Join Dr. Martin in today's episode of The Doctor Is In Podcast.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another Live this morning and nice to have you on with us and we always appreciate when we can talk to those live and they say hello to us. We appreciate that big time. Okay, let's go over some of these studies. Evidence linking. This is something we talked about quite a bit on our program. Evidence linking metabolic health to chronic depression continues to grow. Metabolic health and mental health. Okay, metabolic health and mental health. What's metabolic health? How your body produces energy from food. That's your metabolic health, your metabolism, and they're linking that to depression and other mental health conditions.
Bipolar, I talked about that a lot. Schizophrenia, your metabolic health and your mental health. Okay, so here's a link. Evidence linking metabolic health to chronic depression continues to grow biomarker studies. What they do is they measure the mitochondria. Those are your battery packs. Energy. They produce a TP. When that is not working properly, mentally, you can be in trouble. And it's important to understand that we've talked about insulin resistance, for example, and using too much insulin over a period of time affects your mental health. And so one of the things they were measuring is coq 10.
Now, you guys are familiar with that because people that are on statin drugs, one thing they know for sure, for sure is you're going to be low on coq 10, and that's why you'll see advertisements on TV for coq 10 for people that are taking statin drugs. So when you see a product like Quinol, coq 10 or Quinone, don't use that one. It's not the best one. It's very poor in terms of its bioavailability. You need ub, quinol Ole coq 10. Okay, so anyway, that was one study. It's just confirming what we've talked about. Remember, I should actually write a book about this. The summer of 2022, mental health was turned on its head from dementia, Alzheimer's. Found out, no, it really wasn't. Plaques, really not genetics. Summer of 2022, all of this came out.
Bipolar, found out big, big factor is insulin in bipolar and in depression. SSRIs, it's better for your mental health. Let me just make this a bottom line thing. It's better for your mental health for you to eat, right? It's better for your mental health. Start with food because your metabolism is very, very important. Eat right. And when you're loaded up with sugar and crappy carbohydrates, your risk of mental health goes up exponentially. Okay? Now that's one study. Let's stick to SSRIs and guys, this is a study that came out on teenage school shootings. Okay? Teenage school shooting, which there's been a lot of them, right? Not so much in Canada, but more in the United States school shootings. But here's what they said. Don't shoot the messenger. I'm just reading an article on the studies. It says a hundred percent of these shooters were on s ssis, antidepressants, and there should be a black box warning of aggressive behavior. Now, that doesn't happen to every teenager or whatever. Obviously that takes an antidepressant. That doesn't happen, but it's a percentage. Guys, I'll give you an example. For me. I was warning, this is years ago, about when they made marijuana legal in Canada. I wasn't happy about it. And I'll tell you why. Because I had read studies that showed 10% of people that start on marijuana not only become addicted, but their risk 10% developed schizophrenia, 10%. Well, I know 90% don't.
I didn't like it. I didn't like it. I said so, and it's the same with this SSRIs. If a certain percentage become violent or even suicide behavior, you know me, I got a PhD in obituary, ideolog, and I read obituaries, especially in my hometown. First of all, I want to make sure I'm not in there. And second of all, I'm telling you I can't get over the amount of young people. And usually if you just look at the obituary and at the end of it it says donate to mental health, you just about know for sure it was a suicide or an overdose. Guys, that's tragic. They're depressed. So they take an antidepressant and then they get suicidal tendencies. Okay? This is a systematic review of all the studies available. A systematic review looking at, again, I've said this a million times, but it's just being confirmed more and more. A systematic review of drug trials reveal statins lowering LDL. We talked about this yesterday.
