Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor is In Podcast brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr.Martin: Well good morning everyone. Thyroid part two we looked at yesterday, the amount of little T3 that you produce in a year, a teaspoon full, incredible. You can see how the thyroid [00:00:30] is such a finicky organ and why it could be thrown up so easily, especially in women. Okay. So we talked about that yesterday but we'll continue on. So let's just do a little bit of recap of what we talked yesterday. The thyroid, well first of all, the blood tests for the thyroid are spectacularly unreliable. Unless you get a full panel done, and even then. [00:01:00] And my caution to any doctor is don't rely on the lab. Just a point that medicine today, unlike it used to be, and I'm not saying all doctors, but a lot of it is, it's the lab. The lab is king. The lab. And for example, I'll give you an example.
Dr.Martin: Yesterday I talked to a lady yesterday and [00:01:30] the lab made a mistake. I mean it's possible, right? So all I'm saying is instincts, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's a duck. Thyroid symptoms in spite of what the lab says, if you're slug, look, I'm going to give you 12 symptoms. Okay? Just refresh your memory from yesterday. 12 possibilities. Okay. We'll talk a little about Hashimoto's, [00:02:00] which is autoimmune and Graves, which is autoimmune, okay? And one is the opposite of the other, but we'll talk a little bit about that. But some people have Hashimoto's, it's an autoimmune disease and some people have Graves' disease. It's autoimmune. It's different than what generally we're not talking so much about thyroid distress syndrome, which we... I'm going to emphasize. Okay. This is thyroid distress, doesn't [00:02:30] mean it's diseased, it's not working properly.
Dr.Martin: And there's a lot of things that are involved in that. Okay, so let me just give you some symptoms. Fatigue. Well, that could be anything, right? Fatigue can come from the adrenals, can come from your thyroid, but generally fatigued, unwell, weight gain. If you have Graves, it would be weight loss, unexplained. But waking, [00:03:00] like I was saying yesterday. Ladies, you don't even have to eat the food, just look at it and you'll gain, you can gain weight when your thyroid and I'll give you some reasons why that could be happening, okay? Hair loss, hair thinning. Ladies, you know your hair. Brittle nails, I didn't mention that just yesterday, I meant to. Brittle nails, if your nails are brittle, that's often your thyroid's not working properly, okay? Cold hands, we talked about dry skin, itchy skin, [00:03:30] unexplained itchiness to your skin. Often is a sign that the thyroid is in distress.
Dr.Maritn: Mood swings, cold hands, cold feet. Thyroid is your metabolism. Thyroid is the furnace in your body, the thermostat. Muscle pain, constipation. That's one I didn't mention yesterday. I wanted to. Oftentimes seen women all their lives [00:04:00] struggle with that and the thyroid oftentimes is not working properly. It slows down the peristalsis in the bowel, which is the little hairs that move along the feces. Okay. Brain fog, neck swelling. Again, I think I might've talked about that a little bit yesterday, but neck swelling and voice changes. Yeah. Maybe you could sing and now you can't sing [00:04:30] anymore. Okay. Those are possible symptoms of thyroid. They are legion, there's lots of them. But a careful history, if a doctor's asking the right questions and I'm not against the lab work, I'm just saying that you don't rely, you... Functional medicine is you take the lab and you take the patient and their symptoms and you marry them because [00:05:00] the lab oftentimes will not tell you what's going on.
Dr.Martin: Okay. And again, I'm not against lab work, but if you can ladies, especially if you're suspicious that you're having thyroid issues, then get a full panel. Because the thing that I like to look is not only the TSH, but I want to know what your free T4 is and your free T3. Okay. And again, they're not always the most reliable, [00:05:30] but if you're going to get something done, get it done. Okay, so we talked about that. Now let's go back to what causes the thyroid not to work properly. What are the causes? Well, yesterday we talked about nutrients, B12, zinc, iodine, tyrosine. Tyrosine by the way, is an amino acid. Guess where you find it? In the eggs, meat and cheese. What'd I say? B12, [00:06:00] zinc, iron remember I talked about that's important. A lot of people have trouble with their thyroid because they're not getting enough heme iron, H-E-M-E iron, okay?
