Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners in today's episode.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another Live the Doctor in podcast and we appreciate you guys coming on with us q and a Friday, which is always a lot of fun. Nice to have you on. Noah is asking a very good question about testosterone and prostate cancer and it's all about her brother and I'm not going to read the whole thing, but she's asking, really, look, oncologists believe that testosterone is a culprit in prostate cancer. I understand why they say it because testosterone is a growth hormone, but respectfully, I disagree. Okay? When men get prostate cancer, it's not good. They have too much testosterone. As a matter of fact, they don't have enough testosterone. Generally that's what happens. And when I used to test hormones, men had low levels of testosterone. They would get benign hyperplasia, which is the growth of the prostate, and if it became cancerous, they didn't have enough testosterone in my opinion.
Now for years, they've talked about blocking testosterone in men once they get the cancer. Look, I'm not telling oncologists what to do. I mean that's what they do. I disagree. That's all I just tell people I see it another way. The problem in men when men get prostate cancer is could they got not enough testosterone? I'm not saying give them testosterone, but I'm certainly not saying block testosterone. I think they would do much better if they blocked estrogen in men. We got a whole generation now of, as Arnold Schwarzenegger used to say, girly men. Men today have so little testosterone, their sperm levels are going down, testosterone is going down and you know what's going up. Estrogen. The womanly hormone, nice to have estrogen. If you're a woman, I've made this case for a lot of years guys, and you know that there's too much estrogen in the world or things that mimic estrogen, which are xenoestrogens, they're everywhere.
They're in our homes, they're in the air, they're in the water. We drink. Plastic is everywhere. Chemicals are everywhere. That drives up estrogen. Why do we see more prostate cancer than ever? Well, it's not because testosterone rates are going up. They're not. They're going down. That's a guaranteed true statement. Testosterone levels are going way down in men. So nolene, if you're asking my opinion, I don't like testosterone blocking therapy for me, I don't. Okay? And again, your brother has got to do what he's got to do. If you're asking my opinion, you're going to get a very opinionated opinion, but I think I can back it up and I never tell people what to do. I give out information, okay? I would block the estrogen. I would have them dimming that out. Why do you think I love flaxseeds so much? Because flaxseeds contain dim and it blocks estrogen.
Okay, thank you very much. Nolene for a very good question. Helen. Her husband has polyps in his gallbladder, lots of them and the doctor's recommending removing the gallbladder to prevent them from becoming cancerous and potentially moving to his liver. He does have type two diabetes and his A1C is very high. That's way too high by the way. Okay, but he's been eating EMC eggs, meat and cheese, so good for him and digestive enzymes. Okay, so the only thing I can think of is he should not snack in the evening. He tried to make sure, but okay, so what was the question now? Okay, how do you prevent them from becoming cancerous? Okay, gallbladder, why do you have a gallbladder? It's a little pouch. It's a little reservoir. For what? Bile. Why do you need bile? Well, for a couple of things, bile is like dish soap.
It picks up the fat, it picks up the grease, right? You got dish soap that not only cleans but absorbs grease, right? Okay, so that's what bile is like. Okay? It emulsifies fat. And then secondly, it's really important to, okay, as food comes out of your stomach, it's very, very acidic. So bile, it alkalizes the food. Remember, you need acidity in your stomach. Somebody's asking a question. I noticed, and we'll touch that in a minute on stomach acidity. But getting to your question, Helen, okay, how do you prevent polyps from turning cancerous? Well, why he would've got polyps in the first place is because, well, you already told me he's diabetic. What does that mean? Well, you got high insulin, right? And over years could diabetes is the last thing that happens in the body, not the first, it's the last thing. So for years and years and years, your husband had high insulin.
That insulin is a growth hormone. Get that down, which he's doing by the EMC and they're going to watch him before taking out his gallbladder. I think that if he really is super careful, get insulin down because it's a growth hormone. You know what another growth hormone is? Talked about it a minute ago. Estrogen, block the estrogen, get him on some flax seeds and one day our hormonal formula is coming back. Block it. Okay, block that estrogen and ladies, now you can block estrogen with our menopausal formula because we put dim in there too. Any extra. Look, you need estrogen, ladies. You need estrogen, but you don't want it to be dominant compared to your progesterone. Okay? Thank you for the question. We appreciate it. Helen, drew, I recently had his vitamin D tested and it's hot. Well, if it's high, usually there's a reason for it.
