Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone, and we're going to talk this morning about vitamin E, the Martin Clinic vitamin E. So did you get your vitamin E this morning? [00:00:30] I did, yep. Vitamin E, exercise. I want to talk to you this morning, a lot of people ask me this, and I think I'll do a separate video, just a little bit of a teaching on exercise, but I just want to go over some of the research that will just reinforce. Now listen, any kind of exercise will be good. It doesn't matter. Any exercise. They've proven any exercise [00:01:00] is good. So you don't have to be doing heavy weights or whatever in the gym. Those are preferable, if you can do resistant and high intensity, short duration exercise. I'll go over this with you. But any exercise, like going for a walk, is tremendous for you. It's shown that it regulates your blood sugar. But I'm going to talk to you about 12 things [00:01:30] that exercise does. And I'm going to be very specific. Just remember now that exercise is good. All exercise is good.
Dr. Martin: Okay, so any exercise is good. Any exercise is good. That's number one. That's the true Martin Clinic vitamin E, is exercise, because it's tremendous what it does. So there's 12 things. But let me just give [00:02:00] you the latest research on the very best exercise. The very best exercise, what can you do? How often should you do it? So here's the research that shows that the very best exercise, again, all exercises are good, the very, very best exercise are 15 to 20 minutes [00:02:30] duration. So that's the length of time. About 15. This morning I went to... Where I am here in Florida, there's an outdoor gym. It's got everything I need. I like it. And I did about 16 minutes. And I'll talk to you a little bit about an app that you can put on your smartphone, and the one that I like. And again, it's got a lot of research behind [00:03:00] it, this app. And I mean, you can do different exercises, but one of the best...
Dr. Martin: See, a lot of people, what happens in the gym is they go too long in the gym, and this creates what we call oxidative damage. If you're a runner and you run too much, oxidative. The very thing you're trying to help, and I know it helps your cardio and all this and that. I get that. The problem is, in the long run, it's oxidative in the sense that it starts to rust out your cells, [00:03:30] because you're creating too many free radicals. You're overdoing it. So the idea... and I'm giving you the latest research... the idea with exercise, the best exercise is 15 to 20 minutes of high intensity.
Dr. Martin: Meaning that, for example, let's say you're just lifting curls. Like it doesn't have to be heavy weights. You just do it, [00:04:00] one repetition, until you can't do another one. Like you don't, one, two, three, for whatever it is. And you can slowly build up. But you might get to 10, you might get to 15, and then, "Aah, I can't lift it anymore." You've done it. That's one repetition. And then give yourself a few seconds' rest and then do another one, not necessarily with your arms, but you can sort of plan. And for example, I did [00:04:30] chest this morning, just repetitions of resistant exercises until I couldn't do it anymore.
Dr. Martin: So 15, 20 minutes, that's all you need. The research is clear. 15, 20 minutes, three times a week. Three times a week. You can go walking every day if you want, but if you do the high intensity, they recommend you do it three days a week. So that's four days a week where you're not [00:05:00] doing high intensity exercise. That's the most beneficial, according to the studies. Now, like I said, all exercise is beneficial, but this is the most beneficial. So it doesn't take long. You don't have to live in the gym. A lot of people, they, like when I go to the gym, oftentimes I watch people. And look, it's a social thing for them, and there's nothing wrong with that. I [00:05:30] mean, they meet people in the gym and they have their conversations or whatever. But you should set aside 15 minutes of doing a high intensity program, whatever that is.
Dr. Martin: You can do squats, if you can do them. Just do repetitions until you can't do it anymore. Exhaust yourself, and then rest a few seconds and do something else. And again, you don't need a lot of equipment or whatever. I have a band here. You can do bands [00:06:00] and just one, two, three, four, right up, and get yourself strong. And, by the way, here's something about the legs. The stronger your legs, the better your brain. The stronger your legs, the better your brain. Like if you're going to the gym and it's a leg day for you, or whatever, think of your brain. I think about that. I like to do [00:06:30] squats and you can do them with a lightweight, or for those in better shape, a little heavier weight, or... what do they call those... bells there.
