1507. Losing the War on Cancer: What Went Wrong?

Join Dr. Martin in today's episode of The Doctor Is In Podcast.



Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone. Welcome to another live this morning. Nice to have you on, and thank you for taking time out of your busy day to watch us live if you can. Okay, guys, let's get going because I want to talk again. I did this yesterday, okay? I found an old copy of a book that Tony Jr. And I wrote in 2014, okay? I couldn't even remember what year we wrote it, so it's now officially 11 years old. Are You Built For Cancer? And I was just reviewing it, okay? And we talked about it yesterday, but I want to spend some time today too, just some of the statements that were made in that book. And I find them interesting because, well, I said it so many years ago, and here we are today and we haven't even made a dent in cancer treatment. We haven't even made a dent.

There's more cancer today than ever before. When I graduated in 1970s, one out of 20 North American women get breast cancer. Now it's one out of five, one out of six. Prostate cancer is worse for men than ever. And I always give reasons. Well, why is that? I ask the question first of all, why is it worse? Shouldn't be worse, should be better. President Nixon declared in the 1970s, the War on Cancer, I think it was just last year, if I'm not mistaken, president Biden says, we're going to win this war on cancer. Well, it's nice to say, but in my opinion, we're looking for love in all the wrong places and that's why we haven't even made a dent. Okay? Yesterday we talked about three eyes and that it sort of talks about this book here. The three main points I made in the book.

I made a lot of points, wrote a lot, but the three overarching principles of cancer, three of them, one is insulin. And I wrote down, hold on at the start of the book, 102 questions, okay? For example, I said, did you know that cancer cells, okay, this is 0.102. This is at the start of the book. And I said, did you know that cancer cells have no metabolic flexibility? They have no metabolic flexibility. They're not flexible. There's only one fuel that they love and that's sugar. If you give a cancer cell a keto, which is another fuel, by the way, if you give a cancer cell a ketone, it cannot use it as fuel. Well, guys, that ought to be mainstream, don't you think? Now, I'm not saying eating eggs, meat and cheese is the only thing that'll keep you away from cancer. I'm not saying that.

But what I am saying is, and what we've known, and I went into some quite a bit of detail yesterday, in an afternoon session by the way, we went into quite a bit of detail about the Warburg effect, and that is what we knew in 1928 by a German scientist whose name was Otto Warberg. And what he discovered is that cancer cells are renegades. They're ravenous. He used that word ravenous. They are ravenous for glucose, and they rather than a normal cell, they use their energy much differently. And their mitochondria, their battery packs have a defect in them and they only can use glucose. And what Otto Warberg said back in the 1920s was that they use fermentation. Okay, what's that mean? Well, that's when you can turn milk into yogurt. That's fermentation cabbage into sauerkraut. That's fermentation sourdough bread. Like I was saying yesterday, my wife set up a lab. I called it a lab in our kitchen to make sourdough. How does that happen? Well, I don't know anything about that except that you better start, start with a little kit, and it's bacteria that actually feed off sugar in the food. So milk to turn it into yogurt. The bacteria feed off the sugar, the natural sugar and milk and with time and heat and covering it. I watched my wife cover, I found it a fascinating, like I said, okay, when do we get to eat this bread? Like two months from now?

But if any of you guys have ever done sourdough bread, you understand fermentation. It is a better bread, guys. There's no doubt about that. Okay? Much less carbohydrate involved. But I always use a little disclaimer, if you're a carbo holic, you got to watch any kind of bread. Now, sourdough is better, there's no doubt about that. But it uses the process of fermentation. That's cancer. Cancer cells use the process of fermentation. So if you eliminate sugar, if you eliminate it, you're breaking the cycle. You're breaking what cancer needs to survive. And it's funny, I talked about that in 2014 in the book, are you built for cancer? And so it's important to understand that cancer needs fuel. It cannot take a ketone. So if you're eating eggs, meat, and cheese, okay? A lot of people, the keto diet, okay? I don't particularly like the keto diet because there's a lot of crappy foods in there.

I'm not big on that. I know you can go to the grocery store and you can go to Costco or whatever and you can get keto foods. I was never big on that because to me, that's not good nutrition. I'm big on nutrition, nutrients, nutrition nutrients, and the more dense the food in terms of its nutrient capacity, like an egg nutrient dense meat, nutrient dense dairy cheese, butter, nutrient dense, full of vitamins, full of minerals, full of amino acids in the perfect combination of protein and fat. They're nutrient dense. Guys, I can tell you something, cancer cells can't survive on that stuff because metabolically cancer cells have no metabolic flexibility. Dr. Martin, 2014, okay? I'm sort of educating myself again of something that I wrote a long time ago, okay? Again, I'm quoting from this book, okay? Did you know that there are numerous tribes in Africa, Indonesia, and in the Arctic that consume five times more fat than North Americans and display very little cancer even today, okay?

