Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to the Doctor Is In Podcast brought to you by During the episode, the doctor share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: So I want to talk about a seven things; seven things that you need to do to keep healthy this winter. [00:00:30] If you go back to one of the videos I've done already, I talked about doing what you can do for a natural flu shot, but I want to talk to you a little bit more specifically on just generalities on how to stay healthy this winter.
Dr. Martin: Number one thing you ought to do, number one thing, is decrease your use of sugar. There's a lot of reasons for cutting back on sugar. We consume so much extra sugars [00:01:00] in our foods today. It's craziness, but I'm specifically talking about what sugar does to your immune system. Sugar is crazy what it does to your immune system. Studies have shown that when you consume sugar, within even a teaspoon of sugar, within a few minutes. Your white blood cells stop working. They go to sleep. There's nothing [00:01:30] that'll put your immune system to sleep faster then consuming sugar.
Dr. Martin: The other thing that sugar does, it feeds your bad bacteria. Your bad bacteria love sugar. Your good bacteria don't like it at all because they get beat by your bad bacteria, when you feed those bacteria and yeast. One of the things that compromises your immune system is the presence of [00:02:00] yeast in your body. Fungus candida and you feed it with sugar. So if you cut back on sugar this winter, your body is going to thank you. You're going to be a lot healthier. So that's number one. Cut back on sugar. It will make a big difference to your immune system. It will allow your white blood cells to do the job that they need to do.
Dr. Martin: Secondly, I like oil of oregano, so [00:02:30] don't leave home without it. Oil of oregano is a great antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal. Oil of oregano is my favorite essential oil. So I love it. I brush my teeth with it. You can take it every day at the first sign of a bug though, make sure you're taking oil of oregano, but you can take it every day because it's a natural antibiotic, a natural [00:03:00] antiviral. It's a natural antifungal. So your body, you're not going to overdose on taking oil of oregano. And secondly it doesn't kill your good bacteria. It's nature's perfect antibiotic because unlike antibiotics that you get from your physician, oil of oregano does not kill the good [00:03:30] guys. It only kills the bad guys. Isn't that incredible? So you can use it on a daily basis. So one, cut back on your sugars. Two, use of oil of oregano.
Dr. Martin: Three, sleep. I talked about this a lot, but when they've shown this, when you lose sleep, even one or two nights of sleep, it depresses your immune system. We know it changes your microbiome like literally [00:04:00] what we call it, dysbiosis and so you get an overgrowth of yeast if you're not sleeping. Imagine that.
Dr. Martin: So listen folks, if you have trouble sleeping at night, you need to get 10, 15, 20 minute power nap during the day. If you can shut yourself down, you have no idea how that recharges your immune system. So this [00:04:30] is really important. Sleep is essential. Do everything you can to get your sleep and if you're not sleeping because of hormonal issues, because of stress, cortisol and all this and that, well then that suppresses your immune system. You need to do a catch up and they've proven this, a 15, 20 minute during the day revitalizes that immune system and really charges that up.
Dr. Martin: Here's an important, when you don't [00:05:00] think of so much, but fourthly, keep yourself hydrated. I can't tell you the enough about the importance of water. Water really does charge up your immune system because one of the things, especially we're indoors pretty well all the time in the winter. One of the worst things for bugs and bacteria and what [00:05:30] promotes that is dryness. They love a dry environment and that's why it's so important to moisturize and I'm not talking about... I'm talking about your sinuses, your eyes, your mouth. When you drink enough water, you're inside your body, your moisture, you're creating hydration. This really helps the immune system because most bugs are going to come in through your [00:06:00] upper tract. Either you touch your mouth or you touch your nose or you even touch your eyes.
Dr. Martin: This is where these bacteria and viruses come in and they proliferate if it's dry. So if your home is dry, moisturize. You might want to use a humidifier and then secondly, one of the greatest humidifiers that you can get inside your body is water. H2O [00:06:30] helps. The studies have proven it. You should be drinking two liters of water a day. For my American friends, that's about 64 ounces of water every day. Moisturize inside your body because it allows your immune system, it really makes a big difference when it comes to your immune system.
