1484. Weight Loss Meds: Treating Symptoms, Not Solutions

In recent years, several drugs have gained popularity for their off-label use for weight loss. Dr. Martin calls them Hollywood designer drugs. They work, yes, but they also bring a slew of serious side effects.

Join Dr. Martin as he explains how people continue to look for love in the wrong places. We keep treating the symptoms and not getting to the root of the problem.



Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day, and we always, always appreciate you guys coming on. Okay guys, a little announcement. Okay? You might've got the email. If not, you're hearing it here. Wednesday is New Year's Day, right? So let's say the 1st or the 2nd of January, we're starting the Reset, okay? Now, if you want to sign up for that, we're going to put a link and the reason is because you can get a nice, if you go through it 30 days and you want to do the reset with a big group of us, you can sign up. And the reason is because if you do it, you get a real nice poker chip. I just talked to Tony Jr. He said they're really, really nice commemorating the fact that people get through the reset. So that's 30 days. If you want to sign up, we're going to put a link. Ginette's going to put a link on so that you can sign up. If you haven't signed up already, if you get our emails. If you don't get our emails, guys, would you sign up for that? Go to martinclinic.com and sign up for our emails because we put a lot of information on our emails that you wouldn't get necessarily watching our Facebook lives. 

So there's that. Now, the other thing that I wanted to mention, and we're going to do this starting January 6th, so this would be for those who are not doing the Reset, but want to do a one week empty your liver program. One week to empty your liver. It only takes a week, guys. Now let me just explain this, okay? What happens when you eat sugar, okay, and crappy carbohydrates? You pack up the liver, 50% close to it. Even young people have what we call fatty liver. We want to change that, and you can change it by emptying your liver. Now people go, doc, I want to do a detox. What's the best detox? The best detox you can do is emptying your liver. So next Monday we're going to start a one week. Anybody that wants to do this. One week, you do the reset for one week, okay? You can do the reset for a month. That'll get rid of your insulin resistance, okay? That's what that was created for, and we'll talk about that in a minute. But those of you would like just to empty your liver from the holiday season. You can do that in six days. That's a fact. You empty your liver. If you eat eggs, meat, and cheese for six days, lay off the carbs, lay off the sugars. No bread, no pasta, no rice, no cereals, no noodles, no muffins, no bagels, no bread, no sugar, no juices, no store-bought milk. If you've got a cow in the backyard, you can drink milk. I love milk guys, when it comes from the cow in the backyard. When it hasn't been pasteurized and sent into the grocery stores sort of fat free, I don't want you drinking that. Okay?

So, two things you can sign up for. One, let's do the Reset for 30 days. It will fix insulin resistance, which leads to the four horsemen of the apocalypse. What does insulin resistance lead to? Chronic disease, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes. I would add a fifth autoimmune. Okay? So those are the announcements. Sign up for the 30 day program. You get a real nice poker chip at the end. And number two, those who want to do one week to empty the liver, okay? It only takes six days. Maybe we'll do seven together. Isn't that wonderful when we do things together? Okay, so guys, I just wanted to make those announcements with the new year fast approaching.

Okay, well, I got about 20 studies I want to talk to you about. Okay? Now, every day, and I mean this guys, every day I get questions on the newest designer drug. I call 'em designer drugs because they really didn't come out of Hollywood, but Hollywood has made them famous. And these are Ozempic, Wegovy. They weren't created for weight loss. They were created for diabetes. But now it's a craze where you get these injections and guys, look again and again, again, don't misunderstand what I'm saying. I understand. I had a weight loss clinic. I had thousands of people come through our weight loss clinic, and our biggest thing in the weight loss clinic was changing fuels. When we got people to understand, look, let me just read this before I talk about the average American. This is an American study. Canadians we're the same, okay? We're the same. Average American consumes 80 grams of protein a day and 300 grams of carbs. We got that upside down. So what we did in our weight loss clinic for years and years, was show people how to change fuels, your body was made to burn different fuels. And it all depends on what you're eating.

