Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners in today's episode.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Once again welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Okay, let's get back to these questions. Okay, we answered quite a few of them on Friday. Let's get to them. Nelly. Is that you, Nelly? Okay. "How do we bring up sodium and HDL?" Well, let's talk about why would anyone have trouble with low sodium levels? Okay, so if people came into the office and their blood work showed that they were low in sodium, it's not really because they're not eating sodium. There's something else going on. Usually I look to the kidneys. If the kidneys were stressed or not functioning properly, that's one of the first reasons that your sodium would be low sodium. Heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver. So kidney, heart, cirrhosis of the liver, medications, diuretics. Diuretics can really affect your sodium levels, okay?
And if you are suffering from low sodium, usually you don't feel good. You're dizzy, lethargic, the headaches, nausea, those are all symptoms of possibly being low in sodium. How do you fix that? The best thing to do, okay, first of all, I got to make sure all the things that I talked about, eliminate that, get blood work done, all this kind of thing. If it's nothing major, could be low in electrolytes. I'm big on electrolytes, guys. Himalayan salt added to your water. Some people actually need to take electrolytes and I like electrolytes, okay? And that's why I like spring water better than any other water. Why? It's got electrolyte natural electrolytes in it. I'm not big on Gatorade or anything like that. I don't like the artificial flavorings, the artificial sugars or whatever that goes into Gatorade. Gatorade, the original Gatorade. I mean, I remember that in the 1970s, okay? The original Gatorade, you know what it tasted like? Urine. It was so bad. I tasted it back in the seventies before Gatorade became famous. My word.
And it was developed by doctors and whatever that were working with the Florida Gators football team. And can you imagine? They were working out in the summer in Florida, yikes. And it was very dangerous heat. Can you imagine with football equipment on and that. So they developed Gatorade. I don't think they called it Gatorade to start. Yeah, they probably did. I can't remember. I remember tasting that honestly in the seventies. Yikes. It was terrible stuff. So then I think it was Pepsi Cola that bought it, or Quaker Oats might've been the first company and then Pepsi, I don't remember exactly which way and Pepsi took, guess what they did with it? Well, the idea was good and they've made not millions, probably billions from it, but it's so much artificial crap in there. I really don't like it. I would rather, if you need it, you get a better electrolyte than that. That's that.
Now also Nelly was asking about HDL. Why would you have low HDL? Let me just talk about that first. What is HDL? High density lipoprotein. So when you get your lipids done, this is really important guys. When you get your lipids done, you want your lipid profile. And it can be very confusing because there's a lot of numbers there, and I think medicine has made it confusing for a reason. Who are you to talk about cholesterol? Maybe now they're more open to it, but at one time in the 1970s or the 1960s, me doctor, don't ask questions. And on this program, we've been talking about this for eons of time, and that is the mistake of hammering down your cholesterol, okay? It's been the biggest colossal failure in the history of medicine is working on cholesterol to get it down.
Now, all doctors would agree on one thing. You need to get your HDL up, your high density lipoprotein, they want that up. That's right, a hundred percent. You want your cholesterol up. They call that good cholesterol. I say all cholesterol is good, all cholesterol is good. Your body can't live without it. Every cell in your body needs it. Your brain is full of it. How's that? Drive anywhere in North America and count the number of trucks on the road, okay? I mean transports and whenever you see a transport, think of cholesterol, okay? You see a transport. Oh, cholesterol. What is it doing? Delivering. You see, cholesterol is on your side. It's delivering all your hormones. Ladies, you need estrogen. You need progesterone. Men, you need testosterone, you need your hormones. And guess what? Cholesterol is in the delivery business. It's not a bad guy. It was made a bad guy, okay? It was made a bad guy, but it was never the bad guy.
Anyways, back to HDL, HDL. You want it to be up. And what do you want to be low? You want your HDL up and you want what to be low. 1, 2, 3. I give you the answer. You guys already know it. You want your triglycerides to be low. Low triglycerides, high HDL. Okay? So when you have low HDL, why would you have low HDL? Here's a couple of reasons. You don't take enough vitamin E. What? Yeah, vitamin exercise. Okay, I've named it vitamin E because it's the real vitamin E. Exercise will increase your HDL. Do you want that? Yeah, you want more transport trucks on the highways and byways of your blood vessels. HDL up exercise, vitamin E. What will lower your HDL? Obesity. People, imagine they're obese. You would think, well, according to medicine, their cholesterol would be up, but their HDL actually goes down. They don't have as many transport trucks on the highways and byways of their blood vessels, okay? So that's really important, right? They're not eating enough eggs, meat and cheese. You don't eat enough of that. Your HDL is going down. You don't want that.