I've always said to the Inuit, don't eat our food. Eat your food. I've said that by the way to, and I've told you this in the past, I've done a lot of work with the indigenous people because I sort of specialized in diabetes in metabolic syndrome. It was started my specialty. And so I did a lot of work. I did a lot of lectures, I traveled a lot even into reservations and talk to the indigenous people. Hey, stop eating white man's food. Like we're killing you. Okay, stop. Go back to the way you used to eat. You're not going to get diabetes, which they do. About 80% of the indigenous people, I'm sure it's the same in the United States, but in Canada, they're so much more susceptible to diabetes genetically, but you ain't ever going to become a diabetic if you eat right? And they love white man's food. And I said, well, don't eat it. The Inuit don't eat our McDonald's. Are you crazy? Go back to living the way you did.

The modern world is great except for our eating habits are terrible. Everything's processed. So here's people when you can still find them and they eat nothing but fat and blubber and they do well and they don't get cancer. They don't know what that is. Cancer. And in this book I wrote, well, the only way the Inuit die is if they get eaten by a polar bear. They don't die from natural causes like us. Well, cancer is not natural. It's not natural. It's a chronic disease. Anyway, let's get back to the three eyes, okay, because we talked about them yesterday. One is insulin and guys, insulin's a food hormone. It's a death hormone if it's used way too much. So the one thing you can control a hundred percent is what you put in your mouth every day. You can't control everything. You certainly can't control your environment.

Generally, we live in a toxic soup, our planet. It's the way it is. You ain't getting away from it, but there's insulin and then there's inflammation. And I talked about that a lot in the book about inflammation. Inflammation is on your side if you have an infection, okay? Why do you feel so terrible? If you have a cold, why do you feel bad? You got a headache, you got sinus pain, you can hardly get out of bed. A little wee virus you can't even see it grounded you. Well, all that fatigue and all that pain is inflammation, but it's on your side because you have a fever and you want a fever because fever helps to kill the bug. It drains you, but it's on your side until inflammation's not on your side if it doesn't go away. Now, here's some big causes of inflammation.

One of the biggest causes of inflammation. I'm showing you one pound of fat here. See that one pound and this little mountain here that you see causes inflammation. So one of the reasons of the reset, by the way guys, is because when you do the reset, you're burning fat, not muscle, but fat, and you're burning it as a fuel. Your body's using it, getting rid of it. It's emptying your liver of it. It's really, really good for you guys because what that does is that it lowers your inflammation in the body. And inflammation, like I said, is on your side until it becomes chronic and it's not going away. One of the biggest causes of inflammation in the body is extra fat. I wrote about it here. Let me just see if I can get some statistics. I've got it here somewhere. Yeah. Did you know that being overweight is an inflammatory condition?

It's inflammatory. It increases your risk, like just having extra weight increases your risk of cancer. Even skinny people, they have fat around the organs. They don't even know it. But that fat called visceral fat, visceral means around the organs is very dangerous. It's very inflammatory. And so extra weight, extra insulin is inflammatory. Leaky gut is inflammatory, okay? Leaky gut allows garbage toxins to get into your bloodstream and then off into your tissue like breast tissue, prostate tissue, your colon, leaky gut. And one of the biggest things in tumors, and you and I have talked about this for a long, long time, one of the biggest things in tumors is that tumors contain a lot of fungus or yeast, the cousin of mold, and of course they love sugar, but the point is a lot of tumors, when you break them down, one of the factors in there are fungi.

How did they get there? Leaky gut. And that creates an inflammatory response. Your body sees it as an invader. It's like autoimmune. Your body sees it as an invasion and you don't even know it because nobody's told you that. You don't have a little sign on your head going off saying you got leaky gut. But I'm going to tell you something. If you've taken antibiotics and you have not replaced that bacteria with probiotics, you got leaky gut. If a person lives on non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, NSAIDs like Advil, and I put Tylenol in, it's stuff you can get over the counter that destroys your microbiome. It causes a dysbiosis, and if you get a dysbiosis, you get a leaky gut and you get an invasion of yeast into your bloodstream and then off into your tissue. And remember, yeast is a carrier. It'll carry heavy metals like lead and mercury, cadmium.

Again, creating what you don't even know is an inflammatory response within your body. Your body's immune system creates an inflammation to release more cytokines and anti-inflammatory markers. And then the third eye, okay, so you got insulin, that's food, and that's crappy carbs. Look, you need insulin to break food down. It's part of your food cycle. That's all right. It's at the rate, the speed, and the amount of insulin that you need. If you have a steak, okay, you're eating a steak, you don't need insulin. Well, you need a little bit, but you don't need much. If you're having an egg, you don't need insulin. You need a little bit, but not much. That's the difference. It's the speed at which food breaks down. So if you have a carbohydrate, a crappy carb, your insulin's going through the roof, they're martin, it's oatmeal. I know, but it's stupid because now you need an enormous amount of insulin.

