1404. Q&A with Dr. Martin

Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners in today's episode.



Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good, Martin, everyone, once again, welcome to another live this morning. We hope you're having a wonderful start to your day. And for those who are joining us live, we appreciate it. Okay, let's get to the questions. Could Dr. Martin, please, this is from Sherry. Could the doctor please talk about how to increase GABA naturally? Okay, well, what is gaba? GABA calms you down. Now you can actually take a supplement of gaba. Your body makes it, but you can take a supplement. I never found it to be effective, to be honest with you. There's some natural ways. I mean, just go sit in the sun and you're increasing your gaba. Okay? It has a calming effect. A hot bath with magnesium salts increases your gaba. I put together our cortisol formula. I used it in the clinic for years. That really increases your GABA while balancing out your cortisol.

So yeah, even going for a walk would increase your GABA naturally. Okay. Like I said, I like our formula of cortisol to de-stress a person, so all of the above get in the sun. It actually increases your gaba. Okay? Grace is asking what is the cause of lichen planos in the mouth? Lichen planos is autoimmune, and I never seen a case where they didn't have leaky gut. So you can get patches. It's like a white patch inside your mouth with inflammation can give you a burning mouth and you can get it in the genitals. A lot of women get lichen planus genitals. It ain't no fun. And the way I used to treat it was fixing leaky gut first. And usually what I found with lichen planus was a couple of things. One, they were oftentimes low on vitamin D, oftentimes two leaky gut for sure, and usually full of yeast in the body. The Trojan horse came into the body, and that is a big part of lichen planus. That's why I would fix leaky gut. Get rid of the yeast, the fungus. Don't feed the bears, don't give yeast any sugar because that's what it wants. Okay, so thank you for the question, grace. Grace, Nancy. I like this one. Nancy says, why do I hiccup every time I eat? Am I weird? Now, Nancy, you said that I didn't. Okay. I didn't call you weird. You called yourself weird, or you're asking the question, am I weird? Well, possibly.

Okay, here's what I found. You get it when you eat, but a lot of people get a lot of hiccups. Usually what I found, their stomach acidity isn't right. They don't have enough acidity in the stomach, cut out the sugars. Some people I found, oh, this is years ago. They would eat too fast. And I mean, I don't know Nancy exactly with you and how long has it been going on? Have you noticed any triggers? But if it's every time you eat to me you got in trouble with your stomach acidity, make sure you're taking digestive enzymes and eat more steak to get your acidity and your stomach back to normal. Should be very acidic.

We are supposed to have stomachs that have more acidity than a lion, okay? And that's why you were built to eat meat. So I hope you're doing that. Okay, thanks for the question, Nancy, and I didn't call you weird. Okay, Dorothy, if a person is taking antibiotic, should you wait until you're done with the protocol before taking probiotics? I wouldn't. Let me say this. Dorothy, you have to understand this, okay? Because when you're talking about bacteria, you have to think of trillions with a T. Okay? When you take an antibiotic, you are wiping out your bad guys and you're good guys. So I highly recommend that people take probiotics when they're taking antibiotics so that you don't get the dysbiosis, you don't get all those friendly bacteria that are on your side. Get out, start right away. And I actually would tell people, double up your probiotics if you're taking one, take at least two.

But I often had patients in my office with our probiotics taking six of them a day while they were taking their antibiotic and six for a month to replace all the bacteria that was wiped out by the antibiotic. Is Dr. Martin against antibiotics? Absolutely not. If you need them, you need them. You have a raging infection, you need them. Okay? Now, the best antibiotic, I just say it in passing, natural, what God gave us is oil of oregano and it don't wipe out your good guys. It only targets your bad guys. Isn't that nice? Okay, but if you need an antibiotic, a prescription, and let me just say this with a little information for people, they ask me this all the time. I really don't like an antibiotic for a urinary tract infection unless you got severe burning when you're urinating ladies, okay? And the way to take an antibiotic is the second no more burning.

You stop Now, I know it says on the label, if you get a prescription and this is the old time thinking, you must finish your antibiotic. Well, you know what? That's been disproven. Okay? That's been disproven. Take an antibiotic until your infection goes away and when it's a bladder, because I used to tell these because millions of women take an antibiotic every year almost for a bladder infection because of their anatomy. And I tell 'em, well, look, the problem with that is now you are going to get a yeast infection and most often when you feel, oh, I got a bladder infection again. Or you go to the doctor and just they take a urine test, oh, you got a bladder infection. Well, if you don't have any pain, please don't take an antibiotic. Take oil of oregano to kill the yeast and a probiotic if you need an antibiotic.