Dr Martin: Here's another thing to do. Move. Exercise. Do [00:07:00] you know what gets your white blood cells going? Exercise. Now, look, I love the gym, but you don't have to go necessarily to the gym, but we are big on, I call it the true vitamin E. Vitamin E; exercise. Go for a walk. Get outside or even indoors. Work out. Try and get into a habit of working out for 20, 30 minutes every day. It'll make a big difference [00:07:30] to your immune system. It's super charges your white blood cells. Exercise the true vitamin E.
Dr. Martin: Here's another one, vitamin D. Now you know I was going to say that. You Knew I was going to say it because vitamin D is what is essential for your immune system. Your white blood cells have a little antenna and they go to the surface of the skin looking for the sun to charge their batteries. It's like charging [00:08:00] your cell phone. You want to charge up your white blood cells. Then there's no vitamin. Vitamin D charges your white blood cells. Now listen, not everybody's going to get a chance to go to Florida.
Dr. Martin: You need to take vitamin D and take it in good doses in the winter time. It's so important to get your vitamin D levels up. I mean, think of when you get sick. Usually it's not that you can't get the flu [00:08:30] in the summer or whatever, but it's rare. Why is that? Think about it for a minute. It's just common sense. Why are they pushing the flu shot in the fall? Why don't they talk about it in the summer? They don't talk about it in the summer. Every year they start in the fall. Get your flu shot, get your flu shot. Well, there's not a better flu shot in the world then vitamin D.
Dr. Martin: Okay, so you know I'm in Florida. I get up in the sun, but if you're not, you need vitamin [00:09:00] D and even my Floridian friends, they avoid the sun like the plague. They think, well, the sun's bad for me. I said, you guys are crazy. You live in Florida for heaven sakes. Why aren't you taking advantage of the sun? Well, I'm scared of cancer, for heaven's sakes. People that get the deadly cancer melanomas because they don't get enough sun. If you have dark skin, you even need more sun.
Dr. Martin: Well anyways, if you live where I live, [00:09:30] in my hometown, well good luck with the sun. Well first of all, even if the sun comes out, you're not getting vitamin D from it if you're all covered up. So you need vitamin D. You need vitamin D and I personally take four 8,000 IUs and sometimes even more than that, especially in the dark months.
Dr. Martin: Here's another vitamin. Vitamin A. Do you know what vitamin A does? [00:10:00] Vitamin A literally coats all your mucous membranes. Remember when I was a kid, I used to take Cod liver oil. I hated this stuff, really. Fish oil, right? Cod liver oil. Why did they give it to us? Well, they were worried about rickets, but what they didn't realize back in those days, they were giving you vitamin D and vitamin A. I know that was... They gave it to you for your bones but [00:10:30] they were literally helping your immune system.
Dr. Martin: So look, how do you get vitamin A in food? Eggs, meat and cheese. You see beta carotene, okay, beta carotene is found in the plants, but retinol, true vitamin A, true precursor to vitamin A is retinol and retinol is found in eggs, [00:11:00] meat and cheese. This is why I talked about eggs, meat and cheese all the time because it does a lot of things. There's no carbs. It cuts back on your sugars, but more than that, it's got vitamin a and vitamin D in the food. Eggs, meat and cheese has vitamin A in it, so when you have plants you'll get beta carotene, which is a precursor to retinol, [00:11:30] problem is, it's not very bioavailable. So I'm not telling you not to eat it, but you're going to get a lot more vitamin A from food when you eat eggs, meat, and cheese. You see what I'm saying?
Dr. Martin: So folks, that is what I'm talking about. Very, very important this winter. Cut back on your sugars. Take oil of oregano. Watch your sleep; get more sleep if you can. Catch up on your sleep, even with those power naps for [00:12:00] your immune system. Get your vitamin D. Get your vitamin A. You can get it from food too. You don't necessarily have to take a supplement of vitamin A, not vitamin D because if you're not getting in the sun, then you need, like you can get some vitamin D in food. It is found in eggs, meat and cheese. Vitamin D is found in that, but not on their levels that we want in order to keep your immune system high. Get out and get the true vitamin E exercise. Even in the winter. Maybe you [00:12:30] can't go outside and walk because it's icy or whatever. Well then, do some exercises because exercise is very, very important. So share this with your friends.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.