With a new year now here, Martin Clinic is hosting a group 30-day Reset. Join others in fixing their insulin resistance and earning a commemorative poker chip. Dr. Martin explains the importance of the metabolic reset in today’s episode.
The typical North American diet, high in carbohydrates and sugars, leads to insulin resistance which is a precursor to major health issues like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's. By changing your fuel, you can reverse insulin resistance, reduce inflammation, and improve overall metabolic health.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. We sure appreciate you guys coming on with us and saying hello on this last day of 2024. Wow. Okay, well guys, how are you? Now, we mentioned yesterday, okay, we're starting tomorrow, but you can start guys at any time you want to start, okay? But just let us know and sign up, okay, for the 30 day reset. That's where the poker chip is. If you sign up and finish, we'll send you a real commemorative poker chip. Apparently, very nice. I haven't seen them yet, but I'm told that they're really well done and that's for those who want to do a 30 day reset. You know what the reset is? 30 days. What does it do? Well, a lot of things. A lot of things, but it was meant originally to fix insulin resistance, okay?
So, let's go over that just for a minute. You eat crappy carbs, sugary foods, okay? So I always gave out a list. Bread, pasta. I don't care what kind of bread it is, cereal, rice, muffins, bagels. I love muffins, but I never tried to fool myself. It's just cake, glorified cake. I remember going into, I hate to pick on Tim Horton's, but I guess I could do it in the United States with Dunkin Donuts or whatever, and listen, Starbucks or you name the coffee shop. Carrot muffin. Carrot, Dr. Martin, it must be good for you. Nah, not really. It's just cake, okay, and eight teaspoons of sugar. So when you eat bread, I don't care if it's 12 grain, 15 grain, 20 grain, wheat, whole wheat, I don't care. It's going to be sugar in nanoseconds and your body has to release insulin. Why does your body release insulin? To control your blood sugars.
Sugar is so toxic in the bloodstream and your body knows it. It must be tightly, tightly controlled because sugar left unattended in your bloodstream will very rapidly start to destroy blood vessels, okay? That's why you have insulin. Insulin is on your side, it saves you from diabetes. Diabetes is the last thing to happen, okay? Diabetes is the last thing to happen, not first thing to happen. What happens first is what we call insulin resistance. It's where if we insist on being carboholics, like I mentioned to you yesterday, the average person in America, okay, and we're no different in Canada. The average American consumes 80 grams of protein a day and 300 grams of carbohydrates. They're not even talking sugars here, added sugar. The average North American consumes, the average North American consumes 200 pounds of sugar, a dump truck load of sugar a year.
So, most people last day of the year here we're talking and they've already consumed almost 200 pounds of sugar. They don't think, they don't measure and they don't track it, so they don't know it necessarily. And oh, Dr. Martin, I only have one soda a day. Well, okay, that's between 10 and 14 teaspoons. Do you know how many people put sugar in their coffee every day or they go to Starbucks or these, I call them candy stores and they have the sugary drinks full of high fructose corn syrup, and guess what that does? It makes your insulin go crazy because insulin has a job to do, what do I call it on the doctors and podcast? What do we call it? We call it the traffic cop. The traffic cop will not allow you to park in an un parking zone. It's restricted. So if you got sugar in your bloodstream, insulin goes, hey, I'm not letting you park there. It's a no parking zone.
Remember though, carbs turn to sugars rapidly, okay? So you might be counting sugar and that's good. I'm happy people do that. I tell people, if you're going to do the reset, if nothing else, if you cut out sugars, that's a big step towards being healthy, a big step. Okay? So insulin is the traffic cop who says to sugar, come here. Like they blow the whistle. You can't park there. You're going to destroy blood vessels. Come here with me. I'm going to show you where to park. And its first choice is muscle, and that's why I'm so big on muscle. You need muscle. Most people, the worst thing about any form of obesity is when they got no muscle. Sarcopenia. Most people in North America walk around and they don't have enough muscle. Muscle is an endocrine organ that's on your side. The more we study muscle, the more we realize how important it is for you, especially when it comes to insulin, because now insulin has extra parking spots for your food. But if you don't have muscle, the next place that insulin will park you. Okay? Carbs are turned to sugar. Sugar can't stay in the bloodstream, it must be parked. If it doesn't, it'll put it in muscle cells and then liver as what? Fatty liver. Sugar turns to fat in the liver.
