Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. I'm always jacked up about research. I really like reading. I like reading stuff, [00:00:30] all the studies that I get and some of them I dismiss because they're either not interesting or they're not relevant to us, to me. But most of them, I like to read, I like to look into and there's some, there was a study out yesterday, at least I saw it yesterday on B12 and the high levels of B12 are not good for you. And [00:01:00] some of you might've saw that, it was on our ... I really appreciate our Martinclinic Facebook group, private group there because they sort of brought it up. I hadn't seen it. Then I read the study.
Dr. Martin: And, again, guys ... And it's good because I want you thinking, I want you to challenge everything. I remember the apostle Paul telling, I think it was in the [00:01:30] book of Acts, in the Bible, he says, "I really appreciated those Bereans. They were much more noble than those people in Thessalonica, because they searched out to make sure what I'm telling is true." And they did a lot of searching to make sure that Paul wasn't just telling them stuff that wasn't true. Okay.
Dr. Martin: And guys, I like that about you guys because you want to look at stuff. I'm trying to [00:02:00] educate our listeners so that they're smart. You guys are smart. Medicine, for years, tried to hide everything. That's why you got big names. Latissimus dorsi, what is that? Who cares? It's all Latin, right? And medicine did that on purpose. They don't want you to know.
Dr. Martin: And today, people with the internet and social media [00:02:30] and whatever, they want to know. A lot of people. And my generation is probably the worst because my parents' generation and my generation, doctors were gods, never to be questioned. And I like being questioned. Okay.
Dr. Martin: Now guys, this is an incredibly important study. I mean, I lit up [00:03:00] yesterday when I read this study. Okay. And it linked smoking and food, certain foods, to disease. Now you guys get this, right? Smoking, everybody understands it. Remember now, I've told you this before, but I'm old enough to tell you about a generation that didn't even know smoking was bad for them. I'm not kidding you.
Dr. Martin: My dad. My dad smoked, [00:03:30] my mom smoked. Okay. And my dad smoked. He smoked with his patients in his office. My dad went through four packs of Buckinghams a day and my mom never stopped smoking, by the way. My dad did. My dad went cold turkey, I think it was 1962. I was 10 years old and my dad came home and said, "That's the end of my cigarette days. I'm finding out it's not good for me." [00:04:00] What? You only found out in 1962 that smoking wasn't good for you?
Dr. Martin: But it's true. In World War II, doctors used to give, if you had pneumonia or a cold or whatever, they give you a cigarette, cough it out. But guys, that's what they didn't know. They didn't know. They didn't know that smoking ... Everybody smoked, just about, right? Watch the old movies and everybody's smoking. [00:04:30] It was part of their life.
Dr. Martin: Well, once it came out and people realize that smoking wasn't good for you, they stopped smoking. Not everybody, of course. Right? Like I said, my mom didn't stop smoking. Okay. But most people stopped smoking. The Cancer Society, this is where they did good. The Cancer Society said, "Stop smoking." And when people stopped smoking, [00:05:00] they actually had a temporary dent in the cancer rates, except they've shot up again.
Dr. Martin: By 1990, listen to this, in the 1970s, one out of 20 women would get breast cancer. One out of 20 men would get prostate cancer. Today, it's one out of four men in prostate cancer over the age of 50. One out of six women going to get breast cancer in their lifetime. [00:05:30] So cancer rates went down because in the 1990s, it was one out of 30 people, temporarily because they stopped smoking, cancer rates went down.
Dr. Martin: But this new study yesterday, it was so incredible for me because I'm going to break this down, make it simple so that you understand it. How did smoking cause cancer and not only cancer, heart disease. How did [00:06:00] smoking ... Because if you smoke, your risk of getting a heart attack was up a hundred fold. Well, obviously, smoking destroyed your blood vessels.
