When doctors determine if someone has diabetes, they look at glucose levels in the blood. If you’ve reached a certain threshold, you’re a diabetic, and if not you may be labelled prediabetic if your glucose falls into a certain range.
Dr. Martin thinks there’s no such thing as prediabetes. If you’re like 93% of the population who has metabolic syndrome, you’re likely already a diabetic. Having your A1C looked at can easily determine the diagnosis. Learn more in today’s episode.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day, and we certainly are, and we're always happy to say hello to a few friends as you come on live this morning. We understand not everyone can watch us live. Yesterday was particularly good. By noon I think we were up to about 10,000 views. Okay, now let's get to a couple of studies that I want to talk about this morning. Now, one thing, okay, because yesterday we talked about deficiencies and the benefits of combining omega-3 and vitamin D. Okay, we talked about that yesterday. And you know how much I love those two, vitamin D, vitamin D, the sun.
Now, because someone asked me this after the program yesterday and I saw it in the scroll like why am I deficient in vitamin D? One of the reasons, okay, I'm just talking about a general reason. This study I brought to you a few years ago, and that was, you know what high fructose corn syrup does? It decreases your ability to absorb vitamin D. I brought this to you maybe about a year ago or maybe less, but high fructose corn syrup. You know how much I hate it. You know how often I talk about it, and whenever you see added sugars to anything. They're adding sugar from yogurt to cookies to ice cream to whatever, they're adding sugar. You can almost bet your boots that it's high fructose corn syrup because it's cheap, it's addictive. And don't fool yourself.
Guys, read labels. I really don't care about calories. Who cares? But when you read a label check and see if there's any added sugar to it, okay? And if it is, you just assume that it's high fructose corn syrup they're using. They'll couch it with 99 different names, okay? I've been talking about that for a year. They get away with it labeling, but you read the labels and looking behind the scenes of that label, you'll understand it. Now, we talk about it a lot, okay? But remember, just because somebody was asking, they said, well, one of the reasons you might not realize that is with your diet, when you are consuming too much high fructose corn syrup, you're not absorbing vitamin D. And the reason there's two reasons for it, they both have to do with enzymes. And one of the enzymes that you produce to break down fructose and to send it into your liver is an enzyme needed to absorb vitamin D. There's enzymes involved there.
Anywho, I just thought I'd bring that to you because somebody was asking during the program yesterday about that. Okay, so we talked about the importance of vitamin D and whatever. This morning, I just want to, somebody again, it's sort of question and answer because I want to talk about prediabetes this morning, okay, and we sort of touched on this yesterday. To be honest, to really look at it scientifically, there's really no such thing as pre-diabetes. I remember studying Dr. Joseph Kraft, not Kraft dinner. We talked about him last week. He didn't really believe in pre-diabetes. He talked about it because he was just saying, nah, you're already a diabetic. So keep that in mind. Keep that in mind. And I talked to you again and again about they do the blood test and if your glucose is not at a certain level, well, you're not labeled a diabetic. If it's above 6 to 6.5, 6.5 and up, they'll call you a prediabetic because you haven't hit the threshold to be called a diabetic. But you really are because at the end of the day, you're not processing sugar properly. You and sugar, carbs. You and carbs are not getting along.
This is why guys, because when they look at metabolic syndrome, remember that metabolic syndrome, it's a catastrophe because 93%, I think it's 93.2 at the latest, latest statistics on metabolic syndrome, 93% of the population in North America have some form of metabolic syndrome, which is a precursor to all these diseases including diabetes. But if you think about it, someone that's in that 93% of the population is really a diabetic already. Some of them wouldn't even be considered prediabetic. Let's just go over again what metabolic syndrome is. How do you diagnose it? Well, you can diagnose it. Get my book, Sun, Steak and Steel, okay? I just highly recommend to you everything I'm saying right now is in that book, get the book, Sun, Steak & Steel and Sleep.
But I have in there when I talk about metabolic syndrome, and again and again and again, it's diagnosis, you can diagnose it. You can self-diagnosis if you get a blood test or you take your blood pressure. If your blood pressure is elevated, one. Two, if your triglycerides are elevated. Doctors are looking at cholesterol, I'm looking at triglycerides and HDL cholesterol. You can look at your whole lipid profile, but the key is to get at those triglycerides. And if your triglycerides are high and goes with it, your HDL is low, they're like a teeter totter. So if triglycerides are high, your HDL will be low almost invariably. Almost invariably. So it's important, guys, even if this is not flagged by your physician, you need to flag it and don't fool yourself. If you got high triglycerides and your HDL is low, you have metabolic syndrome. You have trouble with carbohydrates, that's what it means.
