1482. High Fructose, High Stakes: What It Does to Your Liver

Join Dr. Martin in today's episode of The Doctor Is In Podcast.



Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a wonderful start to your week. Thanks for coming on. We appreciate it. I got so many news articles and research to talk to you about. I don't know if we're going to get 'em done. I am sure we're not going to get 'em all done today, but guys, really? Now, I posted this. Did I posted Friday or Saturday? I don't remember. Okay. I posted this study on our private Facebook group. I posted the study on fungus in the brain. Fungus in the brain in Alzheimer's patients. Now guys, when it comes to Alzheimer's, here's the new research. It's not even that new, but it's new enough. In 2005, they named, and actually they got a Nobel Prize in medicine for it. They named Alzheimer's type three diabetes. And I've explained that to you in this way.

You got a lot of fuel in the brain. It's like swimming in the Atlantic Ocean, but you can't drink the water. It's the same thing with your brain, because sugar is not the best fuel for your brain. You can saturate your brain, but sugar actually destroys the memory center of your brain and you get insulin resistance in the brain. It really affects the hippocampus, especially. It affects the other areas of the brain too. The brain shrinks. The brain shrinks because it's swimming in the wrong fuel, guys. Okay? So that's number one. But now, and this is what we've talked about for so many years, I can't tell you how many years I've been talking about leaky gut. Anybody that's followed me when I had my radio show, you followed me. Lots of you did. What did I talk about almost on a weekly basis? Leaky gut. Leaky gut, leaky brain, the connection between your gut and your brain. Well, one thing when it comes to anxiety and depression, you've got more serotonin in your gut than you have in your brain.

Hippocrates, 2000 years ago, what did he say? All diseases come from the gut. Man. He wasn't far off. Think about that. All diseases he said came from the gut. I remember reading that in school in the 1970s and thinking, I don't know. I'm not quite sure about that. But the more we study and guys just understand, what did we know 50 years ago about the microbiome? You know what we knew? Not much. Not much. Now, I got to tell you something. I was always a soil guy rather than a virus guy or a bacteria guy. What do I mean by that? Well, I was always big, not so much on what virus was around, whether the flu was around, whether bacteria or virus or whatever. You know what I was interested in? I was interested in your terrain insight. I was interested whether you had a good immune system more than I was interested, because even guys, even when Covid came around, if you followed me at all, I was talking about I don't care what virus comes, there'll always be viruses. Every year there's going to be a flu season. Medicine tries to figure out what should we put in the flu shot? What kind of bug is it going to be this year? And I never worried about that. I was always more concerned about your immune system. And a big part of your immune system is your microbiome, the way your bacteria is set up. And we've talked about this for so long, a dysbiosis a big word, meaning you got an imbalance, you got more bad guys than good guys.

And what they're finding now, what they realize now, which is new, is that things can get across the blood-brain barrier. You got leaky gut. You can have leaky brain. What makes up that blood-brain barrier is really a microbiome. And then sure enough, your and your gut have always been attached. And we knew about that. We called it the vagus nerve, not Las Vegas, but the 10th cranial nerve, the nerve that you get butterflies, Ooh, you know, get nausea in your stomach because you're worried or whatever. What is that? Well, that's your vagus nerve, brain to the gut, gut to the brain connection, and even things, microbiome has a lot to do with even the function of that nerve and what happens there. So when you get a fungus, everybody has yeast to some extent. Okay? Everybody. Now don't feed the bears. And what I mean by that is don't feed yeast. If you have leaky gut, yeast, fungus can get into the bloodstream and then it can travel to the brain.

And by the way, they didn't even say this. Do you know that fungus is a carrier of heavy metals? How the heavy metals get into the brain like mercury, lead, cadmium, for example, not only in Alzheimer's, but in other forms of dementia, Parkinson's. What do they find in Parkinson brains? Okay, lots of heavy metal, especially lead and mercury. How does it get in there? Well, it crosses the blood-brain barrier. And this is why, guys, I'm telling you this study, one of the things you should do, okay, here's, just go over, okay, what should we do about that? Well, number one, cut out the sugars as much as you can because yeast feeds on junk. Yeast is like a teenager that wants junk. Don't give it sugar. Don't give it any sugar. If you don't give yeast sugar, it does not proliferate. Fix your leaky gut. If you fix your leaky gut, you will help to fix your leaky brain. This is why I'm so big on probiotics, and I'll tell you, there's nothing like our broad spectrum probiotics. Okay? Nothing like them. They're soil base. What's that mean? They'll last forever. You can travel with them. You can put a blow torch to them. It won't kill that bacteria. Okay?