Dr. Martin: It's high intensity. How frequently? Three times a week. What's the duration? 15 to 20 minutes. That is the ideal thing. And here's [00:07:00] what exercise does. Here's what exercise, especially the high intensity, this is where the research is showing how incredible it is. So here's what it does. Study after study shows that high intensity training, three days a week, 15 to 20 minute sessions. I have a little app on my phone called Gymboss. And on [00:07:30] there, you have different things you can do. I like tabata. T-A-B-A-T-A. Tabata. What is that? It was created by the South Korean speed skating coach. And what he found out is that he could get his speed skaters in the best of shape if he did a [inaudible 00:07:51] program, 20 seconds high intensity, any exercise at all, and eight repetitions. So that gives you four [00:08:00] minutes.
Dr. Martin: Now I did that this morning, four different times. So that gave me a total of 16 minute session. I'll tell you, I was sweating when I did that. And again, you can pick any exercise you want. Just try and go hard for the 20 seconds, you get 10 seconds off. That's called Tabata. Tabata. Sorry, what did I call it? Tabata. And Tabata is on... at least I have [00:08:30] it on my phone, and I don't know anything about smartphones. You guys know me. My son had to show me this because I know nothing. I put this Gymboss app and I think it's still available. I've had it on my phone for years. So you can do high intensity, and it dings. Do 20 seconds. It dings, you rest for 10 seconds. It dings again. And again, you can do four minutes, you can do two sessions. [00:09:00] That gives you eight minutes. I did four sessions this morning. Brings me into that area between 15 and 20 minutes.
Dr. Martin: So now, let me give you this. What is study after study confirming this, especially the high intensity one? What does it do? Number one, it helps to regulate your blood sugar. Now you guys know this. We talk about this all the time. Regulating blood sugar. Because that's [00:09:30] the big problem in our society today. It's food, it's sugar. So exercise. Listen, even if you have a heavy meal, and if you go for a walk after, they've shown that if you do, I think it was even a two or three minute walk after a heavy meal, will start to lower your blood sugar response and your insulin response. Doesn't take much. But movement is important. Now my job [00:10:00] is sitting. When I'm in the clinic and with patients, I sit all day. Exercise is so much more important for me.
Dr. Martin: If you're moving at work all the time, but you can use the stairs, and even in the stairs of high intensity, of going up those stairs, and maybe two stairs at a time, or whatever. Walk up those stairs, and if you got enough stairs. I do that at airports. If I see a stairs, I walk, and I climb [00:10:30] those stairs, and I usually do two stairs at a. Like skip a stair and do the two stair climb. And by the time you get to the top, you're sweating and you get a little bit of a workout, so it doesn't take much. All exercise is good. So high intensity lowers your insulin, lowers your blood sugar, it builds muscle mass.
Dr. Martin: Now, we've talked [00:11:00] about this. The bigger your muscles are, the bigger your muscles are... Ladies, not cardio. Do you hear what I said? Cardio is so overrated. It's overrated. I'm not saying it's not good for you, but don't overdo. "Doc, I'm on the treadmill all the time." Well, get off the stinking treadmill. The better exercise is weight and weight resistant exercises. It's much [00:11:30] better for you, even your heart. Why is that? Because it's going to lower your insulin. It's going to build... The more muscle you have, the more room you have for your insulin to store your glucose. It's got to store it. If you don't use that right away as energy, your carbs are going to be stored as fat. Well, the more muscle you have, [00:12:00] the more... Look, your body stores fat in three places. One, muscles. Two, liver. And three, it'll make as many fat cells around your liver as it needs. That's how you get visceral fat. Well, the more muscle you have, the more storage space you have. You got it? The more storage space you have. So you get your muscle mass. It's amazing.
