262. Causes Of Vertigo

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by Martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: Today we want to talk about vertigo, which, by the way, is a very, very common problem today in society. It seems like it's an epidemic, and I want to tell you [00:00:30] why that is. Okay? But let's go over some of the things that happen, or what can cause vertigo, this morning. So one of them here, number one, is crystals. So this is an actual displacement of crystals in the outer ear. And when they get displaced, it's called positional vertigo. And [00:01:00] that can come on for, I guess, several reasons. But if they get displaced, and one of the ways to fix it is actually to do a maneuver. I don't want to go through that today, but you can actually do a maneuver by turning your head. You can look it up online, or whatever. And if that's the cause, often can be fixed by doing just one maneuver.

Dr. Martin: Another one that's happening a lot is infection [00:01:30] in the middle ear. Bacterial or viral infection in the middle ear can cause vertigo, and of course, that needs to be taken care of and can be a real problem. But I want to tell you why it's such a common problem today. So infection, yes, it seems that especially in the winter time you get a bad sinus infection or whatever, and you can get vertigo from it because of infection. [00:02:00] But here's a hidden cause that people don't think about, and that is elevated insulin resistance. Insulin resistance creates inflammation in the body, and oftentimes with vertigo, especially vertigo that doesn't go away, where you always seem to be spacey and you have to be careful. It's not positional, it's not an infection. It's rather inflammation in the middle ear. And that inflammation is often [00:02:30] caused by insulin, and elevated insulin.

Dr. Martin: So change your diet. It's very important to get insulin down. So watch your breads and your pasta and rice, cereal, sugar, sweets, pastries, juices, even milk. Be careful, because if your insulin is elevated, one of the symptoms can be vertigo and even tinnitus. You know, just that chronic buzzing in [00:03:00] the year can often be caused by elevated insulin. So when you change your diet, it can make a big difference. Now the other one is mechanical. If you've had a concussion, you got a bad neck, you can have problems mechanically. Go see a chiropractor, or a therapist, or whatever that can. Because a lot of times it can be coming from the neck itself, where you have impingement in the neck or a subluxation. Chiropractors call [00:03:30] that. And that can be a cause.

Dr. Martin: The other one is interesting that a lot of women get vertigo and that's because they have estrogen dominance. And that can come anytime in your life, because when we talk about dominance of estrogen, too much of the womanly hormone, it's always in relationship to progesterone. So even menopausal women can get vertigo, [00:04:00] and especially women that have migraines. So if you've suffered from migraines, a lot of times you're much more susceptible to getting vertigo, and you need to get your estrogen balanced in comparison to the progesterone. And so you want to dim that estrogen down, and that can be a real problem. Can give you a lot of other problems too, but especially women with estrogen dominance that suffer from [00:04:30] migraines are often susceptible to have problems with vertigo. Thanks for watching.

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Dr. Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.

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