Why do you want to lower LDL? Low density lipoprotein cholesterol. Why do you want to lower it? Oh, well, it's a boogeyman. Well, they made it the boogeyman, but here's the systematic reviews of all the studies looking at when you lower LDL cholesterol, here's what it does for heart disease. Nothing just came out. British Journal of Medicine, systematic reviews of all the studies on statin drugs lowering the LDL cholesterol has shown to be completely ineffective in terms of heart disease and death from heart disease. Holy smoke. Okay? Another study, like I said, we're reviewing studies today. Microplastics found in brains of dementia patients three to five times higher than the average population. So dementia. Okay? Now remember, what's the number one cause of dementia? You know it here on our program, the brain swimming in the wrong fuel. Okay? If you're close to the Atlantic or Pacific, go for a swim, but you're not drinking that water, are you?
No, there's a lot of water, but you can't drink it. And what happens when you flood your brain with the wrong fuel? Okay? When you flood your brain with the wrong fuel glucose, the brain can't use it properly and you flood the brain, but the brain ain't getting fed properly. And then insulin. When you get insulin resistance in the brain at the blood, blood-brain barrier level insulin, which remember is the traffic cough. Okay? You guys know this. Insulin is the traffic cough, but when you have insulin resistance at the brain level, at the blood-brain barrier, insulin can't get across. And what happens? It can't take the sugar out. Remember, sugar is toxic. It can't be left unattended. It destroys blood vessels. We know that from diabetics. The number one cause of heart disease is not cholesterol, it's sugar, sugar's, toxic. Insulin's job is a traffic cop. Come here. You can't stay in the bloodstream. Come here, blows the whistle and says, come here, follow me. And then it parks it. You're in a no parking zone. Get out, come with me. And they park it in muscle. In the liver, in fat cells, that's what happens to sugar. That's what's supposed to happen. But what if insulin can't get across the blood brain barrier? Sugar stays. Why did they in 2005, call Alzheimer's Type three diabetes. It's diabetes of the brain. There's another factor according to this study. Microplastics in the brain.
What does it say? Microplastics in the brain. Dementia patients, three to five times higher in the brain. Okay, what do you do? The article. Don't talk about that, but let me talk about it. What do you do every week according to research, you accumulate you and me. I don't care what your postal code is, you and me, we accumulate one and a half credit cards. Remember the day I put up my credit card? My son said, dad, go put your credit card up on Facebook. Okay? I'm a senior. One and a half credit cards worth every week a plastic, okay?
And I don't care what your postal code is. If it ends with planet Earth, you are going to be exposed to plastics. You ain't getting away from it. But what do you do? What do you do? Here's the good news. How do you keate microplastics out of your body? Number one thing you need to do, keep your liver clean. Keep it clean. A clean liver. An empty liver, okay? You don't want to empty your head, okay? You want to fat head, but you want to empty your liver. You don't want a fatty liver. The best way to empty your liver is to lay off the sugars and the crappy carbohydrates, the bread, the pasta, the noodles and the juices and the garash that your liver don't need. Keep your liver empty. It will clean. It's your major detox organ. Remember, you produce out of the liver. A liver that is clean produces what?
Glutathione. There's actually three amino acids in glutathione. Now, what does that do? Velcro. It takes those plastics, it velcros them and takes them out of your body. So the number one thing you can do, you live on planet earth. Unless you're going with Elon Musk up to Mars, maybe no plastic up there. But if you're living on planet Earth, you need to take care of your liver. Why? Because it will empty out your body of plastic and other toxins. Heavy metals such as aluminum and mercury and cadmium and lead. Guys, we live in a toxic soup. How many times do I have to say that? It's just the way it is, guys. I really am not so interested in the climate. I'm more interested in the environment. But when it comes to that, I'm more interested in you taking care of yourself so that you can be a fighting machine. We live in a toxic soup. You ain't getting away from it. You're not getting away from pesticides and herbicides. Where are you going to go live all by yourself on an island that you own? Yeah. Well, good luck with that.
