Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.
Some of today’s topics include:
- Weight loss programs
- Ubiquinol
- Cancer & sugar
- Spirulina
- High leukocytes in bloodwork
- High potassium
- Plantar fasciitis
- Restoralax
- Emphysema
- Familial hypercholesterolemia
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Hope you're having a great start to your day, and we sure appreciate you guys coming on with us. It's a lot of fun. And guess what today is? It's question and answer Friday, and everybody is so happy for people that are doing the reset. It's guys a big change for you. I got this question asked. Sue asked, "what's the best weight loss program?" Because somebody asked here about another one. I think it's called the Plexus Weight Loss Program. Anyway, I'll get it for you after, because it's probably down on my list here. But guys, if you can put four, okay, I used to do this with my patients, okay, because I wanted to explain when we had a weight loss clinic, I wanted people to understand, if you don't eat, you're going to lose weight. But that's not the key because you've got to eat right if you eat less and move more. That's the world's idea of weight loss. And it doesn't take into account any hormones.
So let me tell you that it's not important to count calories. It's not. I never was big on that. I want you to get these four lines down, okay? Line number one. When insulin is secreted. What's insulin's job when it's secreted, okay, to take glucose and park it, and it's looking for in your cells to park sugar, carbs turn to sugar rapidly. So the more carbs you're eating, the more insulin you're secreting. And insulin is a growth hormone. It's a fat storing hormone. Line number one, when insulin is secreted, fat is stored in fat cells especially. Okay? Number one. Line number two, when insulin levels drop, fat cells release fat, get rid of it. Line number two, when you can lower your insulin, you're lowering your fat because your fat cells will release. Yep.
The third line is, what elevates your insulin? Carbohydrates. Okay? So it's not calories, because if you take calories and you're eating a steak, okay, probably got more calories than a chocolate bar. But there's a big difference inside your body on what happens then. You eat a steak and your insulin is looking at it like it's on the sidelines pretty well. Doesn't have much to do. It's the traffic cop sort of. There's no traffic today, but when you have a carbohydrate, a muffin, a bagel, whole wheat toast. Well, the traffic cop insulin's got to come in there because they're turning to sugar very rapidly. Oh, Dr. Martin, if I don't have my oatmeal in the morning and oatmeal will drive sugar up crazy high. Well, now you need a lot of insulin. And what does insulin do? It takes that sugar and stores it as fat, okay?
Guys, this is why I tell you, when you do a weight loss program. When you do a weight loss program, understand the only real good one is one where you deal with insulin. Now, I love dealing with insulin for a lot of reasons, and you guys know that, but I always said, oh yeah, but if you want healthy weight loss, eat the right fuel because it'll keep your insulin down. The fourth line is carbohydrates are driving insulin. Guys, you got to understand that. Look, a lot of people do the reset because they want to lose weight. Well, it's the best one to do because it's sustainable. You're not hungry. It's not calories. And guys, I want you to go to the gym. I want you to do vitamin E exercise. I want you to do that. But you can't out exercise a bad diet. You can't out supplement a bad diet. You just can't.
And you can get on these designer drugs, Wegovy, Ozempic and others. You can do it. But one, it comes with enormous side effects. 50% of the people that start those injections have to stop. They get too many side effects, especially digestive. Now they're finding out there's a whole lot more side effects than they thought. Guys, it's not magic. And that's why you have to eat anyways. And guys, once you're done the reset, okay, let me just say this. It's really important because people think, well, Dr. Martin, he don't like vegetables and fruit. I never said that. People say that about me. They think I'm a carnivore. I'm not a carnivore. A carnivore never eats fruits and vegetables. I don't believe that. I don't think that's sustainable. I guess you could do it, but that's not practical.
But guys, what happens, I promise you, and this has happened tens of thousands of times, okay? Is that once people realize after doing the reset, they realize their bodies thrived with eggs, meat and cheese, dairy, they thrived with it, and your insulin went way down. And the benefits of that are legion. And then they can introduce some fruits and vegetables. I've always said this, fruits and vegetables are wonderful, but don't live on them. The world's got it upside down. They want you to cut out red meat. They think eggs will give you a heart attack because of cholesterol and butter, butter, but they were lying through their teeth or they were ignorant. It's one or the other. They were lying through their teeth or they were ignorant of science because the best foods are eggs, meat and cheese. I want you to eat the best and do it exclusively for 30 days.
