304. Insulin And The Immune System

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. Back in Canada, in self-isolation. Pray for Rosie. She's got to put up [00:00:30] with me for the... What are we at, day three now of self-isolation. You know what the toughest part of isolation has been for me and not being able to see my grandchildren. I don't care about my kids, just my grandchildren. But everybody's been good and it's just the way it is, right? We live in a different world.

Dr. Martin: I was thinking about this self-isolation. Well, everybody's [00:01:00] in self-isolation just about. The fact that I can't go to the grocery store and the pharmacy or whatever, but nothing else seems to be really open much to just go parade around. For me, it's the fact that I can go out for a walk, as long as I'm practicing social distancing, we'll be all right. Anyway, good to be back. I'm back in Canada. It's [00:01:30] good to be back.

Dr. Martin: Okay, so let's just talk about the elephant in the room. Now I didn't make this up. I think it was yesterday, maybe Saturday, that there was a cardiologist in Britain. Britain has been hit very hard by the COVID-19. He was talking about what nobody else is talking about and that is the elephant in the room. He said the elephant in the room in this whole COVID-19 [00:02:00] is metabolic syndrome. You guys know this. This is what we talk about all the time. Metabolic syndrome. 88% of the population's [inaudible 00:02:13] from some form of metabolic syndrome, meaning that they have elevated insulin, and nobody's talking about it. I'm glad... I think his name is [Malhotra 00:02:24], Dr. Malhotra, talked about it. He tweeted about it. I [00:02:30] stopped in my tracks because he was talking about something that's very, very important, and that is metabolic syndrome.

Dr. Martin: Metabolic syndrome, number one, is elevated insulin. It's food. Metabolic syndrome, 88% of the population, this is not my statistic, but the statistics are bearing this, that 88% the population [00:03:00] today, this is why you and I live in a different world. Forget COVID-19, which is unbelievable. I'm sure you have never experienced anything like this where the whole world has shut down. The whole world. Is there any part of the world where they haven't put some kind of isolation down, quarantine down? I don't care whether it's in the Caribbean or whatever. [00:03:30] But what Dr. Malhotra was saying yesterday was that we need to talk about metabolic syndrome even with its relationship to COVID-19. The reason is, and what he was saying is, that 99% of the people that get, and it's probably not as high as that, but I'm just quoting him, he was saying the vast majority of people, even if you and I get COVID-19, [00:04:00] are not going to be very ill. Are not going to be very ill.

Dr. Martin: Now I just want to tell you about my experience last summer. Was it COVID-19? I don't know, but it was something similar. Out of nowhere, I got a fever. I didn't feel good. It got into my lungs rapidly. I'm telling you, for a three or four days, man, I was sick as a dog. But [00:04:30] of course, I recovered.

Dr. Martin: We have to keep this in mind. I agree. Look, we don't want to spread this thing around. We got to all do our part. I get that. We all got to do our part to make sure that we don't give it, if we have it, to other people. We don't want that.

Dr. Martin: But what Malhotra was [00:05:00] saying is that the people who get really sick from this have metabolic syndrome. They have underlying condition. One of the worst things is diabetes. If you're a diabetic, you have much more susceptibility to be very, very ill from this virus. Because what happens is that insulin, and we talk about this all the time, has a major effect on your [00:05:30] total metabolism. What can you do? Well, look, yeah, you can isolate, which I get it. But isolate's not going to help your immune system. It only helps the spread of the virus, but it doesn't help your immune system. You see, you want to have a healthy immune system. One the ways, now we talked about this in previous [00:06:00] podcasts on that, and we'll talk about this a little bit this morning, vitamin D and other things, but food. Food.

Dr. Martin: The elephant in the room is metabolic syndrome and metabolic syndrome is caused... Number one cause is insulin. Insulin is a food hormone. You don't use insulin when you don't eat. If you eat the right things, this is why we talked about the reset [00:06:30] and this is what the book I'm writing right now on the reset, Martin Clinic Reset, what is it? Four weeks, no carbs. What does it do? Lowers your insulin. What does that do? It does a lot of things, but one of the things that does, it elevates your immune system. Yes. Food. Isn't that incredible? Incredible.

