Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners in today's episode.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. How are you? Let's get back guys. I promised you I would finish questions. So let's get back to that. Mark's asking a good question about when you do something to get rid of your heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, are you getting rid of your good metals like copper, right? You need that. You need zinc, you need copper, and no you're not because heavy metals are exactly that. They're heavy and your body knows how to get rid of toxins, okay? Like mercury, your body knows how to get rid of it. You're a detox machine. Guys, the problem is, look, if we look at our environment, and we've talked about this many a time, you're not going to get rid of everything. You just can't. We live in a world the way it is, guys. And I know there are purists out there and they think they live in Shangri La.
Well, no, there's chemicals, there's metals like mercury and lead, cadmium, and there are plastics, there are xenoestrogens, there are fertilizers and pesticides, and you're not going to get away from it completely. But if you understand that your body is a detox machine, it knows how to detoxify itself. But you need to understand what organs especially detox. Your liver is your number one detox organ. And as long as you keep it clean, as long as you keep it empty from fat, if you don't gum up your liver, your liver will do its job. It will take out heavy metals out of your body. Now, the other thing to understand is the best supplement for detoxing is a probiotic. You have bacteria in your body that are actually dedicated to getting rid of garbage, including fungus and yeast. When you have a good gut and you don't have a condition like leaky gut, if you can patch up your leaky gut, probiotics do that.
Bone broth does that. It knits up the little zipper lining that you have between your gut and your blood. You want to do that. And remember another organ that detoxes itself and that is your brain. Things that get across the blood-brain barrier, like heavy metals, they're transported into your brain by yeast fungus. So don't feed the yeast number one. And number two, your body. When you sleep, your brain has its own lymphatic system called the G lymphatics, but you got to be sleeping for it to work properly. Okay? So yeah, your body differentiates what it needs and what it doesn't need. And that's a very, very good question mark. And we thank you for asking it. Mary is asking, she wants to discuss pepsin. Okay? Pepsin is a proteolytic enzyme. Your body makes pepin. Why do you need Pepsi? Because it breaks down protein into amino acids and peptides.
You want your proteins to be broken down. Now, very, very important that in your stomach, and I talk about this all the time, that there's one place in your body where you want to be very acidic. Where is that? Your stomach. If you want to break protein down, you better have a good stomach. And to have a good stomach, you need a lot of acidity in your stomach. Nowhere else. You see when you get acid reflux, you got acidity up in your throat, but that's only the body's reaction to the lack of acidity in your stomach. And I'm telling you, most people walk around in North America most and they don't have the right acidity in their stomach. They got pH all upside down. They understand pH, and they go, oh, I want to be alkaline. Yeah, slightly, but they're talking blood. I'm talking stomach.
Pepsin is an enzyme. It's a proteolytic enzyme. Your body makes it. Now we help pump it up. If you have good digestive enzymes, you have different things that pump up your pepsin. Oh, by the way, do you know what pumps up your pepsin to break down protein in your body? Something you love. Something that I talk about all the time. The real vitamin C. Coffee. Yeah, coffee increases. Epson, it helps you digest. Who knew? Well, I knew. Why do you think I'd pump it all the time? The real vitamin C and I mean it. Okay, that was Mary. Thanks Mary Suzanne asking about the Healthy Mama diet. Okay, healthy mama is a diet characterized by eating frequently. Now, the part I like about Healthy Mama, it really does encourage to cut out any extra sugars, but it's a diet of separating your protein and your carbs and your fat.
Not a bad idea, but listen, I'll tell you what, if you look at the Healthy Mama diet, eat every three hours and then you look at on the other end of the spectrum would be fasting, intermittent fasting, go long time without eating. You understand that part? Yeah. So what's right, intermittent fasting go a long period of not eating or eat every three hours, okay? And let me tell you why I think the intermittent fasting part is better. I'll tell you why. We live in a world today where 93% of the population have trouble with metabolic syndrome, which is characterized by insulin resistance using insulin too much, okay? That's what it is. Now, there's two things that cause that. One of them obviously is food. Insulin is a food hormone. If you don't eat, you're not secreting insulin. Now the other factor is cortisol, because cortisol can elevate your blood sugars and insulin resistance on its own.