Why do we have so much fatty liver even in children? And listen, most people have an unlimited ability to make fat cells. Parking spots, okay? Parking spots, and they gum up that liver and fatty liver and then listen at the cellular level, not only your liver cells, but your muscle cells or any other cell, your heart cells or whatever. You see, insulin has got to park that glucose. It has to. If we are carboholics, insulin comes around all the time, knocks on the door of the cell and says, I need to park. I got to park sugar in there. And you know what happens? Eventually, doesn't take long, but eventually it happens. You know what happens? Your cells go, I'm so sick of you insulin. I am so tired of you. You are the worst neighbor I've ever had. You're always coming around and your cells develop insulin resistance, and here's what happens. Insulin says, well, I don't care if you don't like me. If you insist on being a carboholic, well then I have no choice but to park the sugar somewhere, therefore, I come around whether you like me or not. Then you develop insulin resistance.
Now, folks, that happens way before someone becomes a diabetic, and one way to find out if you have insulin resistance, by the way, is to do an A1C test. Now, you can do insulin testing. Doctors are reticent to do it unless you're a diabetic, but you can do insulin testing if you do an A1C test and if your A1C is above 5.4, you have insulin resistance and some doctors think it's way before that. But let's go on my experience and I'll tell you that when you're 5.4 or above, you have insulin resistance. That is what the reset does. The reset, when you eat eggs, any kind of eggs you like, any way you like them, meat, any kind of meat including fish, any way you like it, any way you slice it and cheese any way you like it. I mean dairy too. I mean butter too, but you can't have the bread. I put butter on my steak. I want to talk to you about steak in a minute.
Okay, guys, listen to me. When you do the 30 day reset, it reverses insulin resistance, which by the way, insulin resistance brings out the four horsemen of the apocalypse for your health leading to the four main diseases. One, heart disease. Heart disease is insulin resistance. Cancer, it's insulin resistance. Diabetes, obviously. You know what Alzheimer's is? It's insulin resistance, it's type three diabetes. Those are the four horsemen of the apocalypse of your body. You want to get sick? No, you don't, but that's why the reset is so good for you guys. Okay, look, weight loss is way downstream in terms of importance. I'll tell you why. Because if you fix insulin resistance, you're not going to have worry about your weight. The weight will come off, but you will not lose.
Listen, we talked about this yesterday. When you take a designer drug, Wegovyy, Ozempic, you know what you're doing? Yeah, you'll lose weight alright, but when you're not changing your diet, you know what happens? You lose muscle, and I already explained to you how muscle is on your side, and you know what you'll lose. You'll lose muscle and not fat. You want to lose the fat and to lose fat, you got to get off the sugars and you got to get off food that turn to sugar in nanoseconds. Bread, pasta, rice, cereal, sugar, sweets, pastries, muffins, bagels, juice. Never ever, ever drink apple juice, orange juice, fruit juice. God wanted you to eat fruit. I'm not against fruit. He wants you to eat it, not to drink it. Okay? Got the memo?
That's why we do the reset, and you get so many benefits because when you lower insulin resistance, when you lower that, you are lowering inflammation, and that is a key in your body too. Your inflammation markers come down because insulin resistance, because it's a phenomenon that's going on in your body and your body is reacting to the extra insulin. That creates inflammation in your body and inflammation, like we always say at the Martin Clinic, it's not Houdini. It doesn't just show up. There's a reason for it. Now, the other reason is leaky gut, and we'll talk about that even this morning. Okay? Even this morning. Now, why do you want to do the reset? For that reason? For that reason, that's the primary reason. It's the foundation of being healthy is starting there, and I know it goes against the grain of what we've been taught. I had to undo a lot of my nutritional teaching.
