1496. Q&A with Dr. Martin

Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.

Some of today’s topics include:

  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Anal fissures
  • Colon diverticulosis
  • Kidney stones & surgery
  • Daily salt intake
  • Multi Nutrient when having leukemia
  • Progesterone in men
  • Lyme's disease
  • L-arginine for seniors
  • Navitol pine bark extract



Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone. Once again, how is ya? Hope you're having a great start to your day. We're always thrilled to have you come on with us and we appreciate it big time, those who can make it live. Okay guys, let's get to the questions. Sorry if I missed you. I really didn't mean to. Suzanne's asking the question. "My son-in-law has difficult time breathing. He has nasal polyps and really bad sinuses. He's already had two operations. Now they want to do another one or give him a needle that costs 10,000 a month." Holy smokes. What kind of needle is that they going to cost you $10,000 a month? Listen, I can tell you, Suzanne, I am very confident of this. What your son-in-law has, chronic sinusitis like that with polyps. He's got a fungal infection in his sinuses. He has yeast coming out the wazoo, guaranteed.

I've seen it a thousand times in my practice. Chronic, chronic, chronic sinusitis is fungal. And then what happens? Okay, here's what happens, generally, I'll give you the case history of your son-in-law without even knowing him or ever have seen him. He got a sinus infection. He was given an antibiotic. Yeah, might've cleared up the infection, but it started a fungal infection. Yeast started to get into the lining of his sinuses and now he's got a fungal infection. Fungus is an invasive species. When it gets into your sinuses, into your lungs, can travel up to the brain, yeast can go everywhere and you can't see it. It's microscopic and it ain't no fun. And guess what? Sugar feeds it. So what you need to do, Suzanne, is if you can convince your son-in-law to get on the reset, absolutely no sugar to feed the yeast. And he might have to go past 30 days because yeast is very hardy. They're like rabbits. They multiply and multiply and multiply these little microorganisms and they invade. And so like I said, his sinuses would be covered with this, okay? And it's like mold. It loves moisture.

Remember fungus is a cousin to mold. How do you get mold? Well where it's wet, bathrooms, basement, leaky basement, whatever you get mold, right? Fungus loves moisture. That's why it loves sinuses. And it'll get into the frontal sinuses too, above the eyes. And you're constantly, constantly. So you got to dry it up. You got to get on broad spectrum probiotics that have L reuteri and L rhamnosus, those particular bacteria, friendly bacteria on your side. They're very, very aggressive to go against yeast. Take months. Oil of oregano. I would actually use oil of oregano. Take a Q-tip, three or four drops of oil of oregano on a Q-tip and put that Q-tip. And it's almost like Chinese torture for a minute. And you put the Q-tip up your nasal passage and you inhale it. Let the oil of oregano and you can actually put a little bit of probiotic powder, open up a capsule. And remember, our probiotics are soil-based and they last forever. And that's why you can put a little bit of that powder in the sinus. I'm telling you, it's a very aggressive treatment, but you got to do it, man. And that's what I believe it is.

Now you had another question, or I don't know if it was you, Susan, but you asked question number two. What is the recommendation if you have an anal fissure, small tears in the anus, no fun. Same thing. What do you got there? What is there at the anus? You got a fungal there you have a yeast overgrowth. And when you get that, it causes little tearings. No fun. Now you could have an impacted hair follicle that can cause trouble sometimes there, but generally what I've seen that yeast, again, oil of oregano, no fun. But you got to kill broad spectrum probiotic and open up a powder, make a little bit of sap and kill the fungus. Thank you Susan for the question.

Theresa, "what is the best way to handle a tortuous colon diverticulosis with the occasional diverticulitis?" Well, look, let me give you a history Theresa. Okay, I'll tell you why you got this because maybe not now, but a long time ago, antibiotics were involved, damages kills all the good bacteria. Number two, and I'm talking about number two now, you were consuming Theresa way too much fiber, okay? And you were told to do that. But the worst thing you can do in the colon is have too much fiber because fiber irritates. I'll tell you, people with diverticulosis, I used to say to them, you're not a rabbit. What? You're eating too much salad. You like salad? Yeah. I said, well, I don't like you. Where does spinach get caught? What are you talking about? When you eat spinach, where does it get caught often? In the teeth. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Sometimes I'm talking and somebody said, you got spinach in your teeth. I said, you know where that gets caught too? It gets caught in your colon and it irritates. Those people I used to say, you ain't a rabbit and you ain't a squirrel because squirrel lives on nuts and seeds. You ain't a squirrel and nuts and seeds will irritate your bowel. Stop it. Okay?