Dr.Martin: So we talked about that yesterday. Then we talked about cortisol, stress. Cortisol does not allow the conversion of T4. Remember your hypothalamus, you got two [00:06:30] centers in the brain that you should remember. Hypothalamus, hippocampus. Hypothalamus sends a signal to your pituitary gland to secrete thyroid hormones, TSH, down to the thyroid, it produces TSH. TSH produces T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and calcitonin. You don't have to remember all that, but that's what it does [00:07:00] and it's a very finicky organ. Okay. So cortisol doesn't allow, what you need is that T3 for your thyroid to work at it's highest level. It's optimized level is you need that conversion of T4 to T3 so one of the things that stops that is cortisol. You see what stress does? And I was saying yesterday, we like this post virus, I think it's going to be worse on the [00:07:30] health care system than what it was today.
Dr.Martin: It's going to be worse because of all the stress and stress related cortisol guys is such a deep, when it goes on for a long period of time, it affects the bodies in a multitude of ways. It makes you much more susceptible to cancer. It makes you much more susceptible to cardiovascular disease. As Tony Junior says, "Cortisol is like pouring gasoline [00:08:00] on the fire. You already have inflammation. It pours gasoline on it and it makes inflammation go crazy." That silent factor inside your body, which destroys your blood vessels and it makes cancer explode. Stress is a big thing. And then the other one is leaky gut, okay? [00:08:30] So 20% of your conversion, okay? Of T4 to T3 occurs in the gut. Now we talk about the gut a lot.
Dr.Martin: Leaky gut, what is that? Leaky gut is a war that goes on in your body, okay? Between good bacteria and bad bacteria. And just a little side note, I know they're talking [00:09:00] about wash your hands frequently and use Purell and I wish I would've gotten shares in Purell. Can you imagine two or three months ago you buy shares and in the hand sanitizers and the stock is going through the roof. Just shows you I'm not a prophet nor the son of one. I didn't think of that. But the problem with that is, okay guys and just understand where I'm coming from. Am I [00:09:30] telling you not to wash your hands? No. But better with soap and water than with Purell and I'm not telling you not to use Purell, please.
Dr.Martin: The problem with that is you're stripping away all your good bacteria. Remember from your head to your toes, you can't see them, but there's an army of good bacteria on your skin, in your gut. [00:10:00] Wherever you have mucus inside your body, there's a war that goes on. It's between good and bad bacteria. You don't want to strip away all your good bacteria guys. That's why it's good to go play in the garden, get dirty. You're never going to get rid of all bacteria. You don't want to get rid of all bacteria. Don't be over cleaning. I know the virus and they tell you spray and clean everything 1000, [00:10:30] million times. Guys, those are all chemicals. Now I'm not against one of the things we use in the house here is a vinegar, okay? And the, well I think it's a 12% cleaning vinegar and it's much safer for the environment and much safer for you.
Dr.Martin: It won't strip away all the good guys. Anyway, guys that's important [00:11:00] because in your gut, when it comes to your thyroid, if you don't, leaky gut is when you have stripped away, you've stripped away one, five days of antibiotics, and I'm not against antibiotics. The greatest discovery of the 20th century were antibiotics. I'm not against them. If you need an antibiotic, you have an infection, a raging infection or whatever, [00:11:30] you need an antibiotic. Absolutely. But just remember, it's a two edged sword. An antibiotic kills everything. It kills all the bacteria, good, bad, and ugly. And the problem is you can develop in five days leaky gut. The other thing that strips away your bacteria is artificial sugars. This is what we [00:12:00] didn't know back in the 70s when they came out with, well it was probably in the 60s. They came out with aspartame and sucralose and all that. We didn't know. I didn't know exactly in those days there was no research to tell you well, all I knew is it probably ain't good for you.
Dr.Martin: The problem with those is that they strip away your good bacteria. Sodas, nonsteroidal [00:12:30] anti inflammatories like Advil and well, Tylenol is not really a nonsteroidal anti, but it still strips away your good bacteria and then you feed your bad bacteria with sugar. This is how you get leaky gut and every chemical, it strips away your good guys and we live in a chemical soup. You're not going to get away from it. Oh, doc I live in Costa Rica on a little Island. [00:13:00] Good for you, how about the rest of us, right? You're not going to, look guys, don't try and leave the planet. Just be aware so this can affect your thyroid if you have leaky gut, and by the way, here's, okay just quickly, when you destroy your good guys, the bad guys win, but it's the third army that comes in. The third army that comes in that's the most [00:13:30] invasive, the most dangerous, the most insidious.
