Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info, maybe it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr.Martin: Well, hi, everyone. Wanted to touch on a subject. Thanks very much, by the way, for all the feedback. I want to talk about migraines today, which is a very common [00:00:30] problem, and I want to talk about migraines. Let's look at a couple of things. Number one, let's look at the causes of migraines, and then some of the deficiencies, perhaps causes, and then certainly what you can do for migraines. So, there's three main causes of migraines. The number one cause ... and migraines [00:01:00] are much more prevalent in women than they are in men, and that tells you something. The reason for that is it's hormonal. So the vast majority of migraines are hormonal. They come with the territory of estrogen dominance. So the number one cause of migraines in women is estrogen dominance. Now let me just tell you what [00:01:30] that is again. Okay?
Dr.Martin: So from the day, ladies, that you ovulate, estrogen out of the ovaries and progesterone, and they need to be equal. If they're equal, your menses will be good. You'll get very little PMS, your skin will be good. You won't get heavy bleeding, you won't get a regular periods. Millions, and I mean that, in North America, millions, and millions, [00:02:00] and millions of women have been put on birth control pills, not for birth control, but for the side effects of having estrogen dominance. And I just want to tell you, ladies, that is just a bandaid. It is not the solution. Now because in the vast majority of cases what they're doing is they're giving you a synthetic horse's urine. [00:02:30] That's what the birth control pill is made up of, horse's urine, and it's synthetic, and it's ... in longterm is dangerous to your body. And again I know that temporarily, sometimes with very bad periods and very bad migraines or whatever, they give you the birth control pill. But ... and generally they give you estrogen. And in a funny way, [00:03:00] it can help your periods, but there's the long term side effect of that.
Dr.Martin: So I just want you to be aware of that. Okay? So the number one reason that you have a migraine, especially in women, is that there's too much estrogen compared to the progesterone. And migraines, I've had ... I mean, over the years, thousands of patients come in and they [00:03:30] never were told that their migraines might be due to too much estrogen, too much of a woman, compared to progesterone. So that's the number one thing. Now there's another hormone involved and that is cortisol. So estrogen is ... makes you a woman, makes a man a woman, too. And secondly, cortisol. Cortisol is the stress hormone, comes out of the adrenal [00:04:00] gland. This can, in a lot of people ,trigger a migraine headache. And because of vasodilation, and vasoconstriction, and this kind of thing, and messing up hormones, cortisol can be a factor for migraines. It's often ... And listen, I often use cortisol ... as it's an accelerator.
Dr.Martin: So cortisol [00:04:30] on its own might not cause the headache, but cortisol added with extra estrogen in estrogen dominance can trigger the headache or make the migraine that much worse. So look for that estrogen dominance, high levels of cortisol. This is a third one, and I just say this, that this is a lot more common than people think. The vast majority of people are [00:05:00] dehydrated. Oh doc, I drank tea and I drank ... you know, how can I be dehydrated? Tea and coffee, it's 95% water. Listen, only water is water. And a lot of times the trigger of the migraine headache is dehydration. People don't realize they're dehydrated because they wait until they're thirsty to drink. And I'm telling [00:05:30] you that mechanism ... It would be nice if we had a little light on top of our head that would tell us that, "Hey, dehydrated, dehydrated, dehydrated, drink water."
Dr.Martin: But I'll tell you what happens if you do start to drink ... And remember, only water is water. Okay? So only water is water. So if you drink even Perrier water ... I love Perrier, by the way. I do. I love my little sparkling water. But it's not water because [00:06:00] it's much more acidic because it's been carbonated. I'm not saying it's bad for you. I'm just telling you that you do not hydrate your body with anything else but H2). Water takes a direct route to your bloodstream. Yeah? Everything else gets filtered in your body, okay? Because the body's looking for nutrients to filter it. So [00:06:30] if you're having tea, or coffee, or juice, or whatever, I know there's a lot of water in that, but it's not water. Water is the only thing that will hydrate you properly. And I make it a point for me to drink two liters of water a day.
Dr.Martin: I make it a point. And if I go to the gym, I'll even have more than that. So water, water, water. And listen. One of the things that happens a lot of times [00:07:00] ... And I'll go into deficiencies now, so three, two hormones and water. Okay? So possible causes are too much estrogen, stress from cortisol, and dehydration. Those are the common things that are triggers in migraines. Now here's a couple of other deficiencies. One of them will have to do with water because you might want to do this. It's never a bad idea to [00:07:30] put a pinch of Himalayan salt, which is full of minerals. There's 84 minerals in Himalayan salt, in the pink salt, or good, good, good sea salt, because of the potassium, and the magnesium, and all the trace minerals that are in the drink because it becomes an electrolyte drink.
Dr.Martin: You know, stay away from Gatorade, and stay away from Powerade, and all those sugary, [00:08:00] no good for nothing drinks. But one thing Gatorade had right is that they put the electrolytes into their drink. Now, they put too much sugar, or they put aspartame, or whatever, and that sort of poisons the well. But they got it right in the sense that they put electrolytes, like their electrolyte drinks, because they put potassium, and sodium, and magnesium are in there, your trace minerals. But you can do that yourself [00:08:30] by adding a pinch. Take a little, you won't even know you put it in there, but put it in, let's say, a half a liter of water for my American friends, 16 ounces of water. Put a little quarter of a teaspoon of Himalayan salt, and now you have a very good electrolyte drink. And plus you know what you get? You get big time relief from migraines. You want the migraine not even to start.