Okay? High vitamin D is usually, I talked about this a few days ago. Here are some reasons for high vitamin D. You can have high vitamin D if you're on medications, blood pressure, medications, diuretics. So I don't know, drew, if you're on any of those medications, you can have high vitamin D levels. Now having high vitamin D levels, what does that mean? I'm not too worried about it, but Drew, if your vitamin D levels are high, stop for about a month taking vitamin D as a supplement, you don't need it right now, but there's always the reasons you get high vitamin D. Most people, by the way, 90% of the population have low levels of vitamin D. Okay? So you can take a break, drew. Thanks for the question. Francis. Can you tell me what Dr. Martin thinks about Iridologists? Well, iridologists are practitioners that look into your eyes with a special scope to look in your eyes, okay?
Not like an ophthalmologist uses an iridologist is looking into the eye with a special, I liked it. I took a course in iridology. I don't like it on its own. Okay, so when someone, that's all they do, and then they can tell you everything in the world from warts on your nose to pimples on your toes when they look in the back of your eye. Nah, I never taught that. And I used to do a lot of teaching for natural medicine. I still do and I like iridology. I think it's a great tool. I used to love doing live blood analysis, okay? The problem is, and I used to teach this, okay? And my staff knows this and many, many practitioners over the years that I've trained with live blood for example, it's a tool, it's a good tool, but when people see everything, every disease, every condition, everything on live blood, they're making stuff up.
But it's a good tool in your toolbox. That's what I used to tell practitioners. It's a tool in your toolbox, but it's not the only thing, and I love you guys know this, I love traditional blood tests if you're looking at them the right way. I love blood work. I do. It's tools. The more tools you have, the better it is. And that's one of the problems in modern medicine today that got hijacked by the labs and they only rely on labs. Labs are good, labs are very good, but they're not everything. So you see what I'm saying? Good question. Thank you for it. That was Francis Billy, my best friend has been on the depot shot off and on for 20 years and that's bone building shot. Okay, what do I think of those? Not much. I never liked them. I never liked them.
I preached against those things for probably 30, 40 years. I never liked them because they don't work very well. Okay? Oh, and I told her to get a bone density test, which she should have. Okay, let me talk about the bone density first. Okay, let me talk about bone density because I'm mixing this up, okay? The bone density tests is a good test to get done, okay? And what he's saying there, this is a hormonal thing, the depot, okay? It's part of hormonal therapy. I was just in my head talking about when you take a drug or a shot for increasing your bone, okay? Now guys, this is really important when it comes to bone quality, okay? Because people like what's a better thing to do for bone quality is to eat calcium. Don't take it as a supplement, eat it. That's one of the reasons I love eggs, meat and cheese and I talk about it all the time.
You build bone. Why? Because you're eating calcium plus K two. K two, okay? Plus K two. Now if you're taking hormonal therapy, a lot of times that can lead to bone loss, okay? And what do you do? Eggs, meat, and cheese better to eat those things than to take even a supplement. I love vitamin D for building bone because that's what it does. Take vitamin D. If you're taking it with a supplement, take it with vitamin K two, okay? Take it with vitamin K two and get to a gym or get strong. You don't have to go to a gym to get strong, but you need bone building. When you build muscle, you build bone because muscle anchors in to those bones and the bones have to get stronger. If your muscles are strong, your bones have no choice but to build bone to anchor muscles. Muscles, anchor bone and bone anchors muscles. That's why we love, on a multitude of reasons why we love getting strong. Get strong. Don't get sarcopenia where you lose muscle, you lose muscle, you lose bone, okay? So get strong. Okay? Thank you for the question. And that was Billy. Thanks Billy.
Louise. "Why on your bottle of Kirkman, Dr. Martin, in case of excess stomach acid?" I thought you wanted lots of, see, Louise thinks she's going to trick me. Louise thinks I made a mistake on the labels of Kirkman, but Louise, it's not me, it's the government. They put rules on labeling in Canada and they're very strict. You have no choice and they're not always right, but when they say Louise excess stomach acid, you know what they mean by that? They think excess stomach acid, but they're not talking about your stomach, they're talking about your esophagus. What they should have said is if you have acid reflux, but they call that excess stomach acid. Well, you and I know Louise, that really that's not true because your stomach, whenever you get acid reflux, you don't have enough acidity in your stomach and your stomach. The proton pumps have to make more of it and it escapes up the esophagus, okay? And when you eat the wrong foods, when you are a carbo holic, especially sugar, you're changing the pH of your stomach and you're going to have lots of trouble with your stomach. But what you read there, Louise, is rules of labeling.
