Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners in today's episode.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day, and we sure appreciate you coming on. Okay, let's get to the questions guys. George. George was recently diagnosed with aortic stenosis, okay? Which is thickening of the valve and maybe the aortic artery. They say, I need an aortic valve replaced. What's your opinion on this? And there's a way to repair it naturally. Well, look, George, it's hard for me to tell exactly without seeing your full report. Look, they don't take that lightly. I mean, this is where George Modern Medicine is fantastic, okay? Because go back a hundred years and there's no way that they could fix something like that and to have a stenosis and calcification of the valve there, you're probably not going to make it. So today in modern medicine, the surgeons and that, I mean, this is why, guys, you know me here on this program.
Look, I don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water. So look, we need medicine. You need an antibiotic. You better get on an antibiotic. You've been in a car accident. You need the emergency department. If you've got stenosis, I would say to you, George, you need modern medicine. They're going to save your life. You need a new valve? Put a new valve in there. Now listen, I try and get people before they need those kind of things, and the best way to prevent, and I would be up your nitric oxide, I'd do it anyway with natal, lubricate the blood vessels, watch your sugar content. I think I'll do that this week too, talking about sugar and heart disease. New study came out. I wanted to pontificate on it, but George, I would tell you, you fall into the category, modern medicine, they can help you out and take care of yourself anyways, naturally.
Food for sure. Okay, Elizabeth, my neutrophils are always low on my blood work. The doctor's not concerned. Well, good, Elizabeth, because if your doctor's not concerned about your low neutrophils, because I've seen it where people, the odd time people come in and I'd see their blood work and I say, well, I might want to refer you out just to get other things checked. When I saw how low their neutrophils were, those are white blood cells, by the way. What causes that? Well, if your doctor's not concerned because they're not worried about leukemia or whatever, okay? They're not worried about that, so that's a good thing. But having low neutrophils, I used to find oftentimes people were low in vitamin D. They weren't eating enough steak, vitamin A, eat your vitamin A, they weren't getting enough. Zinc, eat your steak, eggs, meat and cheese, give you zinc, give you selenium.
Do you know that selenium is really important for making white blood cells? It's good for your immune system and selenium, again, you eat it when you eat eggs, meat and cheese not found in the plant. Kingdom not enough for a mouse in the plant kingdom. Okay, so very good question, Elizabeth. If your doctor's not concerned, I'm not too concerned, but get your levels up. Get your immune system firing on all cylinder. Janice, how does a parathyroid go? Bad? Well, you got little wee and I mean they're the size of a grain of rice. You got para on the side of thyroid on the side of your thyroid glands, you've got parathyroid and they control your blood calcium.
So what could go wrong? Well, if you have thyroid problems, even a goiter that can mess up your parathyroid, anything in your endocrine system from your adrenals to your pituitary, it can affect those parathyroids and you can secrete not enough calcium or too much calcium. Okay? Diabetes, I've seen people with diabetes and they get parathyroid, osteoporosis too. Little calcium, polycystic ovarian disorder. Picos can have trouble with that parathyroid. So those are all the things, Janice, that could make your parathyroid go bad. Okay? John is asking me, what is my views on weight loss medication? Well, it ain't good. I don't like it, and I'll tell you why, John. Okay, I'll tell you why. I've talked about this before. I call 'em designer drugs, okay? The designer drug meaning comes out of Hollywood and everybody and their dog wants to get on these weight loss medications. Now, here's the problem. Do they work? Yeah, they work. Okay, they work, but you have to stay on them
Because you haven't fixed the problem. These like wavy and ozempic, you see them advertised on everything today, and these are designer drugs and people, yeah, they want a shortcut and I understand that. Okay? Please, I had a weight loss clinic guys, okay? I had a weight loss clinic. I know all about emotions and people that are frustrated and whatever, but to me, these designer drugs, well, first of all, they're diabetic drugs. They were drugs meant for diabetes. What they do is they slow the metabolism down by working in the gut. Problem is with that. The vast majority of people, by the way, who start with those medications, they stop. You know why? Too many side effects, including severe digestive issues. Here's the other thing. When you're losing weight, okay, and you've slowed your metabolism down, I'm going to pull out a little prop here. Okay, what am I showing you?