But lay that aside. So which way should you eat? Listen, if you went back with me in my practice days in the 1970s, in the 1980s, even some maybe in 1990s, you know what it was? Eat frequently, eat small meals, eat snack. Where do you think snacking came from? The food industry. Oh, you need to snack. It's good for you. No, you don't need to snack. As a matter of fact, I think the jury is out and it's already come back with the verdict. Intermittent fasting is good for you in a lot of ways. And we at the Martin Clinic liked that. And then I like fasting. Without fasting. I actually thought of writing my book on metabolic syndrome, fasting without fasting. It was one of my titles and maybe I need to do it again. Fasting without fasting. And the reason I talk like that is because when you are eating eggs, when you eat meat, and when you eat the good dairy, butter, cheese cream, okay?
When you eat those, you know what? You're really fasting without fasting. Why? Because you don't need a lot of insulin. Your pancreas is going on a holiday. And look, again, I always answer people because they come onto our private Facebook group and some people are discouraged because it's not easy doing the reset. It's not easy, but it's worth it. Nothing you do for your health is going to be easy. I mean, doc, give me a pill and that'll fix everything. That ain't going to happen guys. That ain't going to happen. You got to put the work in. And changing the habits is not easy. It's never easy to change a habit, but it's worth it. And what I try and tell people on the reset when they do it is when you change fuels, when you give your body high octane fuel, that's what aids meat in Jesus.
Those are the most out of the macros of your protein and fat. Those are the best things you can eat, okay? The best things you can eat. So you're fasting. Without fasting, you're emptying your liver. If you did nothing else, the results of emptying your liver are so good because what happens in the liver? Don't stay in the liver. Your liver ain't Las Vegas. The liver has an effect on everything. We talked about detoxing. Yeah, we talked yesterday about glutathione. Yeah, yeah. Okay, we talked about the importance of your liver for triglycerides and HDL for your heart and brain. Yeah, hormones. Yeah, liver. If you can fix your liver, you fix about just about everything else in your body because your liver is a storage space, your body chooses it to put glycogen there. And if you're not eating sugars, you're not eating crappy carbs, you're doing yourself a big favor.
And this is why I tell people, don't get discouraged. Don't get discouraged. I try and answer, look at that book behind me there, sun, steak and steel. Look at the book metabolic syndrome, which is rewritten by the way in sun steak and steel, okay? Still makes a great Christmas gift, okay? But listen, what happens? Your health depends on lowering insulin resistance. And that is the diet that will do it. You still get to eat. You can do intermittent fasting even with the reset. And one of the reasons it works so well too is when you're eating the right fuel, you're not hungry. You're not hungry. People get discouraged because it's not easy. And secondly, sometimes their body reacts to it. You're giving your body new fuel that's going, what are you doing to me? If you're a carbo, holic not easy. You're a sugarholic. Not easy.
If you were used to those crappy oils all the time, those hydrogenated, those seed oils, those middle aisles of the grocery store oils, your body's detoxing from that. Sometimes it reacts to that. I tell people, look, stick with it, man. Stick with it. You are doing your body a huge, huge favor. And that's why I talk about it all the time. I don't shy away from it. Even when people get discouraged, I pump their tires up. Someone said, well, the resets not for everyone. I disagree with that. It's for everyone. It's 30 days to change your fuel and to get rid of insulin resistance. Is it worth it? You bet your boots, is it worth it to empty your liver? You bet your boots. Okay. Suzanne was asking about that healthy mama luck. I just don't agree. That's all that was. Suzanne and Susan was asking about iron absorption. Okay, well, a lot of women, women have trouble with iron deficiency anemia, okay? A lot of women. And the reason is a couple of fold. One, they got trouble with the stomach. I come back to the stomach again. You need a good stomach for iron. You need a good stomach to break that down. And the best iron is what type of iron? He iron.
He iron. A lot of women, they got trouble with that. They eat too much salad. They got too many oxalates, which bite off iron. You're not a rabbit, you're not. So I tell people, you weren't meant to eat all that salad. You are not meant for it. Your body wasn't made for it. Your bowel wasn't in. This is one of the biggest problems. And anybody that's got digestive issues like Crohn's, like celiac, I-B-S-I-B-D, they have trouble absorbing iron in the small intestine. Change your diet, let your stomach become more acidic. Digestive enzymes with every meal. I used to call 'em American Express. Don't leave home without 'em. And I used to tell people carry digestive enzymes with you. If you're going to a restaurant, take your enzymes before you eat. Really important for iron absorption. Okay, Carolyn, I have high leukocytes. Okay, my doctor is not worried. And recent, and you had I think Carolyn antibiotics. Can you let me know how to get rid of leukocytes in my urine? Well, your body is getting rid of them, okay? Leukocytes are white blood cells. Your body is getting rid of them. They're in your urine, your body is getting rid of them. Here's the problem, okay? And look, I love your doctor already, okay? Tell your doctor I love them, okay?