Dr. Martin: Like I said, this guy's a cardiologist. He's not a dummy. But he, [00:07:00] in Britain, in the United Kingdom, has been talking about the scourge of our society today is diabetes. That's what he said. It's the scourge of society. Because a lot of people, they don't realize that they... 88% of the population struggles with insulin because metabolic syndrome primarily is insulin. The other things it can do, like metabolic syndrome can give you fatty liver. We talked about this. It can [00:07:30] give you belly fat. It can give you a high blood pressure. It can give you elevated levels of uric acid. All of these things are metabolic syndrome.

Dr. Martin: Metabolic syndrome, take it one step backwards, is caused by elevated circulating insulin. Medicine calls it insulin resistance. The Martin Clinic calls it high circulating [00:08:00] insulin. It's your diet. It's your diet. I'm so happy when other doctors are talking about this. Look, obviously, you find out, don't you? Really? During a time like this? We're very fragile. [00:08:30] We really are. We think we're so tough, and then a little virus... My son-in-law, Dr. Sam, was saying yesterday that this virus is... What is it? I think it's one nanometer. Look. You couldn't see that with the naked eye. You couldn't see the COVID-19 if your life depended on it. [00:09:00] It's so small and yet so dangerous. It's turned the world up side down.

Dr. Martin: Guys, listen. That little virus that's so tiny has played a trick on all of us. But the elephant in the room, quoting Dr. Malhotra said we need to talk about this because [00:09:30] one way to build your immune system is to cut your sugars out of your diet. No sugar. No crappy carbs. But did you hear that message? Is the world telling us that? No, they're telling us to wash our hands. I get that. Don't say Dr. Martin didn't tell you to wash your hands. Of course, you should wash your hands.

Dr. Martin: But the people that are the most susceptible to get this have an underlying condition and one of them is metabolic [00:10:00] syndrome. I've been talking about that. Sugar literally puts your immune system to sleep and a lot of people have really got uptight about that on the internet. I think people are just a little bit more angry these days. I think because we're all cooped up. A lot of people have been coming after me on the internet, because [inaudible 00:10:27] "Dr. Martin, you're too simplistic." [00:10:30] You know what? Just generally I think everybody would agree with this. All the experts are agreeing with this. If you don't have an underlying condition, this virus is not deadly. It's not. They point to Italy and this and that. Guys, very few healthy people, I'm not saying you won't get sick a little bit, but you're not going to be on [00:11:00] a respirator if you're healthy, guys, with this virus.

Dr. Martin: Now again, I'm not downplaying it. I'm just telling you the truth. Every doctor would agree with that. That the vast majority of doctors would just say, "Well look, if you're metabolically, you're in good shape, this disorder isn't for you." You don't want to transmit it to anyone else. I get that, but it's not going to make you ill. I know I'm speaking [00:11:30] to the choir today. You guys are ones that are very interested in your health and you're very proactive. This is why I love that. I love that you're proactive in your own health. You can't change the world. I wish I could. One by one, I'd love to be able to change the world out there and talk about, okay, [00:12:00] if you're in self-isolation, which the vast majority of the world now...

Dr. Martin: We were in Florida up to last week and you know what? In the last few days of [Flor 00:00:12:12]... It was empty, man. They wouldn't let you go on the beaches. That's another issue. I'll talk about that. I had to talk about this. But they shut down everything. When we were traveling, everything was so quiet. [00:12:30] There was no traffic. It was almost like an atomic bomb had been... It would be like Hiroshima. There was nobody on the streets. Nobody in the... Well, the restaurants were closed. It was only takeout. There was a few people at the gas stations filling up. But the price of gas has gone down. But whoopy doopy. What are we going to do about that? Where are you going to go? You're all dressed up. My mother used to say, [00:13:00] "You're all dressed up with no place to go."

Dr. Martin: This is the world we live in. Have you ever thought that you'd ever go through something like this? It's world-changing. I just pray, and I mean this, for those of you who have a small business or whatever, or work in a small business or whatever, the mom and pop shops of the world, then, by the way, that's what keeps the economy going. It's the small businesses and this is a major, major, [00:13:30] major event.

