Join Dr. Martin in today's episode of The Doctor Is In Podcast.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. Once again, welcome to another live this morning, and we're so thrilled that you've come on and joined us this morning. Okay, let me just get to these headlines. I got eight new studies or articles, so we got lots to talk about. We won't get to all eight, but I promise we'll touch on all eight collagen. Okay? Now, collagen, it's in your skin, makes up your matrix. It makes up skin, it makes up tendons, it makes up joints and marrow and all that stuff. Collagen. Okay, now collagen is good for you. Okay. You know our favorite collagen protein is it's a little quiz animal. Yep. And what do we like the best? You make your own bone broth. Yeah. Linda, bone broth. Bone broth collagen. You can get collagen powder, by the way, am I against that? No, it's good. What's the best bone broth?
Because it's so much more complete, much more amino acids, much more nutrients in it. Okay, so that's important. We love bone broth. Okay. Make your own or we make it for you. Okay. I love bone broth. I love collagen. I take it every day. Okay, here's a study though, okay, on digestive issues. Now, what is collagen got to do with digestion? Well, very important, especially bone broth. Because bone broth contains an amino acid that is highly regenerative in the gut. It's called L-glutamine, and it regenerates the guts. For years and years and years, well over 30 years, I've been using L-glutamine to help people with chronic digestive issues. Ulcerative colitis, I-B-S, I-B-D, inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulosis and sibo. You name the digestive condition, Crohn's. Okay, celiac. I loved L-glutamine to regenerate the gut. Now listen to this. And in eight weeks, and this was taking bone broth collagen, reduced intestinal discomfort, bloating, acid reflux, constipation.
I didn't even mention that earlier in 94% of women, they had digestive issues and 94% effectively. Now guys, that's pretty impressive. Okay? Again, bone broth does a lot of other things. It's good for your skin, it's good for your hair, it's good for your nails, it's good for you. Name it. But intestinally, very good. 94% in this study improvement in eight weeks of taking bone broth. Okay? This is a study that I flagged. Okay, here's another one. Breast cancer rates are rising in young women, especially Asian Americans. 50% increase in Asian Americans and breast cancer. Okay? Now is October breast cancer month. I can't remember. And for a long time, I've been telling you folks, anyone that will listen, we're not winning the war on cancer. We're losing the war on cancer. People should lose their jobs over the poor results we're getting with all the money we spend on cancer.
And let's just be specific this morning. And breast cancer, we're losing the war, guys. I've been around for a long time. As you know, nothing has changed because in cancer, especially breast cancer, colon cancer, very similar. It's all about what? Early detection, early detection, and we're seeing much more cancer. And this study is saying, especially amongst Asian Americans, and I always ask the question, why are cancer rates skyrocketing? Why is breast cancer rates skyrocketing? I ask the question why. One of them is we have no emphasis at all on prevention. They don't look at food. The powers to be, don't look at food at all. They don't look at our diets at all. Well, if they did, they'd have the same old stuff. Stay away from animal food, eggs, meat, and shade, don't eat that stuff. And they'll vilify the animal kingdom. And yet we're not winning.
We're not winning the war. And I was sort of thinking, why Asian American? Why is that going up? Well, it was probably lower than the average population at one time in terms of their cancer rates because they were probably more disciplined in their eating, probably. Okay? And I think research sort of bears that out. But as they settle in to our lifestyle and our eating patterns, eating those terrible, crappy carbohydrates made up of seed oils, you eat that stuff, you're going to get sick too. And the rising rates, and again, there are two hormones that want you dead, insulin and cortisol, but there's a third one, and it's on your side till it's not. Ladies, this hormone is on your side until it's not. And that's estrogen. Insulin is a growth hormone. We talk about that all the time. Insulin is a growth hormone. Estrogen is a growth hormone for men and women.
