Join Dr. Martin in today's episode of The Doctor Is In Podcast.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. How are you? Hope you're having a great start to your day, and we sure appreciate when you come on with us live if you can. We never, ever take that for granted, and thank you for doing that. And of course, for those listening on a podcast, thank you for joining us. Okay, headlines, headline, Thursday, I got about six or seven. Okay, but let me answer a question because yesterday I got a lot of questions. When we are talking about anemia, low iron, we did low iron and high iron. Okay, what are the causes? But people were saying or asking me afterwards, Dr. Martin, what's the eye test? Okay, so they thought, I said, when I look into a person's eye, I can tell if they're anemic. No, what I meant is you do the eye test, look in the mirror. What do you see?
Okay, because I'm very observational, okay? I was taught my dad. Look at your patient. Observe. Okay, I love that he was right. Now, that didn't mean you dismiss labs and all that stuff, of course not. But you need to be holistic. God gave you eyes. Look, doctors don't. Look, I've had patients literally tell me they've gone to see their family physician and their family physician never even looked at them. They had their back turned and they were on the computer. Now, ask me a question, guys, if it wasn't so sad, I find that extremely funny, but it's so sad. How stupid is that? But you see, medicine to some extent has gotten hijacked by the labs, big pharma and labs. And that doesn't mean labs are not important. Of course they are. And you guys, what's worth the price of this book, sun Steak and Steel, is a chapter in there on the lab test that you need that will tell you exactly where you are and for you to interpret them.
You don't need be a rocket scientist to understand it. I simplify it. What tests are important? How to read them. Okay? How to read your own tests. And I make you look at things that ordinarily not always, but ordinarily, most doctors are not all that interested in. Okay? Anyway, so the eye test coming back to that, okay? Is look at yourself in the mirror, okay? Because when I used to look at patients for anemia, I didn't even have to look at their blood work. Well, most of the time, why? Because I observed they look like Casper the ghost, and sometimes too, not always, but sometimes they have very dark circles under their eyes. Now, that can be allergies too, but generally you're anemic. And guess what? Folks? I'm telling you, most women, not all again, are anemic. They're borderline. They have low levels of B12, and they have low levels of hemoglobin.
They're normal within normal range, but they're not ideal. They're not optimized range, and therefore they're running on fumes fatigue. And we went through the list of symptoms yesterday, Casper the ghost. That's what I meant by the eye test guys, okay? It wasn't some look in with a scope to look into the eye and see, no, no, I didn't mean that, although I like that. Okay, I like that test. Okay, here's some headlines. Okay? Just some studies. We'll see how many we get through. We'll pontificate on a few of them. A study of more than 200 people undergoing surgery. Almost 60% had microplastics or even smaller nanoplastic, I guess there's micro and nano. They got to been real small in their main artery. In their aorta. They had microplastic, 60% of people. They just did a study of slightly over 200 people who had surgery, and they tested them, I guess when they were opened up to see if they had any plastic in them.
Well, what did I tell you guys? You see, guys, this is important to me, okay? Because I know that the narrative out there is the climate. Okay? Notice I got my sweater on my hoodie, okay? You know why? Because it's winter in Northern Ontario. Yeah, we get climate change. The climate is always changing, and we get the four seasons here in Sunbury and a very short summer. Okay? Now, guys, I don't want to get political. I just want to say something. You know what? I'm really concerned about the environment. That's what I'm concerned about, not so much the climate, okay? If you are concerned about the climate, well, good for you. I'm more concerned as a physician. I'm more concerned with the environment because that I can guarantee you has a major effect on your body. And thus, from Mount Everest to the placenta. What did I say?
What's been proven? Plastics are everywhere. If you live on planet Earth, I don't care where you go, you can go to Siberia, I don't care. You can go to Costa Rica, I don't care. Enjoy. But you're not getting away from plastics. And this is what this headline is saying, man, they're doing surgery and they got plastic in their main artery. So what do you do? Leave the planet. No. Okay. And look, if you can avoid plastics, I guess that would be helpful, but that's not going to do it because there's no doing it better for you. And I'm telling you, the best thing you can do, two things. One, keep your liver clean. Why? Because your liver is a detox organ, and when your liver is clean and it's full of glutathione, Velcro, Velcro will attach itself to the plastics and what out of the body?
