a lot with vertigo was low levels of B12, low levels of Vitamin D. Both of them had a lot to do with proprioception. Just balance and B12, these are just sort of a finicky vitamin at the best of times. A lot of people are low in them and then [00:30:00] after a period time can develop vertigo. Those are things that I look for in deficiencies too. Viral, neck, you've got to look at all that stuff.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah. All right, Brandi.
Brandi: Bobby says, it's almost impossible to totally eliminate sugar from my diet. Is there a safe gram amount to stay under.
Dr.Martin Jr: Again, sugar is a broad word, right? Outside of fruit [00:30:30] for example, there's so much research showing that you don't want to consume fructose, you definitely don't want to be drinking fructose. How many studies in the last two weeks, Dad, have come out about different aspects of fructose-type sugars on everything from kidney health to ... You just don't want to consume that.
Dr.Martin Sr: Uric acid.
Dr.Martin Jr: Everybody is so different. There's not like if you stay under this many grams you're good because that can mean so many [00:31:00] things. Are you diabetic? If you're diabetic, you want to do your best to keep it down to virtually nothing or as low as possible. If you're a person who is healthy, works out, lifts weights and everything, that's a different number. I agree with you, it's very hard because ... Here's the thing. Food companies have gotten away with for the longest time putting [00:31:30] the stuff in grams. Grams means nothing to people. 20 grams, what does that even mean? It's hard to visualize. Those things spread across the internet when somebody puts the amount of sugar in a soda and they take a picture of it because that sticks with you.
Dr.Martin Jr: They should have a teaspoon rating on the label for sugar. If it's four teaspoons, they should have to put four teaspoons of sugar, so that you could see visually, holy cow, that's a lot of sugar. That's one way [00:32:00] food companies have gotten away with it, they keep it in grams because grams doesn't mean anything. You look at it, six grams, what does that even mean? But if they had to visually put it up, it would be a whole different story.
Dr.Martin Jr: Another smart thing they've done, you've got to give them credit, they've come up with 50,000 names for sugar. There's so many different ways that they can classify something as sugar. They're smart. You look at the ingredients and they've listed sugar six different [00:32:30] ways. That's the way it is and I agree. The more real food, the more whole food that you eat, the less sugar naturally you're going to consume. It's not I real food. But again, we live on planet Earth, my dad and I say this all the time, and we understand that. If you're diabetic, you live on planet Earth, we understand that.
Dr.Martin Sr: I don't like numbers either. You say grams, [00:33:00] they don't mean nothing. I've tried to make the case over the several years that you and I have talked about this so much. We live in a different world today, and if you think how toxic sugar is, if you figure out how your body works and especially in this day and age when insulin is at the root of almost everything you can think of including COVID-19, [00:33:30] sugar fuels COVID-19. It does. There was a study that came out today, that virus needs that sugar. Craziness.
Dr.Martin Jr: Most things do.
Dr.Martin Sr: I tell people, you know what, I had cookies and ice cream too when I was a kid. Don't live on it. That's what I tell people today. Not anymore. You've got to get your kids away from it. Kids today, they've got cognitive issues, they've got liver [00:34:00] issues, they've got insulin issues. Young, young, young compared to the generation I grew up with, so we live in a crazy world. I would just cut it down, like Tony said, different for everybody. But there's very few people anymore, I don't care who you are that get away with sugar. They don't because it's all around us, it's hidden. The food industry, they're liars, liars, pants on fires. That's who they are. [00:34:30] [crosstalk 00:34:31].
Dr.Martin Jr: They've got public relations, they promote everything.
Dr.Martin Sr: Sugar is addictive. It's worse than smoking in my opinion.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, all right Brandi.
Dr.Martin Sr: Was that a good rant Brandi?
Brandi: No, I don't like talking about COVID. Does protein trigger an insulin response or just sugars and crappy carbs?