Now listen, your body makes HDL, whether you eat eggs, meat and cheese or not, your body still makes it, but you need to top it up. Okay? I know there's controversy about this, but I know for a fact, and I've seen this, I'm going to say a million times in the office, that's exaggerating. But I've seen it thousands and thousands of times when I got people on the reset, eggs, meat and cheese. You know what went up? Their HDL. You want that. I said, you know, Doctor Martin, cholesterol bad. No cholesterol good. You want your HDL to go. And actually you want your LDL to go up too, but that's another topic. It's another time to talk about it, okay? You want your HDL to be up. So if you're obese, down. You don't eat enough eggs, meat and cheese, down. You don't exercise enough, down. You need vitamin E. The other thing that'll lower your HDL, smoking and always meds, there's certain meds, especially diuretics. I used to scream about this. Hormone replacement therapy lowers your HDL. Be very careful with that, okay? Birth control pill, be very careful with that. It affects your HDL. You need to understand that. Okay?
So what were the other things? Beta blockers, diuretics and beta blockers can lower your HDL. You want your HDL to be up. So we talked about sodium salt. Don't blame salt for what sugar does. They always blame salt. I hate to say this, but cardiologists always got it wrong. They did. Look, don't get rid of your cardiologist. I'm not telling you to do that, but just understand when it comes to food, they always got it wrong. Oh, cholesterol, wrong. Butter's no good, margarine, wrong. Salt, they'll give you high blood pressure, wrong. Sugar does, okay? You need statin drugs. Wrong. They were wrong. Replace butter with margarine. Wrong. What did they get right? And I love cardiologists, but they're wrong when it comes to food and they believe in the food pyramid. You have a heart attack. They go, I know why you had a heart attack. You were eating steak. No you weren't. You were eating sugar, you weren't eating steak. See that fat? See the fat around that steak? You see the fat? That fat will kill you. Cardiologists got that in their French, we call it the concombre, up in their cucumber. They can't get it out of there. Are they right? No, they're wrong. They've been wrong. They didn't learn nutrition in school. Sad but true. Okay, hate to get too negative.
Okay, let me see here. Where are we? That was on sodium and HDL and that was Nelly. And that was the first question. Oh, oh, better get going. Brenda, "how would you treat extensor tendonitis?" Listen, whenever you have an itis, tendonitis, arthritis, okay? Whenever there's an itis, you've got inflammation either in the tendons or the joints or whatever. Listen, this is a true story. It happened to me on Saturday. I'm walking. A lady stops me. She recognized me. Dr. Martin? Who's she talking to? Me. How do you know me? I see you. I follow you, okay, on Facebook. Okay. Hello, how are you? You told me to do something. Do you remember? No, I don't remember. But what did I tell you? Well, remember I had severe tendonitis in my thumbs and in my joints and my knees, and I had a lot of trouble. And you told me to cut out the sugar and to get on the reset. Eggs, meat, and cheese. And she said, Dr. Martin, holy smokes. Did it ever work? Thank you. I don't remember, but I know I would've said it if you asked me because I'm very consistent about that.
When you have any type of itis, lower that inflammation. Get rid of the sugar and eggs, meat and cheese. I like our inflammation formula. I love curcumin. I love Navitol in terms of supplementation, high DHA oil. I saw a little discussion yesterday on our private Facebook group. I love those. I really do. People go, Dr. Martin's high DHA is expensive. Is there anything else that I can take? Well, no, I get it. I understand budgets, I understand all that. But guys, all I ask you to do, okay, you know me. I'm not sitting here pumping out my product 24 hours a day. I don't do that. But here's what I got to tell you. Check my high DHA. When I say high, check it out against any other product you see and see how much DHA, because it's the key. The DHA is the key. That was Brenda. Thank you, Brenda.
