Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners in today's episode.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Once again, welcome to another live this morning. I hope you're having a great start to your day. And thank you guys for coming on. We much, much appreciate it. Nice to have you on. Let's get back to the questions. I'm not sure I got some other studies I want to look at too, but Rita is asking about full fat cream. Well, here's the question. Full fat cream, full fat yogurt, coffee, I love all of what you're saying. And the chocolate bone broth, does that increase your stomach acid? Well, yes and no. Okay, let me explain what I'm saying here, Rita. Okay, let's say you've got what we talk about all the time that your stomach acidity isn't acidic enough. Okay? When you're a carboholic, when you love sugar, your stomach wasn't designed for that. Your stomach was designed to eat animal protein.
That doesn't mean you can't have any vegetables. It doesn't mean that. But what it does mean is that you're never supposed to live on that stuff. You're not supposed to be a carboholic, okay? Your body is designed, it's got more acidity than a lion, okay? Supposed to, but use it or lose it. If you don't eat enough eggs, meat and cheese, and you're a carboholic, like about 90% of the population, well, you got trouble with your stomach because the acidity in your stomach, the pH of your stomach starts to rise. It becomes not alkaline, but more alkaline than it should be. Okay? You start getting into the ranges of a cow and a rabbit, which your stomach wasn't designed for. So if you have bone broth and you ask about full fat thing, yeah, that's why the EMC is so good, okay? Eggs, meat, and cheese.
Why is it so good for you? And especially if you do the reset for 30 days because your body adores, because now you're asking your stomach to eat and digest what it was meant to digest. So now you are rehabbing your stomach pH, okay? You want to be very acidic in your stomach, and it all depends on what you're eating, okay? On what you're eating. So to some extent, Rita, you are right. It will change it. It's not going to change it overnight. But as you don't live on carbs anymore and you live on protein and fat, mostly your stomach acidity will change. Your pH of your stomach will start to descend into that very, very acidity it needs. And remember, this is just something that is sort of counterintuitive, but it's true because people think they get acid reflux. Oh, I got too much acidity in my stomach.
Nah, you really don't have enough acidity in your stomach. Your body is trying to compensate, and those proton pumps start making more acidity. And guess what? It ends up in your esophagus and you get, okay, heartburn acid coming up, and it's not from high acidity in the stomach, it's from low acidity in the stomach. That's what causes it. I know it goes against the grain and you got all these medications, you can go and even over the counter and get everything, oh, eat what you want, and then lower that acid, that acid reflux. Yeah. But if you eat the right foods, your body will rehab itself. I have testimonies of tens of thousands of people who know exactly what I'm talking about. Now, it doesn't happen overnight, okay? So yes and no, Rita, good question.
John. What's Dr. Martin's views on kidney dialysis? Well, if you need it, they don't put you on dialysis for nothing. Your kidneys are at their fifth, usually the fifth stage of chronic kidney disease. And when that happens, well, you need dialysis or you're going to die. So look, how did you get there? Okay? What is rare, by the way, is chronic kidney disease just because of genetics or whatever. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I'm just saying that it's rare. The biggest cost, the number one cause of dialysis, what got you there? Okay, the number one reason is sugar, my friend, not protein, because let me just see, someone else was asking, lemme see if I can get to it. Oh, Cindy.
Cindy. Will a high protein diet cause protein in the urine? No. Cindy. No, I know that's what doctors think, but they forget physiology. What is hard on the kidneys is sugar, not protein. Oh, but they see protein in the urine. I know, but you get protein in the urine when you're a carbo, it's not protein that kills your kidneys. But for 50 years, that's been the narrative when it comes to kidneys, cut back on protein again. And it's always the number one thing they tell you to cut back on. Is red meat, red meat, bad for kidneys? No, steak is kidney's. Best friend is steak. So are eggs and so is cheese. Dairy cream. Those are your kidney's. Best friend. Now, at the end of the day, if you ever get to where John's asking about dialysis, well now you got trouble with everything. Your kidneys are not working, they're shutting down.
Okay, lemme just say one more thing. When it comes to kidneys and all my friends in Niagara Falls know this, what do I call the kidneys of Canada? Niagara Falls. The best thing you can do for your kidneys is drink water, flush it out. Vitamin W, flush out the toxins from the kidneys. It's Niagara Falls. Oh, Dr. Martin, I don't like water. I don't care if you don't like it, you need it. Your kidneys need to get rid of garbage toxins. So dehydration and sugar are the kidney's enemies. Because what happens when sugar is in the bloodstream? Okay, when sugar is in the bloodstream, even slightly elevated, you know what your kidneys do? They hold on to salt edema, raise your blood pressure so it ain't salt, it's sugar and those crappy foods. So John, to answer your question, when you're on dialysis, what I do, the eggs, meat and cheese? Yeah. How much they'll rehab? I don't know. I'd like to catch kidney disease way before dialysis, okay? But I don't know. All I know is you don't want to be having any sugar that John, I can tell you. Okay? And drink lots of water. Okay, that was John. We answered John, Rita, and Cindy's.