Dr. Martin: [00:12:30] I get seniors and I get them working on their muscles, because they need muscles. They need that strength. And one of the biggest issues, as we age, is a condition called sarcopenia. Weakness of muscles. You can't even get out of a chair. You have trouble getting... If you were on the ground and you fell, you couldn't get off the ground. This is what happens with many seniors. And this is why [00:13:00] extra... Now, look, there's vitamin D, there's B12, has a lot to do with proprioception and muscles, and I'm a big guy on vitamin D. You guys know me. If I could get into every senior home, I'd bring them vitamin D and B12, and you'd see a 90% improvement in these seniors. Even in the coronavirus, bring them vitamin D. Bring your parents, or your whatever. You're going into the senior home, bring them their vitamin D. They're [00:13:30] not going to get it in their home. And this is so important.
Dr. Martin: So exercise helps muscle mass. Guess the other thing it does. It helps with human growth hormone. See, this morning, I took my human growth hormone. Why? Because I got my vitamin E. Human growth hormone. Again, that helps with muscle mass, helps with bone, it helps with brain. Your heart's a muscle. Your [00:14:00] heart is a muscle. Strengthen your muscle. And you think it's cardio. But high intensity is cardio. It's the best of both worlds when you do that. Elevate your testosterone. Men, you fall asleep all the time. You get home and you fall asleep. That's your testosterone. It's going down. 80% of the men in North America have low levels of, 80% [00:14:30] have low levels of testosterone. They don't have enough testosterone. Testosterone has gone down above 400% in the last 20 years in men. Men are not men anymore. They don't have enough testosterone. They don't get to the gym. And you don't even have to go to the gym. I don't care. You can do in your living room. High intensity. Do some pushups, whatever, weight resistant. Do 15, 20 minutes. [00:15:00] It'll pump you up, pump up your...
Dr. Martin: And ladies, you need some testosterone too. Testosterone is good for women. It's not your dominating hormone, but it will help with your levels of testosterone. Ladies, build muscle so that you don't get osteoporosis and sarcopenia, muscle wasting. You get muscle wasting, your bones are going to deteriorate, ladies. This is why women are so susceptible to osteoporosis. [00:15:30] It's a big thing. And why they fall and they fracture their hips as they get into their senior ages. They don't have enough muscle. They're sarcopenic. This is what that is. Sarcopenia. So vitamin E. Vitamin E. Do resistance. Like even if you do, you're actually helping yourself by doing that. Be strong. It makes you much more sensitive [00:16:00] to insulin.
Dr. Martin: Now, there's insulin resistance, when your cells go, "Hey, insulin, I hate your guts. Get away from me." Look, insulin's job is to take sugar out of your bloodstream, its primary job. Sugar is so toxic that if I empty out your five liters of blood, you'll have less than a teaspoon in there, until you're a diabetic and you're not controlling your blood sugars anymore. And the problem with blood sugar [00:16:30] medication, diabetic medication, it controls the blood sugar, but it does nothing to fix the problem. The problem is carbs. It's insulin. So the more carbs you eat, the more your cells resist insulin. So how do you get yourselves to become more sensitive to insulin so that you need less?
Dr. Martin: I'm going to use an illustration here. A pen. I wanted to get a pen. [00:17:00] Think of your pancreas, guys, like this pen. Your pancreas is like a pen. It's actually the same size as a ballpoint pen. Now, it's a little simplistic, this illustration. It doesn't matter. I think it works. Every time you eat carbs, crappy carbs, bread, pasta, rice, cereal, sugar, juice, milk, alcohol. Those are carbohydrates. And every time, you need a lot of [00:17:30] insulin. So just like this, your pancreas has insulin, a pen has ink, you're going to run out of your pancreas. Think of your pancreas. So it regulates your blood sugar, lowers your insulin. It makes you more sensitive to insulin, so you need less. You need less to do the same job. It lowers your cortisol.
