Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctor share a lot of information. As awesome as the info maybe, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. Hope you're doing all right in spite of the world completely stopping. Unbelievable, unbelievable of what's happening, [00:00:30] right? Are you willing to look at a few studies this morning? One of the new studies came out was on vitamin D. They've been miscalculating how much vitamin D you need. How many years have we been saying that at the Martin Clinic? You need more vitamin D than they tell you, right? Especially now. Guys, listen, [00:01:00] the way to protect yourself is the host. If the bug comes, you're infected. You're going to get infected. There's bugs every day. There's viruses every day. This one seems to be more contagious from what we see. The droplets last for a week on a surface, and it's very resilient.
Dr. Martin: [00:01:30] But it's you, it's what's inside of you, that's how you're going to fight it. It's your immune system. They readily agree, by the way. Medicine, they agree with this 100%. It's the vulnerable, people that have preexisting conditions, people that are older. The average age of deaths from the coronavirus [00:02:00] is 80 years old. That's the average age. All I'm saying is, I'm just going to reinforce and let me get this study here, it says here they've miscalculated the vitamin D levels. It was based on bad science. You need a lot more than what they were saying. Anybody that knows anything about vitamin D [00:02:30] and Daniel was saying, "Yeah, they put people outside in the last pandemic of..." Well, there's been pandemics before, but in 1918 they put... Guys, you know me.
Dr. Martin: I talk about if I could get into every senior home, I would absolutely bring two vitamins with me, vitamin D and vitamin B12, because that's what 99% of all [00:03:00] the people that live in those homes are deficient in those two vitamins. But now they're saying, this is the study, they miscalculated vitamin D levels. There they were miscalculated. We need more and we need to optimize our vitamin D. The study is vitamin D levels in North America, what they recommended... Now, I want to tell you something. [00:03:30] In the 1970s when I graduated, the recommended dosage for vitamin D was 200 international units in the '70s. The reason was they miscalculated, but also if you go back into the 1970s, nobody was talking about vitamin D other than for bones, rickets.
Dr. Martin: They knew [00:04:00] you needed vitamin D and actually they started putting vitamin D in the cereal. Okay? They put vitamin D2, not vitamin D3, and vitamin D2 didn't really elevate your serum levels of what we call D hydroxy vitamin D. They didn't elevate them because vitamin D2... When you go to a grocery store, look at milk maybe, okay? [00:04:30] It might say fortified with vitamin D. Well, that's not vitamin D3. That's vitamin D2. What you get from the sun is vitamin D3 and what you get from a good supplement is vitamin D3. That's the vitamin that you absorb. Again, going back into the 1970s, they were talking about vitamin [00:05:00] D as for your bones. When I was a little boy, I can still remember the taste of taking cod liver oil. They should go back to doing it. All the seniors take cod liver oil.
Dr. Martin: Why? Because it's got vitamin D and it's got vitamin A. You know what they're telling you to do? [00:05:30] Good luck with this. Okay? Wash your hands. 100%. Wash your hands. Not with the antibacterial soaps that they've run out of. Why? Because that strips your good... Remember, there's a war going on in your body between good and bad bacteria. The more good guys you have, the more you win. That's why I talk about probiotics all the time. You take [00:06:00] probiotics even as a supplement, you're going to have more probiotics on your skin. You need bacteria, the good guys. The more good guys, you win. It's called you win. Look, wash your hands, soap and water. I guess if you got nothing else, you use those antibacterial wipes or whatever. I don't like those things because they kill the good guys.
Dr. Martin: All I'm saying is yes, wash your hands. But [00:06:30] what else are they saying? Don't touch your face. I was watching a couple of videos of people from the health unit or doctors or whatever. They're going, "Don't touch your face." In the meantime, they're doing this and they're licking their... I'm not kidding you. Right? As they're telling people, "Oh, don't touch your face." Well, good luck with that. By the way, wearing a mask does nothing for this one. [00:07:00] The coronavirus, forget it. Wearing a mask won't do a thing. Okay? It won't do a thing for you, except that maybe it'll stop you from touching your face. If that's what's going to talk... Well, good luck with that, but that's what vitamin A does. Vitamin A is like a mask. Did you know that?
Dr. Martin: Vitamin A is like a surgical mask that you wear because it protects your [00:07:30] eyes, your nose, your mouth. It sets up a guard against viruses and bacteria coming in. That's why I've always loved vitamin A, and where do you get vitamin A? In the animal kingdom. It's not in the plant. Look, you can get beta carotene. You eat carrots, but it doesn't give you vitamin [00:08:00] A. It gives you beta carotene. Vitamin A is found in eggs, meat, and cheese, steak. But think about it, vitamin A, which is like a Rodney Dangerfield of vitamins because nobody ever... Do you ever hear people talking about vitamin A? Not often, right? Not often. People don't talk about it, but it's an essential [00:08:30] vitamin. It's only found in the animal kingdom. Beta carotene is a precursor to vitamin A, but it's not vitamin A.