You live in the world. It's the way the world is. That doesn't mean that we don't try and clean it up. I'm just telling you the way it is. You need to start with yourself. You get on a plane cheerful. They do it every time. In the rare case that you might need oxygen, the masks are going to come right out of the ceiling and they're going to drop down. And what do they tell you to do? Put your mask on first before you can help anyone else. So you help yourself by emptying your liver numero uno numero duo. Clean up your kidneys. Make sure your kidneys are flushing because that is a very important organ and people don't realize the number one thing you can do for your kidneys to function properly. Two top things that you do for your kidneys. Two, one, drink water. And only water is water. Drink water flush.
You got to toilet, flush it. Your kidneys are Niagara falls. Keep water flowing through your kidneys every day and drink at least two liters of water a day or 64 ounces. Do you understand? Flush. It'll flush the plastics out of your body. It'll flush 'em. Your kidneys are detox organs. And the second thing is when you cut down on sugar, there is nothing other than dehydration that will destroy your kidneys more than then. Sugar. Here we go again. Sugar destroys. What does it do First? It destroys blood vessels, capillaries, and kidneys is blood flow. Water lay off the sugar.
Okay, now your liver is clean. Now your kidneys are working. Best detox. You can do three probiotics. What probiotics do you know? There are certain strains of probio that keate. You know what the word chelate means? Bite off. You can bite off more than you can chew. Okay? They bite off plastics. They bite off heavy metals. Another reason why Take broad spectrum probio. They will help chelate plastic one and a half credit cards a week. Man, that's unreal. The world in which we live, plastics are found on the top of Mount Everest to the placenta in babies. It's everywhere.
It's everywhere. And our world mistakenly is worried about the climate and cows and carbon when they should be worried about the pea plastics and herbicides and pesticides, and they're in all the foods. But what do you do? Well, you put the oxygen mask on first. Take care of yourself. Keep your liver empty. Keep your kidneys flowing. Take broad spectrum probiotics. Okay? What else can you do to clear? Very important. Eat steak. Yeah. You heard me eat steak. What? Well, steak elevates your glutathione. It does. Yep, it does. Steak elevates your glutathione. The best food for your liver is liver or steak. You know me? I equate steak with liver. Why? I don't like liver. I like your liver. I like my liver, but I don't like eating liver. I like eating steak though. Steak cleans your liver. What? Well, it produces more and more glutathione. Why? Because those are amino acids. And those amino acids are found in steak. Those amino acids are only found in the animal kingdom to make more glutathione.
It's another reason I love navit all because it elevates your glutathione. And I mean, there's some things you can do too, like don't heat plastic. That makes it worse. But guys, it's internal. The key is you. The key is taking care of yourself first. And you can bring a horse to water, but you can't necessarily make 'em drink it. But I can tell you what you can do. Take care of yourself. Understand how your body works. And this is why to me, I'm a simple guy. I don't want to complicate people. Oh, you know what, Dr. Martin? I mean, you know what? I never use anything plastic. Well, good for you. Okay? I don't know what planet you're living on, but that's not easy to do. Okay? All I'm saying is we live in a toxic soup. I don't care. You're organic to the Greek, good for you.
I mean it good for you, but you're still going to be exposed and you need to take care of that liver and take care of the kidneys. Take care of the gut. That's why I said probiotic. Take care of your gut. You want to mend that barrier between your blood and your gut. You want to mend it. You want to keep that zipper, that microscopic zipper, which allows no toxins into your bloodstream. Leaky gut, leaky brain. How do you think those microplastics gut in into the brain of dementia patients they had? Leaky gut, leaky gut, leaky brain, the same thing that makes up your blood gut barrier. Makes up your blood brain barrier. Got the memo. Okay, we got a couple of more studies, but we'll leave them for tomorrow. Okay? We'll leave them for tomorrow. Okay? Friday's what q and a send your questions in.
We love question and answer Friday. We love it so much that often Mondays have become questioned and asked, and actually at the end of the day, people ask so many questions on our private Facebook group of you are a member of that or you're not. What's going on? But so many people ask questions there, and I take a lot of those questions and attach 'em to studies to answer them. But Friday is q and a officially. Send your questions into info, send an email, Okay guys, we love you dearly and sincerely, you know that. Okay, we'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!