Dr.Martin Jr: Listen, everything triggers an insulin response because it's a food, but protein is definitely [00:35:00] ... I would not worry about the insulin response of protein ever, never.
Dr.Martin Sr: You can have five steaks and [crosstalk 00:35:11].
Dr.Martin Jr: I wouldn't worry much. No, that's right. Insulin is a food hormone, so everything you put in your mouth and swallow for the most part is going to cause a spike in insulin because it's a food hormone. Anything that gets broken down, but protein takes a long time to break down, [00:35:30] it's very slow. It's got to sit in the stomach for a long time. It's a slow burn. Plus, protein takes more energy to break down. Protein takes more calories to break down than carbs or fat do, so protein has a definite thermogenic effect if you will as well, but I wouldn't worry too much about the insulin response.
Dr.Martin Jr: [00:36:00] Now, if you're having steak and mashed potatoes and all that stuff, that's a different ballgame. It's not the steak. For years, we blamed butter for the bread problem, and we've blamed steak for the french fries or potato problem. All right, Brandi.
Brandi: Suzanne would like to know how much good fat should we eat each day in our food especially if we are lean [00:36:30] and not overweight.
Dr.Martin Jr: That's a good question. I don't like using the term good fats personally because a fat is a fat. The only time I would say something is a bad fat if it's a vegetable oil crappy fat that's just highly inflammatory and highly oxidative stuff. People will say bacon is bad fat even though it's got the same stuff in it that olive oil does. You call one good and one not. We talk about this all the time. When it comes to the amount [00:37:00] of fat you've got to remember, when somebody goes ketogenic or they get on this reset diet that a lot of people are on right now, fat has still got to be digested, it's still energy, it's still intake of energy.
Dr.Martin Jr: A lot of people fail if they're doing it for weight loss especially, they fail early on because they're consuming too many added fats. They're putting butter in their coffee. They're adding all this extra fat [00:37:30] and it's still a ton of energy that has to be consumed. But the good thing about doing fat early, is it helps you get fat adapted quicker because you're not hungry and it just helps. The idea is that you want to bring your fat down if you're trying to lose weight, protein high. I'm not saying low fat but bring down to what you would normally do in terms of adding all this extra fat in there.
Dr.Martin Jr: If you're lean like you said, then you can bring your fat content right back up again and be [00:38:00] thankful you can put extra butter on a lot of things and do all those kind of things and you're going to be absolutely fine. There's no magic number, each person is different, each person can tolerate a different amount, but we always tell people, when they go ketogenic, you can start higher fat, bring the fat down, and then you can bring the fat back up again but that's what we'd recommend.
Dr.Martin Sr: Yeah, and the other thing too, just like Tony, Jr. always says, when you want to make rat [00:38:30] chow, it's fat with the carbs like poutine. Do you know what I mean?
Dr.Martin Jr: It's hydrogenated fatty stuff.
Dr.Martin Sr: Cheese is good on the poutine, it's the french fries. But if you put the two together ... Generally, if you're very healthy, if you're part of the 12% that's metabolically well, good for you. [00:39:00] Just understand at the Martin Clinic we generally are talking to people that are in that 88% that are unwell metabolically and for them, they've got to be extra careful. Usually, if your goal is only to lose weight, that's different because then, especially if you're a woman and you've got hormones, you've got everything in a woman [00:39:30] wants to hold onto fat. Everything. It differentiates the sexes. You've got to be very careful. It's not calories, but ... You might have to cut back, like Tony said. But if you're metabolically well, [crosstalk 00:39:53]. You can have more fat. Fat don't make you fat and fat don't [00:40:00] do any of that. But when you're unwell metabolically, you've got to be careful with everything until you get right.
Dr.Martin Jr: All right. Okay, Brandi.
Brandi: Rosa would like to know, are nightshade vegetables good for us or not?