That's why we see so much prostate cancer. It's that mixture of two grow hormones. Insulin, how do you get insulin food? You eat a carbohydrate and look, there's good carbs, okay? You want to eat fruits and vegetables? I don't care. Just don't make a living on it. That's all I say about that. You want to eat fruits and vegetables after your reset. Go for it. I mean, but don't live on it. That is the smaller portion of your plate. You want animal protein. Insulin is out of control today. We're carboholics. My name is Tony, and I'm a carboholic. Put your hand up because 93% of the population are carboholics. They don't think of it because nobody's told them, and they're just carboholics. And now your insulin is going out of control and it puts you on the path to heart. Disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, autoimmune.
I name all five. And when I was in practice, in my days of seeing patients, I simplified things as much as possible. Not only for my patients, but for me. I simplified things. No one ever left my office, ever, ever, ever, without a plan to change their eating. Okay? Always started with food. Then I'd look for deficiencies if they were deficient, B12, vitamin D, magnesium, whatever. If they'd had too much estrogen, I measured that. Oh boy, was that ever common? Too much insulin and too much estrogen. We live in an estrogen dominated world. Remember that? I never liked estrogen as a therapy ever. I didn't like it. I saw the problems with estrogen therapy. Well, that gave me a migraine. But the other thing is all these young ladies on the birth control pill, that gave me a migraine too, that gave me a migraine too.
They handed that stuff out like candy. I said, well, now you're playing with hormones down the road, down the road that it's not good. And most of the time, they were giving these young women estrogen and they had estrogen coming out their ears already. Estrogen is a growth hormone. And these young Asian women, and listen, cancer is crazy. Breast cancer is what? One out of six, one out of seven today get breast cancer in their lifetime. We're surrounded by growth hormone, insulin, estrogen, and then you pour gasoline on the fire of growth with cortisol stress. Cortisol pours gasoline on the fire of inflammation caused by insulin and estrogen. So what did I do in my office? Almost with every woman. Let's get your insulin down and let's get your estrogen down. And then if your cortisol was high, we worked on that too.
Breast cancer rates rising among young women, especially Asian Americans. It's up 50% in that population. Isn't that crazy? But again, I always like to take out my charts and you guys have seen them many, many, many a time. Estrogen charts. And I used to show estrogen dominance. I'm showing a picture for those listening on a podcast later. Again, you want to see what estrogen looks like? See the leper spots estrogen. We used to measure it crazy, crazy, crazy. I said, well, the last thing you want is estrogen. And then you get into perimenopausal and menopausal women, and they're given estrogen oftentimes, and sometimes it's even bioidentical. And I don't like it because we are surrounded by xenoestrogens. We're surrounded by it. To me, I never gave estrogen. As a matter of fact, I was dedicated to dimming out estrogen and elevating progesterone. Thus our menopausal formula.
I dimmed out the estrogen and elevated the progesterone. And if you got stressed, by the way, and you guys know this, when you're stressed over a period of time, cortisol rubs your progesterone. Okay? Breast cancer rates rising. And one more little thing, and I know you've seen it a million times from me, I'm going to do it again. You see the ballpoint pen? You see the tip of the ballpoint pen when they say early detection is prevention. I don't agree with that because cancer, to get to the size of a tip of a ballpoint pen, the average time is five years. For that five years. I like detection. I'm not against detection, but I am much bigger on prevention. And we don't talk about it because we don't want to talk about food. The sugar industry and the fake oil, the oil for your car industry that's in the middle aisles of the grocery stores, those oils, they're powerful.
Those companies are powerful, and they set the narrative when it comes to cancer. They're a big part of it. Hey, don't talk about us. Don't be negative. Okay? Why is sugar so hard to break up with? Isn't that a song? Breaking up is hard to do. I remember that song. You remember that one? Breaking up with sugar is hard to do, but if you do nothing else, ladies and gentlemen, because guys, you got the same problem. It ain't your breasts. Although men can get breast cancer. It's prostate cancer. I did this 40 something years ago. I said, those two cancers are the same origins. I've been saying that guy since the cows came home, and I mean it, I've always said it. I said, well, women get breast cancer, men get prostate cancer. And it's the same etiology. It's too much estrogen in a man.