Keep your liver clean. Two, take probiotics. Why? Because different strains do different things, and probiotics will chelate get rid of plastic. Okay? So you got to do that. Keep your liver clean. How do I keep my liver clean with milk thistle, Dr. Martin, by the way, I like milk thistle, but that ain't going to keep your liver clean. You keep your liver clean when you don't fill it up with fat and you fill your liver with fat when you're eating sugar, when you eat sugar, I remember, this is years ago, guys, 20. Yeah, more than that. I did a TV show in the United States, one of my books that I wrote. I got invited on a TV show. You know what I did? You know me. I'm a visual guy, and oftentimes you guys have seen this, okay? If you're new on the program, I often would use a ballpoint pen.
I mean, that's easy to bring on a tv. And I did some major shows in the United States and morning shows and whatever, and I said, okay, focus in on this ballpoint pen. Why? Because I said, get to the tip of a ballpoint pen. How long does it take cancer to get to the size of a tip of a ballpoint pen? Breast cancer, ladies, prostate cancer, men, five years. That would shock my host. But here's another thing I did, because they always had water there. I brought sugar, I brought sugar. I said, okay, when you drink a can of soda, Coca-Cola or cola, it don't matter. Okay? And you know what I would do? I had a spoon. Take it out of my sports jacket. I had some sugar. And right in front of the host, you know what I do? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. When I got to 14 teaspoons, I stopped.
Then I take that glass of water and I said, drink this. And the host, of course would say, are you kidding me? And I said, well, that's what's in every can of soda or fruit juice. 14 teaspoons. Yeah. Would you drink it? No. Well, why do you drinking coke for, or why are you drinking fruit juice? You can have some fruit, but you're meant to eat it, not to drink it. And the number one drink, by the way, in the United States and Canada, you know what it is? Orange juice. Oh, the Martin, it's TRO by Ana. I don't care. It's going right to your liver. You'll never get rid of plastic. I went down that whole road to tell you that, okay? No, but seriously, guys, when you do it live like that, and I just kept pouring teaspoon after teaspoon, after teaspoon of sugar into a glass of water.
They go, I wouldn't drink that. I said, I bet most of your viewers drink that every day. Or they start their day with orange juice or apple juice and they think, oh, that is so good for me. No, it's not. No, it's not. Okay. So a study of more than 200 people undergoing surgery, almost 60% had microplastics are even smaller nanoplastics in the main artery. And don't fool yourself, okay? You think, well, I don't use anything plastic. Well, that's good. I'm glad you don't. I really do. Okay? I mean that it helps, but you ain't getting rid of every plastic. You just aren't. Just can't keep your liver clean and take a broad spectrum probiotic. Okay? Oh, this was another headline I read this week. Almost 50% of people who died with covid.
Now, 99% of people that died with covid had preexisting conditions, but almost 50% of people who died with covid were finished the sentence, okay? Almost 50% of people who died with covid were, let's see, I'm going to see if you got me any answers. Okay, what do you think they had? It's interesting. I don't know. My scroll isn't scrolling. They were insulin resistant. Tina, a hundred percent, right? Low in vitamin D. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay, but that's not the answer I was looking for. Obese. Yes. Diabetic Francis. That's the one I was looking at. Okay, Rita, you got it right. Okay. A carbo holics, a hundred percent Josh, insulin resistant. Well, you can't be a diabetic unless you're insulin resistant. Okay, so you guys are all so smart. It's unbelievable. You got it, Derek And guys, I didn't even finish the headline. They've broken down. It's unreal. Now they're doing real post covid analysis. Finally. Okay, here's what they saw. Okay? Almost 50% of people who died of covid were diabetic. Almost 90% were low in vitamin D. We had vitamin D in our hands. We had it and we didn't use it.
You want to see me get a post covid migraine? We had vitamin D and we didn't use it because it didn't fit the narrative. They wanted to lock the world down and instead of worrying about people with preexisting conditions, oh, anyway, guys, you know me. If you want to go back, how many years has it been now? Well, 2020 and 2021. And see the stupidity, but they weren't listening. I said, did I not? It would've cost us less. It would've cost us less seriously if we would've put everybody in jumbo jets in Canada and brought them to Florida and let them lay out in the sun. But no, even the Floridians who never go in the sun, even the Floridians closed the beaches. I was there when they did it. I was John the Baptist, screaming in the wilderness. Hello, keep the beaches open. You are safe here. The virus can't come here.