It means that your insulin, okay, not your sugars. Your sugars might be slightly elevated but still within normal limits. This is why guys, when I talk about blood sugar, I'm not talking about like a glucose random. You can take a little prick of your finger and test your blood. Well, that's subject to fluctuation. What I like better is looking at A1C. That is an average of your blood sugar over three or four months. Because what happens when sugar stays in your bloodstream, it attaches itself, it glycates hemoglobin your red blood cell and you can measure it. Anything over 5.4 you get in above 5.4, which would be completely normal on a blood test, but it's already an indicator for you and for anyone that looks at it that you're in trouble if it's above 5.4 because you're having trouble with insulin resistance, it's meaning at the cellular level, you can tell, or you can do an insulin test too, by the way. You can do an insulin test. I like that, but I'm telling you, usually they don't do that routinely, but they'll do an A1C. Your doctor will do an A1C if you ask them and find out where you are with your A1C.
So what did I talk about? Elevated blood pressure. Elevated blood pressure is almost invariably because you and sugar, you and carbs don't get along. You don't get along. You might like them, but they don't like you. Okay? So just understand that. So elevated blood pressure, elevated triglycerides, low HDL, elevated A1C. And when I say elevated, remember the line is 5.4, you're 5.4 and below, you're doing pretty good with your insulin. But if you're 5.4 and above, you got trouble. You're on the Titanic, you've got metabolic syndrome. You're really what some people classify as a prediabetic. But like I said, I don't like that term in a way because you are already on the Titanic. And I created the reset guys. The reset, the 30 day program was to get rid of metabolic syndrome, lower your insulin, send your insulin. As you guys know, I said this on my radio show for years, and again on this program, podcasting. Send your pancreas to Hawaii for a month. Let it go on a holiday.
You're not on a holiday, but your pancreas is. If your pancreas goes away on a holiday, your cells at the cellular level going, oh, thank God. My pesky neighbor, they came knocking at the door every day and they're bugging the life out of me. Your cells talking when you're a carboholic, and then you send your pesky neighbor to Hawaii like they're gone. Oh, I thought they'd never leave. But that's what you can do with your body, guys. Let me give you another couple of things, okay? Part of metabolic syndrome, okay, so elevated uric acid. Again, I'm not even talking about gout. Your uric acid levels are elevated. This is new and you won't read this in most places, but it really is part of metabolic syndrome. Your uric acid is elevated, it's a sign and you're going to look at that stuff. That's why blood work guys can look at blood work.
And I'm not in practice, so I am not looking specifically at your blood work, but I really have spelled it out so that you can look at it and understand it, okay? You don't have to understand everything there, but I interpret those results for you. And the idea, this is prevention, man. This is prevention. This is you taking control of your health yourself. And what better way to start and to understand food. Food is medicine, man, food, and all of this is food. Metabolic syndrome is you and energy, okay? That's what it is. Metabolism, metabolic syndrome. It's how your body reacts to food, energy, your mitochondria, your battery pack, and how you process energy, guys. This is metabolic syndrome. Did I miss anything? Oh, belly fat. Belly fat. People notice on the reset. Okay?
Now, I highly recommend, by the way, if you're going to do a weight loss program, and I know many in January are on a weight loss program and even on the reset, I think we've got a thousand people that signed up to get their poker chip. And you can start, okay, tTo get your poker chip with a reward. But guys, the biggest reward is your health man. The biggest reward is your health. The biggest reward is that you're taking control. You'll feel good about it. Where food isn't controlling you, you are controlling it, you're controlling it. And it's amazing to me. I saw it in my practice, guys. Like the reset, remember, it's not just, hey, does it work? Maybe it doesn't. Does it do this? Remember I had it in my practice for years. We started the reset with actual people that were diabetic. I didn't give it to anybody except diabetics at first, and it worked so well for them.
Those who went home. I used to tell people, look, I can't go home with you. I can't do it for you. I can only tell you what to do. I can only give you a plan to succeed. And then I gave the reset to over 90%. I think it was higher than that really, especially in the last few years of my days of practice. I used to give the reset for everything because if you had any sign of metabolic syndrome, you were on the reset. Start with that. And here's a couple other things. So you got belly fat, you got high blood sugar, high A1C, you know the number. You've got even slightly elevated blood pressure, and you've got elevated triglycerides and you've got lowered HDL cholesterol. Low cholesterol ain't no good. If you've got low HDL cholesterol, you're in doo doo, you're in trouble. And uric acid, great measurement. And I've added vitamin D to that list.
It's amazing to me that people with low vitamin D when they have high triglycerides and low HDL, guess what else they got low? Vitamin D, almost invariably, almost without exception. Vitamin D is a marker. It's a biomarker and it should be added in my humble opinion should be added to that list of metabolic syndrome. If you're low in vitamin D, we talked about this and talked about it, your immune system doesn't work properly, your brain doesn't work properly. You can't even get a good night's sleep with low levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential and everybody and their dog needs it. And the best way to find out is to take out vitamin D blood tests. Look at, these are not even my statistics on vitamin D. Over 80% of the population have low levels of vitamin D. And guys, when someone says it's low, holy moly, like I want optimized vitamin D. We talk about this study with cancer and vitamin D, you got no way of fighting cancer, in my opinion if you have low vitamin D. I'm talking about preventing cancer. Don't even let it get it started.