Okay, Leslie, I play accordion. 30 minutes. Well, good for you. But my left hand fingers are numb when I play and afterwards, while I tell you, Leslie's 83 years old. Well, Leslie, good for you. Okay? And usually when that happens, especially if it's in your left hand or right hand, just one arm or hand, you got a nerve impingement either in the elbow or in the neck. That's what I would be looking at Leslie. Okay? And anytime you get any kind of numbness, I'm a big guy. When I look at your profile, nutritional profile, whatever, usually you're low in B12. Not always, but as you get older, Leslie, and you're still a young puppy at 83, good for you. You've got to check your B12 levels and have your vitamin D levels checked too, if you can get them done because they're really important.
B12, especially when it comes to nerves, but I am suspicious. One arm like that one hand, you got a nerve impingement, Leslie. Okay, Laura, another chiro question type of thing. I've had rib pain for over a month. Okay? Any stretches or exercise to help? Well, it depends what the diagnosis is. Is it rib displacement? Is it right at the attachment? Where is it Laura? I would be on kirkin as a natural anti-inflammatory. Vitamin D is a very natural. Somebody was asking me the other day about the hammer, vitamin D hammer. This is a time of the year, you know, got a cold coming on or sore throat, whatever. I love that. 50,000 I use. This is what I do. 50,000, I use a day for three days. The hammer, okay, I love that hammer. I'm telling you that was Laura and Francis. Insomnia is caused by steroid damage.
Can it be restored? Francis? You mean prednisone? Okay. Usually that can cause real insomnia because prednisone what it does. Okay, prednisone affects your adrenal glands, okay, big time. It lowers your immune system but can hype you up big time. Elevate your cortisol, prednisone and that can give you insomnia. One thing about prednisone, usually people put on weight, they're hungry all the time because their blood sugar is going up and what goes up must come down and they have a lot of trouble with that. And then insomnia. So can it be restored? Yeah, you can help yourself. Check out your levels. Francis of your vitamin D and B12. Big, big influencers of sleep. If you need to get on cortisol control, to me, that's one of the best things you can do. Check that all out, Francis. And thank you for the question. Gerald says his friend has lost taste.
Well, whenever someone tells me they lose their taste often happens after a virus. It often happened in Covid taste. Again, not always. I used to do this zinc. Okay, I put 'em on our nutrient dense formula, our multi nutrient. It's got vitamin A, it's got zinc, it's got vitamin D, it's got you name it, it's got it in there and people usually were able to restore their taste. Gerald Zinc. I used to give zinc the odd time on its own, but I like it better. I'm a big guy in eating zinc rather than taking it as a supplement unless you need it. And I don't like zinc on its own. I usually like it in a formula. That's why I created that multi nutrient formula. And it's the same thing with iodine for the thyroid on its own. I like it with selenium. I like it with a B complex.
There's just a lot of things that I combine together. Okay, so yeah, Francis and Gerald, thank you. Okay, John, I've been reading up on nano supplements. Nanocurcumin, nano Curtin. Nano is supposed to be smaller particles, better absorbed. Look, I don't say they're no good. Okay, nano, I get it. Okay, I understand what they're saying, but I'll give you an example. Okay? I'll give you an example, John. If you can test supplements in terms of in your blood work, you can get your omega levels done. I mean they don't come in routine testing, but a lot of labs do it. Okay? Magnesium. Ah, magnesium. I'm a little leery only because most of your magnesium is not in your blood. So they do a blood test. I'm a big guy on tissue testing for magnesium. But nonetheless, what I'm saying to you, John is this, you can test B12 for example, you can test vitamin D, you can test right?
You can test it. I mean there's tests to measure coq 10, you can test it. So for me, I never guessed in my office. I tested in my office, I test it. So what I'm saying to you is this, they talk about nanoparticles and everything. Size again, I'm not against it. All I know is when I gave a patient methyl cobain, which would be 12 low, I would raise it up every time. Vitamin D, they had low levels, I would raise it up. Did it work? A hundred percent, a hundred percent magnesium. They had low levels. Raise it up, coq 10 low levels raise it up. So again, there's new research coming out every day, but it's not that I don't buy it, it's just you're asking me a question compared to what I know already, John, I know what works. I don't know the other stuff, whether it works or not.
I didn't test it, but I tested my products. Look, if you had low B12 in my office, you were at 200, which is enough for a mouse, and I wanted you at 800, I could get you to 800 by supplementing with a sublingual B12 better by the way, than even the B12 shots, which I'm not against, by the way. The old fashioned doctor, I mean they were huge on B12. Now you can't even get a doctor to hardly even measure it. They just don't understand the importance of vitamin B12. They don't understand the importance of vitamin D. Doctors are not trained. It's unfortunate because the old fashioned doctors understood it. They understood the importance of B12. Today you can hardly get a test. They don't want to do it. Why?