Dr. Martin: Pro-retinol A is found in steak. Pro-retinol A is found in eggs. Pro-retinol A is found in cheese. Why does Dr. Martin always talk about eggs, meat, and cheese? I drive people [00:09:00] crazy. I had a friend of mine down here and he kept negotiating with me. "Well, can I use this and not and this and not," on the reset. I said, "No, it's eggs, meat, and cheese. Don't negotiate. I don't negotiate with you." Guys, listen. Butter, yes, grass-fed butter. That's what I mean. When I say eggs, meat, and cheese, I [00:09:30] mean butter, of course. That's in the animal kingdom. Vitamin A and vitamin K2 is in butter too. Okay? Guys, they've miscalculated on vitamin D. They were thinking only of bones, but all-cause mortality. This is a fact, guys, all-cause mortality is better when your levels of vitamin D are better.
Dr. Martin: Okay? It's just [00:10:00] the way it is. In the United States, there's two calculations. In the United States, you should try and shoot for well over 50 for your levels of vitamin D. In Canada, well over 150 for your levels of D hydroxy vitamin D. I know it's so tough to get [00:10:30] that tested. The actual D hydroxy tests, it's very difficult to get it tested in Canada. Why? Because doctors are still looking only and the government is only looking at vitamin D in terms of bones. If you're a woman and you're a little older or whatever, okay, maybe they'll do your vitamin D levels to see for osteoporosis, [00:11:00] but it's your immune system. It's your brain. It's depression.
Dr. Martin: The other day I did seven signs of low vitamin D, sweating, poor immune system, poor testosterone levels in men, poor sleep, lots of different symptoms because vitamin D is a precursor to you making melatonin. If you have any [00:11:30] kind of digestive issues, you need probiotics to absorb vitamin D properly because it's metabolized in the gut, even though it comes in on the sun, on your skin. Guys, isn't that incredible? Vitamin D. I talk about it all the time. It's so good for you, and they miscalculated. They're saying [00:12:00] in order to get your levels optimized, like even a little child should be at 2000 IUs. It's not me saying that. I didn't say that. They'll come after me if I say that, but this study is saying that. I just touched my face. I'm not supposed to touch my face.
Dr. Martin: I'll try not to touch it the rest of the day. It was itchy up here, so I scratched it. [00:12:30] I don't know how you're going to do that. How are you going to avoid that, like touching your face? Try and be conscious today how many times you touch your face. I don't know how you can do it. I guess you better wash your hands pretty frequently. They're saying that you should wash your hands every hour on the hour. Wow. Well, hey. I'm not against that, by the way, washing your hands with soap and water. Soap and water. Okay? [00:13:00] I'm having my vitamin C. This is so good for my immune system too, right? Every organ in your body, Sandy, needs vitamin. It's D3, Mary. D2 doesn't work. But the supplements in the store, I think... Guys, you know why I like our supplement of vitamin D3?
Dr. Martin: Because I put K2 in it, MK7, which is the best K2 in the world. [00:13:30] It absorbs vitamin D even better with K2 because it... What does K2 do? K2. What does vitamin K2 do? K1 is found in the plant kingdom mostly. Where's K2 found? Eggs, butter, cheese curds are the best. Cheese curds are the best source of vitamin K2 in the world. What is vitamin K2? It takes calcium out of your blood vessels. [00:14:00] It decalcifies your blood vessel. You see, you want calcium, you need calcium, your body can't live without calcium, but you don't want it sitting in your blood vessels and hardening your arteries. You want it to get into your bones where calcium belongs. Okay? What takes calcium out of your bloodstream? You guys know this. K2. K2. K1, [00:14:30] very important vitamin too, is found in the plants.
Dr. Martin: What does K1 do? It declots your blood. Vitamin K1 is important. It thins your blood out. But if you're on a blood thinner, they tell you don't take vitamin K, but what they don't know is vitamin K2 doesn't thin your blood. It takes calcium out of your blood. It's different. Eggs, meat, and cheese. That's me. [00:15:00] Okay? That's me. Pamela is saying she takes 12,000 IU in the dark months. Well, Pamela, you're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Now, we're past the dark months. We're into March. But guys, we have a pandemic. Take your vitamin D. Take your vitamin D. Don't stop it. Now, I'm in Florida, right, where they've closed everything down. [00:15:30] I feel so sorry for people. You know what they know about the coronavirus? When it's hot, it can't survive.