And the reason is because 93% of the population have some form of metabolic syndrome. And those lead to all your chronic diseases, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, autoimmune. Can I add another one? Osteoporosis. You eat the wrong way. You're in trouble. Insulin resistance, high circulating insulin. That's why we do what we do. That's why I preach it. I preach it every day. Guys, it works. Okay? It works and it's really important. So weight loss, remember that. You keep insulin down and the only way to keep insulin down is to keep your carbohydrates down. Bread, pasta, rice, cereals, sugar, sweets, pastries, juice, store-bought milk, muffins, bagels, whole wheat bread. Keep them down or keep them out as much as you can long-term, okay?
And you can go to the plant kingdom. And I'm not saying you can never have another slice of bread in your life. I'm not saying that. When you understand how your body works and you understand the one thing you can control in your life is your insulin, and that's the key. Well, you go, oh, I got it. I got the memo now, and I'm not fooling myself anymore. I know when I eat cereal that it ain't good for me no matter what Kellogg's says. That ain't good for you. Am I saying you could never ever ever eat it? Well, I wouldn't. I haven't. I don't. I'd rather have bacon and eggs any day. I had this morning sausage, bacon. Oh, it was so good. Who doesn't like bacon? Okay, thanks for the question.
Anne, "can ubiquinol," okay, which is coQ10. There's two forms of coQ10. There's ubiquinone and ubiquinol, okay? And ubiquinol is the best. It's the one that's the most bioavailable. It's the one that's the most absorbed. Ubiquinone, meh. Okay, now your body makes coQ10, okay? At the mitochondrial level, your little battery packs and you need coQ10. Your body makes it. And the best way to eat to get coQ10 for your body to produce more of it is to eat steak. Sun, steak, and steel. CoQ10. Now, coQ10 has become famous because one of the major side effects of statin drugs, cholesterol lowering medication, is that it destroys coQ10 in your body. That ain't good. That's a very serious side effect of a statin drug, which is the best selling medication of all time. I can't get over it based on a false premise, and I've been saying that for 50 years, by the way. Anywho, if you're on a statin drug, you better be taking ubiquinol, okay? Don't take ubiquinone, take ubiquinol, okay? And yep, you can take it every day because even if you don't have heart disease, it helps with those mitochondria that release your battery packs release what? ATP, fuel. And that's good for your brain. It's good for your heart. Okay? So I love ubiquinol and it's really good. If you got AFib, you better be on ubiquinol.
Okay, that was Anne, thank you Anne. Elaine. Elaine, you got to get back to me. I'm not sure what I said here. Elaine says, "I remember a comment on Dr. Martin's live that cancer patients should not take it." What is the it? Okay, I have a type of leukemia. Is it okay for me to take it? Okay. Elaine, please. I don't know what I said. I can't remember. Okay. What is it that a cancer patient shouldn't take? I'm trying to think. Maybe somebody can refresh my brain here, but if you would tell me, Elaine, what it is, okay, I'll get an answer to you. If you're listening right now, scroll it to me and then somebody else tell me too. Okay? Sometimes I can't read all the scrolls when it goes by. Okay? So Elaine will come back to what I said. I don't even remember,
Sherry. "I would like to hear Dr. Martin's thoughts on spirulina as a supplement." You know what, Sherry? It's been a long time. Everybody's saying on Elaine, I remember Dr. Martin's live, that cancer patients should not take sugar. I guarantee you I said that. And is it okay for me to take? Well, you shouldn't. Why do you need sugar Elaine? If that's the question. And for sure I'd mention, well, because I might even meet a drawing of it somewhere. You know me and my art, I showed you a normal cell and then I showed you a cancer cell, and it has 200 times more receptors for sugar, glucose. Cancer needs sugar, Elaine, okay? It needs sugar. Don't give it any sugar at any time. You have leukemia. Why would you give it sugar? Okay. I know it's a different type of cancer, but it don't matter. You don't need sugar, by the way. Okay? If your body needs sugar, it'll turn steak into a sugar. Okay? Makes sense, Elaine, that that was the question.