Heidi, "I use homeopathics daily for treatment of different health issues." Okay, good for you. "A little bit of sugar pellets in the liquid from suspended and alcohol. Will I be able to continue during the reset?" Absolutely. No problem with that at all. Okay, no problem with that at all.
Okay, Bessie, "my dad is heading for surgery, just finished chemo and told to stay away from supplements." I just got a migraine. Doctors who know nothing about supplements. If they did and you were going into surgery, they would be giving you supplements, especially probiotics. Okay? Now, I don't want to go against doctor's orders, I don't. But if they really knew anything about supplements, especially a broad spectrum probiotic, they would say, look, you're going into surgery. Here's what I want you to do. Get your vitamin D levels up because your immune system is going to take a whack and you need to get your immune system up. And number two, take broad spectrum probiotics. Why? Because they'll help you to recover your chance of getting a secondary infection, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. All of the good things. But they won't do it. They don't know anything about supplements. And I don't want to go against doctors. I don't. Okay, because you're going into doctor's advice, but okay, but that's where I got to leave it. Thank you Bessie.
Margaret, "labyrinthitis." Here we go with Labyrinthitis, middle ear, dizzy. I tell you guys over the years, two things that I really found helpful. The reset. You got chronic middle ear problems. It's an itis. And whenever you have an itis, you need to do the reset, get off all sugars, get off, do 30 days and see what happens. I'm telling you. And then I love Navitol. Navitol opens up nitric oxide, it brings extra blood supply. Excellent. That's my experience. Okay? Sometimes too they're very low in vitamin D generally and B12, generally my go-tos, B12, vitamin D.
Okay, Monique, "what can help with being recently exposed to whooping cough?" Okay, well, whooping cough. I remember this from school. Bordetella pertussis. I like whooping cough better, but in medicine it was bordetella pertussis. Who cares us? Anyway, okay, whooping cough. No fun under the sun. What do you do? Build your immune system. One, vitamin D, right? Vitamin D. The best thing for your immune system is vitamin D. Two, watch the sugars because sugars put your T cells to sleep. And three, get some sleep because if you don't get enough sleep, your immune system goes down. Vitamin D, lay off the sugars because it really sugars put white blood cells to sleep. They take a siesta and you don't want that. And you want to get sleep to build up your immune system. That helps you.
Vitamin A, zinc. How do you get that doc? Eggs, meat and cheese. Steak. You get vitamin A, which gives you what? The invisible mask. I don't want you to wear the other mask. Well, I do. I want you to wear a mask at night to go to sleep, cover your eyes. Dark, dark, dark. But I want you to have the invisible mask on at all times. Vitamin A is your invisible mask, covers your eyes, covers your nose, covers your mouth, vitamin A. We don't talk about vitamin A so much, but I want you to eat your vitamin A. Eggs, meat, and cheese. Vitamin A by the way, is only found in the animal kingdom. So when someone tells you, oh, I eat my carrots for beta carotene. Yeah, that's not vitamin A guys, okay? That beta carotene which is a precursor to vitamin A. The pro retinol A is in the animal kingdom, period. Okay? Get your vitamin A. Thank you for the question. And that was Monique.
And Kim says, "I have been reading quite a bit lately on the profound benefit from taking a supplement of pure amino acids, the essential amino acid. The claim is 99% utilization to build lean muscle unlike any other dietary proteins such as whey or red meat." Well, Kim, I'm not saying it's no good, but when you tell me, or anyone tells me that you found something better than red meat, I'm very skeptical. I know what they say. And that's all right. You want to have, I'm not saying you can't take a pure amino acid and yada, yada, yada, but when they start making claims, that is better than any food on the planet. There ain't nothing better than steak, okay? And it tastes good. But Kim, if you want to have that, I got no problem with it. You know me and Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie. You could put that in Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie. I got no problem with that. I like bone broth better. That's me. If you're going to take a protein powder, I think bone broth is better, but that's me. Okay? I think I'm right. And you know how much I love Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie because it's perfect. But steak is the best. Okay? Thank you very much, Kim.