Five pounds of fat. Okay, see it. You take one of these medications primarily, you don't lose this. You don't lose the fat, you lose, but you don't lose fat. You know what? You lose mostly muscle and metabolically. That is a terrible thing. The last thing you want to do is lose muscle. Muscle is on your side. We've gone on to say that muscle is like having another organ. It is so good for you. And because we live in a world of metabolic syndrome and 93% of the population are upside down when it comes to metabolic syndrome, which is characterized by belly fat, by high triglycerides and low HDL and elevated blood pressure and slightly elevated blood sugar and elevated uric acid. I put that in there. Now, guys, don't fix that. These medications don't fix the problem. The weight loss can be dramatic and people, oh, I lost weight. Yeah.
Well, if you'd have come to me 15 years ago when everybody and their dog was getting a gastric bypass or a sleeve put on their stomach, and I was a guy on radio at the time, sort of like John the Baptist warning people, it wasn't a fix, it was temporary. I'm a big guy, as you guys know on changing fuels, if you don't fix that, anything you do will be temporary from calorie counting to magic pills. It'll be temporary If the second you stop, all that weight is coming back on, and that's what they found with the sleeve gastric bypass. It's changing fuel guys. It's going from being primarily a carbo holic to now changing fuel to burn eggs, meat and cheese. You're changing fuels when you do that. You're not counting calories, you are working with your body and weight loss might not be as dramatic, but it's long lasting When people come to realize that them and carbs don't get along, they've got a bad relationship with it, sugar and carbs. When that gets in here into their psyche, when they understand that, that's why I love the 30 day reset because it's a wonderful path to go on because those people before the reset were on the broad path that leads to destruction, eating way too many carbs, way too much fiber, way too much of the wrong foods, and not eating enough of the foods that your body was designed to eat. Eggs, meat, dairy, not grocery store milk, but heavy cream butter, okay? Dairy's good. Don't ditch dairy. You need dairy.
Your body would design for dairy, and we gotten away from these things and now you've got these designer drugs. Guys, look, I support people no matter what. Okay? They make a decision to have a gastric bypass or whatever. I'll support you a hundred percent. You've made that decision, and now I'm going to show you on trying to win, not just the battle, but and understand how your body operates. If they decide to do designer drugs, you know how I feel about them. They're not a short term fix guys, okay? They're really not. But I understand that they're around and they're very popular. They're very popular, but that doesn't make them right. Anyway, thanks for the question and let me just see again, that was John. Hello, Johnny Thea. Does a person with grave disease need to avoid iodine? Well, graves is autoimmune, right? Graves is hyperthyroid.
The thyroid is whoop, but it's autoimmune. Any autoimmune, okay? Any autoimmune. The I don't start with the gland. I start with the gut. Don't start with the gland. Start with the gut. Leaky, gut, leaky thyroid, whether it is Hashimoto's, which is hypothyroidism, but it's autoimmune. The body is turned on itself. Where does that start? Graves? Where does it start? It starts in the gut. Fix the gut. Very important to do it. Okay? Yeah, I look, iodine, I was never big on its own anyways, whether you're hyper or hypo, you need to fix the gut. And then my thyroid formula is meant for both. Why? Balance the way you set up the supplement, the nutrients within the supplement balances, the thyroid gland. It makes that thyroid gland work properly. And look, they'll tell you, yeah, you should be not just taking iodine on its own, you don't need it on its own, especially with graves, but at the end of the day, you got to get to the gut, fix it, leaky gut, fix the leak, and that's why I love probiotics.
Bone broth. I would be doing all those things. Thank you for the question. And that was Thea. Charlene, I wait an hour after my meals before drinking coffee because vitamin D, b vitamins and magnesium can all be affected by caffeine intake, which can mean that your body flushes them out more quickly or their absorption is reduced. Okay, Charlene? No. I don't know where you heard that, but it ain't true. Why would you wait to drink your coffee? Well, I do. I have my water first. Okay? I will not allow myself a coffee before drinking my 16 ounces of water or half a liter. I start my day with water and a little bit of salt, salty water. Okay? You need that. I won't allow myself to drink coffee, but as far as waiting an hour after your meals, nah. Actually, here's the truth about it, Charlene, the best time to drink your coffee is before your meal.