Dr. Martin: I get a lot of people that have been screaming at me because they say I'm too simplistic. I always ask them, "Okay, but where do you work? Oh, you work for the government. Well, you're going to get paid, man. You're going to get paid. But a lot of people aren't going to get paid. Where are they going to get paid? They're not a government employee. Well, good for you, but I'm just saying there's a lot of people [00:14:00] and have a lot of sympathy for people who are worried about their next paycheck. Where's that coming from?" We need to be very sensitive to that, and I am very much sensitive to that.

Dr. Martin: Metabolic syndrome, what do you do? Eat good. Eat vitamin S. Steak. You know why? It's got lots of zinc. What does zinc do? Helps your immune system. Helps against the coronavirus. [00:14:30] It does. You know what? Again, anybody in my profession knows that zinc is one of the greatest things you can do for your immune system. If you had to take the top three, I guess I can't limit it to three. Can't. I just got too many. But vitamin S is steak. You need that. Eat steak because it's got vitamin A. Vitamin A protects [00:15:00] your upper respiratory system. Vitamin A protects your upper respiratory system. What are they telling you to do? Don't touch your face. Well, I've been touching my face because I'm growing a beard. But I'm not trying to go near my mouth or whatever, if I can. It's just because you play with it, right?

Dr. Martin: But no, I'm serious now. Vitamin A, zinc. You've heard of zinc lozenges for the common cold [00:15:30] and that it decreases the severity of the cold. That's well established. How do you find zinc? Zinc is in the animal kingdom. Zinc is not found in the plants. It's not there. If you're a vegan or a vegetarian, you better take vitamin A and you better take zinc as a supplement. You're not getting it in your diet. I am sorry, but you're not. [00:16:00] Just be careful that you get vitamin S. You know the Martin Clinic list of vitamins.

Dr. Martin: What's vitamin C? Everyone, what's vitamin C? Coffee. A lot of people have been saying vitamin C. I'm not against vitamin C, by the way. But my vitamin C is coffee. I love antioxidants, so don't get me wrong. The other one [00:16:30] is vitamin D. Vitamin D.

Dr. Martin: By the way, because I got challenged on this last week and I got to just get my blood pressure to come down. I'm an arguer. I like to argue just for the sake of a sport. Argument. But what people were saying, some people, "Oh, Dr. Martin, the heat doesn't kill this virus." Yes [00:17:00] it does. UV radiation. The sun kills the virus. Well, it may not kill all of coronavirus, but it's a fact, guys. It's a fact. I will post the study. I will send it to Brandy because if you ask me to post it, I couldn't do it. But I'll post this study that shows coronavirus going [00:17:30] this way and when you put it in the sun in good weather, that's why we should have sent everybody to Florida instead of Canadians saying comeback, which I did. Well, why did Dr. Martin come early? Why did I come back early? It wasn't because... The best place for you to be is in the sun. As the temperature rises [00:18:00] and the UV radiation goes up, the coronavirus goes down. Guys, it's the common cold virus, it's the flu virus with a deviation in it. The coronavirus. When do you get a cold? In the winter? Now you can get a summer cold. I know, I know, I know, I know. I'm just telling you guys, that's the facts.

Dr. Martin: People, when they closed the beaches, I get [00:18:30] it. I get the social distancing stay six feet from each other. But I'm telling you, the beaches in Florida were the safest place to be because of the UV radiation. The sun. The sun.

Dr. Martin: I went out for a walk yesterday in Sudbury. The sun was out. I kept my distance. I mean it. It's the greatest thing if the sun comes out and your isolating [00:19:00] goal and sit in the sun. I get it. I understand politicians and they [inaudible 00:19:07] that we've got to close the beaches. People were congregating at the beaches. Well, what else did they have to do? Anyway, don't get me into politics. I'm not a politician. I'm just a scientist that's telling you, get in the sun. And vitamin D, it's good for you. I've always talked about that. You [00:19:30] guys know me. I've been so consistent. Have I not? Have I not been consistent? Right? I've always said it. Vitamin D.