When the burning goes away, the pain goes away. You're taking it for a sinus infection, they'll tell you take it forever until you finish it. The research has shown that not be true. Now, are we ever going to get medicine to change that? Good luck with that, but that's the way to do it. Like I said, I'm not against antibiotics, but I've written many a book about the side effects of antibiotics. I've written many email and articles on the side effects of antibiotics, the double-edged sword because we just talked about lichen planus, which is an autoimmune. How do you get autoimmune? The number one reason you get autoimmune is the overuse of antibiotics. Yeah, they're great, they're great, but they disrupt that microbiome. They cause a dysbiosis, and it's the number one cause of dysbiosis, which is a disruption of the microbiome. Now, you've got more bad than good, and like I said, you'll hear it first here. It's the Trojan horse that comes in when you don't have enough good bacteria, you get a yeast that comes into the body and it comes in through the leaky gut, then it goes into the blood and then it spreads. It ain't no fun, and it can get into the bladder, the lining of the bladder yeast often found on the skin yeast. Okay, thank you for the question, Dorothy. Jennifer, floating poop.

Okay. Does it indicate undigested food as well as unabsorbed vitamins and minerals? No. Okay, now listen, there's way too much said about poop. Okay? I get a kick out of it because people analyze every time they go to the bathroom, they analyze, I get such a kick out of it. They're overanalyzing, there's their stool, okay? And look, if you got diarrhea, okay, there's a reason for that. But the floaters, the non floaters, when you're getting into weeds, I just don't buy it. I don't buy it. Now you've got blood in your stool. That's another thing, right? You've got real black stools. That's usually blood or whatever. Okay, well that's another thing, but no, I don't buy it, Jennifer. The floating poop or the un floating poop, I don't buy it. I used to tell my patients, you've got better to focus in on rather than looking in the toilet all the time.

Okay, Julian, I don't really understand this question. Let me see. Okay, I'm just going to read it. I wish that Dr. Martin would explain the difference between sugar in the blood and diabetes. Well, look, diabetes by the way, is high blood sugar. Okay? High blood sugar, that diabetes type two, high blood sugar, well, type one two high blood sugar in type one insulin's not working. In type two, you have severe insulin resistance and diabetes is where now insulin can't take the sugar out of the bloodstream. Okay, so what's the difference? Well, your body is dedicated, dedicated to controlling your blood sugar. Very important to control your blood sugar. That doesn't go too high and it certainly doesn't go too low. Okay? So your body has an enormous capacity to control your blood sugar, Julia. Okay? Diabetes is when that's not working anymore, okay? And diabetes is the last thing to happen.

The first thing that happens is that the cellular level, your cells are resisting insulin. They don't like insulin. And the reason they don't like it is because people that are carbo, holics, people that love their carbs and love their crappy carbs and love their sugars, and now they're using their insulin way too much and insulin has a job to do it must control blood sugar. Okay? Now, at one time, I remember in the seventies, physicians had a real, real hard time even believing that there was such a thing as hypoglycemia, low blood sugar, and I used to argue with physicians you can get low blood sugar, but today it's not like we still get people that get low blood sugar, but the world has changed. Now even in kids, they get high blood sugar, it's incredible, and they're on their way to diabetes if they don't turn their diets around.

So tightly controlled and diabetes is when it's no longer controlled and insulin's not working properly anymore. That's diabetes. Okay? Thank you Julian. Cindy Glucco a good supplement for diabetics. Well, it wouldn't hurt, okay? It wouldn't hurt. Glucco is a combination. I looked it up. It was a cinnamon alpha, lapic acid, berberine, glucosamine. I think, look, let me just say this, okay? Let me just say this. You're never going to out supplement a bad diet, okay? You're just never going to do it. You know me, I like supplements, but I'm a food guy and if you've got a bad diet, no supplement in the universe is going to help you, okay? You can't outs supplement the bad diet.