I told you the story I was discussing with a physician and the person is anemic. They lost a lot of blood. Okay? And we'll give you some iron, okay? I get it. I just asked the physician a question, what about B12? And you know what she said to me? What about it? And I didn't want to be negative or whatever and just gently doing some teaching. Well, B12 is a huge, huge factor in anemia and I'm going to spend some time this week. It was a new study out on anemia and why it's so common today, and I've been screaming about it for a long time. But B12 is important. It's important to make hemoglobin and red blood cells and you should learn that in the first day of medical school. But they don't teach it anymore. It's sad. Anyway, don't get me going. Okay, that was John Leet, can I give you, you give me or I give you Broa bone broth advertised on Facebook. Is yours good, better or best?
I don't know. I guess I got to go look up Broa. I don't know. Is it good one? Maybe. I have no idea. I never tried it in my office. I gave bone broth to patients for years and years and years in my office. Okay? I love bone broth. It is the best collagen. I see collagen advertised on tv. Collagen. Collagen. Collagen, which I like collagen, but the best collagen is bone broth. I don't know about braya. I've never had anybody in my office tell me about it and I'm not in my office anymore. I don't know. Okay, you can make your own bone broth or we can make it for you. That's what I used to tell my patients. Okay, you can make your own bone broth. Do you want to do that? Okay, I said, or I'll make it for you. Okay, whatever.
And that was Leet. I have no idea. Leet. Sorry. I have no experience with that particular product, so I don't know. Okay. Carol, I thought I answered this. Maybe I have and maybe I haven't. What have you heard about the benefits of grounding maps? Okay, well look, I'm just going to give you a little dissertation. I get asked this a lot. Look, all I know is this okay? When you see grounding mats, okay, and grounding, it's the best thing since sliced bread. And you see it like you ain't going to live properly without grounding mats. It's the best thing from cancer to wrinkles to warts. Your nose to pimples on your toes are the other way around. I don't know. I don't buy that. Okay? I don't buy it. You can get grounding mats, I guess. Am I saying this bad? I'm not saying this bad.
I just don't know. I haven't seen enough research to convince me that it's the greatest thing in the universe. I don't think so. But if someone finds they do well with grounding mats, go for it. I'm happy for you, man. It wouldn't be on the top of my list, but that doesn't mean it's no good. I don't know. I get asked it all the time and I said, well read research and yeah, it looks good. I know I'm in Sudbury, Northern Ontario, okay. Santa Claus lives here and Sudbury is just a little bit south of Santa Claus. Okay, well, we're not grounding in the ground outside in your bare feet. So you got to have a grounding mat because you better be doing it inside when you live in Norton, Ontario. We didn't get the memo about climate change. We didn't get that memo. It's snow.
It's December and it's cold. Okay? Okay. No, but I don't mean to joke necessarily about it. You're better off getting the answers from people that are scrolling here and maybe giving you their opinion on that and what they've experienced and this, that, and the other thing than asking me that never really had a lot of experience with it in my office. I heard about it. Remember I did a radio show for 20 years and more. I got asked a lot of questions, but if I didn't have a lot of experience in it anyway, Francis or France, my son has band, is a tibial band syndrome. Iliotibial band syndrome. That's where one of your tendons there, it pinches right around the, just below the knee there in the tibia and there's a band there. And I remember runners used to get that. What can I tell you about it?
Well, it's no fun. It can be disabling treatment, helps therapy, massage therapy, physio, chiro, supplement wise, I'd be on anything anti-inflammatory. Kirkman, vitamin D. Okay, I think I've answered every question. I think I'm there. Holy moly. I was going to get to some other studies, but we'll do that this week. Okay? I said that last week, we didn't get to some of them. Maybe I'll do a headline Tuesday, okay? Because we got some headlines here. Some good ones worth talking about. Okay guys, thanks for all the good questions, by the way. Okay? Most often it takes two days to get through these questions, okay? We love you guys, okay? I joke with you, okay? I hope you understand. I like to tease. So if I tease you a little bit, don't take it personally. And by the way, lemme just say something about the postal strike in Canada, okay?
If you guys remember my age when we had a postal strike when we did almost every year in the 1970s. I mean that's when the union, the postal union was starting to really get tough and they go out on strike. It seemed like every year, maybe they didn't, but you know what happened in Canada, the government, they would recall parliament and force them back to work guys, we got caught between a rock and a hard place with supplements being sent out. And we've got one of the best courier services around, but some of them were sent out Canada Post. And it was like, it is frustrating for people that are waiting. And by the way, just got to tell you, the colder it is, the better it is for your supplements. And I feel it guys. I understand people have, they got money tied up in the delivery.
And then of course now it's compounding because all of the other carriers are feeling the effects of it. But our carrier, because it's such a big shipping company, they get priority. But I just got to tell you guys, I understand the frustration. I don't know what's going to happen. Apparently they're going back to the table this week. I don't know what's going to happen there. It's something that's just out of our control. I could scream and whatever, but it ain't going to help if I scream. Maybe if you call your member of Parliament for my Canadian friends, it might help. I don't know. I don't know. Okay. Anyway, guys, we love you dearly. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!