Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners in today's episode.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well good morning everyone. Welcome to another live this morning, and hope you're having a wonderful start to your day. I hope you've had your real vitamin C. Thanks for coming on guys. We appreciate it. Okay, now Jim is asking a question that I have no idea about, but I think it would be good. Okay. "Does Dr. Martin have any comments on using beef tallow for skin cream? We're seeing it for sale as one of the new things for skin cream." Well, you know how much I love beef tallow. I don't know. I can't say that I ever heard of that for a skin cream. Would it be good? Well, I don't know. It wouldn't be harmful, that's for sure. I like beef tallow. I would rather you eat it than put it on your skin. But if you want to put it on your skin and try it, hey, I don't know. Maybe somebody in the audience has tried it and you'll get a better response from them, Jim, but I appreciate the question.
Okay, Cheryl is asking her gallbladder's only working at 35%. Well, if that's the case, there's a reason for it, right? And Cheryl is asking, "would taking the digestive enzymes help me to avoid surgery or removal?" Yeah, it will help. Look, if you have stones and your gallbladder's only working at 35%, not functioning properly. I have seen gallbladders come back and rehab. The overarching principle on why you have gallbladder problems in the first place are twofold. Number one, you don't use it. If you don't use your gallbladder, you'll lose it. So there was almost like an epidemic of gallbladder issues in the last 30, 40 years. Why? Because people went fat free. Fat is bad, cholesterol is bad, therefore, I eat fat free. I live on salad, not meat. I don't eat too much eggs, meat and cheese because they're full of fat. Well, the world went stupid. Okay? I'm just going to say it again. The world went stupid and we've lost millions of gallbladders because of it. Okay?
Millions of gallbladders have been removed because the world went stupid with a fat free craze. They were wrong. Never right, never helpful. Anyway, okay, so that's reason number one. Reason number two, and this applies only to women is because you have low levels of progesterone. That's why a lot of times in perimenopause or menopause, women will have trouble with their gallbladder. Gallbladder is a smooth muscle, okay? It's a smooth muscle, and smooth muscles need progesterone to work properly. And when your progesterone levels go down, that can be a problem. And I saw it many, many, many, many times in postpartum, meaning after baby women would lose their gallbladder. Why? Low levels of progesterone. All the progesterone went into the placenta and mommy wasn't making enough, and the gallbladder gets sluggish, can fill itself up with stones, but don't use it, you lose it a lot of times. Okay?
So I don't know about your case specifically Cheryl, but I want to tell you this, okay? So now having said that, what do you do if you do have a gallbladder that's not working properly? Okay? Remember, you're always going to produce bile because your liver produces bile, not your gallbladder. Your gallbladder's important because it's a reservoir for bile, but you can live without it. I'm not saying that you should. I'm just saying that you could because millions of people don't have a gallbladder. Now, one of the things I found to be very helpful is fasting. Okay? So the best fasting that you can do for your gallbladder is not to eat at night. Give yourself a lot, a lot of time to digest your food. Number two, 100% our ultra digest, okay? Our digestive enzymes, there's nothing like them. I'm telling you. You take out any enzymes, digestive enzymes and compare 'em to like ours are the best. Why? Because we use a broad spectrum of enzymes, the most protein digesters, the most lipase, fat digesters. And you need that if you don't have a gallbladder or if your gallbladder is not working properly.
So, fast, ultra digest enzymes, big time, fast at night especially, okay? Look, there's some old wives tales about using olive oil and coaxing, no stones. Look, if you want to try something like that, I got no problem with it. I just never found it to be as consistent as taking pressure off your gallbladder. And by the way, temporarily, you just can't eat a lot of fat if your gallbladder's not working properly. You can have some eggs and things like that, but fatty meats, eat meat, but less fat. You can have a little bacon, but don't eat a lot of bacon. And you'll find for a lot of people, you can avoid surgery that way. I've seen it happen a lot of times. Thanks for the question. We appreciate it. And that was Cheryl.
Debbie, "I would like to know if a five-year-old child can be given raw, natural honey, not store-bought as an immune booster, and how much of a dose?" Well look, raw honey, okay? Unpasteurized is good for you. I mean, not for a little baby under one years old, but after that it's good for you. And listen, okay? Again, I got to tell you where I come from. We live in a world where we're consuming way too much sugar that just we're up to almost 200 pounds. That taxes your pancreas like nobody's business. Okay? So therefore you don't hear me talking about honey. Why? Because I'm trying to get people to avoid sugar altogether. Now, is honey a better choice? Yes, it is. Not the store bought, you want unpasteurized honey in small amounts would be good for you.