So this one here, I really had no patients ever tell me, well, I'm using this product and it's really helping me. I like their formula, so I'm not going to say I don't like it, but it's like people with berberine, okay? That got really hot about a year or two ago and everybody and their dog was talking about berberine. I'm not against it, but I'll put the reset against that because at the end of the day, blood sugar is all about what you're eating and diabetes is an allergy to carbohydrates. So if you don't fix that, I don't care what you take, you can take any medication in the world or any supplement in the world, it might help, but it ain't fixing the problem. You better fix the problem with diabetes because diabetes is deadly. Diabetes will kill you. What? Well, diabetes will kill you because diabetes, really high blood sugar is going to lead to a lot of other problems.

Ice, kidneys, heart disease, cancer, every chronic disease goes up 50% if you have diabetes, right? And even if you're on meds, if you don't change your diet, you're in trouble. Big trouble. Okay? So I'm not against supplements. You find one that helps you. Hey, good for you. I like our cortisol formula for regulating blood sugar too, because remember what cortisol is, okay? You're stressed. That elevates blood sugar. That's cortisol's job is to elevate blood sugar. If you can get your cortisol down, it helps, but it won't fix if you don't have a good diet. Eggs, meat and cheese. Thanks Cindy. Kim, what do you think of BPC 1 57? Peptides? Well, not much. It's synthetic, by the way. I wouldn't touch it with a hundred foot pole for a muscle. You know what? I like steak and steel because steak has peptides and all your amino acids. Remember I talked about that yesterday? The five Cs coq 10 or is it six carnazine, creatine.

Those are really important. Okay, anyway, that was a good question, Kim. Thank you. Look, they're synthetic and I'm not big. I thought that BEPC 1 57, I don't know. Can you get it in Canada? Because I thought I read, I don't know, a year or two or whatever that the FDA pulled that stuff. But listen, I could be wrong on that. Marlene, you say the blood does not like sugar. Okay, Marlene, what are you getting at? Well, she says, I don't know if you're pulling my leg, Marlene or not. You say the blood does not like sugar. Yep, I say it right. Here's what I say. Your body is so smart, your body is smarter than we are because your body knows that sugar in the blood is very toxic. It keeps it to a minimum. Marlene, before I answer your question, I just got to give you a little bit of detail.

If you eat 20 donuts now, don't do it, but this has been done. You have 20 donuts, your blood sugar will spike to heaven, but within about an hour or so, your blood sugar is going to be back down to normal. And when I say normal, you know what that means. If you were to empty out your four to five liters of blood at any given time, you're going to have less than a half a teaspoon of sugar in there. Your body's smart. It knows that sugar is toxic. Sugar left unattended. What do I call your blood vessels? A no parking zone for sugar. That's why your body has insulin. Insulin is a traffic cop and it tells sugar you're in a no parking zone. You can't park here, blows the whistle and says, Hey, you're in a no parking zone, sugar, come here, I'm going to park you.

And it leaves a little teensy bit. That's it. Okay. That's it. Okay. Now Marlene, I got to look at the rest of your question. Hold on. Well, how does sugar get into the blood? Okay, now, okay, we eat sugar, it goes to the stomach. Yep, with a shag carpet lining. I love that you listen, Marlene, the shag carpet lining. Well listen because sugar is a food. That's how it gets into blood. Remember at the blood gut barrier, Marlene, I am glad you're thinking. I love it. I love it. I love it. Okay, you're thinking it's a good question, but sugar, okay, if you insist on eating it, it's going to get into the blood because it's a food, it's glucose. Now your body has to react to it because if it's in the bloodstream, like I said, it will be in the bloodstream. If you eat 20 donuts, that's going to be broken into sugar so rapidly, it'll make your head spin.

Marlene. But all that sugar that came from the 20 donuts, okay, all that sugar insulin says you can't park in the blood. You're in the blood, but you can't park there. I'm going to take you and I'm going to store you. I'm going to put you in another parking spot. And the first place it looks at is muscle and your liver. And if you've got no muscle, it parks it in the liver. And when the liver is full of sugar, which is stored as glycogen fat, that's how you get fatty liver. And then your body has an unusual capacity to make more and more and more fat cells for storage space. But you're better off having muscle for storage space. Then it doesn't need the liver because you can get fatty liver and the statistics on fatty liver, hold on. I read something the other day on fatty liver.