We have no choice but to write that down the way they want it written down, not what we got to see. It's the rules in Canada. And guess what guys in Canada, unless it changes going to get worse, going to get worse, there's a war on natural products from politicians, and I'm just going to say it from politicians are not really worried about protecting you. They're bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry. I'll tell you that a hundred percent and that's why they're attacking the natural product industry in Canada, which is the most regulated industry in Canada is the natural product industry already it's already regulated, okay? And big time if they could, there's politicians that would eliminate it, your ability to get a vitamin without a prescription, and I'm telling you, they're bought and paid for. I hate to say it, but it's true. Okay, that was a little bit of me letting off some steam. That was Louise.
Brenda, why do I keep getting boils? Well, you gave me a little bit of information because you said I am immune compromised due to chemo. Well, Brenda, I think you got your answer. Look boils whenever someone else getting boils, what you see on the outside is happening on the inside. Okay? What you see on the outside is happening on the inside and I always say it's leaky gut. Leaky gut, leaky skin, you're immune compromised. Yes. And the other thing, Brenda, is you got leaky gut guaranteed probably due to the chemo. What do you need to do? Probiotics? Big time bone broth. I recommend heal the gut, heal the gut, heal the skin. Whenever you see stuff on the skin, look back to the gut originally. That's usually where it starts. Thank you for the question, Brenda. We appreciate it.
Mary, I woke up with a bruised eye who punched you? Mary, who was sleeping beside you? Okay, now that I got the joking out of the way, okay, you can wake up with a bruised eye and you know why you probably, if it's in the eyelid there, you probably busted some blood vessels, okay? They're usually busted blood vessels. It's not dangerous. But if no one poked you or punched you, that's usually what it did. Now, if that occurred all the time, you have weakness within your capillaries and blood supply. That's why I love pine bark extract natal. Yep, that's what I would do, Mary. Thanks for the question. Sheldon, how young can you start an infant on probiotic?
Well, very young, it's bacteria. Even a baby's got trillions of bacteria, so all you're doing is introducing good bacteria to a baby. Now the best way to do this is mommy is taking a probiotic and then she's breastfeeding. Best way to get that good bacteria. I mean there's some wonderful things with modern medicine, but one of the problems is right from birth going down the birth canal. That doesn't happen when they do C-sections. C-sections. Look, it can save a baby's life and I get that, but they do it far too often and there's huge benefits for baby going down that canal gets mummies, bacteria gets mummies, microbiome, and that's good for baby big time. But I want mummy to add the probiotics. Now, if baby is getting formula, I would add some probiotic to the formula, okay? It's not ideal because breastfeeding is much better for a baby.
Everybody knows that. It's funny, isn't it, in the 1950s and the 1960s. Medicine isn't often right, you know that because what did they want to do? Well, they invented formula and they said, well, this is better than breast milk. And that went on. Guys, I'm old enough to be able to tell you this. That went on for about maybe 15 years and they were absolutely wrong. Well, you got fortified baby formula. Yeah, with corn syrup and I mean it was ridiculous as if anything's better than mummy's breasts, for heaven's sakes. Anyway, now it is not even in dispute. I mean there ain't a doctor in the universe would dispute that anymore, but it used to be anyway, just to show you, okay, when they say the science is settled, run forest run science has never settled. That's what makes science, you're always discovering new things.
You're always looking at new things, you're always investigating. The science was settled. No, it wasn't. Back to mommy's milk. Anyway, good question. Thank you. Couple of more here guys. That was Sheldon Evelyn. What's Dr. Martin's opinion of DMSO? I won't even pronounce it. And you topically you use it and it was supposed to cure everything from coughs, colds to cancer. No. Okay, I remember that stuff coming. It was big. You know what? You guys know me because every Friday, just about every Friday I say this, DMSO had its day in the sun. Everybody. I'm talking go back. 20 years ago, maybe 25, I had a radio show talking about Dr. Martin. What about DMSO? Like should I take it? Should I butter myself up with it every day? It cures everything, doesn't it? No. And then it faded away. I hardly ever hear anybody even talking about it anymore.