I know I'm dramatic guys, but I used to tell my patients, stop it. You are irritating your bowel, too much fiber. I know, but Doc, everybody told me I need more fiber. No fiber is what caused it. Plus you ain't a rabbit, you don't have the enzymes to break all those down. And secondly, you ain't a squirrel. Now I'm not saying you can never have another nut in your life. Well, if you got diverticulosis, you don't want to have any more nuts in your life, stop it. And you need to get on broad spectrum probiotics. You need to get on bone broth to regenerate that bowel, which has a very high level of L glutamine. And I have you on our digest ease because of mucilage with slippery elm and all the other ingredients we put in it and you recoat the gut. Okay? Thanks for the question. And you're not a squirrel and you ain't a rabbit, Theresa, okay?

Sarah's asking about, "is the only solution to painful kidney stones is surgery?" Well, maybe it depends. Now you know me and kidneys, guys, okay, two things for kidneys you need water, and two, you need to cut out sugars because sugar is very hard on the kidneys. And I'll tell you one of the things that I used to see, depending on what type of stone was there, is it oxalate, which is 75% or is it uric acid stones? So if you can find out, Sarah, a little bit different each one, but oxalate stones, stop eating vegetables like they're the only source of food. You can have a few, but there's too much oxalates. Do you drink tea? Stop it. Oxalates, drink coffee instead. Because if they are calcium oxalates another thing, usually when I see that they weren't taking enough vitamin K2, which takes calcium and puts it where it belongs. Vitamin K2.

Now, okay, you eat vitamin K2 when you eat eggs, meat and cheese. You see God put vitamin K2 in your food so it can deal with calcium. Calcium's wonderful guys, you need calcium, but it needs to get to its intended destination, which is your bones. You don't want calcium stones, you don't want calcium in your bloodstream, it'll harden your arteries. You want calcium to hit its intended destination. It needs vitamin K2. That's how you know guys, this is one of the proving factors on food. Okay, listen to this for a second. And you guys, most of you know this. Vitamin K2 is found in the animal kingdom in eggs, meat and cheese, dairy, steak, hamburger, even a little bit of chicken. Okay?

So there's calcium in cheese, true or false? Well, there's lots of calcium in cheese, there's a lot of calcium in butter. True or false? True. But because the way the food is made like butter, it's got a lot of K2 with it. K2 takes the calcium from the food and puts it in where it belongs. Got the memo? So a lot of people, they don't realize that they get calcium oxalate kidney stones. One, they're dehydrated usually. Whenever I saw it in my office, they were dehydrated. Secondly, they were vegetable lovers, meaning that they had more vegetables in their diet than they had eggs, meat and cheese. Okay? That's why guys in our vitamin D, we put K2 in it. That's why. Okay, good question. Let me get to another one. That was Sarah. Hi Sarah, thank you for the question.

Judith, "how much salt do you recommend I take each day on the reset?" Well, look, you're going to drink 64 ounces of water, at least two liters. Add salt to your water. I like Himalayan salt. It could be a good Celtic salt. No problem with that. Just make sure it's a natural salt, not sodium chloride, not to stripped away minerals table salt that we have today. Get a good salt, a good pink salt or whatever, and add a pinch to your water. And then every time you're eating, put some salt on your food and you know a good way to get a good sodium. Drink some pickle juice. Somebody asked me about pickle juice yesterday. I said it's wonderful salty, okay, I don't put a number on it, Judith, if you're asking me how many grams or I don't know. I never measure salt ain't your problem. Sugar is so measure sugar and don't have any. Okay, thank you Judith.

Elaine, "is it okay for me to take the multi nutrient, which used to be called the blood boost considering I have a type of leukemia?" Well, even more so. Guys, listen, the multi nutrient, take the bottle out. If you can read the label, good luck. It's the rules guys in Canada. We got to put everything there in English and in French. Okay? It's just the rules. So what do you want me to do? I put so much stuff, that formula. Look it's got every vitamin, every mineral. I love putting nutrients in there, including protein. Guys, it's tremendous. And if you got leukemia, you need it. Absolutely. Okay. It is so good for you. Very good for you. So absolutely. And don't be shy guys. You look at our product. If you're not sure how to take it, if you're not sure what to do, if you're not sure, send us either on our private Facebook group, put out the question or send in an email to info@martinclinic.com, okay? Or go on our website and get a chat. We got chat. martinclinic.com.

