1493. Vitamin D + Omega-3: The Dynamic Duo for Health

A new study is showing that having low levels of vitamin D and omega-3 may be preventing you from getting restful sleep. When you don’t sleep, your body’s self-cleaning oven doesn’t function properly, opening the door to cancer and dementia. 

If you’ve listened to Dr. Martin for some time, you know that vitamin D and omega-3 are topics he loves to talk about. Join him as he discusses several studies in today’s episode.



Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day and we sure, sure, sure appreciate you guys coming on. Okay, guys, let's get going. I want to bring to you a couple of, I said there was a lot of studies and I'm going to start with, here we go again with vitamin D. Let me just get to them. Okay, vitamin D combination. This is a study done with sleep. Remember we did a deep dive on sleep well last week and what we talked about there is not only the importance of sleep. Remember sleep your lymphatic system, your brain's got a self-cleaning oven, and the only way it works is if you get a good night's sleep. You need to get into the five stages of sleep, right? So really important, but here's what they're saying about nutrients like vitamin D and omega-3.

This is an article and then goes into some research. Struggling with sleep? Your vitamin D and omega-3 levels might hold the key to more restful sleep. Well, we talked about that because in my days of practicing people that were low in vitamin D, which was universal, 70, 80% of the population walk around, they have no idea. Nobody's testing for it generally, because again, in this day and age, they still think that vitamin D is only for your bones. They don't look at it as in terms of importance for your immune system. They just don't do it, right? So what we're saying is this, okay, it's really, really important, guys. Really important to get your vitamin D levels checked. I can't tell you the investment that you have to make. Look, if they make you test it, I would suggest, listen, spend 50 bucks or whatever it is and get your vitamin D levels checked.

Now, if you're taking vitamin D generally, and you're taking, like I've seen research, minimum four to 5,000 IUs a day better in the 10,000 range, but to be exact, you need blood work and you need that 25 hydroxy vitamin D, hydroxy 25 tests, and your vitamin D should be optimized, okay? And what this research is showing, it's incredible, is that when your vitamin D levels are optimized and your omega-3 levels in your blood are optimized, you get a better sleep. Vitamin D guys is for everything just about think from your brain to your toes. Vitamin D. I tell you again and again and again, there's a war on vitamin D. Nobody wants to talk about it. They only want to talk about toxicity of vitamin D and it's absolute rubbish. It bothers me. You have no idea.

Okay, so unlock a better sleep with vitamin D and omega-3. These levels when they're low will bother you, okay? They will not allow you to get into a good night's sleep. Now, let me give you another one on vitamin D that came out okay? Because people, somebody even asked me last night, because if you go on our private Facebook group, I often get asked about Doc, if someone gets cancer, someone in their loved one, whatever, they ask me questions on cancer all the time. I wrote a book years ago. My son and I wrote a book years ago, Are You Built for Cancer? Okay, are you built for cancer? And we said that if you have low levels of vitamin D, you're built for cancer. If you have low levels of omega-3, you're built for cancer. Of course, we all know about sugar, we all know that sugar feeds cancer, but when you're low in vitamin D guys, you're a sitting duck, a sitting duck, okay?

And here's a study, vitamin D in cancer, a historical overview of the epidemiology and mechanisms of cancer, and here's what they're saying, okay? Here's the conclusion of the overview. This overview of studies on vitamin D in cancer. Listen to this. Listen, Linda, listen Larry, what it says, okay, it says vitamin D levels of 80 ng/mL. Now that's American testing numbers of vitamin D, okay? The US, their testing numbers are this. If your levels are over 80 ng/mL. In Canada, 80 would be, hold on, 200 nml, okay? So in Canada the reading would be over 200 of vitamin D. And you know what? 90% of the population in Canada do not have levels even close to that of vitamin D. In the United States, 90% of the people or more wouldn't even be close to eight 80 ng/mL vitamin D level. But listen to what the studies are saying that if you have lower levels than that, you're not optimized on vitamin D, you're much more susceptible to cancer. Hello, sun, steak and steel, sun, steak and steel. The importance of vitamin D, the sun. You need to optimize level of vitamin D.