Dr.Martin Sr: Yes. I was always the guy against that nightshade. I remember reading that. The first time I ever saw nightshade vegetables came out [00:40:30] was in the 1970s when I was at school. I just about went through the roof when somebody differentiated nightshade. Do you know why? Because that came from one guy. It was like, I think we talked about ... Was it last week, Tony? We talked about eating for your blood type.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, eating for your blood type.
Dr.Martin Sr: Some of the nonsense that comes after ... If you say a lie long enough, people will believe it. Like nightshade [00:41:00] vegetables are bad. They can give you inflammation. They're acidic. What? That's not true.
Dr.Martin Jr: It's funny, for a while especially, I don't hear that as much anymore but for a while that was one of those things that can start a fight at a nutritional conference.
Dr.Martin Sr: It always starts with ... It's like the guy who just a book on lectins. He's the only guy I've ever seen in the universe ever write about [00:41:30] it. I didn't say he didn't have some good stuff. But to him, lectins causes warts on your nose to cancer, like it causes everything.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah. It's not that simple. I wish it was that simple, it would be easy just to tell people ...
Dr.Martin Sr: Anyway, that's me on the nightshades. I never bought it.
Dr.Martin Jr: Dad, I did not know you were this passionate about nightshade vegetables.
Dr.Martin Sr: Yeah, I stay [00:42:00] up at night.
Dr.Martin Jr: I don't know how after all these years I've managed to not know that you were this passionate.
Dr.Martin Sr: You wonder why I've got issues, it's nightshade vegetables.
Dr.Martin Jr: I didn't know. This is honest, I don't know how I didn't know this until this point. You were ready to take up a sign and go out in the streets over this. I did not know that at all.
Dr.Martin Sr: That and COVID, Brandi.
Dr.Martin Jr: I didn't know that, so that's great. See, I learn something new every day, Brandi.
Dr.Martin Sr: Anyway.
Brandi: Well, you're welcome for that.
Dr.Martin Sr: You get my blood pressure [00:42:30] up.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, I didn't know that. Nightshades, it's like a trigger word.
Brandi: Grace would like to know, read about red meat being inflammatory. Since I have rheumatoid arthritis, should I stay away?
Dr.Martin Jr: No. That's definite.
Dr.Martin Sr: I'm not going to say a word, I'm just going to go plff.
Dr.Martin Jr: Brandi will always comment on a Facebook post. She goes, I know what Dr. Martin is going to say, fake news. That's fake news. Red meat is not inflammatory. I would argue in fact it's completely the opposite. [00:43:00] Red meat, especially steak is a super food. It's got more nutrients per square foot, than almost anything else in the planet does. There's no question. Red meat is not inflammatory.
Dr.Martin Sr: At all.
Dr.Martin Jr: At all.
Dr.Martin Sr: It's anti-inflammatory. It's a pill. Farmers, you owe the Martin Clinic money because we're your best friends. I get it, again, if you go back [00:43:30] and look at the history. I've been around a long time. You go back and look at the history where they started coming after red meat, they started coming after [crosstalk 00:43:39].
Dr.Martin Jr: That was food companies.
Dr.Martin Sr: It was Kellogg's.
Dr.Martin Jr: That was Kellogg's trying to get you to stop eating bacon and eggs for breakfast and have you eat Special K and whole wheat toast. That's what that is.
Dr.Martin Sr: If you've got cancer, eat steak and quit eating chocolate bars.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah. Honestly, [00:44:00] that's a big misinformation campaign that has a lot of agenda behind it, and honestly that's fake news. There's just no other way to say it. It's just not true. All right, Brandi. Now, you've got me triggered.
Brandi: That was my goal for today, I wanted to trigger both of you.
Dr.Martin Jr: Now, I'm triggered. Now, I'm angry.
Brandi: What can be done to help with Alzheimer's disease or help get rid of plaques on the brain?
Dr.Martin Jr: That's [00:44:30] a good question, that's a timely question.