Dr. Martin: When the humidity is up and it's hot, it doesn't survive in that it. It's going to have a lifespan, guys. It's going to go away. You know? When does the flu bug come around? In the dark months. That's why they give you the flu shot in the winter time, in the fall. There's a reason [00:16:00] for it. Why is not the flu around in the summer? The sun. Vitamin D. Guys, use your noggins. God gave you a brain. Use it. Think about it. This is how you protect yourself and protect your loved ones. Protect. If you have parents in the home, take [00:16:30] them vitamin D and give them lots and vitamin A. If you want, get the old fashion... You can buy vitamin A, but give them a cod liver oil capsule or make sure they're eating eggs, meat, and cheese. That's the problem, you see? As people get older, they don't eat enough steak.
Dr. Martin: "Doc, I find it hard to chew it." I know, but [00:17:00] it's so good for you. Guys, I'd rather you eat your vitamins and then take what you... But a senior is going to have to take vitamins for sure. They have to take supplements. Isn't that an interesting study, guys, when you think of it? Like they miscalculated vitamin... I'll send it over to Brandy. Maybe she can post it in our Martin Clinic Group the article. I don't know if you can actually read the [00:17:30] article. I don't know how to do it. Okay? I read it and I have it. I have it in my phone and I would send it over to you in some way. I don't know. I'll have to ask Tony Jr. or Brandy if they can help you with that because otherwise, I don't know. Listen, isn't that interesting, guys? That was the study on vitamin D. Everything gets better with the [00:18:00] sun.
Dr. Martin: If you can't get sun like me until the sun comes out, don't worry, you can actually... Now remember, vitamin D is absorbed primarily on your arms and your legs. You know what? Get out. If it's a beautiful day, wherever you are, get out and enjoy. Get outside. Absolutely. 100%. You're not going to get a lot of vitamin D though unless you can expose your arms [00:18:30] and legs to vitamin D. Okay? In the meantime, take your supplements. Okay? Take your supplements. It's very, very, very important. Vitamin D is Dr. Martin's vaccine. Guys, I know they're going to come out with a vaccine. I guarantee you, every pharmaceutical company in the world right now is working on a vaccine. I get it. I understand that. The world's [00:19:00] going to say we need a vaccine. But guys, let me just tell you something about the coronavirus.
Dr. Martin: The coronavirus, not this specific one, but the coronavirus has been around forever, and it will mutate. It'll change. The vaccines and the flu shots are like this every year. They give you the flu shot and they calculate what is going [00:19:30] to be the strain in the summer. They take a guess. It's educated. It's not random in a way. They're educated, but they go, "Okay, but it..." This year, for example, they're saying they're 30-40% effectiveness of the flu shot. I'm just telling you statistics, and I'm not telling you whether to get the flu shot or not the flu shot. I'm not saying that. Don't quote me because you're lying if you say, "Dr. Martin said [00:20:00] don't take the flu shot." I never said that. I never will.
Dr. Martin: If the vaccine comes out for the coronavirus, don't say Dr. Martin didn't tell you to take it. I didn't tell you to not to do it. I won't do that. I'm not doing that. I'm not God. I'm not telling you what to do. I'm giving you recommendations. But one thing for sure, no matter what, because even if they come out with the vaccine, the coronavirus will take another flip and it will mutate. [00:20:30] It'll be a different one the next time, and the vaccine will be effective for one strain of the coronavirus. What are they calling it? The 19... Whatever they call it. What about the next one? Vitamin D. Vitamin D. I'm telling you. These viruses do not proliferate in the sun, in the Philippines, or whatever. [00:21:00] It's too hot. They don't get that. They get other bugs. They don't have the medicines we have.
Dr. Martin: You know what I mean? Medicine is wonderful. You get sick, they're wonderful. I mean it, but what are you going to do for you? What are you going to do for you? Vitamin D and get good levels of vitamin D and number two. Number two, I'm going to reinforce it, probiotics. [00:21:30] Probiotics helps your immune... Like 80% of your immune system is in your gut. It's where all the transaction takes place in your body is in the gut. This is why you want to take probiotics, guys, broad spectrum probiotics. They help big time. Everybody in the world right now, if the governments were smart, [00:22:00] if the government of Canada and the United States were smart, they would make vitamin D available to everyone in the risk category and they would give them good doses of it and probiotics.
Dr. Martin: Are they going to do that? Nope, they won't, but they should. They should. Guys, that's my little rant for today. Love you, guys. Remember, they miscalculated on vitamin D. Talk to you soon. [00:22:30] Send in your questions. Private group, I'll try and get that study over to you. I don't know how I'll do it, but I'll try. Love you.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.