Guys, if the governments were smart and they're not, they would insist on testing everyone's vitamin D in Canada, okay? Everyone and their dogs should be tested for vitamin D, okay? But they don't do it and they should do it. If your levels are optimized, of vitamin D, your risk of cancer is decreased big time. So when people ask me about cancer, two things come out of my mouth so fast to make your head spin. If people ask me about cancer, you know what? When I'm not in practice, I tell 'em, well, here's what I would do, okay? When I was in practice, I gave him a specific Martin Clinic protocol. Here's what you should do. But if you stopped me on the street and asked me, Dr. Martin, what would you do? I said, number one, vitamin D, number two, and they can be one or two, get the sugar out of your life.

Let me see. I might even have a little because I drew it the other day for someone, okay? Anyway, you look at a cancer cell, okay? And the cancer cell has 200 times more receptors for glucose than a normal cell. A cancer cell is a renegade cell. This was said in 1928, by the way, in 1928, we knew this to be true, that cancer cells were ravenous. Otto Warberg, a German scientist talked about cancer and fermentation, and the cancer cell had 200 times more receptors for glucose. So sugar obviously get rid of it, never have it again if you got cancer, okay? Just understand that, and we all know about the PET scan, right? Not for your pets. It's cancer imaging, and if you have cancer, they put you in the machine, but not before they give you glucose, not before they give you sugar and then you light up like a Christmas tree if you have cancer anywhere in your body.

And yet you go to the cancer centers, we have a big cancer center here in our hometown. You go there today, there's a Tim Horton's in there. They'll give you donuts, they'll give you Ensure, they'll give you Boost, and that'll boost your chances of that cancer growing. It drives me crazy because they don't know the basics. Avoid sugar and get your vitamin D levels up. They should be testing that your vitamin D levels should be 80 ng/mL or 200 and above in Canada's numbers of nmmL, 200. You're going to die. Your vitamin D is too high. You know how many millions of times I've heard that? It's so silly. Okay, now listen to this. Okay, so what this is research guys, and you're not going to see this very often because it'll never make mainstream. They're scared, skinny of the big pharma and the pharmaceutical industry, which has hijacked the oncologist, they've hijacked them and they can't think outside of a box at all. They don't think food is important and they don't think vitamin D is important. It's too bad, but that's the way it is. You got to take care of yourself.

Okay, so that was one of them. Let me give you another one here on vitamin D, okay? Listen to this, the exact opposite of what the world knows. Here's what it says. Sun exposure is associated with increased survival, okay? Sun exposure is associated with increased survival of the deadliest cancer melanoma. Hello. What have I been saying on this program for years and years, and years. The Doctor Is In, remember? The Doctor Is In, is 25 years old, the show. Did you know that? 20 years on the radio, five years of podcast. It's more than five years of podcast. We were doing both at one time. Okay? The early days of our podcasting for 25 years on The Doctor Is In. I've been talking about the importance of the sun and when they were scaring the living life out of you for getting in the sun and skin cancer, I called it the Johnson and Johnson disease because they wanted to sell you those chemical cancer producing sunscreen.

You see people today on the beach and they're still lathering themselves up. They're lathering themselves up with this sunscreen. Drives me mental. Get in the sun because your survival rate from melanoma will get better with the sun. Imagine that, and I always said it, when you don't have enough sun, that's when you get melanoma. When you are either scared of the sun or you work indoors or whatever, they've proven this guys. Melanoma does not come from the sun. Well, it does in a way if you have a lack of it. Guys, the importance, again, sun steak and steel. Isn't it incredible? I want to scream. Guys, can I say something? Two biggest killers in society today, two biggest. Heart disease, cancer, number one and number two. Chronic diseases, we haven't even made a dent. All the money in the world.

You know they come to your door, give us money for cancer research. Well, first of all, 90% of that never gets to research. The money that you give. You can go on their websites and look at their financial statements. 90% of money given to the Canadian Cancer Society or the American goes for their budget to pay their staff and to buy advertising, to raise money. What are they saying? What's happened? Nothing's changed. Nothing's changed. The treatment hasn't changed. It got a little bit more sophisticated. It's slash and burn, slash and burn. It's unreal. And there's no talk of vitamin D. How can that be? You get research like this. Sun exposure is associated with increased survival from melanoma. Then the one before it, okay, the one before it saying, looking at numbers that if you're ng/mL, if you're above 80, your risk of cancer go down and down. Why not talk about prevention of cancer in the first place?