So that metabolic syndrome, guys, the reset was made for that. And really, look, if you want to do intermittent fasting with that, I like it. But I'd tell you something. You know what I almost called the metabolic syndrome book because fasting, everybody that was phoning me on my radio show was talking about fasting and it became like high on the hit parade, fasting. And guys, I like it. But when you eat the right way, you really are fasting without fasting because at the end of the day, if your insulin is almost non-existent, let me just say it again for the new folks that are with us. When you eat something, okay, let's follow a donut just for a second. You eat a donut, high fat. Oh, that's good, doc. Wait a minute, I didn't finish. And high carb, the worst combination. That's how they fatten up mice in the lab. Rat chow, they call it, you know what it is? It's a donut. They give them a donut because a donut has got fat, but it's got sugar, lots of it, okay?
So, what happens? If you have anything that breaks down fast with sugar or bread or pasta or a noodle of any kind. Rice, juice, muffins, bagel, oatmeal, it elevates your blood sugar. Really, it spikes your blood sugar. Well, what happens then? Well, now your insulin comes out of, see this pen. Think of a pancreas that's the size of your pancreas that sits right underneath your stomach. And you see inside my pen, I got ink. Inside your pancreas is insulin. And when you eat a muffin or a donut, oh, Dr. Martin, it's whole wheat. It's raisin brand. It's carrot. It's a carrot muffin. Yeah. It's got eight teaspoons of sugar in it. Okay? The whole fiber craze, that's what I called it, a fiber crease. People got crazy on fiber. Yeah, but muffins have fiber Dr. Martin. Well, so what! You need insulin and a lot of it, you need insulin and a lot of it when you're eating that stuff, okay?
So that's the response of insulin. That's dangerous because your insulin's got to come in there and take that out of there. It can't let that sugar park in your bloodstream. So the reset is the opposite of that because you're eating meat. You know what meat does? Okay? Remember pancreas and you're eating a piece of meat or you're having an egg. I just had some eggs. You know what your insulin is doing. You know what your pancreas is doing. I'm just sitting around. I got nothing to do because there's no sugar going in the bloodstream when you eat an egg. So insulin, the traffic cop is sitting there and it's whistling because it's going, I got nothing to do. That's why the reset is so good. I'm not even telling you to stay on it forever. You could. After 30 days, add your vegetables, add some fruit, I don't care.
And 90% of your diet or more have whole foods. Whole foods are eggs. How many doc? I don't care. It don't matter. You want a hundred? Have a hundred. I don't care. You can't make me care. Dr. Martin, bacon? Yeah. How much? I don't care. You don't need insulin. You don't need insulin for bacon a little bit. It's got nothing to do. You're fasting without fasting. What kills you is the toast, not the butter, the toast. Put the butter on your eggs, cook with butter, and then lather up your steak with butter. Don't put your butter on toast. The toast will kill you. And I don't care what kind of bread it is. Dr. Martin, I used to hear it in my office. It's 12 grain. I don't care. It ain't no good for you. You're on the Titanic. You're in trouble. Turn the ship around. Some people, I had to get them jumping into the lifeboat. Okay?
I want to encourage you guys. This is science guys. What do I mean by that? We can prove it. You prove it with blood work. We can prove the metabolic reset works. We can prove it. Your A1C is going down. Read the testimonies of the reset. They're incredible. A1C is going down, triglycerides are going down. Your good cholesterol, your HDL. It's all good cholesterol, by the way. Okay? HDL is going up. Your blood pressure is coming down, your blood sugar on A1C, your uric acid's coming down, your vitamin D is going up, and you got to take vitamin D in the winter, okay? For sure. Guys, this is metabolic syndrome. It's what I talk about all the time. And it's what? It's food. I said to someone yesterday, you got to eat anyways, right? You have to eat. Well, fasting doc, I do fasting. Well, you going to fast forever? You're never going to eat? Like I said, you want to fast, okay, but you can't live on fasting. But you can live on eggs, meat and cheese. You can live on good dairy. You can live on it. And it's actually the best thing to do because you're eating nutrient dense food too. Like I said, it's at the speed of which food breaks down is the key to your insulin.
Got the memo? Okay, guys, send in your questions because I just answered a lot of people's questions today. And if you want the numbers that I talked about, get the book, Sun, Steak & Steel. I wrote that book for you guys. So you'd have references. You can reference. Very important, blood work. Got it? Okay, love you guys, more than you know. Question and answer Friday is coming up soon, so send in your questions. We love you dearly. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!