Is it any good? I don't know. It had its day in the sun and I don't know, people wanted me to use it in my practice and I wasn't convinced. I didn't read about enough results and I didn't have enough patients coming me and saying, look, this is the best thing since sliced bread. It had its day in the sun. Okay, Marilyn Cherry and g omas, I get them all the time and all over. They won't go away. Well, Marilyn, you got to look at, I'm going back what you see on the skin and just underneath the skin, the angios usually gut related. There's some genetics probably involved too. And I'm big on fix the gut fix microcirculation. And I love probiotics N vitol, I don't know Maryland dates sometimes for some people they just don't go away. Shelly, is it possible to go too high for HDL and LDL even with low triglycerides?
Well, look yes and no. Okay, so let me answer that that way I like personally, my experience is if your triglycerides are here, I like your HDL to be up to two, two and a half times higher. But even if it's one-to-one, it's still good. Okay? Some people, some gurus, my colleagues, they like one-to-one. I like a little higher HDL than your triglycerides. If it's way high HDL and your triglycerides are still low, you're still good. The key is your triglycerides and you want your HDL to be higher too high. What does it mean? Not much? Not much. Because guys, you know me, I never blamed cholesterol for heart disease. Well, I do if it's too low, it's only bad when it's low. And I include LDL in that you want to die young. Oh, I got my cholesterol down. Okay, good for you. You'll impress your doctor, but you're going to die young.
That's a fact. Don't aim for low cholesterol at any time, in my opinion. Now, I want you to aim for low triglycerides. Really important. Get your triglycerides down and your cholesterol up. And there ain't no bad cholesterol on this program. Okay? I'm sorry. I just don't agree with that theory at all. And the longer we're actually studying cholesterol, the more it's proven that I'm right about that. And guys, I've been saying it for almost 50 years, how could cholesterol be at the root of heart disease? When your whole body needs cholesterol? God don't trust you. 85% of it, he makes. You're only to provide 15%. Your body can't live without cholesterol. Anyway, I know I get sidetracked and I get going. Okay, I think we're going to have to do, yep, we're going to have to do two sessions on this. Okay? Two people are asking, Annette, let me finish with this one here today. Two people are asking about this, Annette and Bonnie Sour. So did I say it right? I guess it's getting its day in the sun. Sour sauce is good for you. Well, it's all right. I have no problem with people that they want to take sour. So am I saying it right? I haven't heard that term in quite a while. I never thought much. I mean, guys, you know me and I'm going to say it again. I always compare. Okay?
So when Sour Soft has all these health benefits, I put it up against Pine Bark. I put it up against Kirkman, I put it up against high DHA oil. It don't win the battle. It don't win the war. It doesn't win prizes, in my opinion, if you want to take it, I got no problem with it. I just don't think it's all that it's cracked up to be. In terms of results, guys, again, I was in practice. I have to get results and you name it, I tried it. Okay, you name it. I tried it. And especially in my radio show days because everybody and their dog wanted me to promote products. I had new products come across my desk every week. Doc, would you promote this? Well, let's see. Okay. And I'm not dismissing things. I'm not saying they're no good and I always do this. It's good, it's better or it's best. That's me the way I operate.
So when you ask me, I'm always going to compare it to what I know, to what I know works okay? What I know works. One thing about pine bark extract, there's nothing in the natural realm, maybe vitamin D, but probably close that spend more study in terms of a supplement, even more than vitamin C is pine bark. And you should see the studies. But guys, I knew it clinically in my office. I saw the results and that's why it was always my go-to when it comes to antioxidants or anti-inflammatory or whatever. I just loved it as a poly pill type of thing. It did so many things. Okay, we'll do the rest on Monday, guys. Okay?
So thank you for all those questions. Thank you everyone. We appreciate it. Guys. We wouldn't have a show if it wasn't for you, okay? We wouldn't have a show if it wasn't for you. Thank you to the almost 90,000. We're getting there Facebook followers. Thank you for that. That's you guys. And we thank our podcast listeners. Downloads are close to 5 million now. And guys, again, that's you. What would we do without you? Not much? Okay guys, we love you. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!