Okay, Vince. Hi Vince. "Do men need to raise progesterone in order to increase their testosterone?" Well, no, you don't have to raise your progesterone. Okay? Men have some progesterone, believe it or not. No, the best way to elevate your testosterone is to elevate your vitamin D, the sun preferably. But otherwise you need to take a supplement of vitamin D. Okay? What I do, I take about eight, 10,000 IUs a day. If I feel a cold coming on, I hammer it, I'm a hammer. I'm going to hammer that virus. And the research is very good on that. Okay, I'll do 50,000 IUs a day for three days, hammer it, unbelievable. Then raise testosterone, eat steak, sun, steak and steel. That'll raise your testosterone. Progesterone, you don't want to raise your progesterone in a man. You want to decrease your estrogen though, okay? You might want to dim out your estrogen. Okay? I did that with a lot of men.

Guys, you know what I was talking about? Don't eat too many seeds, but I like flax seeds. Flax seeds, lower your estrogen, men and women, and we live in an estrogen dominated world. That's why men today, it's unbelievable, guys. When you see the statistic on sperm counts and testosterone levels in men. Incredibly low today. Why? Too much estrogen. I don't care where you live, you're surrounded by xenoestrogens. It's in the environment. You know folks, I'm going to be political for five seconds here, okay? Let me be political. I get a migraine because they don't seem to be too worried about the environment. They don't seem to be worried about that with all the plastic and all the chemicals and all the things that mimic estrogen that are giving us cancers and making us sick. No, they're more worried about the climate.

And I don't believe for a second that man can affect the climate. I live in Northern Ontario. It's winter. It's always been winter. I can't stand it. It gives me migraines. We spend a carbon tax. Let's worry about the environment. That's what I want to worry about. Men aren't even men anymore because of all the plastics and all the xenoestrogens and the pesticides and the herbicides and all the stuff they put in our food. We're swimming in it. The oceans are full of it. Anyway, I didn't mean to get political. Yes I did. I can't stand it. Okay? I hope I didn't offend anyone, okay? I didn't mean to be offensive. I just tell the truth, guys, tell the truth. Okay, that was a good question and that was Vince.

Maria. Okay, Maria, what is your question for me? Okay, Maria is asking about her 14-year-old daughter testing. One test showed she had Lyme's. The other test showed she didn't. Guys, I've addressed this before, but let me do it again. Lyme's disease is a tick. You get a tick and it's real. For some people, they have a very, very good immune system. And the tick, it don't even bother them. Some people got tested for Lyme's, they had Lyme's and they had no symptoms and they weren't sick at all. And then you get other people that are very sick that are very unwell and sometimes the Lyme test is positive. And even with some negative.

Okay, I get patients coming in, okay? They say, doc, I think I got Lyme's, but I can't get it diagnosed. I said, well, okay, but let's assume, I used to do this. Let's assume you have Lyme's. Okay? Let's assume you do. You got all the symptoms. And that can be chronic fatigue syndrome too. But let's go back to Lyme's. You got a bug. Look, medicine the way they treat it, antibiotic and look, sometimes that works, but most times, no. Okay, maybe a little bit better. And then you got full blown Lyme's and you're unwell. Okay? Here's what I used to do in my office when I was in my practice days. I was a big guy on holistic. Look at the whole picture. I would check and see, okay, usually with Lyme's, you got leaky gut, you got to fix that, okay? Usually with Lyme's, you've got an overgrowth of yeast, you got to fix that. No sugar, you got to go on the reset. You got to be strict, strict, strict with food.