Dr.Martin: The people don't even think of it. Medicine doesn't even talk about it. It's crazy how dangerous this is for you because I believe that is a huge factor in cancer and autoimmune diseases, leaky gut. Why? Because yeast, you guys get it outside of your body. What does yeast do? Well, you bake bread with [00:14:00] it. Yeah, but inside your body it's a parasite. It's a fungus. It's a growth, and if it's contained in your gut, you might get a little bit of bloating, but if you got leaky gut, it going to get into your bloodstream. If it gets into your bloodstream, it can travel everywhere. It can get into your brain via the vagus nerve, the 10th cranial nerve [00:14:30] in your body. It'll travel right up to your brain. And this is why they're saying that Parkinson's, MS, it's fungal. It's a fungus infection.
Dr.Martin: It's candida albicans, yeast. Medicine always gives big words, right? Candida albicans, who the heck cares about candida albicans? It's yeast. It's the first cousin of [00:15:00] mold because mold is a fungus. That's why mold is so dangerous in your body. It's a fungus. And like I said, if it gets isolated, it doesn't get past your gut, but people that have acute rhinitis and then it turns into chronic rhinitis, your sinuses always, postnasal drip. It's yeast ladies, your bladder recurring infections. [00:15:30] It's not a bacteria. Look, a bacteria might be there, E. Coli might be sticking to your bladder because you're full of yeast. Ladies, you know about yeast. Men, we don't know anything about yeast, but you do. Women are so susceptible because of moisture. Remember, it's a cousin of mold. Where do you find mold? In your basement, where are you had water damage. In your bathroom.
Dr.Martin: What kills mold? [00:16:00] The sun. It kills yeast and fungus, the sun. Get in the sun. Am I ever a one trick pony? Okay, so the gut cortisol. We talked about nutrients, cortisol, the gut, all these things have an effect on the conversion of T4 to T3 to affect the thyroid. What's another one? What's another one? [00:16:30] Estrogen dominance. Ladies, you got too much estrogen. You're too much of a woman. You've got bad periods. You've got too much estrogen. You got endometriosis. Too much estrogen. You get breast cancer. I don't care if they tell you, "Oh, your cells aren't receptive to estrogen." Every cell in your body is, you're a woman. Every cell in your body is receptive to estrogen. Every chemical looks like estrogen. Did [00:17:00] you know that? Your body says, "Oh gee, look at that plastic." That's estrogen. It's not really estrogen.
Dr.Martin: It's a Xenoestrogen. The vast majority of the cleaning products, there's 100,000 new chemicals since world war II have been created and the vast majority of them are in our homes. I mean, it can be wonderful things. The problem is it elevates your estrogen and men. If you get prostate cancer, [00:17:30] it's too much estrogen. There's only, remember what I said? Repetition, repetition, repetition. Remember what I said? There's two growth hormones. You guys should know this. Estrogen, insulin, insulin's food. If you don't eat, you don't make insulin. Insulin is a food hormone. That's a growth hormone. That's why when I talk to cancer patients, [00:18:00] I tell them, turn off your insulin as much as you can. You've got to eat, but don't eat crappy foods and sugar. Why? Because you're going to elevate your insulin. It's a growth hormone. It makes cancer cells, and the other one is estrogen.
Dr.Martin: And estrogen ladies, if you got too much estrogen, it affects your thyroid. It won't allow the conversion of T4 to T3. [00:18:30] Isn't it complex guys think about this and that's why I grew a little bit sneaky because the thyroid is not that simple. You have to look at holistically. You have to look at the body in its totality and this is what I do. I want to analyze, I need to ask questions because I can find out if you got stress, I can find out if you've got leaky gut. I can [00:19:00] find out if you got too much estrogen, bad periods. Right. Ladies, bad skin, acne, adult acne. That's estrogen because ladies estrogen if it's too high, it'll elevate your testosterone. Testosterone is all right for muscles, but you don't want too much ladies.
Dr.Martin: You don't want too much. It'll give you a bad skin. It'll give you your hairs. Now look, I shouldn't point, [00:19:30] I forgot I had a beard. But ladies, you don't want a beard, do you? What is that? It's estrogen dominance creating the testosterone to go too high. Okay, so these are all factors. Okay. Estrogen dominance, and we talked about this yesterday, but I want to just go over this one more time. Your liver. Let's talk about the liver because the liver is so important. First [00:20:00] of all, your liver is a suitcase. So cardiovascular wise, remember this, it's not that complicated. When the liver gets full of glycogen, its stuffed. The liver gets rid of the extra glycogen as what? Triglycerides. Never forget this. The most dangerous thing [00:20:30] for your heart are triglycerides. TG, very important you understand that? Because it's not cholesterol.
