Join Dr. Martin in today's episode of The Doctor Is In Podcast.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning and nice to have you come on with us. Okay, before I get into another article that I want to discuss this morning. Yesterday afternoon, we did two studies, one on antibiotics. In the first two years of life, and guys, that'll be out in the podcast. So you want to mark that one because it's fascinating. Okay? And that is, I'm just going to go over it very quickly again. This is a study from the Mayo Clinic 2020 study talking about antibiotics in the first two years of life. Now again, put a little asterisk here, The Doctor Is In podcast, I believe in antibiotics. They'll save your life if you need them. Okay? So don't say Dr. Martin hates antibiotics. Don't misquote me. Okay?
Greatest discovery of the 20th century were antibiotics. I'm trying to think if there was anything more important in terms of medicine than antibiotics that ever got discovered. Really. Okay, but as you know on this program, we talk about the double-edged sword, okay? The side effects of antibiotics, they're legion, but they're finally catching up to what we said. Even on my radio show, The Doctor Is In radio show for 20 years previous to our podcasting, okay? I was consistent about it. I don't think I ever wrote a book, 23, 24 books that I didn't talk about antibiotics being a double-edged sword. I mean, they can save your life if you need them. You have no choice.
But here is a study done at the Mayo Clinic, 20 how many thousand, 14,572 kids. Here's what they discovered, antibiotics given in the first two years of life. So a child gets an ear infection, a child gets a throat infection, and they're put on antibiotics, okay? And they're not given probiotics. They're just taking an antibiotic. Here's the results. 20% increase in that group, okay? 20% increase in obesity. And we went into some discussion yesterday on the change of the microbiome. The problem is when you wipe out the bad guys, you are also wiping out the good guys, and you create in the body a condition that we call a dysbiosis.
Guys, we knew nothing about bacteria microbiome, even though Hippocrates said it 2000 years ago, that all disease starts in the gut. I read that when I was in school in the 1970s, and did I think Hippocrates was crazy? Of course not. But we didn't know much about the microbiome. We didn't know about the side effects of antibiotics in those days. Some people might've had some theories, but we didn't even talk about the microbiome. But I'm going to tell you something, guys. You go back 40 years ago with me and more, I talked about probiotics and the importance of it because of the microbiome, you got to replace that bacteria.
There is an invisible war going on inside your body. You can't see it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Okay? I've used this illustration before. I'm a biblical guy, and I read Ephesians chapter six, and it says, hey, there's a war out there. It's invisible between good and evil. It's invisible. You can't see it. You see it with your eyes of faith, but nonetheless, it's real. All I'm saying is until we had the electron microscopes and all, you couldn't see half the things I'm talking about in the gut. And then we discovered, well, your gut was connected to your brain. The bacteria in your gut communicate. They have a life of their own. They're really like an organ, extra organ that you have. You've got bacteria everywhere on your skin, everywhere. Anywhere where you have mucus. You've got bacteria, brain, lungs, sinuses, joints. And as long as that ecosystem is balanced, it's called you win. Okay?
So this study looked at kids, they take an antibiotic, and here's what they discovered. It ain't purdy. It ain't purdy guys. 20% increase in obesity. The change in the microbiome has a major effect on the future of these children. They're much more susceptible to obesity. I guess it changes hormones. The microbiome has something to do with that. And then listen to this. 21% increase in learning disabilities. Leaky gut, leaky brain. 32% increase in ADD. Leaky gut, leaky brain. 90% this was astonishing to me. 90% increase in asthma. I mentioned this yesterday. When I was a kid, I'm sorry, I don't remember anybody that had asthma. I don't. I don't remember anybody that had a peanut allergy when I was in school. Maybe they did. Did you not bring peanut butter sandwiches to school when you were a kid? I did. Now you can't. There's so much peanut allergies.
Why is that? Well, the microbiome. Well, what changed the microbiome? Antibiotics. Guys, listen to this. Five days. Five days. This is research that's 30 years old, five days of an antibiotic. And they always tell you, go get an antibiotic as a prescription. Right? On the package, they'll tell you, now you finish this. You finish the antibiotics. You know what research has shown? That ain't true. As a matter of fact, it's the opposite of that. Research has shown that when you take an antibiotic, you should stop it the minute your symptoms go away. Don't finish it because now you're destroying. Five days. You've destroyed all your good bacteria, they're all gone. Now you have a dysbiosis. You have an overgrowth of yeast and fungus.