So take probiotics, eat steak. What? Everybody talks about a prebiotic, okay? And I know they exist, okay? Like a fructo saccharide, okay? The world out there says you want to feed your good bacteria, give it fiber. I don't agree with that at all. If you want to feed your good bacteria to make them win the war against the bad bacteria and help fix leaky gut, eat steak. Steak is the best food for your probiotics. And you know what the best drink is for your gut. You don't need fiber. You need coffee. I say it again and again and again, and people think I'm kidding. You mean coffee? Yeah, I mean, it is so good for your microbiome. Isn't that wonderful? This is a gift that keeps on giving guys. Beautiful. Do the reset that'll help fix your leaky gut. Do you know another thing that helps fix your leaky gut bone broth. Why? Well, it's got L glutamine very high in L glutamine. And what that does is it patches up your gut. It actually helps the little zipper between your blood and your gut, and it zips it, it REITs it, and you get healing in there. So what do you do? Avoid sugar as much as you can. I mean it. I'll give you another reason in a minute.

Probiotics, very important. Coffee, steak, nothing like it for that microbiome. And then you know what happens? You start winning and you're protecting your brain. You're protecting your brain. Leaky gut, leaky brain. Okay, what a study. Okay, fungus in the brains of Alzheimer's patients, who knew? Well, we did because we've been talking about it. We've been talking about it for years. Okay, interesting guys. I posted that. Oh, let's do this. We're talking about it. Okay? This is a new study on cancer, okay? Very interesting research published in the Journal of Nature, okay? The Journal of Nature. This study really caught my attention because it says this fructose, high fructose corn syrup. Okay, listen to this, okay? This is their headline in the Journal of Nature, fructose hijacks the liver. We knew that, but to grow cancer, what? Okay, listen, high fructose corn syrup, what do we call it at the Martin Clinic? What do we call high fructose corn syrup?

What do we call it? The antichrist of sugars, right? It's a terrible sugar. It's manmade. It goes in nanoseconds to the liver, and that's why we see so much fatty liver. But listen to what this study is saying, high fructose corn syrup. What it does is that it hijacks the liver to get fuel. Cancer needs fuel. We've known that since 1928. We've known that, okay, research by a German doctor showed that cancer can't grow without fuel. And he talked in 1928 about sugar. So it's been around a long time, guys, almost a hundred years we've known this. But that sort of got dismissed. It sort of got hidden in the days before Google. How could you ever find that research? They sort of buried it. And I was very fortunate in my studies to be able to get these kind of resources. But the average person, they'd never ever know this because the food industry buried it as deep as they could bury it.

They would've put it into the mines and put it underground so that no one could ever read it. But we knew back in 1928 the dangers of sugar in cancer because it was the fuel of choice. Now, as we study this more and more, a particular sugar, high fructose corn syrup, which is the sugar of choice in almost every processed food in soda, yada, yada, yada, it's in everything. And they couch the name any who, listen to what it says, especially to grow cancer. Skin, breast, especially prostate. Anytime you see breast cancer for women, think of prostate cancer for men, almost exactly the same cancers, okay? Cervical cancers. Okay? So what happens when you consume high fructose corn syrup? Nanoseconds. It goes to the liver, unlike other sugar, right to the liver where it's stored as fat. But listen, the liver produces certain lipids, fats from fructose that feeds cancer cells.

Now, I'm not talking about you eating an apple, okay? I'm not talking about you eating a few berries. I'm not. Not the same. It's not the same. It's fructose, but it's in nature. It's the way God wanted you to eat fructose, eat it in the fruit and don't drink it. But high fructose corn syrup is a demon, okay? And I'm just quoting the article, listen to what it says. The liver produces certain lipids, okay? When you see the word lipids, think of fats, okay? From fructose that feeds cancer cells. And then in effect, the cancer is using your liver to convert fructose into raw materials for cancer to grow. Now, okay, let me bring you back to research that came out. I can't even remember how many years ago, but it was big news on my podcast. Maybe I'll post this after. So when cancer cells, okay, when cancer cells, they need glucose until they get into tumors.

And then tumors like lipids, and I've told you this quite a few times, but I'm just going to repeat it here. What you want to do at that stage is send in a Trojan horse because the tumor's now looking for lipids, bad lipids. But if you send in DHA, and I'll post the study again, it's sending a Trojan horse into the tumor and it destroys the tumor. Guys, this research has been around, but you don't hear much about it because the cancer industry, okay, let's be honest here. The cancer industry, they don't want to talk about food. Your doctor, God loved them. They didn't take any nutrition in school. So they never see the connection between food and cancer. What's food got to do with cancer? Cancer is your genes. Cancer is genetic. Cancer is, we don't know. Okay? And really, guys, I'm not saying that food is everything, but it's something.