Dr. Martin: Number one, for a lot of people, is [00:18:00] stress, anxiety. People are just like a baller. They're tight and they're stressed. I talked to you about that. Unforgiveness, worry, guilt. I took enough psychology to be dangerous, in university, I always tell people. But I read my Bible every day and I learn, unforgiveness, that'll create a lot of anxiety. [00:18:30] And worry. Worry about the coronavirus. A lot of people are worried about it. Well, first, there's nothing they can do. Like, I mean, no use worrying about what you can't control. Like you just make sure your immune system is in good shape. I don't know about everybody else, but I'm just trying to be and keep my system in the best of shape. But you can worry. And then there's guilt. A lot of people live in the rearview mirror. [00:19:00] They live back there. Instead of looking forward, it's always regret or whatever. And you live in that guilt and that creates anxiety.
Dr. Martin: Exercise helps. Vitamin E helps with cortisol. It actually lowers your cortisol. Isn't that a tremendous thing? Think about that. It helps reduce fatty liver. It empties out that glycogen from your liver. Remember, your liver is a suitcase. Your liver is the Costco [00:19:30] parking lot. Always full, if you're eating carbs. It empties it, especially if you work out in the morning before you eat. So people ask me... Well, look, guys, remember what I said. Any exercise is good. Anytime you do it is good. It's always beneficial. It's never negative. Some people have to eat before they exercise. They don't feel good if they don't eat. Okay, that's you. But the vast [00:20:00] majority of people, if you can, go empty your liver, empty the suitcase at the gym, or whatever, before you eat. Again, the research is showing it's better. It's always good, remember what I said, but even better.
Dr. Martin: And of course, it helps, guys, exercise helps with fat loss. Fat, not muscle loss. Because a lot of people, if you starve yourself to death, [00:20:30] you lose weight. You're going to go into ketoacidosis and you will lose weight. But that's not healthy weight loss. Healthy weight loss is when you're eating low carb, you do the reset, you're eating real good. It's not calories. And you're working out. Vitamin E, essential vitamin.
Dr. Martin: So the last one, I'll just mention another benefit. It lowers your risk of kidney disease. [00:21:00] Why is that? Two factors. One, insulin. Nothing's more damaging to your kidneys than having elevated insulin. Insulin resistance damages the kidneys. And second, circulation. Just like if you're looking behind your eye, you will see microcirculation. Little capillaries. The 401's back there and the 407 and the 416 [00:21:30] and the highways around Toronto. It's amazing. That's what your eye. That's why I always tell people, with eyes, diabetics have such trouble with their eyes. Why is that? Microcirculation. That's what diabetic retinopathy is. You got trouble with your eyes, 99% of the time it's circulation. Microcirculation. Same thing with your kidneys, guys. Your kidneys. Circulation, microcirculation, [00:22:00] the little capillaries, the [inaudible 00:22:02] that are damaged the most at first.
Dr. Martin: The first thing that gets damaged in your blood vessels are your capillaries, when you have elevated insulin. You elevate insulin, the first thing is not atherosclerosis, for example. That's not the first thing that happens. Like atherosclerosis is hardening of the arteries. That's not the first thing that happens. The first thing that happens is damage to your capillaries. Capillaries [00:22:30] connect your arteries and your veins. They are your little micro, they're so little that your red blood cells have to go in there one by one. They have to file through there one by one. They can't line up. They have to line up in single file. That's how small your capillaries are.
Dr. Martin: But they're the first things that get damaged when your insulin is high, when your blood sugar is high. They damage. That's why eyes, kidneys. That's why there's so much [00:23:00] trouble with diabetics. And if you have diabetic... like if you have neuropathy, what is neuropathy? It's microcirculation. It's capillaries. Starts affecting the nerves, and you get numbness in your feet and hand. And you know what? If you get that, you're already a diabetic. Don't wait until the [inaudible 00:23:21] says I'm a. You're a diabetic. You're already a diabetic. So these things are very, very significant.
Dr. Martin: Love [00:23:30] you, guys. We'll try and talk to you just about every day this week. So have a great day. Have any questions, let us know. Love you, guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Dr. Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.