I took 2000 hours of postgraduate nutrition, 2000 hours, and I had to unlearn it, and you guys that know me, know this about me. I knew a lot going to school. I watched my dad, I watched a diabetic, and I understood, okay? Look, I have genetics guys, okay, because people ask me this all the time by the way. Dr. Martin, genetics, I got bad genetics. Well, me too. Okay? I got diabetes coming out my ears in terms of genetics. Genetics. I love Tony Jr. because he was the first to ever say this. You know what he said years ago? He said that genetics load the gun. Okay? For example, my brother-in-law calls us the Martians. Okay? The Martins, we have a lot of diabetes. My dad was a diabetic. My grandfather's a diabetic. I got diabetes with my siblings. Guys, I look at my dad and I look just like him at this age, it scares me sometimes. They didn't call me Tony, Jr. for nothing. I mean, I look like my father. As I get older, especially, it seems, okay?
So, obviously I've got genetics for diabetes. I've known that since the 1960s. My dad said to me, you know what, son? I have sugar, diabetes. We don't call it that anymore because of the food industry. They're liars, liars, pants on fire. The food industry, ain't your friend. The food industry was bought up primarily by the tobacco industry when they found out smoking, well, they knew it all along, but when the world found out smoking was bad for you, the biggest companies in the world were tobacco companies. So what did they do? They bought up the food companies. They turned their specialists on addiction to the food industry and what have they done? They're not your friend. They're not your kids' friends, they're not your grandchildren's friends. They want to make lifelong customers and they hook 'em with addiction.
Sugar is addictive. It's more addictive than cocaine. I've never taken cocaine, but apparently when you try cocaine, it takes a root in your brain that just sets off all your dopamine that you want more, okay? When you take sugar, it takes the same root in your brain, a dopamine root. So what did the food industry do? Those bunch of liars, liars, pants on fires. People from Kraft to you name it, Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola, what did they do? They want customers for life and the refined foods go to the middle aisles of your grocery store, and there's hardly anything in there that's good for you. It's meant to be addictive from crackers to cookies to Krappy Dinner, and you name it. Okay? Guys, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. Okay?
So I know I'm preaching to the choir this morning, okay? I know you guys know this, but that's what the reset is about. The reset is to fix a major problem in your body. It fixes it. It fixes it not by not eating. I know there's others out there and I respect them, okay? Like intermittent fasting, I like it. I'm not against it at all, at all, at all, but I got to tell you something, intermittent fasting will help, but it's not the key to insulin resistance. The key is changing fuel. The key is to go from burning carbohydrates, 300 grams a day average, and flipping that and going to protein, and I mean protein. Animal protein is the best protein in the world, and animal fat is the best fat in the world. There's no better fat and there's no better protein.
I know the vegetarians and the vegans of the world than the gurus out there will tell you, plants, plants, plants live on fruits and vegetables. They're the best thing in the world. Well, you know what? They're wrong. I'm not saying fruits and vegetables are no good for you. I'm telling you they're wrong when it comes to profiles of food. Amino acid, the protein, the fat, the wonderful cholesterol filled, fat of your meat, of your eggs and of your cheese. Eggs, meat and cheese, there's no better food in the world. I'm sorry. Bring me a slice of broccoli and put it up against an egg. It won't compete. Put it up against meat. It can't compete. Put your salad up against anything that I just talked about, eggs, meat and cheese and the nutritional profile it ain't even close. It's not close.
So that's what the reset my friend is all about. Okay? Do you think I get passionate about it? We've put tens of thousands of people on the reset with spectacular results, okay? You have to change fuel. If you don't change fuel, you're just putting a bandaid on. You're not fixing insulin resistance. You need to fix insulin resistance. When you have insulin resistance, you are now developing what we call metabolic syndrome, and you can diagnose that. It's not hard to diagnose. 93% of the population have trouble with metabolic syndrome. My expression is they're on the Titanic. 93% of the population is on the Titanic, and when you're on the Titanic, a pill ain't going to fix it, and it's unfortunate.