But I'll tell you something, there's someone that gets a diagnosis of cancer, ought to find out what their vitamin D levels then make have you got to pay it. You can order a tip in to get your vitamin D levels checked and do it at home and take a little prick of blood and send it to a lab. It drives me crazy. In our province, the geniuses here in the province. I live in Ontario, in Canada, you know what they said? We're not funding vitamin D testing anymore. We don't do it. We don't fund it unless your doctor is very, very specifies that he thinks you got osteoporosis. We don't do that testing of vitamin D. Guys, that gives me a headache, gives me a migraine on vitamin D. Vitamin D levels of 80 ng/mL is reducing the overall cancer risk by 70%. Unbelievable. And then vitamin D and sleep. Incredible guys. Incredible, right? You just shake your head.

And remember again that in terms of food, if you do nothing else, if you do nothing else, get rid of sugar. Read your labels, any added sugar, nada, nada, nada. Now you are going to have some natural sugars in berries. I allow that by the way. The antioxidant, the protection of the antioxidants, like eating berries. I wouldn't have real sweet fruits. I'm talking about people that are dealing with cancer. I would have Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie and put a few berries in there. I know there's a little bit of sugars, but that part I'm not too worried about. But other than that, you cut out all your sugars, all the crappy carbs out of your diet, completely, completely, completely. I would have take personally a minimum of 10,000 IUs of vitamin D, but it's better if you get it tested so that you can monitor it and get it optimized. Get that vitamin D optimized.

Okay, and the other thing, omega-3. I posted it on the private Facebook group again and again and again. Research that came out and was buried on DHA. You know what I called it? The Trojan horse, DHA very specific omega-3. Okay, what is omega-3? Remember people, I don't know, fish oil. Yeah, you're right. There's omega-3 in it. In the animal kingdom you have DHA and EPA, so you get a fish oil or you eat fish or if you eat steak, you get omega-3. In the animal kingdom, you get omega-3. In the plant kingdom, you get an omega-3, but it's a ALA. It's different. But the animal source of omega-3, the DHA and EPA, they're the best. And the reason is because you're much more bioavailable.

You know how much I like flaxseeds and I'll talk about that in a minute again. You know how much I like flaxseeds. I even allow you to have flaxseeds on the reset. Why do I do that? Not for the omega-3. There is omega-3 there in flaxseed, but it's a ALA. It's not the same. It's not as bioavailable. You take flaxseeds for the lignans, you take flaxseeds because even in cancer, it's going to decrease your estrogen and estrogen. Men, prostate cancer, women, breast cancer, and any women's cancer. Uterine, cervix, ovarian. You got to hammer the estrogen down. The xenoestrogen. We live in a world, I don't care where you go on this planet, we live in a world of xenoestrogens, things that mimic estrogen and they're in your home, they're in your kitchen, they're everywhere, and you ain't getting rid of 'em all. So you need to dim that out, and that's why I like flax seeds. That would be part of a protocol for cancer that I would recommend. You're on DHA, because the DHA oil, the omega-3, the specific one, DHA is the Trojan horse that destroys tumors. Holy moly. Why isn't that mainstream, guys? Why isn't that mainstream? Crazy.

Okay, recap. We talked about vitamin D and sleep. You need it with omega-3. They work in such a good combination, by the way, and when people are deficient, they're usually very deficient in both. That's what I noticed. Okay? You're deficient in both, and then for all your friends, your family or whatever, and look to the extent they'll listen, okay? To the extent they'll listen, get them off sugar, zero sugar, nada. If they can do it, okay? I'm talking about your loved ones or whatever. If they'll listen, Hey, listen, I've been around a long time and they weren't always listening to me. Believe you me, okay? Get their vitamin D levels checked. If they can do it, if they have to even pay for it themselves, get your vitamin D levels checked in Canada. They should be 200 and above for cancer in the United States, 80 and above. Isn't that crazy? You know what's normal? It's about 20 in Canada. They don't even get concerned if you're at 20, you need to be at 80 in Canada. It's crazy. People are walking around and they don't have a little light that goes off to tell 'em how low they are in vitamin D. Okay?

Omega-3, the DHA, very, very important. Those things you need to do a lot of research too, by the way, and I'm not going to get into it this morning. A lot of research too on curcumin and cancer, especially liver, pancreatic. Curcumin, a lot of research on it, but again, you'll never see it in the mainstream. It's not part of their narrative in the mainstream. They'll tell you to beware because you can get sick and overdose. Okay guys, we love you dearly and sincerely. Send your questions in info@martinclinic.com. Send your questions to info@martinclinic.com, okay? We appreciate that and I'll try and answer every question. If I can't do it on question and answer Friday, I do question and answer Monday, okay? Okay, we love you guys. We'll talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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