Why? Because I've taught on this show that coffee acts like metformin. It helps to control and stabilize your blood sugar. Did you know that coffee is so good before a meal or just with your meal? I've taught that for years. Even in my radio show days. Drink your coffee with a meal. It's so good for you. So what you heard about, it'll take away. Caffeine will drink. I've heard that for a million years, Charlene. It would never true. And coffee is a diuretic. No, it's not. No, it's not. Now if you get our emails, we've put emails out about that and showing the studies, okay? On coffee. It is not a diuretic. I've been screaming that for 40 years or more. Okay, thanks for the question, Charlene. We appreciate it very much. It gives me a chance, Charlene, to discount the false teaching that's out there.
There's a lot of false teaching on coffee, by the way. You have to understand Charlene for me, go back 50 years with me, okay? 50 years in the seventies. Coffee, acidic coffee. It's a drug. Coffee bad. Okay, coffee diuretic. It'll just get rid of all your vitamins. I heard it a million times and I was screaming It ain't true. Coffee is got a thousand phytonutrients in it. It's the real vitamin C. It's far better than vitamin C. Your body absorbs it better than ascorbic acid and you get to enjoy life. Imagine taking coffee away. How could we live? I feel sorry for you. Tea drinkers out there. You tea totals? Okay, thanks Charlene. We appreciate it. Kelly, what did Martin think of the coronary calcium test? I like it. It's very preventative. It is a good test because it can tell you years ahead of time if you got calcium.
Starting to remember, calcium don't belong in your blood vessels. Calcium belongs in your teeth and your bones. Problem is a lot of people have calcified blood vessels, coronary artery. This test will tell you that way ahead of time. I like it. It's preventative. Again, don't throw the baby out with the bath. Water medicine has some wonderful imaging. Coronary calcium testing is fantastic. If you can get your doctor to do it, but it is good. I like it. You can help reverse it. I'm going to talk about that this week, okay? I promise. Okay. That was Kelly. Yes. Do you need a referral? Well, absolutely. I don't know if in the United States you can get that test without a referral. I know in Canada you couldn't get it. You probably need a referral even in the States, but I'm not sure about that. Okay, that was Kelly.
Thanks Kel. Laura, can you give your professional opinion on chronic peeling of the fingertips called the exfoliative lysis? Yeah, you know what that is? Leaky gut. Leaky gut. Leaky fingertips. You have fungus, you have candida in the body and it's coming out on the tip of the fingertips. Okay, get after that. Fungus. Oil of oregano. Probiotics. Probiotics, oil of oregano. Internally, I would even, I know this might hurt a little bit, but that peeling, I put a little bit of dab of oil, of oregano right on it. Make a little sve. Be savvy. Make a little salve of probiotic powder and open up a capsule. Make a little powder with oil of oregano. Fantastic. Okay, that was Laura. Janet was asking, what did you mean by when I'm talking about anemia? There's an eye test. Okay, so it's not looking into the eye, it's looking into the mirror.
And if you see your pale is Casper the ghost, your blood work might not show it, but you got a mild form of anemia. Eat more steak and get on our blood boost are now called multi nutrient. Okay, that was Janet. I think I answered that the other day. Hannah, can you explain horseshoe kidney please? Well, that is a genetic thing. Born with a congenital defect, kidney's still working. The kidneys are marvelous by the way. They really are. I've heard of that. I haven't heard of it in a while, but yeah, the horseshoe kidney, just you're born with it, but as long as it's working, what do you care what it looks like?
No one sees your kidneys anyways, right? Yeah, usually. Yeah, I remember that. I learned that in school, but I haven't seen it much since. A little bit. I've heard about it, but the kidney function, what makes your kidneys function? Two things. Water one and lay off the sugar, whether you have horseshoe kidney or not, it don't matter. Your kidneys, two things. Cut out the sugar because sugar destroys your kidneys. And two water. H and only water is water only. Water is water. Oh, Dr. Martin, there's water in coffee. I know that that's not the same. Takes a different root to your body. The body has to filter but not water directly into the bloodstream. Okay? Marine is postnasal drip silent reflux. It could be. It could be, but it's not always that. Okay?
You can get postnasal drip from having yeast or fungus in your sinuses, okay? In your sinuses. Often comes after antibiotics after a sinus infection. Now, yeah, you killed the bacteria, but now you've set up a yeast and a lot of people get postnasal drip from that coming downwards. Now you can get acid reflux, which is silent. I know I've done a podcast on it, but maybe we could do a little teaching on that again. Where you get a silent acid reflux and that phlegm is coming up into the back of your throat and you're not even feeling necessarily the reflux, but it's silent and it's coating the back of your throat with phlegm. Yeah, it could be either one. Okay, thanks for that question. This is pat tree now. Patricia.
