Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to. The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr.Martin: Okay. Let's talk about another wrong concept. The other day we talked about eating lots of fruit is actually good for you and we put a little damper on fruit and not to [00:00:30] overdo it, because, primarily it because of uric acid. Let's look at another one. Eating a multitude of times a day is good for you. Again, this popular theory started back in, I think in the 1970s when I actually was in school because one of the things that came out in those days that I mean, you literally had to bring a physician to a dentist and [00:01:00] drill their teeth without anesthetic for them to believe there was a condition called hypoglycaemia. Now they understood hyperglycaemia, which of course is high levels of blood sugar, diabetes. Doctors in the '70s understood that, but they really questioned whether there was such a thing as hypoglycaemia, low blood sugar, and now of course it is well- established that there is such [00:01:30] a thing as low blood sugar and actually hypoglycaemia are hyperglycaemia are two sides.
Dr.Martin: It's a coin with two sides to it because really, it's a problem of insulin. If you have insulin resistance, you often will have trouble with hyperglycaemia. But for a lot of people they have trouble with hypoglycaemia and the the cure to that, or at least [00:02:00] the management of that was to eat frequently. But again, times have changed. We live in a different world. We live in, where people are eating so many crappy carbohydrates and lots of sugar. Yes, they can go into hypoglycaemia, but the actual cure for hypoglycaemia is to get your insulin down, so that the insulin comes down, insulin resistance comes down, [00:02:30] then you actually can correct hypoglycaemia. I've suffered with hypoglycaemia. Just because again, I got bad genetics for diabetes in a family and I remember having bouts, pretty severe bouts of low blood sugar and I didn't, I didn't even recognize it until I ate.
Dr.Martin: I think I did a glass of juice or something, had an orange or something and I actually felt better immediately. [00:03:00] So, there is such a thing as hypoglycaemia but be very, very careful today about eating frequently because again, we're carboholics. The vast majority of the population have trouble with carbohydrates. They eat way too many of them. For a couple of reasons I want to talk about that. Every time you eat you need that hormone, insulin. Insulin is a food hormone. Simple as that. If you don't [00:03:30] eat, you don't need insulin. Because the vast majority of people are metabolically challenged and they have trouble with insulin resistance or at the Martin Clinic, we call it high circulating insulin, every time you eat you need insulin. This is why we like intermittent fasting. Now, for some people they don't do well with intermittent fasting or it takes them a while to get to a point where they can fast.
Dr.Martin: Every [00:04:00] time you do intermittent fasting, you actually are not secreting insulin. Every time you eat you need insulin. Now remember, insulin is a fat-storing hormone. If you have insulin present in your bloodstream, you can not get rid of fat. It's just impossible because insulin is a fat-storing hormone. Secondly, it creates [00:04:30] inflammation, so the more you use insulin, the more insulin creates inflammation, and we know that inflammation is detrimental. Inflammation is detrimental to your blood vessels, to your cells, especially to the little capillaries, which connect your arteries and veins and they get damaged. That's why diabetics have so much trouble with circulation. Inflammation is very, very damaging [00:05:00] to blood vessels.
Dr.Martin: This is why, again, if you do the reset, a lot of people find when they eat no carbs for four weeks and live on eggs, meat, and cheese, that they can implement even intermittent fasting because the nutrients that they're eating in the eggs, meat, and cheese, really, really give them the best octane and it's so nutrient-dense. A lot of times hypoglycaemia is created [00:05:30] because people are carboholics. They're eating way too much sugar, and that blood sugar fluctuates so much. One of the cures for that is to eat the right foods, less frequently. Now, if you're eating eggs, meat, and cheese, usually you're not hungry. You'd won't get those swings in your blood sugar. So, this is very, very effective.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another [00:06:00] Doctor Is In podcast, with your hosts, Dr. Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.