I mean I love them, but they're wrong. Okay? They take a urine test, they see leukocytes. You got a bacterial infection, let's put you on antibiotics. Ah, I scream. It gives me a migraine. How many women especially have leukocytes in their urine? White blood cells? Oh, you got a bacterial infection in your urinary tract? Nah. No you don't. If you got no burning, if you don't have symptoms of I'm urinating and oh, is it ever burning? Well then you got an infection. Let me tell you what, when you got elevated leukocytes, you got a fungus in your urinary tract, not a bacteria. And even if you have a bacteria is sitting there like an e coli or whatever. So what? Take probiotics, take oil of oregano. Don't get on an antibiotic unless you absolutely need one. And even if you need one, then take it till the pain goes away and then stop.
I know it said you better finish all of your antibiotics because that infection could come back. No, you're killing all your friendly bacteria and you're going to get a yeast infection. A fungal infection in there. Your urinary tract ladies, your anatomy, okay? And I ain't, whoa, you're a woman. You got different anatomy than I got. Okay? And your anatomy is conducive to fungus, to yeast in the private parts. Got it? And you need to make sure. And the problem is those antibiotics, and by the way, I'm not just saying it from my own personal experience, like even the college of physicians and surgeons are telling doctors would just stop overusing antibiotics. We're developing these bacteria that got such resistance. Antibiotics won't work anymore. Stop it. I'm thinking of a Bob Newhart who passed away, one of my favorite comedians, and he's a psychiatrist, remember? And he says, I'm going to tell you lady, I'm going to give you two words.
And she says, should I write it down? He said, no, I think you can remember it. He said, stop it. I just laugh when I think of it. Okay, stop it. If you need an antibiotic, I'm all for it guys. It's when you don't need it. And having just leukocytes in your urine, don't take an antibiotic for that without symptoms. And I know you guys get the memo, but most people don't get that memo. They don't hear about it. They're taking antibiotic. Didn't I just do a study on what antibiotics do? Long-term, double-edged sword. You need those friendly bacteria. Okay, that was Carolyn. I think I'm just about done guy. Oh, Katie Sea moss. I hear a lot of good things about it. Well, they've got minerals in it. I like Himalayan salt better than sea moss. Put it in your water. Put a good Celtic or Himalayan salt.
A real salt. Guys, it is so good because it got 83 84 minerals in ize your water salt. I love that. I think it's important. People have vilified salt when the problem was sugar all along, it wasn't salt. It was a lack of salt. Your tears are salty. Your saliva is salty, your blood is salty. You need salt. You need salt. Okay, Debra, how can you improve wet macular degeneration? Well, macular. Okay, anything with your eyeball? Guys? You know my rule of thumb. Anything with eyeballs? Anything with your eyes? Anything with vision? What does it have to do with circulation? Blood supply. And when do you get macular degeneration? Who's more susceptible to macular degeneration than any group of the population? Diabetics. What do diabetics have trouble with? Circulation. Your eyes are circulation. Why do I love high DHA? Why do I love natal circulation? One lubricates.
One lowers the inflammation and the other one elevates nitric oxide. The blood supply, blood supply, blood supply sugar destroys what? Blood vessel. First thing that sugar does. Sugar left unattended in your body will destroy blood vessels. So when you talk to me about atherosclerosis, heartening of the arteries, it ain't cholesterol. It is started with sugar destroying. Why do you think diabetics are 50% more likely to have a heart attack or stroke? 50% more diabetes unless it's control always ends badly. And I'm not talking about control with medication because even medication have a shelf life when it comes to diabetes. So whenever you got trouble with your eyes, think of you got diabetes of the eyes without having diabetes, without having the diagnosis of diabetes, you already got diabetes of the eyes. That's where it's hitting you. Lay off the sugars. Lay off the sugars. Okay, I think I got 'em all. Okay guys, thanks for coming on today and we appreciate it. You guys are the greatest of all audiences. Send your questions in for q and a Friday. We had q and a Wednesday today. Look guys, you know me, I want to answer your questions, okay? It's all about you, not me. Okay? We love you. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!