The third army, the Trojan horse comes in and I believe, I believe that is the real culprit, is when the microbiome gets compromised, when you don't have enough good guys, trouble starts because the invasion of a species, the Trojan horse, I call it. Yeast and fungus, even mold, will get into your bloodstream and go to your brain, go to your sinuses, can go to your joints, can go to your skin. And people don't connect eczema or psoriasis with antibiotics. They don't see the connection. I got asthma. They don't see the connection. You've got asthma. You've got allergies. Why? People don't ask why. Antibiotics. The greatest discovery of the 20th century is the curse of the 21st, because now they can do research and people like the Mayo Clinic, for heaven's sakes. I mean, do you think the Mayo Clinic uses antibiotics? You bet your boots they do.
But they did a research project 2020 and said 20% increase in obesity, 21% increase in learning disabilities, 32% increase in ADD of kids under the age of two, two and under that have taken an antibiotic, 90% increase in asthma and 289% increase in celiac disease, autoimmune disease. And guys, if you listen to this program for any length of time, I've never, ever wavered from this. Autoimmune is an antibiotic carpet bombing your microbiome, and therefore you're left with a dysbiosis. And for the canaries in the coal mine, these kids, they're canaries in the coal mine. Down the road they got problems. Down the road they have major problems.
Hey guys, I said this for years, but the Mayo Clinic is agreeing with me. I didn't know exactly what the stats were. And guys, I mentioned this yesterday, going to say it again. You know what we're seeing a lot of today in terms of autoimmune disease is type one diabetes where the pancreas is not working, insulin doesn't work. These kids got to get on insulin to save their life. That's another great discovery. By the way, insulin, it's a wonderful discovery of medicine. And if you're a type one diabetic, you need insulin. It'll save your life. But why do we see so much? I'm a why guy. Why do we see so much type one diabetes? I mean, obviously type two diabetes, sugar, diabetes is the right word for it. We know that.
But why so much type one? I'm telling you, it's antibiotics in the first couple of years of their life, and they're canaries in the coal mine, and they get a dysbiosis. They get an invasion of an army. And that army can attack the pancreas. It can attack the brain. ADD, ADHD, autism. You guys have heard me say this a multitude of times that autistic children are canaries in the coal mine and their microbiome is wiped out. And sometimes it's wiped out even in the placenta with mommy. Mommy takes an antibiotic and they have an infection. What do you want us to do, doc? See, I'm not leaving you out there. I'm telling you that if you children, grandchildren, relatives, family have to take an antibiotic, then in my opinion, you stop it. I told thousands of women over the years they've got a bladder infection. Most of the time it does not need an antibiotic, okay?
Most of the time I said, is it burning badly upon urination? Yep. Well, you need an antibiotic. If not, you don't. Because you know how many doctors, it gives me a migraine. They take a urine test, they see some leukocytes and bacteria in the urine, they go, you got a urinary tract infection? You need an antibiotic. No, you don't. That gives me a migraine. Now you're giving someone an antibiotic when they don't need one. You got burning. You don't want that bladder infection to go to the kidneys. You take an antibiotic for a couple of days until that burning goes away. Stop it, again, guys, in my opinion. And then make sure right from the get go, you are loading yourself up with a broad spectrum probiotic, a child, broad spectrum probiotics. Okay?
And I'm not talking about yogurt. It's not strong enough. They're not enough bacteria. I've done this program, I did it 25 years ago on my radio show. If you ate 16,000 yogurts, you would get one of our capsules of a probiotic. But you really wouldn't because you wouldn't have a multi stream. You'd have some acidophilus, but you wouldn't have all the rest of them that you need. And this is really important, guys, because I've been preaching this for a long time. Replace the good bacteria and don't feed the bears. So if you've had to take an antibiotic, you make sure you're taking probiotics right away, double it up and do it for a month to replace all the good guys.
And by the way, just on strains, okay? Just on strains, we talked about this last week, the vaccine for covid, it wiped out, we didn't know this until they did research on it. It wiped out all the bacterium bifidus. There were nothing left. Guys, it's a rule of thumb. When you take an antibiotic, take a probiotic, take it with it, some say at the same time, doc, I don't care. Just make sure you're taking a probiotics. And I don't mean yogurt, and you can take fermented food. I love fermented food like sauerkraut and that. It's good for you, but it ain't broad spectrum, my friend. You need all the strains of bacteria to be replaced in your gut. I've been talking about that for a long, long time. Okay?