Dr. Martin: Linus Pauling won the Nobel Prize for his work on vitamin C and I've always said this; he only missed by one letter in the alphabet, because vitamin D is your immunity. Vitamin D. Vitamin D. Good for everything. We need [00:20:00] the sun. If you ain't going to get the sun, you better get your vitamin D levels because here's another one. I'll try and post these studies. Again, I don't know how to do it personally, but I know Brandy, she's sharp, so she can help. Vitamin D, one of the greatest things that vitamin D does in the work of your immune system is what it does for your lungs. When people have [00:20:30] respiratory illnesses, which the coronavirus, when it becomes dangerous, what happens to it? It gets to your lungs. We all agree with that. The greatest defense for your lungs is vitamin D. There's no nothing that is as powerful for your lungs as vitamin D. The [00:21:00] vast majority of people are deficient in vitamin D. The vast majority of people, they're deficient in a vitamin that is essential and nobody talks about it. Nobody's talked about it.

Dr. Martin: Have you heard an expert in this whole coronavirus thing, have you heard on CBC, or CNN, or CNBC, whatever [00:21:30] you watch, have you heard someone say, "You know what? Wash your hands. I get it. Practice self-isolation. Stay at home and practice distance, six feet or whatever. And take your vitamin D." Have you heard that? No. But if you heard it, I didn't hear it.

Dr. Martin: But I'm going to preach it because the research [00:22:00] on the science of vitamin D is incredible. Food, lower your insulin, two, vitamin D. Me, personally, I'm taking 8,000. Now, I was in Florida. I was getting lots of vitamin D. But I'm back. I'm back in the north. Yeah, we had the sun yesterday, but the sun gives you vitamin D mostly on your arms and [00:22:30] legs. It's a nice day and it's always good for you anyways. When the weather's good, fresh air is good for you. Even the doctors are saying don't coop yourself up in the house unless you have the COVID-19. They're even agreeing, go for a wall. It's amazing to me. I get it, I get it, I get it. They're closing the gyms. I get it. They don't want you to spread the virus. But the gym, exercise [00:23:00] is so good for you. Do it at home or go for a walk. I have a little gym in my basement. I'm going to go down there and after this podcast. I'm going to work out because, again, that helps the immune system.

Dr. Martin: Lower your insulin, vitamin D, make sure your levels are good, guys. Okay? Make sure your levels of vitamin D, it'll protect your lungs. Vitamin A. Protect that steak, vitamin [00:23:30] S. You like my list of vitamins?

Dr. Martin: Then, okay, probiotics. Because probiotic... Listen, 80% of your immune system is in your gut. We talk about the gut all the time. The gut, the gut, the gut. It's an invisible war that goes [00:24:00] on in the gut. Even vitamin D to be absorbed is metabolized in your gut. Vitamin D is not even a vitamin. It's a hormone. But anyway. All I'm saying is you need a healthy gut. This is why probiotics. Probiotics, guys. Friendly bacteria. You need that. You need that. Broad spectrum probiotics is an essential part of your immune system because the [00:24:30] more good guys you have, the more they keep viruses out of your bloodstream.

Dr. Martin: Vitamin D. Vitamin S, steak. Cut your sugars out. Cut your crappy carbs out. Do the reset maybe for two weeks or whatever. You don't have to do it for a whole month. For those who've done it before, do it again. You're just going to build your immune system. Broad spectrum [00:25:00] probiotics. I took my three probiotics this morning. 150 billion bacteria. All I was thinking as I was taking them is, I'm fighting the coronavirus.

Dr. Martin: This is what we can do to ourselves. Healthy gut, healthy immune system. When I say healthy gut, you might have IBS, or Crohn's, or whatever, but you know what? That makes you more susceptible to this virus. [00:25:30] But what I'm more interested in is you having more good bacteria than bad. It's a war. It's a war between good and bad bacteria. If you don't have enough good bacteria, there's a fungus. If you get a yeast, if yeast become systemic, I believe, this is Dr. Martin's belief, that it suppresses your immune [00:26:00] system. You sort of get autoimmune because you have a yeast; a fungus that gets into your bloodstream and suppressed. Your Immune system.Is deviated because it sees candida, a fungus, and now it won't fight the virus like it should. This is why it's so important that you start the battle in your gut and you win the battle there. When you introduce good bacteria [00:26:30] into your gut, it's called you win. You win.

Dr. Martin: Okay, so listen, here's what I plan on doing. I plan on coming on every morning, God willing, at 8:30, okay? Tell your friends or whatever. I'm going to do teaching every day at 8:30 because I'm confined. Like I said, pray for Rosie. [00:27:00] She's got to live with me for two weeks. Okay, love you guys. Talk to you soon.

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.

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