But medicine today, God love your doctor, okay? They're good for emergency medicine. I mean, you got an emergency, you need an allopathic doctor. You really do. Okay? You get hit by a transport. You want those physicians, they're wonderful. You know what they're no good at? Food. You might as well go to your plumber, call your plumber. Hello, this is A1 Plumbing, why did you call? Well, I'd like to get some nutritional advice. Okay, guys, I mean it. You're better off to go to your plumber than to talk to your doctor about food because they don't take any food in school. Imagine going to medical school. Robert Kennedy Jr. talked about this, Rockefeller in 1909, he started financing all the medical schools and he didn't want any talk of alternative medicine or nutrition. Imagine that, and here we are.
We're more than a hundred years down the road, and guess what? I could give a test, and I mean this to 99%, okay? I'm a professor, by the way, I teach natural medicine, okay? The College of Natural Medicine, okay? Listen to what I'm going to say. I teach them. If I was to give a test of nutrition 101, the basics that, by the way, my audience here watching this morning and listening to this podcast know more about nutrition almost in a couple of days than what your physician knows. I just can't get over that we live in a day and age where imagine that to be true, that they don't think food is important. Why do I say that? Because they're not taught in medical school. They wouldn't know B12 if it slapped them in the face.
I told you this already, but this happened to me less than a couple of months ago. I talked to a physician, God love her, smart, and I talked to her about B12, and she hardly knew anything. She said, well, I'm reluctant. I'm reluctant to tell my patients to eat red meat. She said, but I'm reluctant to tell people to eat red meat. It's not good for you. I said, hello, can I educate you? Okay? Can a quack like me educate you a little bit in food and nutrition? I got a PhD in that. Can I teach you some basics? And they look at me like I got two heads. Guys, you have no idea the power of the pharmaceutical industry and the food industry. They don't want this. They don't want my show. They don't even want you in Canada. They don't even want you to take a supplement without a prescription from a physician. That's their goal.
Can you imagine? We live in a day and age where we have so much information and yet the powers to be, and they are powerful. Let me tell you would stop you. I don't listen to that. Dr. Martin, he's a kook. Guys. 93% of the population got metabolic syndrome that leads to, so insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and that's death by food, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, and diabetes. The top four killers in terms of chronic disease and the answer, my friend, is not blowing in the wind. The answer is in your kitchen. I want you to sign up for the reset if you have not done it before, and even if you have, and plus we have a separate sign up, okay? You can do a seven day. Now, this is different because if you do the 30 day, you get a big prize at the end, okay? You can sign up for the 30 day reset. That's to fix insulin resistance. Okay?
Listen, because people were confused yesterday. You can sign up too. You'll be able to sign up now for a one week, do the reset for a week. What does that do? Empties your liver. You remember the Costco parking lot? The one that's full of gunk? Remember, insulin will load up the liver and you want to empty that and you can do it in six literal days. That's how fast you can empty your liver friends. Isn't that good news? So do the 30 day reset. Unbelievable results, okay? Here's what happens. Now, let me finish with this. In 30 days, you are going to lower your triglycerides. You are going to elevate your HDL, which is on your side. You will lower your blood sugar, obviously, your A1C. You will lose belly fat and you'll lower your blood pressure and you'll lower your uric acid. You'll lower your inflammation markers, all part of metabolic syndrome, all part of being on the Titanic.
Now, guys, I love you guys. I'm just trying to tell you the truth. I know it's controversial, but it shouldn't be. Shouldn't be. Don't be confused. A lot of people go, doc, I'm confused because everybody else is telling me to live on fruits and vegetables and I need some sugar. My brain won't work without sugar. I said, you know what? If your brain needs sugar, it'll take steak and turn it into sugar. Don't be confused. Okay, guys, tell your friends about the Doctor Is In podcast. Tell 'em about it because they don't have to watch us live. They can, but they can always get it on their favorite smart device. Sign up for the 30 day. You get a big prize at the end, or you can do the seven day empty the liver reset. Okay? No prize except you get an empty liver. So good for you. Okay? No confusion. We love you. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!