Oh, I get the headache. Okay. Okay, I'll stop. No, I got a couple of more. Okay. Not stopping quite. Yeah. Let me give you another headline here. Oh, back to sugar. Here's a new one. Sugar exposure in utero. And for the first 1000 days after sugar exposure in utero, meaning mommy is consuming sugar while she's pregnant. Okay? That's what that means. Okay, baby is exposed to sugar. What mommy eats baby gets right Now, listen to this. Okay, here's the headline. Sugar exposure in utero and first 1000 days of life. One of the reasons I was so much against, guys, go back to the seventies. I've been around a long time, guys. I was in practice for a long time. Go back to the seventies. I was screaming blue murder. Why? Formula? Formula. And the world is unbelievable when it lies. Don't you hate that? They lied to mummies.
We found something better than breast milk. That lasted, guys, for about 10 years. I was there. I watched them say it, and they had all these formulas. The doctor would give them out, this is fortified. Therefore, it's better than breast milk. And the world convinced a lot of people, a lot of women, okay? I was screaming, what better than breast milk? Are you kidding me? Now, guys, I understood, okay, I live in the real world. I understood sometimes mummies they, anyway, but I said, but don't give them that formula. It comes with corn syrup in it. It wasn't even high fructose corn syrup at the time. It was just corn syrup. Now they made another sugar in the lab. They hadn't created that one yet. Okay? Sugar exposure in uteral and the first thousand days of life adds a convincing brick to a pile that we already know.
That suggests a lot of added sugar is linked to worse help headline. Yep. Kids get hooked. Kids get hooked. And even in utero, because mommy's consuming too much sugar and it's setting them on a path. Well, guys, I've said this so often, I just got to repeat it. When I was a kid in the 1950s, this is just facts, guys. You can look it up. North Americans consumed 25 pounds of sugar a year when I was, that's a lot of sugar. Still 25. You ever seen a 25 pound bag? Yeah. Right. That's heavy. I always tell my grandchildren, yeah, grandpa had cookies and ice cream too. You think you guys invented those things? Or grandma did cookies and ice cream too, but 25 pounds. Then I have four grown. My youngest, Tony Jr, who is the brains of this operation, is 51 years old. My youngest daughter is 45.
What am I saying? Well, I had four kids and they were all born in the seventies. You know how much North Americans were consuming at the time in the seventies? We went from 25 pounds when I was a kid of sugar. See, in World War ii, sugar was rationed. Okay? Now, I don't remember World War ii. I'm not that old, but not long after. In 1952, I was born. World War II ended in 1945. Sugar was rationed. People weren't eating a lot of sugar. It was rationed. And then in the fifties, 25 pounds in the seventies, another generation, my kids 50 pounds, and now my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren, you know how much it is? 200 pounds, a little less than that, but 200 on average, a dump truck load. You see what they're saying here? That sugar, it's like cocaine, man. You get hooked on it.
And that's why I'm so big on that 30 day program, guys, my 30 day program, you're not eating any sugar. What? Nah, you're not having any sugar. Your body will go, Hey, let me give you a high five at first. If you're a real sugarholic, your body will go, now, wait a minute here. Where's my sugar? What are you doing to me? But it's unreal how we're hooked on sugar. Go to the middle aisles of your grocery store, guys. Look at every cereal. Look at every cookie. Look at every cracker, look at every whatever. You look at, crappy dinner or whatever, it's sugar, sugar, sugar. And they couch it. They lie about it. They name it something else, or they give it a name. That sounds good. Nah, none of it is good. You don't need it. If you never had an ounce of sugar again, you would do very well. You do very well. I'm not saying you're never going to have sugar. If it's your birthday and you want to have a piece of cake, come on. Whatever you want me to do, tell you to leave the planet. No, I'm not doing that. I'm just telling you, you don't need even an ounce of it because you can eat steak, and if your body needs sugar from steak, your body will turn steak into sugar.
You don't eat to eat sugar. Your body knows exactly out of time. I didn't even get to half my studies. I was pontificating way too much. Somebody said to me the other day, Dr. Martin, you're very opinionated. I was taken aback back. I guess so. Okay, boys and girls, you know what tomorrow is question and answer Friday. Yep. Send you questions into, if you want your question answer. Okay? I don't have to do the eye test. I did it today. Look in the mirror. What am I looking for? Are you Casper The ghost? Okay, guys, we love you dearly and sincerely. And by the way, have I told you lately how smart you are? This audience, it doesn't matter. I can get you to close the books and ask you a quiz and you get the answer. I shouldn't say I can't get over it, but you guys are so stinking smart. I mean it. Tell your friends how smart you are, okay? Love you dearly. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!