Okay, back to Sherry as spirulina. Okay, so I've said this before and I probably do it every Friday. Okay, well, we have question and answer, Sherry, because people ask me about a supplement, and that's good. I want you to ask, I really mean it. But I got to tell you that when I was in my radio days, every week, every week, every week, people would ask me not only about supplements, but they would send end literature or whatever to my office so that I could read about a supplement. Well, guys, spirulina, by the way, okay? I am going back at least 20 years, probably more. The blue green algae, okay? I like spirulina. And it had its day in the sun. I mean, everybody and their dog at one time was talking about spirulina. It was the best thing since sliced bread. Do you know what I mean? It had its day in the sun. And then I'm telling you, I know what spirulina is, but I haven't heard about it in a few years because nobody's talking about it anymore.
And guys, when people don't talk about supplements anymore, usually they had their day in the sun. And then it's not that they're no good, it's just, here's me. Spirulina is good. Okay, good for your immune system. It's an antioxidant. It's got a lot of benefits, but I like things better. I like pine bark better than spirulina, and it ain't even close. I like Navitol. It's far superior to spirulina. I still like spirulina though, but I just like something better. So I had to do that on my radio show because people would call in, what do you think of this doc? And guys, there was nothing. You can almost say nothing that I haven't tried, patients haven't told me about. Look, we had a lot of clinical experience with different supplements and things get hot and people say, holy moly, this cures everything from coughs, colds to pimples on your nose. But if it didn't work, it didn't last. And I'm not saying spirulina, but I have hardly had anybody talk about it, but I like it. I do like spirulina. I just like stuff better than spirulina. Okay? So I'm glad you asked the question. It gives me a chance to explain again and again where I come from, okay? That was Sherry.
Barb. Barb had a urine test done, and her pH was seven. Depends what time of the day. That don't bother me at all. Specific gravity was her leukocytes were high. That's what she's trying. Well, you know what leukocytes are that those are white blood cells in your urine. That means that there was probably a bacteria present. A lot of doctors, and I really don't like this at all, will give a patient based on a urine test, give a patient an antibiotic. They see that their leukocytes are high. Who cares? I don't care about that. Take a probiotic. Never an antibiotic unless you got a raging bladder infection. If you got severe pain upon urination, yeah, you might need an antibiotic. But otherwise, don't take an antibiotic because you are just developing. Number one, are resistant to antibiotics. Every antibiotic you take, those bacteria develop a resistance to it.
And number two, whenever you take an antibiotic, you are wiping out all your good bacteria. Look, it does a job, but it kills all your good guys. It really does mess up your microbiome. And then it allows the Trojan horse to come in, and that is yeast, fungus, candida. And that becomes a big problem, especially in women, especially down in their private parts, and they don't realize it. They can get an interstitial cystitis, and that's fungal. There are a lot of inflammation that can form there, and they get a lot of trouble. And a woman's anatomy is different than a man's. A man can get problems with the bladder, but it's rare compared to a woman. Okay? So it's a good question.
Barb, now she had another question. Her potassium is high. Well, if you have high potassium, Barb, I got to ask you too many questions that you can't answer live. Okay? You got high potassium. Is your doctor concerned about that? Okay, because that's important. If it's high, usually it's because you're on a certain medication usually, or you've got kidney problems, and there would be other tests telling you that it could be because you have an infection, maybe low grade and your potassium goes up. Okay? So I'm not sure without having the answer to those questions. Okay, thanks for the question, Barb.
Rosa, "plantar fasciitis." Well, anytime you see an itis, you got inflammation, right? Plantar fasciitis. Here's me, and I believe I'm right on this because why is there so much today? Plantar fasciitis has been around for as long as we've been walking, but nothing like today. I mean, it is such a common, even when I was in school, we learned about plantar fasciitis, but it was rare. But today, there are probably a couple of reasons. But the number one reason, in my opinion, is why there's so much plantar fasciitis, high insulin, high circulating insulin, insulin resistance. It's amazing how many people have found out when they lower their carbohydrates and cut out their sugars, how much better they do with plantar fasciitis? Not always, but very often. Okay, so look, I mean, there's exercises to do. There's treatment to do, but I always tell people the best thing to start is get that insulin down. It's amazing.