Dr. Martin: You're smoking into your lungs, you get the lung cancer thing. But what about like my mom, when my mom had uterine cancer, I remember the doctor saying to her, "Well, that's your smoking." [00:06:30] Well, what smoking got to do with uterine cancer? The uterus, for heaven sakes. Well, now we know.
Dr. Martin: What happens [inaudible 00:06:41] smoking and then I'm going to tie it to a food. What will just blow you away guys? It blew me away and it'll blow you away. Okay, so think about this for a minute. Smoking, right? What is the way it makes cancer [00:07:00] and cardiovascular disease?
Dr. Martin: Why do you get people that smoke have so much heart damage and blood vessel damage? What is it? It's called oxidation. There's three things that happen. One, oxidation, which is [inaudible 00:07:19]. It is a premature aging of your blood vessels, your cells, it's called oxidation. Okay. Free radical damage.
Dr. Martin: What's [00:07:30] the best way to show it? Take an Apple, cut it in half. What happens to it? Very quickly rapidly. Oxidation. It ages, it rusts out. It turns brown, right? You guys know that. So smoking creates oxidation. It creates free radical damage. It destroys the blood vessels.
Dr. Martin: And then secondly, what it does is it creates [00:08:00] oxidation creates inflammation. Oxidation creates inflammation because it's damaged. So your body creates an inflammatory response, almost like a healing response. The ambulance comes to the area where there's oxidation, your body's bloodstream because it trying to heal the damage made by oxidation.
Dr. Martin: So the second thing that happens is inflammation. And [00:08:30] the third thing that happens is that immune response. Okay, you get an immune response. But this trifecta, what it does, so oxidation, inflammation, immune response, your body overreacts to the cigarette smoke. It's trying to heal the immune response. It creates a chemical inside.
Dr. Martin: This [00:09:00] guy says this is incredible. It creates a chemical inside your body called aldehide, aldehide. A-L-D-E-H-I-D-E-S. Aldehides destroy your blood vessels. Oxidation, inflammation. We didn't know that. We knew that inflammation is at the root. [00:09:30] We used to say, at the root of all disease. But inflammation is not a Houdini. What started it? Well, smoking.
Dr. Martin: Okay. It creates aldehides, which destroy your blood vessels and yourselves. Yes. Now we know the process. Now, here is something that you didn't know because if you knew it and I didn't. [00:10:00] I know you're smarter than me, but I'm telling you guys, listen to this. Aldehides. The same thing. The same thing that happens in smoking happens when you eat crappy carbohydrates that come from vegetable oils.
Dr. Martin: This is why I'm a big guy. I'm the farmer's best friend guys [00:10:30] because there is no aldehides when you eat eggs, meat and cheese and even fruits and vegetables and legumes. There's no aldehides that are formed. Vegetable oils, when you go to the restaurant, everything they cook in there, except maybe a steak on the thing, when they cook up their French Fries in there, they use vegetable oils.
Dr. Martin: [00:11:00] They use canola oil. They use, let me give you the list. Canola, sunflower, corn oil, safflower, grape seed, soy bean oil, margarine, margarine. Margerina margarine. How stupid was that? Even the American Heart Association tells us to eat a lot of carbs. So the very thing that causes heart disease because of aldehides that [00:11:30] destroy your blood vessels, free radicals, which destroy your blood vessels and inflammation, these things create aldehides that destroy your blood vessels and destroy yourselves.
Dr. Martin: So when you're having crackers or cookies, unless homemade, these things, guys, destroy your blood vessels. It's like smoking all over again. So a lot of [00:12:00] people, let me bring something to you that you're going to marvel at. Today, the number one cancer is, and Pamela is saying, well, keto, but be careful with keto. I'm not that big on keto because keto, you can have some crappy carbs in keto. You can have some vegetable oils in keto. [00:12:30] You got to be careful where that stuff is made from. I'm more the farmer's best keto.