So if you're a carboholic or eating way too much carb, like the average person is doing. 300 grams of carbs a day, you know what that does? It keeps your insulin, the secretion of insulin at a high level. Why do you think 93% of the population have trouble with insulin? That's metabolic syndrome. What do we say about that? They're on the Titanic. Why is that? Why is that? Because we were never meant to eat that many carbs. We weren't meant to. You're meant to eat protein and fat, eggs, meat and cheese. That doesn't mean you can't have any carbs. Well, you can't on the reset for 30 days, if you want to empty your liver, you can't have any carbs for six days. It'll empty your liver. Okay? But these designer drugs, Wegovy, Ozempic, it's all over the news. You can't turn anywhere and someone's talking or someone is doing these medications. And guys, I got to tell you, at the end of the day, it gives me a migraine. Why does it give me a migraine? Because they're looking for love in all the wrong places. This is just, yeah, it works. It works. It slows your mobility down in your stomach, in your bowel. It slows that digestive process down. Therefore, your sugars don't go up as, it sounds wonderful.

Guys, the side effects of these medications, we're going to look back. I'm telling you, we're going to look back at this and go, what the heck were we thinking? But everybody, they want a quick fix. People used to come into our clinic, weight loss, doc, give me a quick fix. No, I refuse to give you a quick fix. We want you to change fuels. We want you to go where you're burning carbs and sugars to burning protein and fat. If you change fuels, you'll get to a rocket fuel and your body will thrive, will make you healthy. And with that will come weight loss where you're not losing muscle. That's the problem with these medications. Most of it is muscle loss and not fat loss. So the second you stop these injections, guess what happens? The weight comes back on and then some. Guys, like I said, I get it, but I have to be like John the Baptist warning people in the wilderness. Heads up, there's lots of side effects.

Look at this one. Okay? This one came out, I picked it up over the weekend. Hold on a minute. Okay, new study on eye rotting disease with Wegovy and Ozempic. Yikes. Eye rotting disease. Yeah, that was one study. Eye rotting disease. Yikes. Here's one, one out of 43. That's significant guys. One out of 43 people who take Wegovy or Ozempic get pancreatitis. Well, they didn't tell us that. You know how dangerous pancreatitis is? It can kill you. You can get a pancreatitis and get sepsis with it. It can kill you, but they don't tell you that. Very serious digestive problems. Most people get digestive problems. There's very few that get away without any side effects. So anyway, I had to tell you, because I get asked about it every day, seven days a week, I get people that want my opinion on these new Hollywood stars. They're stars because they work to lose weight. So what can I tell you?

Okay, let's get to some other studies. I want to talk about vitamin E, the real vitamin E. Funny how very few people today, if you scour the internet and social media, you know what you'll never, I rarely ever see anymore. You have to understand, I've been around for as long as the days of Noah. In the 1970s one of the stars of vitamins was vitamin E, and I was never ever big on vitamin E. Not that I disliked it. We had a lot of teaching on vitamin E when I was in school, not like medical school where you get no teaching on vitamins, but in natural medicine, I got, wow, lots of teaching and vitamin E was a cool kid on the block in the 1970s, and then people talk about it, but not much and today, you hardly ever talk about vitamin E because the real vitamin E is what we did at the Martin Clinic. We changed it. Not to a nutrient, but the real vitamin E is exercise. And the more we study exercise, the more we realize that the Martin Clinic is right. It's the real vitamin E, exercise.

Listen to this. Six minutes of exercise a day, like climbing stairs or walking a little faster could slash cancer risk and heart disease by 40 to 50%. Now guys, tell me a vitamin other than vitamin D that can do that. Okay? Remember, okay, I've told you my history, my background. When Linus Pauling won a Nobel Prize in medicine talking about the effects of vitamin C, ascorbic acid, even then I questioned, not that I didn't like vitamin C, okay, we'll talk about that, but I questioned it because I was always bigger, even back then on vitamin D, the sun. Sun, steak, and steel. Listen to me, you need sun. And when you can't get the sun, you better be taking vitamin D. The research guys is so overwhelming and everybody and their dog is scared of the sun. Why? You need it. Don't burn, but you need vitamin D.

