Join Dr. Martin in today's episode of The Doctor Is In Podcast.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Once again, welcome to another live this morning. I hope you're having a great start to your day. We certainly are. Hope you've had your vitamin C. Okay, now what am I want to talk about today? It really is a question, okay, that I'm answering because I've seen this question maybe once or twice a week. Yeah, and you know what it is, doc, how come I'm not losing weight? Okay, how come I'm not losing weight? I'm eating well, and sometimes it's even people on the reset, the metabolic reset. Now I just remind you, just a reminder that the metabolic reset is not really, it was not primarily for weight loss. Okay? I got to give you a little history again. I started the metabolic reset, eggs, meat, and cheese for 30 days. What was the reason? Diabetes, okay, people who actually had type two diabetes.
That's why I started it years and years ago, and I found that for them was the best thing that ever happened to them learning that they and carbohydrates don't get along. They got a bad relationship with food. And remember guys, okay, remember I've said this for eons of time, diabetes is the last thing that happens. Not the first, the last, okay, the last thing to happen. So by the time they saw me and were diabetics, okay, they were all on medication. I said, I don't want you to change a thing when it comes to your medications. All I want you to do is change your food. Thus the metabolic reset. And then, okay, so that lasted maybe a year. The results were incredible and I mean that they were incredible for diabetics. I just can't tell you how many hundreds and hundreds of patients, they didn't need to take medication anymore.
And it wasn't even me telling them to get off their meds. It was their physicians why They were eating eggs, meat, and cheese, and after 30 days, they couldn't believe. And then one of the things that happened with them is they understood fuel because a lot of them in their mind had this idea of genetics for diabetes that it had to do with food a little bit, but they never thought of it as primarily a food disorder like they used to in the fifties and sixties. When my dad was a diabetic, he said it to me, son, it's sugar, diabetes, I can't have sugar. And my dad was the first guy ever that I knew that went low carb, almost no carb in his diet. He said, I'm a diabetic. Hello. I get to school and they're trying to teach me something completely different. A balanced diet even for diabetics.
I think it was Mark Twain who once said, the best education is the education. When you undo everything you've learned, that was me in nutrition. So then the reset is developed and I give it to 99% of the patients that I saw. It was getting such good results, not only for diabetes, but for insulin resistance, for triglycerides in HDL, for the heart, for the brain, for hormones, horror hormones. So that's why you got to understand the history of the reset because I used it to fix people's gut. You always got to start with food guys. Now, and I had a weight loss clinic in my office. I had a weight loss clinic, so obviously we had a whole department in our clinic that was weight loss and they'd come in every week. We'd measure them, we'd weigh them, we'd look at their fat percentage. We would do all of that. We had coaches and whatever, and then we went even with these folks to the reset on weight loss. My topic this morning, okay, that was the whole introduction. What sabotages weight loss, what is it that derails weight loss? And it's an answer to a question, right? Doc, why am I not losing weight? Okay, now let me give you a few because I think it's important to understand that, and clinically, we had to figure out too, when people listen, I showed you yesterday, and I'll show it to you again. I have it right here. What five pounds looks like when you eat the right foods and you lose weight. If you focus in on protein and fat in nature the way it's supposed to be, eggs are the best food in the world besides steak.
There's steak, eggs, and dairy. I'm a big dairy guy. Butter and cheese and cream, not milk. Unless you have a cow in the backyard, go ahead and drink that milk. I'm not big on milk. I'm big on mum's milk. And after baby is done with mommy's milk, get that baby on water and solid food now in my hand here, five pounds of fat, a foot long and six inches wide. For those listening on a podcast, visualize it a foot long, but not just a foot long, six inches wide, that's five pounds of fat. Isn't that incredible? And thus, when someone says, Hey Doc, I'm disappointed I've only lost five pounds. You have no idea how good that is for you. Because yesterday I went over visceral fat and the fat around your organs. That fat is particularly dangerous, fat. It's got a life of its own, that kind of fat.
So when you want to lose weight, okay, understand there are roadblocks to it. Look, for some people, they got no roadblocks. And usually when I say that, it's usually men. Okay? Why do men, when they get serious, have no trouble losing weight? Well, they don't have ovaries. Okay, guys, I mean it, okay? I mean it. What are you talking about, doc? Well, let me give you the number one roadblock to weight loss, and that is hormonal Hormones are the number one reason people don't lose weight as rapidly as someone else. Guys, it isn't ozempic or wavy or wavy. I don't know how they pronounce it. Who cares? I get a migraine when it comes to those, I call 'em Hollywood blockbusters. Remember blockbusters? No, but Hollywood, that's what it comes out of. We have the pharmaceutical industry sticking their nose in weight loss, and in my opinion, they had no business.