Dr. Martin: Once you come out of the reset, you have low carbs but live on what you can grow and what you can ... What grows on the farm and what you can kill. Live on that stuff. Eggs, meat and cheese. Nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables and legumes. After that, be very careful. Anything [00:13:00] on the bad side, like your breads and your pasta and your noodles and your cereals and your margarine and even milk. It's because they took the fat out of it and I don't want to get into that.
Dr. Martin: Okay. Anyway, so look guys, clean keto, yes. Okay. Yes, clean keto. I get it. Okay. I'm a low carb guy, you know that. Way before keto. [00:13:30] Keto's very popular today, and I'm not against it per se, but a lot of times, you're eating crappy foods on keto. There's all sorts of low carb keto foods you can go by and they're keto, but they're not good for you. Just because they don't have a lot of carbohydrates don't make them good for you. It depends on how they make them.
Dr. Martin: Anyways, here's what I want to get at. Here's what I want to get at. Okay. Aldehides. coming from smoking and crappy carbs. [00:14:00] Now what? Cancer. Okay, what is the number one cancer? So what's the number one cancer, what kills people the most today? The number one cancer today is lung cancer.
Dr. Martin: Okay. Lung cancer. Liver cancer is very common. So is skin cancer and whatever, but it's lung cancer. Okay. Now I want you to think with me for a minute, okay. Of course, [00:14:30] when people were smoking, lung cancer, right? It was big time in the 1960s, 70s and then people finally stopped smoking. Well, they lowered the smoking. Not everybody stopped, but they lowered it.
Dr. Martin: Their cancer commercials were very effective. Right? I saw one yesterday, a cancer commercial. It scares the living life out of you. A lady talking and she has throat cancer [00:15:00] and she's got a thing. She speaks through an artificial voice box and she looked like death warmed up. Scared the ... Well, it's meant to scare you. Well, okay, if it works I'll scare you.
Dr. Martin: But guys, lung cancer today, lung cancer today is still the number one cancer. For people that don't even smoke because I don't know what the statistics are, I'd have to look it up exactly [00:15:30] how much of the population in North America still smoke. I think it's a small percentage.
Dr. Martin: Although the young people, and I'm just going to say this, you might get mad at me. Okay, you might get mad at me, but I was very much against making marijuana legal in Canada and it's coming. In the United States, too. I'm against it because we got enough problems. Lung cancer, it's a gateway drug. [00:16:00] If they're smoking marijuana, they'll probably smoke cigarettes, too. And if they smoked ... You put grass and you put fumes down. Is this vaping? It's terrible.
Dr. Martin: So get mad at me. I don't care. I'm just against it. Okay. And I know they're never going to change it for me, but I want to keep you healthy. So think about this. Smoking has been reduced, but lung cancer has not been reduced. As a matter of fact, it's still the [00:16:30] number one cancer in North America.
Dr. Martin: Well, a lot of people said, "Well, doc, it's what we breathe in, it's the chemicals." [inaudible 00:16:39] chemicals and I was, "Who am I to argue with that? Yeah. Chemicals have a ... They cause oxidation. But guys, the biggest thing is not the chemicals. It's the vegetable oils. Yeah. Oh, and when they said, "Don't have butter, don't have butter and don't have [00:17:00] lard. Coconut oil is no good for you. All of oil is no good for you. It's too fat, right? And Palm oil is no good for you. It's too fat."
Dr. Martin: Well, fat don't make you fat and fat that's nature's fat. Those saturated fats, cook with them. Make your butter, butter, butter. Forget how good it is for you because of the K-2. But just tell you, it doesn't [00:17:30] create aldehides, grape seed oil, canola oil, safflower oil, seed oils. They're cheap and they're industrialized. You could run your car on them.
Dr. Martin: Your body wasn't made for them. And they create, it's just like smoking. When you eat anything in a package, anything in a packet has vegetable oils. Why? Because they're cheap, [00:18:00] one. Two, they preserve, they are a preservative. So your crackers will last for a long time, bread lasts very long, right? I mean if you leave bread out it'll mold up pretty quick. But if you make something like a cracker with vegetable oils, it'll last for a long time in your cupboard.