Dr.Martin Sr: Yes, that's a good course though Tony, on the brain.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, I would definitely recommend going through our age proof your brain video because in there we talk about the number one cause of Alzheimer's in most people, probably well over 50% has to do with a lifelong issue of chronic high circulating insulin and messed up glucose metabolism in brain cells. You've got to remember insulin resistance in the brain with absolutely [00:45:00] shrink the brain faster. It's going to have a bigger effect on brain health, brain metabolism. That's first and foremost, I would 100% get your food in line first.
Dr.Martin Jr: If you go back, my dad and I do this all the time. We like to reverse engineer things. If you look at Alzheimer's dementia, brain plaquing, go one step removed from that, [00:45:30] you're going to have, at that point, you're going to have inflammation. Inflammation in the brain shrinks the brain faster and the number one cause of that, in our opinion, is high circulating insulin. In fact, I think research is starting to show this more and more, but Alzheimer's dementia is really a type 3 diabetes, it's a type 3 diabetes. The second big thing is leaky gut, leaky brain. [00:46:00] Research is showing that the very same probiotics that help plug the holes in your gut also plug the holes in your blood/brain barrier.
Dr.Martin Jr: You can't discount sleep. When you're sleeping, your brain, the plumbing gets rid of all that toxic waste. If you're not sleeping well, lifelong not sleeping well will shrink your brain faster. Then the other thing is you can't dismiss as well is oxidative damage, free radical damage to the brain. But again, I would strongly recommend going and watching that video, How to Age [00:46:30] Proof Your Brain because we talk about all those things, what to do, how to eat, no question, that's where I would go for that.
Dr.Martin Sr: The supplements we talked about on that video are really important. I'll tell you something, high DHA, someone calls you fathead, take it as a compliment. You want fat, fat, fat. High DHA is what your brain is made up of. That oil, specifically, omega-3, that particular oil you want. They've shown studies with [00:47:00] high DHA and curcumin.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, you want to take them both because curcumin-
Dr.Martin Sr: I love them both together, B12, Vitamin D3.
Dr.Martin Jr: And pine bark extract.
Dr.Martin Sr: Navitol.
Dr.Martin Jr: Navitol for sure is what we'd do. All right, Dad. We've got about 11 minutes left, so we'll try to got a little less, we'll try not to rant as long.
Dr.Martin Sr: Don't talk about nightshade vegetables.
Dr.Martin Jr: [00:47:30] If you talk about nightshade vegetables and stake, we're going to be here for a long time.
Brandi: Esther wants to know, what is a safe amount of cortisol control to take if you have a ton of adrenal symptoms?
Dr.Martin Jr: My dad can answer this well, but we have some people that are taking quite a bit of it every day. Dad, why don't you tell them because [crosstalk 00:47:53].
Dr.Martin Sr: Look, they're going through some severe anxiety, they can't sleep. [00:48:00] You name the symptom of anxiety or depression. I've had to coach people, I can think of a few ladies going through an acute stage taking 12-14 of those capsules a day because that's what made them go through it. There's no real side effect to it, I've never seen anything, it doesn't dope you out. I realize it [00:48:30] balances your cortisol, but it ... Somebody said, I have low cortisol. It still helps because whether it's low or high, it's an imbalance of cortisol.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, it helps modulate it better.
Dr.Martin Sr: It helps balance the cortisol. If you're not sure, don't be scared to ask the question in the group. That's why we have the Martin Clinic Facebook group and all that. You can ask the question, and by the way, they'll be other people will say you know what, for me that really helped when I took six a day.
Dr.Martin Jr: [00:49:00] That's one of the things I like about the group because people will share what they're doing and what's working for them. That's great. Okay, Brandi.
Brandi: Elizabeth would like to know, how can I get rid of skin tags?