So I'm just telling you, when you see research like this coming out of the a mainstream Mayo Clinic, who give out antibiotics, I'm sure like there's no tomorrow, but they know there's a double-edged sword to them. And I think that's significant guys. I think this study is something that I've been talking about for a long, long time. Guys, some of you know this, but not everybody. And we always have new people on this program. I talk to people and I get notes from people and said, Doc, I've been listening to you for years. You have? Yeah. And they said, well, I've told my family and they're now starting to listen to you. Okay? I had an email yesterday. We appreciate it. And I always understand that's why you'll always get on this program. Repetition. Okay, repetition.
So I got to tell you a little bit about my history. One of the first books I ever wrote. When I did my thesis in clinical nutrition, you know what? I did it on chronic fatigue syndrome. And I said in that dissertation that one of the things, so now you're going back 30 years. One of the things I talked about in there was leaky gut and the use of antibiotics in patients that were now suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. It was a perfect storm for these mostly women where their adrenals were exhausted, but they always had leaky gut. They always had leaky gut, I can't think of an exception to it, where they had toxins in their bloodstream. Heavy metals, mercury, lead, I talked about aluminum yesterday. Okay? I talked about aluminum yesterday, and it's seven times more toxic than mercury. And we all know that mercury is toxic. Okay? Got the memo?
Okay, so I thought I was going to do another thing, but I just had to emphasize this study. It blows me away the Mayo Clinic antibiotics in the first two years. And guys, we don't have to limit it to it the first two years, like I said, chronic fatigue syndrome. I'm telling you, well, listen, there is more than one oncologist that believe that believe that all cancer, all tumors come from fungus or mold. What? All tumors come from a fungi mold. Wow, guys, you don't get that in your bloodstream unless you got no barrier there. Your microbiome, you have dysbiosis, and the invasion of the third army gets into your body and becomes systemic. We love antibiotics, but you better be taking probiotics and I mean, double up your dose if you have to triple up your dose.
Guys, you have no, and even kids. Kids. Open up a capsule. Grandma open up a capsule, a probiotic. Somebody asked me, I think I was asked this, and I'm going to go over this, by the way. Okay? We put out an email today. If you didn't get her email, you need to get it, okay? Go to martin and sign up for our emails because we sent out an email today with all the questions that were asked last week when we did our webinar with Dr. Tony Martin, Jr. starring. I just tagged along, okay? People love to hear from the brains of the operation every once in a while, but we answered questions. Okay? And kids with probiotics, can they overdose? Impossible. Guys, you got trillions of bacteria with a T, not with a B. Trillions. And when you understand how your microbiome works, when you understand that even though it's invisible, there's a war going on inside your body and you want to win that war, and you need to constantly replace that good bacteria.
Okay, now I talked about, wait a second. Lemme just see, because I talked about heavy metals, okay? And I talked about yesterday too. When you take Tylenol, one of the effects of Tylenol is it decreases your glutathione. What is glutathione? It's your Velcro that your body produces mostly out of the liver. Velcro that's sent into your bloodstream to attach itself to toxins, heavy metals, and take them out of your body. That's why you want to have very high glutathione. And you know what helps your glutathione go up? Navitol pine bark extract is one of the best things to increase your glutathione. Probiotics. Elevate your glutathione.
You take a Tylenol. How many people live on Tylenol? I had patients come in, they took Tylenol every day. They couldn't sleep without Tylenol. I had patients come in every day that had a migraine. They lived with migraines almost every day of their lives, and they lived on Tylenol or NSAIDs. I felt sorry for them, but I said, you got leaky gut a hundred percent, for sure. We need to fix that. And you got very low levels of glutathione.
Okay, guys, Friday is Q and A, so if you've got any new questions, you send them in because we love, love, love to answer your questions. We love you guys. We love our audience. We got the best. You know what? Proven. Proven, this is the best audience in the podcast business. My audience, I'll put 'em up against any audience. Smart. Know their stuff. Know about natural medicine. Know about integrative medicine. Know about food. They don't get duped. Okay? They don't get duped. My audience don't get duped. I love it. Okay? I love it. We appreciate that. We appreciate your following. Okay, so we'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!