But again, you have to understand where I come from. I don't talk about it that much because I'm trying to get people to avoid sugar. But if you have good honey a little bit for the five-year-old, he can certainly take a teaspoon of that a day would definitely not hurt. There's actually some research out there where honey acts as almost the opposite for your blood sugar than ordinary or high fructose corn syrup does. There's some research I always just tell people, limited, limited. Now, if you want to make your child a Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie, which is so good for them with that heavy, heavy cream blend up, bone broth powder, so good, the best protein in the world, and then put a teaspoon of unpasteurized natural honey, you can do that for a kid. Very, very good for them. Okay, very good for them. So thanks for the question. I appreciate it. And that was Debbie.
Linda. "I'm in my early seventies." Me too. Okay? "I am physically active." Good girl. Okay. "I have osteoporosis." I don't, okay. "What are your thoughts on taking 500 milligrams of a supplement of calcium?" Nope. You can take calcium. Okay? You can take calcium and it ain't going to get to your bones in a supplement. I'm not big on calcium. I want you to eat your calcium. You live on a farm you said, you're a farm girl. You want to get calcium, you want to get more than 500 milligrams. Eat it. Because when you eat eggs, when you eat meat, when you eat cheese, you got lots of calcium in there. And the bioavailable kind plus in nature, God did this. He gave you calcium with vitamin K2, vitamin K2. What does vitamin K2 do? It takes calcium that you're eating and it puts it in your bones where it belongs.
Don't take calcium, and I'm not big on the medications to build bone. If you looked at the results of those bone builder medications, it's been a colossal failure. Colossal, but they get away with it because doctors, you got osteoporosis, I better give you this, Fosamax or whatever. Guys, it gives me a migraine, how poor the results are of that. Much, much better off and what I would tell you to do, Linda, get me your vitamin D results because that's very important. What is your blood levels of vitamin D? That's important that you know that if you have osteoporosis, even your doctor would agree to test that, if you have osteoporosis. Get your vitamin D levels tested. I would be taking our vitamin D eight to 10,000 IUs a day because we have vitamin K2 in it, but I'd like to know what your numbers of vitamin D are, your dehydroxy vitamin D levels in your blood.
And you know what? I think you're strong, right? You're a farm girl. Well make sure you're doing weight resistant exercise. The best thing for your bones, the best thing for your bones are muscles. Muscles are your friends to your bones. They're friends, they're best friends because the more muscle you have, the better your bones do because your muscles anchor in to your bones. A lot of people, they don't realize that as they get older, they develop a condition called sarcopenia, muscle wasting, and they got osteoporosis and they don't know it. Now, you can be skinny as a rake and get osteoporosis, but you can be even overweight and get osteoporosis. You need muscle, you need muscle. I'm telling you, it's the best bone builder along with vitamin D, but I would not take calcium as a supplement. I don't like that. Okay, that was a good question. And that was Linda.
Cynthia, ah, here she goes. "I recently had my vitamin D tested and my vitamin D levels were high and is a toxicity level according to the lab." Well, I disagree with that. Okay, I understand when a lab comes back and your vitamin D is in a four hundreds in Canada, which would be in well above 100 in the United States, the labs go crazy and so do doctors. Okay? You got high vitamin D, they call it hyper vitamosis D, okay? And they don't like it and it scares them skinny and they get panic attacks, okay? Not that it does anything. You know me, I always tell you the waiting rooms and doctor's offices and the emergency departments in hospitals are not full of people with high levels of vitamin D, okay? They're just not. And here's the research that's proven. You would have to supplement vitamin D 50,000 IUs a day, okay?
Dr. Bennett asked me a question yesterday because I think he had one of his patients saying they got a prescription for vitamin D, 50,000 IUs a day. You need a prescription for that to get it from a pharmacist but I said, well, two things. One, very, very low levels of vitamin D for sure that patient. I'd love to know what they're testing, but it must have been extremely low for a doctor to do that. But you can do that. 50,000 units of vitamin D, international units of vitamin D, it's been done folks for six months, and then you would have toxic levels of vitamin D. Now, I'm not recommending you do that. All I'm saying is hyper vitamosis D is overrated because I've been around guys for 50 years and I've rarely ever seen it.