Dr.Martin Jr: Skin tags are caused by for most people high circulating insulin. The more skin tags, that's a definite sign, that's a check engine light [00:49:30] for high circulating insulin. That for sure, I would say that is the thing I would address for sure. I would bring down insulin and then I would like at taking our insulin balance or something, but I would definitely control insulin. Okay, Brandi.
Brandi: Marlene would like to know, can I take my B12 without food?
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, 100%.
Dr.Martin Sr: Yeah, for sure and especially, think about it, if you're taking B12 you better be taking it sublingual.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, it better be under your tongue anyways.
Dr.Martin Sr: You really don't want food, [00:50:00] at least not at the same time.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, I haven't mastered the ability yet to eat my food and keep it under my tongue.
Dr.Martin Sr: You [inaudible 00:50:06].
Dr.Martin Jr: No, I'm saying I can't. Actually, it's a good trick for people as well, to take it near the end of the meal because by the time that thing dissolves, it's like am I still hungry? All right, Brandi.
Brandi: What is your opinion on eating beets?
Dr.Martin Sr: I hate beets but they're good for you.
Dr.Martin Jr: They're so good for [00:50:30] you. One of my favorite shows is The Office and obviously Dwight is talking about the beet farm and he eats them like an apple. I wouldn't personally do that. But they're great for nitric oxide. Beets definitely are one of nature's best ways of bringing up your nitric oxide levels.
Dr.Martin Sr: There's hardly any sugar in beets. That's why they taste so bad.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, everything in [00:51:00] the way they're made is to tell you, you've got to really want to eat beets, in my opinion. They're not the thing that people run to first but yes, they're very good for you, for sure. Okay, Brandi.
Brandi: Lorraine says, when we were young, our mom used to cook our eggs with the bacon fat and we loved it. Is that good?
Dr.Martin Jr: Yup, 100%. Bacon fat is a great ... If you cook a lot of bacon, just keep it and use it for everything else. It's fantastic for sure, and it adds a ton of flavor to it, no question. [00:51:30] Even if you grill up vegetables or something after, just use-
Dr.Martin Sr: A lot of oleic acid.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, for sure. Okay, go ahead Brandi.
Brandi: What do you think about hemp oil?
Dr.Martin: Don't smoke it.
Dr.Martin: It's good for you. Again, for sure it's good for you. But here's the thing we tell people all the time when it comes to flax seed oils or hemp seed oils, the way that our diets are, we have 18, 19, 20:1 ratio of omega-6 [00:52:00] consumption to omega-3 consumption. The foods, the oils, everything are omega 6, so we have no problem getting omega-6 into our diet. We don't get enough omega-3. When somebody is taking a lot of these extra ones that are higher in omega-6 and they're not getting enough omega-3, that ratio goes further apart and there's a lot of research showing that the further that ratio gets, the bigger it gets, the more health problems you're going to get, no question. While we like DHA because of the brain and there's nothing [00:52:30] better inflammation fatty wise that we like, but the reason why we talk also about omega-3s is because people get enough omega-6 in their diets. If they have a choice between a DHA and a hemp oil, I would take DHA every day of the week.
Dr.Martin Sr: Yeah, and you're better off to eat hemp seeds than you are to take the oil. The oil could be rancid. It's like flax seed. Flax seed oil I wouldn't touch, flax seeds eating them are good. [00:53:00] Brandi, you're up.
Brandi: What can you do for toenail fungus?
Dr.Martin Jr: That's a good question because that's an indication you have a problem internally. That's an external sign of an internal problem. I would definitely undergo a candida protocol, no question. Again, when you look at that, there's a failure on multiple levels. One, it should never get through the digestive [00:53:30] system and into the bowels. Then when it does, it shouldn't survive in the bowels if you have good probiotics. If you didn't have leaky gut, it wouldn't get into the blood and it wouldn't show up on your skin, it wouldn't show up anywhere like that. That's a long term address and the short term is sometimes you just have to use the nail stuff and just get rid of it. But that's only a symptom, you're treating a symptom at that point.