Dr. Martin: So vegetable oils is what ... And in the 1900s, [00:18:30] of course, in my studies, to get my PhD, I had to look a lot of the history of nutrition. But if you look back into the early 1900s, I mean our bread has changed because they used to pound the ... It wasn't a machine, it was a pounding of the flour to make flour from the germ [00:19:00] and the bran and it was pounded and there was a lot of nutrition in there because it was stone ground.
Dr. Martin: But today it's all done where the bran and the wheat are out. And now you have an industrialized flour that isn't good for you. It spikes your insulin through the roof. Okay. But in the [00:19:30] oils, when they put, and it sounds good, vegetable oils. People went for it, hook, line and sinker. But when they created these seed oils, it started with cotton seed oil and they realized that man, oh man, this stuff is so cheap and the food industry, hook, line and sinker went for it.
Dr. Martin: And you know what? Now we're getting ... That is [00:20:00] one of the reasons guys, you know me how I always talk about insulin, high circulating insulin and leaky gut and those are big causes of disease because those will give you inflammation that destroys your blood vessels. Created by seed oils gives you aldehides the same thing that smoking did and what a connection.
Dr. Martin: Think about that guys, think about that connection and how significant [00:20:30] this is. And again, it comes back to, oh Dr. Martin, what should I do? Well, quit eating that stuff. Don't eat that stuff. As much as you can stay away from every vegetable oil. Stay away from packaged goods. This why I love the reset, guys. The reset is eggs, meat and cheese. Eggs, meat and cheese, live on it. It is so wonderful for you. [00:21:00] It is so good for you and you're not creating any free radical damage. It's like stop smoking all over again. Because you're not eating those vegetable oils at all, at all, at all.
Dr. Martin: So be careful, even, guys, with the low carb foods, okay? They say they got very few carbs, but how was it made? I mean, I want you to watch out for this. Okay? Be careful with this. Okay? [00:21:30] So isn't that interesting? Aldehides. I bet you it's something you didn't know. I didn't even know it. I didn't know exactly how ... I knew about inflammation, of course. And I knew about the free radical damage. I know about oxidation, I know about all that kind of stuff.
Dr. Martin: But I didn't know the connection between smoking and your vegetable oils. Your seed oils, they're high [00:22:00] in Omega 6, guys. This is why I am so big on Omega 3. We don't get enough Omega 3 and you get Omega 3 only in ... You can get them in nuts and seeds, but you're not going to get the high DHA and the EPA. You need that. That is found in the animal kingdom. Eggs, meat and cheese. So there's always a reason for my [00:22:30] madness, guys.
Dr. Martin: Okay? Because somebody called me yesterday, you're mad. You're crazy. That's all you talk about. Yeah, I'm a guy, I'm a sort of a one trick pony. It's true. But guys, these things are important. Okay.
Dr. Martin: So now, if you haven't joined our private Facebook group, join please because it's wonderful. You guys are unbelievable. [00:23:00] The communication between each other. And if you haven't started the reset, you can start the reset anytime. Join our group and we will coach you with recipes, the science behind the reset. Join the group. Okay?
Dr. Martin: And I go in there. I go in there and do some teaching, but we got our coaches, our health [00:23:30] coaches there, Nick and Jeanette, they're posting recipes all the time. It's wonderful. And Brandy, answering all your questions. Okay. And a lot of those questions come over to me and I'm happy to answer them, too. Okay.
Dr. Martin: So we get involved as a community and we support each other and anyway, we love it. So love you guys. Talk to you soon. Share this with your friends. Remember, aldehides. Smoking, [00:24:00] and certain foods do the same amount of damage and the same way they damage your bodies with these aldehydes, isn't it incredible. Think about that. Love ya. Talk to you soon..
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin junior and senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.