You're building cancer, they're building blocks for cancer, and then inflammation. And another thing, people are walking around and they have no idea because when you're eating processed foods, foods that are made with bad oil oils that were meant for your car and not for your body, you know what happens? Inflammation. Your levels of omega six two, Omega-3 are way off. People today are walking around, they have no idea. They're 25, 30 to one even higher than that ratio. They don't have enough Omega-3 in their body, and they got way too much omega six. And when you go into the middle aisles of your grocery store and look at all those oils, I call 'em the hateful eight, from peanut oil to grape seed oil to soy oil and canola, Canada's gift to the world. These are inflammation producing oils. They were meant for your vehicle, not for you.

They're polyunsaturated fats. Dr. Martin, they're low in fan. Yeah, that's the problem. And they're very inflammatory. They can kick cancer into high gear, avoid like the plague. I've been consistent about that for many, many years. Okay, get off those stupid oils. And then the third eye that we talked about yesterday was immune dysfunction. So cancer needs insulin. Cancer needs inflammation and cancer in order to survive and thrive needs an immune system that's not working properly. And one of the biggest factors of that immune dysfunction is people have this crazy idea that the sun is bad for them. I called it back in the, I don't know, even in the eighties, I called it the Johnson and Johnson Disease, and people went for it, hook, line, and sinker, and that was the sun causes cancer. And you know what we know today that it's just the opposite.

The sun prevents cancer, and of course, sun, steak and steel, you think I'm just joking about that? No, I was dead serious, right about that, about sun steak and steel and that the sun is your best friend to prevent cancer. And study after study after study has shown that if you can get your vitamin D levels to a certain optimized number, I mean it's, that's being buried because nobody, you know what guys the powers to be, they don't like to hear this stuff. I know it's like a conspiracy to keep us away from the truth. When it comes to cancer, you just do a lot better in the sun. Nobody's suggesting that you burn in it. It's just that good for you. One of the greatest things you can do is getting your vitamin D levels up to a certain number. We talk about this. The newest research is showing that if you can get your vitamin D levels in the United States to 80 for doctors, that would be considered high, but it's actually optimized 80 NGML and in Canada, like the two hundreds and MOLL.

But if you can optimize your vitamin D, my word, incredible, where are you going to hear that? Well, I've been telling you for years about vitamin D, when Linus Pauling won a Nobel Prize in the seventies for his research on vitamin C and good for him, I always said it even in my radio days, and that while he only missed out by one letter in the alphabet, he was talking about vitamin C and I was talking about vitamin D, and people are extremely low. 80 90% of the population have low levels of vitamin D. Well, you know what, guys? That's immune dysfunction. Your immune system not going to work properly. It cannot work properly if you have low levels of vitamin D. It just can't, because as I mentioned this yesterday, that cancer cells have 10 times more receptors for glucose insulin 10 times, but a T-cell, which is a Navy seal of your immune system, has a hundred times more antennas for vitamin D than anything else.

Do you think vitamin D might be important? They're solar panels. They're looking for the sun. Now what do we do? We avoid it. I was screaming blue murder even during Covid. I said, would you get outside and get in the sun? Take everybody in the hospital and put 'em up on the roof when the sun's up? I said it right? Put them outside. One of the biggest fighters of cancer is not only vitamin D is melatonin, but not as a supplement. When you get the sun, when you get the sun, your melatonin levels go up, your antioxidant levels go, when do you feel better, by the way? When it's sunny out or when it's dark and gray? Come on. Common sense. It's a cancer fighter. They should be injecting vitamin D into you, but don't hold your breath. Okay? I don't know how many more sessions we're going to do on this book, but I kind of like it.

I'm just reviewing it. I get excited. Okay, guys. Friday's question and answer. That means you got to send your questions in and make sure your questions get seen. If you scroll your questions here during the program, guess what, guys? I don't see it and it's not likely to get on our Friday program. You got to send us an email at info@martinclinic.com, info@martinclinic.com. Then we see your question, and I'm happy to answer it. I'm a question and answer guide, by the way. Okay? Have I told you lately that I love you? I haven't. Well, I do, and I mean it. Thanks for being the best audience in the world. The smartest, okay, you guys. I mentioned this yesterday. We're up to 89,000 followers on Facebook and for almost 5 million downloads on the doctors in podcasts. That's you guys. Okay? That's you guys. Talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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