Now, if your numbers are high, there's usually a couple of reasons for it in my opinion that I've seen. Usually you're on meds, and I don't know your case here, Cynthia, I don't know if you're on any meds. I used to see it a lot with people on proton pump inhibitors. You know what those are PPIs. Okay? Those are acid reducing medication. They really can elevate your vitamin D levels. Two, okay, estrogen therapy, the birth control pill that can elevate your vitamin D levels, okay? Dehydration, that can elevate your vitamin D levels, okay? And when people take calcium as a supplement, that can elevate your vitamin D levels. I don't like calcium as a supplement. Okay? Thank you, Cynthia, for the, and I wouldn't take it right now. You don't need vitamin D right now. If your levels are very high, I would stop taking it for a month, let the body clear it out and then start again. Okay? Thank you very much.
Mary, "can you get prebiotics from food sources?" Yeah. Now if you Google it, you are going to read about fiber, okay? Fiber, fiber, fiber is a prebiotic. I'm not big on that, okay? I'm just not big on it. I don't buy it. I'll tell you what feeds your good bacteria. Steak does. Cheese does. Eggs do. That feeds your good bacteria. Your good bacteria loves that, okay? And the worst thing you can do for your bacteria is feed the bad guys, your fungi by eating sugar and crappy carbohydrates. I think fiber is way overrated, by the way, way, way, way overrated. And the reason I say that is because your body wasn't even made for it. Most fibers are insoluble, meaning you don't even absorb them, they just make you have a big stool and you don't get a prize for that, okay, but they it out oh, that's a prebiotic and yada, yada, yada. I don't buy it guys. I don't buy it. I'm a big guy. You eat what God wanted you to eat, you'll be surprised how well you do. Your friendly bacteria will thrive. Eggs, meat and cheese and I mean it. There's your best prebiotic. There's your fertilizer for your probiotics, okay? Thank you for the question. I appreciate it. I give you my diatribe, I can't help it. It gets me excited.
Jane, "what can someone do for growing nodules on adrenal glands?" Okay, good question. I'm glad you asked. Okay, and Jane, here is my answer. You got three growth hormones, okay? What makes things grow in your body, including nodules on your adrenals, okay, what makes them grow? Insulin, lower your insulin, okay? Estrogen, lower your estrogen, okay, lower your estrogen. You know what pours gasoline on growth? Cortisol, get that under control. And by the way, it's your adrenal glands that secrete cortisol, stress. Insulin is a growth hormone, and remember, if you're eating sugar, crappy carbs, bread, pasta, rice, cereal, sugar, sweets, pastry, juice, milk, bagels, muffins, yada, yada, yada, you need a lot of insulin. Lower that, lower your estrogen, DIM it out. That's why I love flax seeds. Okay? Our hormonal formula, our menopausal formula with DIM, got it? That's what you do and get that cortisol down. Okay? Thank you for the question, Jane.
Anthony, "could Dr. Martin please discuss polymyalgia rheumatica and associated weight loss?" Well, polymyalgia rheumatica, I believe it's sort of an autoimmune thing, but I really think it's viral, comes out of nowhere and I mean, I used to have patients come in and I said, man, you got polymyalgia rheumatica. And they go, what is that? Well lift your arms up. I can't lift my arms. I remember patients coming in, they couldn't even get their hands to tie up a button on their shirt and it comes out of nowhere. It can hit your big joints, your big muscles, shoulder, muscles and arms, and I've seen it in the hips and come out of nowhere often with giant cell arteritis too. No fun under the sun. I believe it's a perfect storm when you get that. I think it's a perfect storm. A virus comes in your body overreacts to it. It's like an autoimmune thing, and no fun under the sun. And usually with medicine, they put you on steroids, they put you on prednisone. Prednisone is a tremendous anti-inflammatory, but it's got major side effects. But I mean, some people, that's what they do. And for me, I often would get them doing the reset right away and broad spectrum probiotic, high levels of vitamin D, I would get them to do the hammer of vitamin D, 50,000 IUs a day for three days. Okay, anyway, thank you for the question. And the associated weight loss, by the way, is usually because you don't have an appetite. You're so unwell and you're not hungry, and that's usually Anthony, what I saw in my practice days.