Patricia, because she spelled it out for me. If you have a high iron, dare I say decreased state consumption, never. If you have high iron, it ain't because you're eating too much steak. You have high iron because you have insulin resistance or fatty liver and steak is actually the cure. Don't stop steak. Our liver is good for you. Okay, so stop sugar and then you get rid of high iron. Okay? Could be that, or like I said, insulin resistance or fatty liver. But fatty liver comes from sugar too. Thank you, Patricia. Kathy, what are your thoughts on aneurysm in the ascending aorta above the root? Dangerous, okay, you can get a dissection of the abdominal aorta you can die from. That could be very dangerous. So you need to repair. Okay, again, I'm going to spend some time this week on diet and what to do and certain supplementation and thank you Kathy.
Sherry, what is high homocystine number? Indicate minus 15.6. I like homocystine. I wrote about it in my book. Sun Steak and steel. It's a tremendous test. Doctors don't do it near enough. If you have high homocystine, your heart could be in trouble. You could be on your way to a heart attack. Get it down. You know what the best thing to get homocysteine down? B12 B12. See the connection between B12 and your heart homocysteine, okay? You might not be absorbing B12 properly. Get your homocysteine down, get off the carbohydrates, do the reset. Okay? But that can be very dangerous. That high number for your heart, Sherry, best ways to lower heart rate without medication. Jackie, the best way to lower your heart rate without medication. Well, you're going to elevate it first if you do exercise, even walking. But that helps in the long run to lower your rate, right? High blood pressure. Fix your kidneys, get off the sugar, because kidneys can have a major effect on your blood pressure and your heart rate if you want to lower it.
Okay, another question. Lizette, what are the best foods and supplements for a 64-year-old male with disc disease? Degenerative, I imagine kirkman, vitamin D, vitamin bone broth, vitamin high, DHA, lubricate, lubricate, lubricate, inflammation formula, all of the above. Navit anti-inflammatory two still. Should I be alarmed that my CRP is at 6.69? Yep, A flag is up. If your CRP C-reactive protein is high, means you have inflammation in your body. It may be silent, maybe you don't have any pain, but inflammation is not Houdini. It doesn't just show up without a cause usually because you either have high circulating insulin, leaky gut, or oxidative damage. Okay? So CRP C-reactive protein should be at zero, not any higher. One way to lower it high, DHA two. Louise. When a person walks, why do they put their toes down first instead of their heel? I dunno, Luis, I don't know their gait. Why is that? I don't know. But people walk different ways, right? Some people are toe walkers, some people are heel walkers. You can watch people the way they walk.
Why are they like that? It could be their spine, it could be their pelvis. It could be the way they were born. I don't know. I don't know. Louise. There's a lot of different reasons and I, okay, Gail, my 41-year-old daughter has restless legs and arms. Well that's often anemia. That's often low iron, often B12, maybe low levels of magnesium. But the most I found with restless legs is their anemic and they don't know it. Blood boost or multi nutrient. I've still got to get used to that. Okay, that was Gail. Debbie, what is a complimentary C two and C four blood test? I've never heard of it. C two and C four. Blood test. I got to think about that. Is that the calcium blood test? I got to look it up. I can't remember that. Okay, let me come back to that.
Debbie. Okay. And I make a little note so I can answer you. Debbie. C two C four. C two C four. Is that calcium? I got to refresh my brain guys. Okay, Kim, what are the suggestion Treatment for lys? Let's do Alys. I'm making a note here. Let's do a little bit on lys. Okay, Debbie on C two. Blood tests. I got notes. I will answer that. Lys limes, I am going to show you my protocol. Let me do a little teaching on limes. Bruce is asking, is it good to take selenium, eat selenium? I have selenium in my thyroid formula, but on its own, I dunno. I'd rather you eat it. Sherry can a rash caused by too low of a thyroid. Yep. Could this be keto rat? Well, they're two different things. I've seen a keto rash goes away. People just, their body's trying to get used to burning a different fuel. Okay. Ketosis. Okay. And the body has to get used to it. For some people, especially if they're big time carboholics, low thyroid can give you a rash. Absolutely. Absolutely can.
Okay, I think I got everything. Okay, now I can breathe. Okay guys, we got a great week coming up and I'm going to answer some more questions, okay? But you can always ask questions, guys. I really mean it. We love it here on this program. We love you. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!