I did a whole seminar for the World Organization of Natural Medicine. I did a seminar and I talked about down root problems from sugar or high circulating insulin. I took out an atlas of the human body, and I showed, I mean, it's almost everything gets affected when your insulin is circulating and it's too high, and you're a carboholic or a sugarholic. The downward effect of that, because people think first of the pancreas, and that's true. And that's why we have so much pancreatic cancer today, and that's why we have so much pancreatitis today. These things used to be very rare, but they're not anymore. Why? Cause the world has changed. We're carboholics today.
I was reading an article yesterday. 200 years ago, you know how much sugar we consumed a year? Two pounds, 200 years ago. 1950s, 25 pounds, okay? That's when I was born in the 1950s, okay? My kids, all four of my kids were born in the seventies. Now the world was up to 50 pounds. You know what it is today? 200 pounds. You think your body was made for that? No, it was never made for that. Your poor little pancreas was never made to be secreting insulin like that. And you have to understand something. Insulin has a job to do. If people insist on eating sugar and carbohydrates that turn to sugar rapidly, guess what? Insulin cannot allow sugar to stay in the bloodstream. And remember something that I've said for 50 years, diabetes is the last thing to happen to a person, not the first. When you get the official diagnosis of diabetes, you've been a diabetic a long time.
Because today what we do is we measure blood sugar. It's easy, right? People got these little pens and they take their blood and they know instantly what their blood sugar is. Am I against that? No. But blood sugar, remember, your body knows how to regulate blood sugar. The key is what you're eating. And if your insulin goes up and you're always secreting insulin, it'll control your blood sugar. It has to until it can't anymore. And way before that happens, your cells at the cellular level say, insulin, I'm so sick of you. I hate your guts. You're always around my front door. You're always knocking at the door and saying, let sugar in, and I'm tired of it. I hate you. Go away.
The problem is insulin doesn't go away because it says, well, look, Mr. and Mrs. Cell, the dummy you live in? They keep eating carbs, they drink juice. They think orange juice is good for them, and they've been lied to, so they have a muffin for breakfast or a bagel, but Dr. Martin it's whole wheat. But anyway, so insulin goes well, if you have a bagel, I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Cell, I've got to come and knock on your door. Why? Because I can't allow sugar. You ate a bagel that turned to sugar rapidly, so I got to get sugar out. I can't allow it to stay in the bloodstream. Why? Because it's going to destroy blood vessels and rapidly. It starts its destruction almost immediately if I don't get it parked somewhere else. So Mr. and Mrs. Cell, that's why I keep coming knocking at your door, okay? Knock, knock, knock. I'm sorry. I hate to be a pest, but I can't allow sugar to stay in the blood stream. Very tightly regulated.
Okay, let's see. What else do we have here? That was Rosa. That was plantar fasciitis. Well, here's Judy. This is what I was talking about. "My daughter is doing the Plexus diet, and I'm very concerned." Well, I thought Plexus was like a supplement. Okay, so Judy, what is the Plexus diet? If any of you folks know, let me know what it is. I thought Plexus was a supplement to lower your blood sugar. Okay? That's what I know about it, but tell me what the diet is, okay? I haven't seen the have I? Maybe refresh my brain. Okay, refresh my brain. What is the Plexus diet? Okay, I know some of you know out there. Tell me what it is and I'll tell you if I like it or not. And Judy, why are you concerned? There's a good reason. Okay. Okay. Let's see. I don't know. I can't see it right now. I'll come back to it if somebody answers it for me.
Carol, two part question. "Effects of taking Restoralax to clean out stuck poop in the intestine and the colon of a 10-year-old." I don't like it. And look, it's just maybe the way they're built. Are they constantly constipated? How do you know they're stuck poop there? I kind of need to know that. I don't like Restoralax because it's an artificial way of cleaning the bowel, okay? I don't like it because it affects the peristalsis, and I don't want anybody being affected by that. I know people, they live on stuff like that because they don't have any more peristalsis, which is the movement, the little hair-like structures within your bowel that move the feces along. Drink water. She's probably dehydrated. Water is the best. Coffee, if she was old enough, coffee's the best. Water and coffee, but probably not coffee at 10 years old. Although I used to drink coffee at 10 because my grandma let me drink it. My parents wouldn't, but my grandma did. Okay. I'm not even big on fiber and over fiber. Does she like fruit? Make her a berry smoothie? Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie with berries in it. Okay, that's enough fiber. Anyway. You got to give me more information there, Carol, even though you can get Restoralax over the counter. I don't like it. I really don't, okay?