Okay, now back to exercise. Okay? I just did that because, my dad started jogging, was telling this to my grandchildren the other day. My dad, okay, so their great grandfather started jogging in 1968, in the spring of 1968. I remember it. I was in high school and my dad started jogging. Now, we didn't call it jogging because that word, as far as I know, wasn't even invented then. They didn't call it jogging. My dad was running on the spot in our living room in 1968. I thought he had flipped his lid, but my dad told me something, son, I have sugar diabetes, no more sugar. What? No more sugar and I'm going to start exercising to get in shape. And it only took me about a month. And I said to my dad, I love my dad so much. I said, dad, when you get up to go running, because my mom kicked him outside. You're going to ruin my carpet, she said. I said, okay. And he went outside and started running. And I said, dad, wake me up early before school and I'll go running with you. And then I think they invented the name jogging.

So I started exercising. I always played a lot of sports, so it wasn't like I didn't exercise, but I never did any jogging. I remember my dad ran around the block to start, and then we used to go out to a track. I couldn't even keep up with my dad. I thought I was in good shape. I was huffing and puffing. I smoked four packs of cigarettes and I wasn't a smoker. I had no wind. But then I got used to it and for 40 years I jogged. Guys, vitamin E, exercise. Imagine just six minutes, just six minutes. Guys, just move. You know what? With a sedentary lifestyle like we have today, people just sit for way too long, including me. You have to understand, in my office, I sat because I couldn't stand up over my patients when I was giving them the results. I guess I could have. I intimidated them enough already? No, you sit down and you look at people eye to eye, right? And say, okay, this is your problem. Here's the results of your testing, and here's what I want you to do. I'd look at 'em right in the eyeballs. I didn't want to lord over them and stand up.

So you know what happens? We're so sedentary but research is showing that if you do just six minutes, six minutes of exercise, like and more intensive. But intensive doesn't mean you have to go to the gym. You could, but it just means if you can climb stairs or walk faster. I know Ginette loves walking. I know Nicole loves walking. They walk. I love walking. Walk a little faster. Can you do that? It slashes your risk of cancer and heart disease by 40 to 50%. And let me give you a reason why. And this is a second study that was done, okay? Exercise, this is a second study that was done on exercise. Exercise signals the body to repair itself. What? Yes, exercise sends a signal to your body, you're exercising. You're sending a signal to your body to repair itself. Now guys, you know that you have a self-cleaning oven, okay? Don't you like that about an oven? It cleans itself. You just press the button and it cleans itself, right? Well, your body has that.

Now, I've always taught you, and for those new folks that are on with us, here's what my teaching on the self-cleaning oven. You have a self-cleaning oven for your body and you have a self-cleaning oven for your brain. It's called the glymphatic system. So you know about lymphatics, right? Like under your armpits and in your groin area, you've got what we call lymphatics. And when you are sleeping, your body cleans out, but especially the brain, it's not called the lymphatics, it's called the glymphatics. But you need to be sleeping to get that, but the rest of the body, okay? So you want that for your brain. Sleep is really important for your body guys, especially your memory and your brain. You need to get the garbage out. But number two, listen, this is really important too. If you exercise, elevate the intensity, okay? We know that it slashes your risk of cancer and heart disease. Wow. Almost 50%. Can you get over that? Isn't that fantastic news? Things you can do but listen to this. Exercise signals the body to repair itself. Exercise is really, really important for repair. You want that repair because your body is always breaking down and you want to repair.

Okay, so why don't we stop there? So guys, what are we doing? Okay, you want to sign up for the 30 days? We'll have a link in our private Facebook group. If you're not a member of that, you can join that today, okay? Join the other 21,000. So why don't you join us there? Okay? We love to have you. What a community and then, so January 1st or 2nd, you can start the reset. Well, you can start at anytime. Just sign up for it. 30 days. What does that do? It corrects insulin resistance. Guys, that's so important. But for those who want to do one week, six days on the road and I'm going to, that's a song. But if you do six days, six days of not eating any carbs, any sugars, just eating eggs, meat and cheese, any way you like them, you will empty your liver. You will do a detox like nobody's business, but you will empty your liver of fat completely. If you have fatty liver, you will reverse it. Empty it, guys. Okay, got the memo? Okay, those are all the announcements. Okay guys, we love you dearly. We appreciate you guys coming on with us, and we got a great week coming. So we'll see you soon. Okay? Invite your friends, tell everybody about it. Share the podcast. The Doctor Is In podcast. We love you dearly. Talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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