Heidi, "I react negatively to ashwagandha." I feel sorry for you, Heidi. Okay? And everybody's different, right? I mean, if you don't do well with ashwagandha, which is in our cortisol formula, well, how do you lower cortisol? Get a good night's sleep, get a good night's sleep, that'll lower your cortisol. That's the low hanging fruit. Get vitamin E exercise. Got to lower your cortisol supplement. I compare everything to my cortisol formula. I'm sorry it's inferior, but if you can't take ashwagandha, you can't take ashwagandha. What can I tell you? Everybody's got a different fingerprint. There's what, 8 billion people? Yeah. May of 2023, we hit 8 billion people on the planet Earth. Okay? 8 billion and counting. Well, nobody has your fingerprint. Everybody's different.
I saw the other day someone says, doc, I'm discouraged. I'm doing the reset and I don't feel so good. Well, tens of thousands, what is probably close to 50,000 people have done the reset. They love it. They feel better. Most 99.9%. If you're in that little percent that don't do well, you're unique. You're just different. It can happen. But you can't discourage me when I hear about exceptions. Hey, you're an exception. But the overwhelming evidence, that's what I look at even with ashwagandha. People, I love ashwagandha. I've always loved ashwagandha. I don't use it alone in the cortisol formula, but it's a part of it. But if you can't take it, you can't take it. Even people on the reset, some people they can't do, doc, I can't eat eggs. I feel sorry for you. But sometimes after you do the reset and you fix leaky gut, people have found they can reintroduce things and they go, holy moly, Dr. Martin, I never could have eggs or I couldn't eat cheese before, but now I can. I talked to someone yesterday who couldn't eat dairy. They couldn't have dairy for years, and now they can have dairy. They couldn't have it before. Well, you fixed leaky gut. You got rid of all your inflammation. You didn't feed the bears, you didn't feed the yeast that was in your bloodstream that was circulating and can give you a lot of autoimmune symptoms. You got rid of it. You didn't feed it.
Alright, a couple more. We're almost done here. Brenda, "extensor tendonitis," talked about it. Any itis? Anastasia, "could there be another reason for silent reflux other than low stomach acidity?" And then I thought I talked about this the other day. You have esophageal sphincter that's not closing properly. Yeah, if you've got some kind of mechanical issue. But the vast majority of people, when they have reflux, what started that? Even the esophageal sphincter not closing properly. I bring it back to the root cause. When you live, and most people do on carbohydrates and they're not eating meat, not enough, and they don't eat enough eggs and they don't eat enough dairy, cheese, butter. You know what happens? Your body changes, your pH goes up in your stomach. And the place that you can control your pH, you know where it is? In your stomach. That's what you can control if you eat the right things.
So Dr. Aviv or whoever that is, I don't know, listen, when they say, well, your esophagus is not working properly, okay, you got little valves there, maybe not closing properly. But I always bring it a step further. Why did that happen? And I'm telling you, I've been around a long time, and this is my opinion, I am very, very, very adamant that if you don't eat the right foods, you are changing what God wanted you to do. Your stomach was made, your gallbladder was made to eat animal fat. Okay? Not avocados. You want to eat avocados, you can, but you were designed, even your intestine, you've got a very short intestine compared to a cow. You don't have four stomachs, you only got one. And your design, the way you were designed in nature was to eat eggs, meat, and cheese. And when you don't, when you don't, you're creating havoc on the inside. And then, yeah, you can have sphincters that don't work. You can have valves that don't work. Your proton pumps start pumping out acid because the body's just trying to compensate. Now, okay, some people might disagree with that opinion. God bless them. We're entitled to it. And guys, I want you to listen to other opinions. I do. I want you to use your brain. I want you to have critical thinking. I do. I try and make a case. I try and back it up. And the arguments on this program that I make, I believe with all my heart and clinical experience, I'm right. Hey, I ain't perfect. Okay? I think I'm right.
Okay. That was okay. We got a few others here, guys. But I'm short on time. I'm going to finish them up. I'll talk about 'em early tomorrow. I think there's a couple of more here that are good questions, but I just, I'm running out of time here today, okay? Hey, I'll answer your questions. I promise you that. Why don't we do it again tomorrow? I got no problem with that. You guys love question and answer. We'll just keep it going. And if I bring you another study, we'll do another study too tomorrow. Okay guys, we love you sincerely and dearly, thank you for watching. Thank you for listening. We love you big time. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!