18% of teens have fatty liver. A doctor in the seventies never saw a fatty liver once saw cirrhosis of the liver in alcoholics, but never saw fatty liver ever didn't exist. So now we got a big problem. Houston, we got a problem. We're carbo holics. You see, our society got duped. Our society went for it. Our society was told by Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola and the tobacco industry, which took over the food industry, the tobacco industry was one of the richest corporations in the world. And what were they good at? Deception and addiction. True or false? Yeah. The tobacco industry shifted their money to the food industry. They bought the food industry. They converted the food industry to the addiction industry. You see it today, don't we? And that's why I always say the tobacco industry was never interested in your health. True or false? Of course they weren't. They lied. They said, no cigarettes are not addictive. I remember that. I remember my dad coming home 1962. I was 10 years old. My dad said, you know what? I found out that smoking causes cancer. Doctors used to tell their patients to smoke. It'll clear out your lungs.

I'm not kidding you. And then the tobacco industry took over the food industry and they created a sugar high-fructose corn syrup. They're not on our side guys and they're specialists in addiction. Look around. Are people addicted to food? You bet your boots bad food. People are not addicted to steak, although they should be. People are not addicted to eggs, although they should be. People are not addicted to dairy cheese. They should be, but they're addicted to carbohydrates and crappy carbs made with crappy oils and crappy sugar. Now that got me off track, Marlene, I think I answered your question. Okay, I think I did. Okay. Susan, what's the difference between a blood calcium test and an ionized blood calcium test? Good question. Okay. You get a blood calcium test to find out what your levels of calcium are in the blood. If they're high, there's something going on.

Okay? Your body has the ability, okay, called your parathyroid. Parathyroid on the side of your thyroid. You got two little, they're so small, they're like a grain of rice. Hold on. Let me show you. I do have a grain of rice here. Okay? I'm showing here. I don't even know if you can see it on my camera here. Where's my hand? See that grain of rice? That's the size of your parathyroid, but you got two of them Parathyroid. Your parathyroid along with your kidneys help to control the amount of calcium you have in your blood. Okay? Do you want calcium in your blood? Not much. Okay? Because calcium belongs in the bones, not your blood. Now you're going to have a little bit in there, okay? The ion one, usually a doctor will order the ion one when they find, oh, your blood calcium is high, let's find out.

And they do a more specific test on that calcium. That's the ion calcium test. And when they do that, they're really looking for the parathyroid to see if that's not working properly or your kidneys if that's not working properly, because calcium in blood is in sugar is like in a no parking zone. You don't want calcium there. You want calcium in your bones. You want calcium in your teeth. Now I'm going to ask you a question just because I'm giving a little quiz. Close your books and answer this. What is the vitamin that takes calcium and puts it in your bone, takes it out of your blood and puts it in your bone? What's the vitamin? Let's see the answers. What vitamin does that?

Rosa, Linda, you guys, Janice, Kathy, Sandy. You guys are so smart. Debbie, Marianne, Regina, Sandra, Wendy. You guys are too stinking smart. I can't fool you anymore, Sandy. Again, Elaine. Yeah, it's vitamin K two. Sharon says vitamin D. Well, it's K two. Vitamin D makes calcium. Okay, I kind of laughed because I knew you would all know it. Okay? You all get an honorary degree. You're way past nutrition 1 0 1. You now know more. Way more than 99% of the physicians I know they don't even know what vitamin K two is. But when you eat steak, when you eat an when eat cheese, vitamin K two is only found in the animal kingdom and it takes calcium. See in nature, think of a piece of cheese. Everybody and their dog knows that cheese has calcium in it, right? It's dairy. Don't ditch dairy. Switch it. So you're eating cheese, okay?

You got calcium in there. But you see in nature what God does, God put cheese with calcium and vitamin K two. You see steak steak's got calcium, did you know? Yeah, not like dairy, but it still has calcium, but it has the carrier vitamin K two in it that takes the calcium and puts it where it belong. K two, K two. See, I love those questions guys. It gets me going. Okay. Well, I think I'm going to stop because yeah, let me just see how many more we got and we got a few I'll answer on our next program. You guys are beautiful. I love you. You're too smart. We're going to have a ceremony one day where I'll give you your diplomas, your degrees, I mean it. Okay? I love it. You're listening, okay? It's an encouragement to me. Okay? No, thank you very much for the question. We appreciate that. We always have fun. I'll answer the rest of them on Monday. Okay, guys, I love you. Talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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