Dr.Martin: It ain't cholesterol. It ain't the boogeyman. Boy they fooled. It's unbelievable how they have taken this world and completely fooled it when it comes to cholesterol. Every day, [00:21:00] every day, every day, every day I get it, doc, my doctor said my cholesterol. I don't care what your cholesterol is. Well I do. I want to know how much good cholesterol you have. You want to live longer? Get high cholesterol. Where do you get it? In food. What kind of food? Eggs, meat and cheese. Eat it because you want high cholesterol. Not low. What do you want to have low cholesterol for? You want to have low [00:21:30] triglycerides and high HDL. It's all you have to remember. Low triglycerides, why? Three fat balls. Where are they made? In your liver. I aim at the liver metabolically. This is why the reset in four weeks will empty your liver. Your liver is empty.
Dr.Martin: The Costco parking lot is empty. That's what you want to do [00:22:00] because that will save your heart. It will save your blood vessels because what makes the glycogen and fat in the liver is sugar. Never forget that. Now, what's that got to do with the thyroid everything. Why? Because 80% of your conversion of T4 to T3. You know where it occurs? [00:22:30] In the liver. You see, your body, it's unbelievable. Cholesterol is made in your liver. I don't even care if you eat any cholesterol because 85% of it is made in your liver because you can't live without it. You can't live without cholesterol. Your brain is made up of cholesterol. Did you hear me? Your skin, cholesterol. Your eyeballs, cholesterol. Hormones, cholesterol. Oh, [00:23:00] I go mental. I go mental. I don't mind repeating. I don't. It's not the repetition that gets me mad.
Dr.Martin: It's the stupidity that gets me mad. Okay. So guys, your liver has to be working properly and the biggest problem in the liver is fat, not from fat. Fat don't make you fat. Fat doesn't fill up the liver. [00:23:30] It doesn't, sugar does. Ladies, that can affect your thyroid. If you're a junk eater, you're a crappy car beater. You're filling up your liver with fat. Remember what insulin does. It's a storing hormone. It's the traffic cop outside of the Popsicle parking lot. It's sending that sugar you're, it can't leave sugar in the bloodstream. It can't. [00:24:00] It won't. It won't allow it. You see, when somebody is a diabetic, insulin, the traffic cop is not working anymore. Okay? Went out on a coffee break and now your sugar goes up. But guys, that's the last thing that happens in. Diabetes is the last thing. The first thing that happens is that you've filled up the parking lot with too much fat and it gets all gummed up and then you get insulin resistance.
Dr.Martin: [00:24:30] That's what causes diabetes. It's food. It's food. What I see those commercials on TV for all these Metformin or whatever, and the drugs. And I say, "Well look, if you just change your diet, you can fix it because it's a... Your liver is relying on the food that you eat. If you change your diet, you clean [00:25:00] your liver." People say to me, "Should I?" I'm not against milk thistle, which is good for your liver. I'm not against it. But if you cut your carbs out and cut your sugars out, you'll clean your liver out. You want to do a cleaning? Empty it, sweep it, get all the garbage out of it. All you got to do is do the reset for four weeks. That's why I do it. It's one of the biggest reasons that I [00:25:30] created that eating program. I only look stupid.
Dr.Martin: There's a reason for my madness guys. I do this for reasons. Okay? So remember now coming back to the thyroid, there's a lot of factors. The thyroid is like a little puppet. It doesn't operate on its own. It's very important. It's an important organ, but it has a lot of attachments. One of them is [00:26:00] into your gut. The other one is to your liver. The other one lady's is to your ovaries. You see men, we don't have ovaries. There's no difficulty for a man to convert T4 to T3 in... I guess we have stress, but stress doesn't affect our thyroid like it affects yours ladies. What have I been telling you? We come from another planet. Men, right? We don't have ovaries. Estrogen. [00:26:30] It's a huge factor when it comes to your thyroid gland. So remember those symptoms that we talked about.
Dr.Martin: Remember the nutrients that we talked about. You need zinc for your thyroid. Eat it. Vitamin S, steak because vitamin S has B12 too. Guys and chicken don't have it. There's no zinc in chicken and salad. I'm just teasing. Okay. I didn't say it wasn't [00:27:00] good for you. I just, they don't want to have B12 and they don't have a zinc and they don't have heme iron either, and they don't have selenium. It's all in red meat. Well, more than red meat. Okay guys, thank you very much for listening. Share this with your friends and we will, Lord willing, be back tomorrow for another edition. Talk to you soon. Bye.
Announcer: [00:27:30] You've reached the end of another Doctor is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin junior and senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.