Now what these things are ozempic and that they're diabetic drugs that slow your metabolism down, slow your digestion down, therefore you have less of a sugar response to food. The problem is they come with a major list of side effects and they don't fix the bottom line. They really don't. Yeah, you'll lose weight, but what they're showing is you're losing a whole lot of muscle and not a whole lot of fat. You can be skinny fat. I talked about that yesterday. You can be skinny as a R and fat around those organs. Wavy eme. Do nothing for that. Okay? Now back to hormones. That was a little side trail. Okay, ladies, look at me, ladies, look at me.
You are different. You're unique. You got hormones and they can easily become hormones because when you look at the hormonal picture of a woman, you got those sweet little ovaries releasing progesterone and estrogen. They're beautiful except when they're not balanced because your metabolism, the way your body operates and the way your thyroid operates, it is directly connected. Your thyroid is different than a man's thyroid. What? Yes? Because you have estrogen and progesterone that has a direct effect on this puppy right here. Your thyroid and your thyroid is your gas pedal, your thyroid, it's so important, but oh, doc, my thyroid is perfect. My doctor says I disagree. You look at food and you gain weight around the hips, okay? I'm telling you. And don't beat yourself up. That can sabotage your weight loss. And you have to understand that. And that doesn't mean you quit.
Don't quit because you can fix your hormones. Okay? I didn't even know if it's still online. I should find out. It's our metabolic storm. Nick, answer, me or Jeanette or whatever is our metabolic storm course still on our Martin Clinic site. I am such a dinosaur. I don't know. I need people to tell me, okay? Anyway, okay. I'll tell you after now. So understand that ladies, men, it can happen to you, but you don't have ovaries. And when estrogen dominates compared to your progesterone, even in perimenopausal, even in menopausal, when you have more estrogen than progesterone, never goes the other way. By the way, I've never seen it. Imagine I've never, oh, you got too much progesterone. Never seen it. Not too much estrogen compared to we live in an estrogen dominated world. We live in a world and men, when you get too much estrogen, your testosterone goes down.
That can sabotage a man's weight loss, but nothing like a woman's, because a woman's, when that estrogen is dominant, it slows the thyroid to a crawl. Number one, hormonal. The other one, metabolic. Metabolic means how your body takes energy from food and manufactures it. That's metabolism. Your body takes food and uses it as fuel, okay? But weight loss is not calories in and calories out. It's not calories, it's fuel. Your mitochondria, your battery packs within your cells. They'll operate on the basis of the fuel you give them. If you give your mitochondria sugar as fuel, they're not going to be happy puppies. Why? Because you're trying to run a jet. You don't go to the gas station for your, I know you don't have a private jet, neither do I, but let's say you did. You know what? On my way to the airport to fly, let me just pick up a few cans of 87 octane fuel, what they call regular.
Okay? And I'm going to bring it out to my private jet. No, you don't and no you won't. Okay? Why? Well, your jet, okay, pretending it needs jet fuel, which is a much, much higher octane fuel, guys, your body will operate if you give it sugar, it will operate, but it will sputter. I remember a car that I had years ago had a turbo engine in it, and I remember the dealer saying to me, Hey doc, this thing needs 93 or 94 octane. You know what that is? I think so at the gas station, when you see 93 or 94, you mean I put that gasoline in? And he said, yep. And make sure, because if you don't, you are going to ruin this engine. I got the memo. It hurt because every time you went to the gas station, you paid a lot more for that high octane fuel than the regular fuel. But guys, this can sabotage your weight loss. Your, because your mitochondria, your energy packs, your battery packs are going to slow down. They'll work, but they will sputter, they will backfire. They're looking for a much better fuel to burn. That can sabotage your weight loss. You're eating based on calories. For years, I had to undo this with my patients. I had to undo this on my radio show. I had to undo this in almost every book I wrote over the years because the mantra for weight loss was eat less and move more, eat less, move more.