Lynn, Lynn, I love this question. Okay? I really do. Okay. A lot of people have been challenging Lynn on the eggs, meat, and cheese diet. Why? She said, because I'm a Christian and there are biblical references to Daniel and his three friends. Yep. Daniel chapter 1, okay only eating vegetables and becoming more handsome and stronger. I love that question. It's a good question. And people abuse the Daniel diet. Okay? Do I agree with it? Nope. Nope, I don't. I'll tell you why. First of all, what happened to Daniel and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, okay? Those were the Babylonian names given to those Jewish boys. You know what happened to them? It was supernatural. Why did they want to eat the vegetables? Well, because the meat, the Babylonian meat was being sacrificed to idols. When Christians who read their Bible or whatever, and you read the Bible, you read that story, go, oh, no wonder they were so healthy and handsome and they look real good going in front of Nebuchadnezzar. Yeah, but that was supernatural, man. It was supernatural. God had a plan for those people. They were going to interpret Nebuchadnezzar's dream.
Look, I think I've made my case over the years on why EMC, eggs, meat and cheese and not vegetables, okay? I'm not saying don't eat vegetables. I'm saying don't live on vegetables. You're not meant to. Your body wasn't made for that. Your stomach wasn't made for that. Your intestines weren't made for that. If you live on vegetables, you're not going to be handsome like Daniel. No, because it's not supernatural. God did that for them. I'll tell you why. Because when you look at vegetables, you know me, I'm a science guy. I'm a science guy. You line up all the vegetables in the world, line them up on one side, and then you put an egg or you put a steak or liver or you put cheese and then go through the nutrient profile for those, it's not even close, okay? It's not even close. I'll post a picture on our private Facebook group of a steak and all the nutrients in there, okay? An egg and all the nutrients in there, okay? All the vitamins, all the amino acids, all the protein, healthy, fat, perfect foods. You can't beat that, okay? So I get it. I read my Bible too, okay?
And Lynn, I'm telling you, I'm telling you, that was a supernatural event. It was a supernatural event, and the best foods in the world are in the animal kingdom. Your teeth were made for it, your stomach was made for it, and your bowel was made for it. You're designed to eat that and your brain will miss the nutrients if you only live on a vegetarian or a vegan diet. I'm sorry, I've been saying that for 50 years, and I will double down, triple down, quadruple down, whatever you want me to go down. And the reason I do it, because I just line up one food group and compare it to another. Am I telling you never to have vegetables? I don't tell you that. Do I tell you never to have fruit? I don't tell you that. I tell you to do it for 30 days and there's good reasons for me to tell you to do that for 30 days.
But then if you want to introduce vegetable, but you can never, Lynn, ever convince me that salad is better than steak. That broccoli is better than steak. It's not. It's not close, okay? Just take the nutrient profile of it. It's not even close. That's why I say that. Okay? I'm glad you brought that up. Okay? I'm glad you brought that up because you read the story and people get on what they call the Daniel Diet. It was popular. I remember talking about it 20 years ago maybe, or around there, the Daniel Diet. Well, whoopy dupey and I used to say, well, I'm sorry that was a supernatural event. Now you want to go one week and you eat only vegetables. You want to do that, go for it. But I don't think that's a good thing to do at all. I don't agree with it. Your brain will say, what are you doing? Where's my nutrients? Where's my fat? Where's my cholesterol? I need cholesterol. Why are you not eating anything with cholesterol in it? I need my fat soluble vitamins. Where's my vitamin D? Where's my vitamin A? Where's my zinc? Where is that stuff? That's what your body will say. It's not in the plant kingdom. I'm glad you asked Lynn, you got me going.
Okay, let me see if we're going to take one more question. Maybe I'll see. Francis, let me answer Francis, and the rest will do on a Monday. "Is rhubarb root extract, a xenoestrogen?" The rhubarb root extract. You see, when you take an extract, Francis, you'll see soy isoflavone. Notice it. It's in our menopausal formula. And people go, well, that's a xenoestrogen. No, it's not. It's an extract. It actually helps to lower your estrogen, okay? It's an extract. The same with rhubarb root extract, because rhubarb is very high in oxalates, but when you have an extract of it, it wouldn't be high in oxalates. You eat rhubarb, okay? You like rhubarb. I don't mind rhubarb, but it's very high in oxalates and that's why I don't want people to live on stuff like that. You're not meant to. Your rhubarb patch was for your rabbits, not for you, okay? I'm not saying you can't have any, okay? Don't come after me.
Did we have fun or not? Okay? We had fun today. Okay, I did at least. Okay, you guys are so wonderful. Okay? And Annette is saying, meaning I'll see you next week. She's checking out. Okay guys, we love you. Thanks for sending in those questions, info@martinclinic.com. You want your questions for Friday info@martinclinic.com. Okay? We love you guys dearly and sincerely. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!