Dr.Martin: So get the estrogen down, [00:09:00] get the water up. And if you would like get the ... make your own electrolyte drink with a pinch of Himalayan salt, or a very, very good sea salt. Okay? Now the other thing that ... Okay, so one of the deficiencies, obviously, is those trace minerals, and a lot of people don't get enough trace minerals. They're dehydrated, they don't get enough potassium. [00:09:30] You might even look at taking a potassium supplement with a magnesium supplement. Magnesium is one of the things that I see in the office that migraine sufferers are often deficient in magnesium. And whenever you think of the word magnesium, think of the word relax. Relax. I used to tell that to my kids, "Relax, you're crossing the line, don't go there, relax." [00:10:00] I used to say that to them, and I like that because it reminds me of magnesium.
Dr.Martin: Anything that makes you relax is magnesium. It relaxes your blood vessels, it relaxes your muscles, and it's very, very, very good for you. And we're very deficient in magnesium. There's not a lot of magnesium in the soil anymore, and therefore we're very deficient in it. [00:10:30] If it isn't in the soil, it's not in your nuts and seeds like it used to be. I love peanut butter, and peanut butter is a good source of magnesium, but it's not like it used to be. So you might need extra magnesium. And by the way, by the way, because somebody said this to me the other day, look. The only side effect of having too much magnesium is you're going to get a soft stool. Okay? Most people that come to me, it's not because they got soft stools, it's because they're constipated. [00:11:00] And so if you get to the area where you're taking too much magnesium and one of them is you're getting diarrhea, okay, cut back. Go back on it a little bit.
Dr.Martin: But there's ... that magnesium not dangerous. It's actually very, very good for you. So you can tolerate right up to ... like vitamin C. What's this ... What do you get if you get too much vitamin C? You get a loose stool. Okay, well then cut back, [00:11:30] and when you ... if you hit that level. But magnesium is so good. It's a very, very important, okay? Now the other deficiency, and this is just one of the things that I see in the office so frequently, it's like an epidemic today, and that is a deficiency in B12. It's amazing how the B12 levels have gone down. They have sunk like the Titanic in people right across the board. And [00:12:00] one of them is people don't eat enough meat.
Dr.Martin: Secondly, if you take any, any, any medication whatsoever, I don't care what kind of med it is, you might be just on pain killers on a daily basis because you've got joint pain, or whatever, or you have chronic pain, you are going to be deficient in B12. Yeah. So if you don't eat enough red meat, you're going to be deficient. If you have any, [00:12:30] any kind of digestive issue from acid reflux to any gut problems, you probably ... you should just keep in your mind that you're probably deficient in B12, which can trigger migraine headaches. Okay?
Dr.Martin: So we talked about the deficiencies, magnesium being one of them, electrolytes being the other, deficiency in water, and high levels of [00:13:00] cortisol, and high levels, ladies, of estrogen. We live in an estrogen world today. Estrogen is coming out both of our ears. Plastics, air fresheners, cleaners, the carpet. You can't get away from what they call Xeno estrogens. Your body thinks it's estrogen, and this is why we see so much breast cancer today, and so much prostate cancer for men, [00:13:30] because of the amount of estrogen.
Dr.Martin: It's a big factor. Then add in the mix. Insulin, high fructose corn syrup, and all the bad sugars, and all the bad crappy oils. Look at eliminating. If you have migraines, a look at eliminating vegetable oils out of your diet. All the potato chips, all the crackers, all the crappy carbohydrates that are found [00:14:00] in the middle aisles of your grocery stores are made with mostly vegetable oil. It sounds healthy. It's the farthest thing. If you see canola oil, it's been made with canola oil. You can run your car. Don't go to the gas station, put canola oil in your car because it's oil, and it's bad oil. It is so ... It's a lubricant, [00:14:30] not for your body, but for your car. It's so industrialized. And I believe it's one of the reasons we see a lot more migraines today. Okay?
Dr.Martin: So let me just tell you what you should do if you have migraines. Lower the estrogen, use a dim ... you know, a hormonal formula, lowers estrogen. I had a woman come in yesterday, and it was just [00:15:00] ... I was so happy for her because she told me after 20 years of having migraine headaches almost on a daily basis, after less than two weeks with me blocking her extra estrogen with the hormonal formula, not another headache. Now can you imagine what that does in terms of quality [00:15:30] of life? The joy that she had. And you know what? I was giving her high fives because I was so excited for her. But that's the kind of thing that you can do. Block the estrogen, get your cortisol down. If you suspicious of ... you're having high cortisol, get on our cortisol formula. They are tremendous at looking at. You might start B12. Look, you ain't going to overdose on B12.
Dr.Martin: Okay? [00:16:00] So if you're suspicious that your B12 is low, start taking sublingual B12. We have a 6,000 microgram level of B12. It's a methylcobalamin. It is the best B12. It's better than taking a B12 shot. That's how effective it is. And do that to make sure that your migraines go away. Okay? [00:16:30] So it just wanted to do that little bit of teaching today. And listen, if you have topics that you want me to touch, send them in. If you want me to touch on certain subjects, I'm happy to do it. So, that's our little teaching on migraines this morning. Love you guys. Share this with your friends and tell us how much you appreciate these. We sure appreciate the feedback. Thank you.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your [00:17:00] hosts, Dr. Martin, Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.