Not enough testosterone, too much insulin, bad combo, bad, bad, bad. Combo, insulin, estrogen, and pour gasoline on it. Cortisol. Okay, now let me do another one about cancer. And this is obesity. Another study on obesity leading to cancer, okay? Obesity leading to cancer. When someone is obese, their rates of cancer go way up. Now, I'll tell you something. There's a lot of people that are skinnier than rakes that get cancer too, because their fat is around their organs. You can't see it. This is why, guys, I'm so big on measuring metabolic biomarkers. I'm so big on that because it didn't matter what size a person was or is because you can measure their metabolic biomarkers. And even if you're skinny and your triglycerides are high and your HDL is low and you've got slightly elevated blood pressure or slightly elevated blood sugar, I'm bigger on the A1C, by the way.
Anything above 5.4, you're on the Titanic, you're on that ship, you're in trouble. It's so preventable because you can change it. And waist eyes. And one thing I like uric acid too. I like looking at vitamin D. If you're low in vitamin D, in my opinion, you have metabolic syndrome. I add. Those are the Martin Clinic add-ons to metabolic syndrome. It's just because I was in practice for so long, I saw it. And you know me on vitamin D, you're low in vitamin D, you're in trouble just being low in vitamin D. Put you on the Titanic, man. Just try and get your doctor to even measure vitamin D. It's like pulling teeth. And I'd add even B12 to that list of metabolic syndrome. People are walking around and they got no B12 or enough for a mouse and oh, you're all right. You see, it's the narrative.
It's hard to change. And oh, by the way, on obesity, okay, this was an article I read. Obesity Leads to Cancer, okay? That's well known. It elevates your risk of cancer. That's well known. And they said on this article that antibiotics is a big factor in obesity, changes your microbiome. There's a lot of studies on that kind of stuff, guys. And antibiotics, the greatest discovery of the 20th century become the curse of the 21st. So many kids are canaries in the coal mine. They're given antibiotics for ear throat infections, and they're not given probiotics. They don't replace that friendly bacteria. And then you get the invasion of the third army. I've said that for centuries. It seems the invasion of fungus into the body, candida, albicans. And there are some authors that say that is at the root of every cancer. Interesting, isn't it, fungus, it's a growth.
How does it get in your body? One of the major causes is antibiotic. You kill the friendly guys. You got trouble, okay? And I don't know a better analogy than the one that my American friends are going through now. It's talked about every day in their election, and they're talking about the southern border. It's funny. They don't talk about US Canadians. They don't talk about the northern border. They're always talking about the southern border. But I use that as an illustration, guys. I use that as an illustration. Why? Because you have an open border and you have people coming in undocumented. Well, guys, I use that analogy when it comes to yeast, and people thought I was crazy years ago when I talked about fungus. You can't get fungus in your bloodstream. I said, you bet your boots, you can get a yeast in your bloodstream.
It'll go everywhere. You'll find it in your skin, you'll find it in your lungs. You'll find it in your brain, goes everywhere. It's unintended consequences of primarily antibiotics. They kill all your good guys. And you have the Trojan horse that comes in. It seems, I talk about this every week. Why did I get on this topic? Oh, yeah, because we were talking about cancer this morning. Antibiotics. Is it a direct link to cancer? No. Probably a little bit indirect. And there's physicians that think that fungus is at the root of every cancer. I don't know necessarily about that, but I agree to some extent about that. Yes, cancer is complex. I know that. But you do everything you can to prevent it. Everything you can. So how many studies did we get to today? Well, we did one on collagen. We did one on breast cancer rates, and then the one on weight gain, obesity and cancer.
So lots of studies that I didn't even get to, but we'll get to them this week. Now, listen, tomorrow, I never do this, okay? I never do this, but we got a special guest tomorrow coming on. Okay? We have a special guest coming on with us tomorrow live, okay? At eight 30 Eastern. Okay? I realize, look at Raheem. Look what time he gets up in the morning in Portland, Oregon. Okay? We got a lot of people out west and whatever, but we'll have a real special guest on tomorrow. We're going to talk about something that her and I are doing together in this area in my hometown of Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Okay, guys, have I told you lately that I love you? I do. Okay. Because I do. Okay. We really do. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!