Every doctor, they didn't take any nutrition in school. I mean, they were lucky to get 15 minutes, but here's what they learned about weight loss. Eat less and move more. Thus, it's your fault When you're gaining weight, it's your fault. Never take into consideration hormones or fuel that wouldn't do it. They didn't understand it, and they got hijacked by the labs for thyroid. They rely on lab. You're within normal limits. Here's the thyroid guys, okay, low and high. You know how wide those markers are? Like normal limits is like eternity. Oh, it's normal. Instead of listening to the patient, hey doc, I can't lose weight. Hey doc, I'm losing my hair. Hey doc, my skin is dry. Hey doc, my eyebrows, they're thinning. Hey, doc. Am cold all the time. Hey, doc, they got hijacked by labs. Ever since they discovered the TSH test, thyroid stimulating hormone test, they got hijacked by it. I'm not saying don't take it. I'm saying listen to the patient, and if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's a duck. I know your blood work looks pretty good, but your thyroid's not working properly, and then you go, you should go. Why is that? Well, if you know anything about endocrinology and you understand what estrogen does and estrogen dominance does, and then, okay, I'll add another one. What can sabotage weight loss hormones, especially the thyroid, but the thyroid's a puppet. You guys know this, and the puppet's got a lot of strings attached to it, okay?
Especially estrogen and progesterone. Got it. Okay, that's one. And the second one is fuel the mitochondria, the A TP that it produces. Okay? Fuel change fuels your body will, thank you. You'll focus in on fat loss rather than muscle loss. That is soaky to healthy weight loss. It ain't calories. Okay? Here's a third one. Emotional cortisol. What does cortisol do? Elevates your blood sugar even without eating. Cortisol elevates your blood sugar even without eating. And what cortisol does in a woman, it robs progesterone, then estrogen takes off, the thyroid slows to AC crawl. You get belly fat, you get fat around your hips. Guys, that's where you like to pack it on. Not you like it, but that's where your body packs it on thyroid, sluggish around the belly. Ladies, cortisol. Cortisol not only elevates your blood sugar, but robs your progesterone. Estrogen takes off, your thyroid slows down. You look at food and you just look at it, don't have to eat it. You're gaining weight. It's a sabotage, if I can say that word. Okay, got it. Hormones, cortisol is a hormone, so hello, but it's emotions, stress, and that's why guys that I mentioned this yesterday and I'll mention it probably tomorrow.
Again, the low hanging fruit to help cortisol is getting a good night's sleep. Okay? When you don't get a good night's sleep, your cortisol goes up. When your cortisol goes up, you don't get a good night's sleep. And then it's almost impossible to lose weight because it messes you up hormonally. Again, so emotions, and I said this again and again and again, even in my radio days, man, oh man, I never seen so much cortisol as there is today. That's stress hormone. When I was in practice, it didn't bother us after a few years, but I'm telling you, for a few years, you asked my staff, holy moly, almost everybody had high cortisol. We live in a different world, guys. It's a saboteur of weight loss. Okay? Now let me mention the fourth one, inflammation.
Okay? Now, I ain't talking about necessarily pain. Maybe you have pain, maybe you don't. A lot of people are going around and they have high inflammation in the body, and it's chronic and it's silent. They might have pain, but a lot of times they don't. They're just very usually fatigued, and because they're not getting any markers done, like guys, I try and tell patients, look, get your CRP done. C-reactive protein. Let's see if you have that silent inflammation in your body. And that usually is caused by insulin resistance, one of the biggest factors, but can be caused by leaky gut. And you know what happens? Cortisol just pours gasoline on inflammation. Cortisol really pours gasoline on it, thus weight loss, slow to a crawl, slow to a crawl. A saboteur is inflammation. Okay? You got your notes. Hormonal, metabolic, okay? Emotional and inflammation. The four saboteurs of weight loss. Okay?
Okay, what's Friday? Question and answer Friday. How do you get your questions answered on Friday? How do you get that? Well, you got to send those questions to me. I know a lot of you ask questions in the scroll here, unless my staff picks that up and I don't think they will. You got to send an email the best way, You want to ask questions. That's the best place to get them answered, and I'll answer them on Friday and sometimes Monday too. Okay? More often than not, guys, I want to answer your questions. Actually, this weight loss thing that we did this morning, this teaching was based on that yesterday. We spent a fair amount of time teaching again on a question because somebody asked me yesterday about what can I do, Dr. Martin for visceral fat? It was a good question. It led to a teaching session on visceral fat and what to do. Okay? So I love answering your questions, guys. I do. Okay, guys, we love you dearly and sincerely talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!