It's big because cancer needs fuel. So we got a big cancer center here in my hometown, okay? Huge. And I know they do good work, okay? So I'm not saying close it. What I'm saying is this. What always gave me a migraine is why they would not even talk about nutrition in cancer. Why didn't they get me into lecture? Every once in a while, I'd start with the doctors, the oncologist, an oncologist calling my office. Okay? Why? Okay. Why Dr. Martin, you're on the radio. Why are you telling people to avoid sugar? Why? Well, I said, I'm glad you asked. I am in all due respect. I said, first of all, how many hours of nutrition did you take? And you know what was on the other side of the phone? Crickets. I could hear crickets, meaning I didn't take any nutrition. I don't know anything about nutrition. Well, I said I do, and I humbly want you to just go back to Dr. Warberg. Before World War ii, just after World War, I did Nobel Prize winning research on sugar and cancer.

What? And then point number two, doc, how do your PET scans work with glucose? Yeah, you got a PET scan as part of your oncology department, and it's imaging especially for cancer. And how does it work, doc? Well, you give a patient glucose and if they have cancer from their brain to their toes, they'll light up like a Christmas tree. True or false, dog? True. I said, do you think sugar has anything to do with cancer? And I was being nice about it. I really was. And even today, you get the pushback. They have Tim Hortons in our oncology unit at our local cancer center. They have a Tim Horton's. Well, I don't mind the coffee, but it's everything else in there. Why would you give a donut to a cancer patient? And then here's the geniuses. Here's some boosts. You need a drink. Here's some boost that'll boost your cancer. Here's ensure. That'll ensure that your cancer grows. But you see, if you don't know the connection, what kind of advice can they give you? Because they don't give you any advice. And if they do, it's wrong.

Cancer. But listen to this research, it's so incredible. It's not only talking about sugar, it's talking about a very specific sugar, a manmade sugar, high fructose corn syrup. It's everywhere, man. And it's especially, let me read this last part to you again, in effect, quoting the article, in effect, the cancer is using your liver. Remember what happens in the liver doesn't stay in the liver. I've taught you guys that where everyone talks about almost every other organ, the liver is like Rodney Dangerfield. They don't get no respect and people don't understand their livers. And doctors don't worry about your liver unless you've got cirrhosis of it or cancer of the liver. But a lot of things happen. Guys in your liver and cancer, look, I'm just reading the article. In effect, the cancer is using your liver to convert fructose into raw materials for cancer, construction, project cancer needs glucose, and it particularly loves high fructose corn syrup.

Wow, guys, this is earth shattering. Blow your socks off study if nothing else. Like a lot of people listen, I get it. I understand it. Let's say you get a cancer diagnosis and a lot of people, well, they used to and maybe they don't do it so much anymore, but I got to tell you, I was in practice for a lot of years and people would go to Mexico and I never blamed them. If you had the money, you can go to Timbuktu to try and find a cure. And I was never against that, by the way. But I used to tell people, and I mean this guys, you asked my staff that. Listen to me for all these years. You know what I used to tell him? Well, one thing I want you to do one thing, I don't care what else you do, but here's what I want you to do. To start off, I want you to cut sugar out of your diet. You can go to Mexico or you can go to Timbuktu, but if you don't cut sugar out of your diet, you're feeding your cancer.

That was number one in my office, guys. Well, what do I eat? Doc? Eggs, meat and cheese, dairy. Now good dairy butter cream. Okay? And they don't feed cancer. And number two, high doses of vitamin D. That's what I recommended. Why? Well, you need an immune system. I go back to the soil. You need an immune system. Vitamin D is essential. You can go to Mexico to lie in the sun. I don't know about treatment, but that's the best treatment you can get for cancer. Vitamin D, big time. Because every little T cell, your white blood cells that are your Navy seals, they have an antenna looking for vitamin D. They're looking for the sun, sun, steak, and steel. You guys think I was kidding? I wasn't kidding. I meant it. Okay, I meant it. So isn't that an interesting study, guys? Isn't that incredible? I am going to post again. Okay? I'll post it on the private Facebook group. I'm going to post this study. I think I can, and then I'll post the high DHA. This is new. Last maybe 10 years I've been talking about it. Use high DHA for cancer because it's the Trojan horse. It's the Trojan horse.

And guys, where else have you seen this? Why aren't we talking about this? More cancer's worse than ever. No wonder high fructose corn syrup. It's worse than ever. I feel sorry for the cancer societies. They come try and raise money and I give them a lecture. I said, I'm going to educate you. Poor people. They don't know what hit 'em. Okay, guys. Okay, so tomorrow Christmas Eve, right? Okay, we're doing a program. Okay, tomorrow. So I got so many other studies I want to talk about. I get down rabbit trails. I just can't help myself. Okay guys, we love you dearly and sincerely, and you have a great day!

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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