Jerry, "RestFx. Good to slow down emphysema." Well, look, emphysema is a chronic condition, and I guess it could help. I'm not against that. I like quercetin better for lung health. I like quercetin. I've always been a big fan of it. I found that to be very effective. Probiotics of really, really, there are bacteria like in friendly bacteria that live in the lungs that you want to increase the gut lung connection. And I would be, especially with emphysema, I would be on high DHA because that oil lubricates, it lubricates the blood vessels in the lungs. Okay? I would be more on that.
Sherry, "can Dr. Martin talk about familial hypercholesterolemia?" Well, look, some people are built differently. They got higher cholesterol than other people. I don't buy it. Any research that I've seen and done or looked at. Familial hypercholesterolemia. Well so what? That don't make you more susceptible. You see? You have to go to the bottom line. Does cholesterol cause heart disease? In my opinion, absolutely not. Only if it's low. Okay, if it's low. Now, if that is your premise, that's my premise. Then when I look at anything familial hypercholesterolemia, it's the way you're built. You make more cholesterol. I don't think you're any more susceptible to heart attacks. They'll scare the living life out of you because doctors for 50 years now or more, they've been trained that cholesterol is a boogeyman. It's the way they're trained. Is it hard to change them? It's almost impossible.
Unfortunately, most physicians, unfortunately, they just don't keep up on the reading. So the only thing they read is what comes down from the medical journals. And the medical journals are bought and paid for by big pharma. So what do you see there? Well, you see the same old, same old. They don't talk about nutrition. They talk drugs and a medical doctor is under so much pressure to deal with cholesterol. As a matter of fact, in our province, they can lose their license if they don't deal with cholesterol. Their malpractice would be all over them and the College of Physicians and Surgeons. It's hard to think outside the box. It's hard for them. They're under pressure. And so it's hard to change that. But I'm sorry, I never bought that. Cholesterol was a problem unless it's low, because just basic physiology, basic biochemistry, every cell in your body's got cholesterol. You know where you got the most cholesterol is in your brain. When does cholesterol become bad? It don't. And again, here's an overarching statement. If cholesterol was the cause of heart disease, we would've got rid of it by now.
Why is heart disease the number one killer still in North America and not getting better, getting worse? Because we're looking for love in all the wrong places. If your premise is wrong, I'm telling you guys, the biggest driver of heart disease is insulin. It's metabolic syndrome. It's high circulating insulin sugar in the bloodstream. Ask any diabetic, any diabetic sugar in the bloodstream will destroy your blood vessels. And you know Dr. Joseph Kraft, I mean, I need to do a whole program on him because I studied a lot about diabetes and there was no better guru who had done more research on diabetes than Dr. Joseph Kraft. Like Kraft dinner, except he wasn't the founder of Kraft Dinner. Okay? His name was Dr. Kraft, and he was a genius, and he did thousands and thousands of autopsies on diabetics. You know what he saw? Atherosclerosis, hardening of the arteries. In almost everyone.
You're a diabetic? You know what happens? You develop hardening of your arteries. Why? Because sugar destroys your arteries. That's the first thing that they do. They get at your capillaries and they start plaque in your arteries. And he said, anybody that has atherosclerosis is a diabetic. Even if they never got diagnosed, you know what he said? It's undiagnosed diabetes. I never forgot that. He said, okay, let me say it again. If you have any hardening of your arteries, you're a diabetic. Oh, Dr. Martin. Nobody ever told me that. My doctor never told me that. Yeah, but according to the leading researcher on diabetes, he said, if you have any form of atherosclerosis, you're a diabetic. And if you haven't been diagnosed with diabetes, it's just because you're undiagnosed. How do you like them there apples?
Okay, I'm way over time. Okay. We love you guys. We'll continue this because I've got a lot of questions I never even got to today. I was pontificating. Okay, guys, we appreciate you tuning in. Tell your friends, okay? Tell your friends, tell your family. They might not listen to me, but you can try. They might not listen to you either. Okay? We love you dearly. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!