Dr.Martin Sr: [00:54:00] Think about even the cure, potential cure. They usually could give you a medication that you take. It's not just going to your toe.
Dr.Martin Jr: It's not like a laser targeted toe pill.
Dr.Martin Sr: It's a systemic medication. They know that fungus is everywhere. It's not just in your toe. That's all you can see. It's [00:54:30] leaky gut.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, all right Brandi. One or two more, we'll see.
Brandi: How to prevent gallstones and kidney stones.
Dr.Martin Sr: Those are oxalates, mostly and oxalates, you ladies because you're salad lovers, I talked about that. Oxalates are salads, chicken and salad, not chicken but salad. You live on vegetables. Vegetables [00:55:00] are wonderful, but don't live on them only because there's a lot of oxalates in them. The other thing is, I talked about it this morning. If you get a chance, go watch that video. I talked about why we see so much gallbladder problems in this day and age. It is an epidemic today.
Dr.Martin Jr: Don't downplay the effect that estrogen has on the gallbladder either. All right, Brandy. One more question I think, one or two, we'll see.
Brandi: What vitamins will help with anxiety?
Dr.Martin Sr: B12.
Dr.Martin Jr: [00:55:30] Yeah, we like rapid fire definitely cortisol control, definitely B12, and definitely magnesium, is where I would start and unplug from social media.
Dr. Martin Sr: That vitamin too.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, vitamin unplug. Go ahead, Brandi one more. We'll see if we can do this quickly.
Brandi: How do we heal leaky gut?
Dr.Martin Jr: First of all, leaky gut [00:56:00] is an effect. There's something that's causing it. Something is killing that bacteria or something has. If you've got a history of antibiotic use and you're not doing that anymore, great. Chlorine tap water, over-the-counter pain medications. There are so many things that we do in a day that kill it, which is why it's an ongoing problem for most people in the population. That first, but how do you heal it? Probiotics for sure is the number strategy that I would use to do that, probiotics. [00:56:30] Digestive enzymes, definitely. You may even want to do some stuff to help kill off some of that stuff like candida and all that stuff in there.
Dr.Martin Sr: I love the IBS too, like [crosstalk 00:56:42] that really coat the stomach and help repair. Glutamine is one.
Dr.Martin Jr: The bone broth protein helps repair it.
Dr.Martin Sr: The bone broth and that really helps with leaky gut. It really does, it re-patches the gut.
Dr.Martin Jr: What's interesting with glutamine, if you look at [00:57:00] rapidly dividing cells like the cells of the lining of your gut, they don't live long, they divide quickly. Rapidly dividing cells need glutamine as fuel primarily, so they require a ton of glutamine. If you're not getting enough of it, the cells are just not healthy. That's one of the reasons why bone broth is so good for gut health is because it has glutamine in it and it's a naturally ... It just helps provide the fuel for those cells, which is why glutamine is so good for IBS [00:57:30] and stuff like that as well.
Dr.Martin Sr: Even the gelatin in there is good.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yes, very good for it. All right, that's good for now Brandi?
Brandi: I think so.
Dr.Martin Jr: Okay. It's good. There's a lot of questions left. Dad, you're going to do a Facebook Live tomorrow morning, probably answer some more of those questions.
Dr.Martin Sr: Yeah, you've got to talk to me, Brandy.
Dr.Martin Jr: We're going to do this again next week. It won't be on a Thursday next week because my daughter has her birthday.
Dr.Martin Sr: Facebook birthday parties.
Dr.Martin Jr: [00:58:00] We're going to have a massive block party. No, we'll do it again next week. We enjoy doing this. We'll keep you updated on the time and when we're going to do it. Questions have been awesome, thank you, even though a few of them did trigger us, but that's all right. We'll live with that. Again, awesome guys. Thanks for joining us and we'll do this again next week, take care.