We're going to build an environment where that bug can't live anymore because it affects everything else in your body. It can affect your thyroid in women, it can affect your hormones, your horror-mones. The reset will help that. So food, they were usually low in vitamin D. They were usually low in B12. And I would fix all of those things. So I had a protocol with Lyme's and it was successful, but it wasn't easy because when you're not, well, guess what food you are reaching for? Sometimes they were so sick they didn't feel like eating. So they were eating junk. They were giving a little bit of sugar. And I said, nah, you got to stop that because you're feeding the yeast that's taken over your body with Lyme's. And I was big on that and broad spectrum probiotics and bone broth. And I had 'em on that multi nutrient big time helped. Okay? Blood boost that we used to call it. Okay, thank you very much. But just assume that your daughter has it like you're going to get conflicting. And again, medicine, it's antibiotics and rounds of them and you've got a lot of side effects to that. I'm not telling you not to do stuff, I'm telling you what I would do. Okay? Thank you for the question, Maria. Assume that your daughter has it.

"Can a person have no white blood cells?" No, you'll be dead. Read it. You got to have some. Leukemia can be way too much white blood cells and they're not doing anything. They're immature. I've seen that. Okay, you can get have a blood cancer, but if you got no white blood cells, you're not going to be on this planet long. How are you going to fight infection? You can't, Rita. Okay, and by the way, one of the best ways to build white blood cells and to supercharge them is vitamin D and vitamin A. Vitamin A, the forgotten vitamin. And you get it when you eat eggs, meat and cheese, not carrots. Carrots is in vitamin A, eggs, meat and cheese is vitamin A. Pro retinol A is found in the animal kingdom. Again, proof in the pudding that I'm right about what foods to emphasize. If you don't eat from the animal kingdom, you are giving me a migraine. Okay? But I still love you and I mean that I still love you. Okay? That was a good question, Rita, because it got me to pontificate.

Agnes, "is arginine beneficial for seniors?" Yeah. L-arginine is an amino acid. Okay? L-arginine really helps with nitric oxide. Opens up your blood vessels, but you don't have to take L-arginine as a supplement, Agnes, you can eat it and L-arginine is found again. Where is it found? I give you three guesses and the first two don't count. It's found in vitamin S, steak, the highest form, and you get it in eggs, meat, and cheese. L-arginine. Okay? It's important. I love L-arginine, but you don't need to take it as a supplement. You need to eat it. I want you to eat L-arginine.

Okay, Cynthia is asking me, "how much Navitol do you take a day?" Well, I usually take a couple of capsules of Navitol a day. And by the way, I've only been doing it for 40 years. Anti-aging antioxidant, very good for circulation microcirculation. I was showing a study to someone the other day on pine bark extract and tinnitus and pine bark extract and vertigo because it gets into the middle ear and it opens up and little blood vessels, circulation. Okay, thank you, Cynthia. I take usually about two a day. Now remember our pine bark is like super packed with pine bark, very high dose of it. And that's our exclusive blend of pine bark. It's exclusive. Guys, I've been studying pine bark for like I said, almost 40 years. I've been around a long time. And I always compare everything, any supplement, I mean other than vitamin D and the vitamins. But if you give me a supplement, any supplement, I always in my mind, always and clinically always compare it to Navitol pine bark extract. And I'll tell you, there's nothing stronger than that. The researchers, the problem with pine bark, the extract. If you're allergic to pine trees, that had nothing to do with that. This is an extract.

I went to Europe, I gave lectures on pine bark in Europe, in Korea, in China. I went around the world, I wrote a book about it, The Bark With the Bite. It was a big seller a long time ago, man. A long time ago. But guys, if you look at the research, natural products, they don't get no praise because the pharmaceutical companies, they can't stand it. Okay? They can't stand it. So, oh, it's not approved as a pharmaceutical. And who said it was a pharmaceutical? It's not a pharmaceutical, it's a natural product. But guys, the research on it is absolutely incredible. Okay? And that's why for me and clinically what I found, okay, my wife said, if you ever run out of pine bark, I'm going to kill you. True story. And as you notice, I'm still alive. That means I never ran out of it in my office. And then my wife would tell everybody and their dog, you need to get on this stuff. And it was hard to get, I had to bring it in from Europe originally and in order to stay alive and not get killed. Okay, that was me.

Okay, I think we will stop it there. We got a few more. Let me see how many more questions. We got a fair amount of questions here. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah, we've got too many questions. Okay, so we're going to have Q and A Monday. How do you like them there apples guys? We're going to do that on Monday. Okay guys, love you dearly and sincerely. You guys are the greatest audience in the world. The smartest, I'm pointing at you. It's you guys, appreciate it. Talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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