1402. Health Myths: What You’ve Been Taught Is Wrong – Part 2

Join Dr. Martin in today's episode of The Doctor Is In Podcast.



Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone. Welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. We appreciate you guys coming on. Okay. Now what I want to do is we're going to do part two. I'm confused, okay? And guys, there's nothing new under the sun, at least when it comes to confusion. I talk about these things all the time, but I just thought, you know what, we got to hit these off because in the, I'm just talking about people, you guys, our audience, sending us comments or questions, and I love that. I want you to do it. And here's the questions in the last week that I've gotten, and it starts off with Dr. Martin. I'm confused, okay? And we get that. We sure understand why on this program. We sort of swim upstream, don't we? Okay, we're like those salmon, they go upstream and we go against the grain.

We go against the narrative. And I don't do it for the sake of being contrary. I just got to tell you the other side because you're rarely going to hear it. And your health is at stake. My health is at stake. And so, hey, I don't mind treading and getting into some controversial issues when it comes to your health. I want to give you the other side guys. And I think it's common sense, really. I really do. And it's up for you guys to decide. You decide, okay, I've decided, but now it's up to you guys and many of you have decided and understand. Okay? So let's look at a few here. Well, one of them came out, we actually talked about this last week, but someone said, Dr. Martin, I'm confused about gout. So that came in. It's a good question. And let me give you a little bit of background again on gout.

Okay? Gout is an arthritic condition and gouty arthritis, it's called no fun under the sun for those who get it. And I'm a Y guy, okay? So gout has been around for thousands of years. Been recorded in medical history and well-recorded gouty arthritis. Okay? So it's been around, it's not like it's something new. But here's what's new about gout. Gout has gone up about 300% since the 1980s. Way up. The numbers of gout of gouty patients is way up. Now, the way to diagnose gout is by taking a uric acid blood test, okay? Or urea. They do a blood test. If uric acid is high and you have painful joints, it usually comes out of nowhere. You get a gouty attack. Well, they diagnose gout. Okay? Now the confusing thing for this person asking Dr. Martin, I'm confused because they told him that he got gouty attacks because he was eating too much red meat.

Now guys, I always talk about the wars that are going on. There's a major war on vitamin D, there's a major war on red meat. There's a major war on the sun, okay? And if you understand that, and listen, if you were to Google or get 99% of any physician, they'd tell you, yeah, you got to cut back on red meat. Okay? If you GED out. Now, I'm not saying that they're a hundred percent wrong, they're 99.9% wrong. And I always use the illustration that gout used to be called the king's disease. Only the king would get gout and the peasants didn't, okay? And they said, well, yeah, because the king was eating too much rich foods and especially red meat, and nah, he was drinking too much wine. See, one of the things that they miss on gout is fructose. Okay? Now you can eat some fruit, okay?

But don't drink it. Don't drink it. And one of the worst things that you can do for uric acid is to take in fructose liquid. Now, what did the world do when it thought it was smarter than gau? What did it do? It created a new sugar. It created a new sweetener, and it's called high fructose corn syrup. Syrup, liquified fructose a syrup. And the problem with that is it goes directly in a B line to the liver, and one of the byproducts of breaking fructose down is uric acid. Now, we all make uric acid. Uric acid per se is not bad for you. It isn't. It's only when your body don't get rid of it through the kidneys, and that can be a big problem. So what I'm saying is this, they want to blame red meat. You can cut out red meat all you want and you will not lower uric acid.

But when you cut down on high fructose corn syrup, which is the sugar added to, and they couch it with 99 different names for it, if you get rid of sugar and you lower your insulin, your insulin resistance, that will have the most dramatic effect on fixing gout. I had thousands of cases of it in the office over the years. I would put them on, I didn't tell 'em to cut out red meat. I really didn't. I didn't want them to do any drinking of fructose. No more smoothies like juice smoothies. Okay? Now you can have Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie because it's perfect made up of heavy cream, and you can actually put a few berries in it and it's a perfect smoothie and it don't give you gout. It's the opposite of that. You want to lower your insulin, you want to lower the high fructose corn.

That's why it's up 300%, because in 1980 when they developed this antichrist of sugars, high fructose corn syrup, that's when gout took off. Like I said, it's always been around, always been around. Now, one of the things that, and let's do another thing that's confusing, we can hit it right on this topic of gout. You know what? One of the best things you can do for gout is drink coffee. Yep. Proven lowers uric acid. Isn't it wonderful when you get good news that you can have coffee? Oh, Dr. Martin, I'm so confused. I heard coffee's no good for you. I heard coffee is a diuretic. I heard coffee just going to destroy your kidneys. And I heard this and I heard that. And guys, I've been pushing back on the negativity surrounding coffee and I talk to you like it's, Hey, coffee is like metformin. What is metformin?

It's a medication to lower your blood sugar. Metformin, a diabetic drug or a pre-diabetic drug that they give. Do you know that if you have coffee with your meal, you're going to lower the blood glucose? Coffee's got a thousand phytonutrients in it. It's a polyphenol. It's good for everything. You know what I always tell people, don't worry about fiber. Drink water and drink coffee, and you'll be surprised how good you do. I always would tell my patients, I put on the reset, listen, you get to drink two things on the reset. What two things, maybe three, but two for sure. What I want you to drink water and only water is water. You're going to drink two liters of it. And for my American friends, that's 64 ounces every day, seven days a week, you are going to drink water. Dr. Martin, I don't like water.

I didn't say you had to like it. I said you need it. If you want to do a detox, we're emptying your liver. That's the best detox in the universe. Empty the liver. How do you empty the liver doc? Well, you lower your carbohydrates and sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup. We're going to empty your liver because your liver is the new marrow UNO detox organ that you own. That's why livers have an enormous capability of regenerating. Why? Because you need your liver. It produces glutathione, Velcro, that sticks to all the toxins in your body. You want to produce more glutathione, then you need to empty your liver, then drink water. Why? Because the other organ, big time that detoxes you is your kidneys. Niagara Falls go to Niagara Falls anytime of the day or night and oh, I thought if I go at night, they turn the falls off.

No, 24 hours a day that water flows over Niagara Falls day and night. That's what water does. Water flushes out the kidneys and for uric acid, that is essential. It's essential. There's nothing that will help your kidneys. Well, two things. One, cut out sugar. Why? Because sugar destroys blood vessels and your kidneys need blood supply. So you cut out, cut it out, cut out the sugar. Amazing. What happens to your even blood pressure? Dr. Martin, I am confused. My doctor told me to cut out salt. Why? Here's me. Your doctor's wrong. Okay? The only time that salt will elevate your blood pressure, the only time is if you're dehydrated. Okay? You're dehydrated. You're not drinking enough water and salt can elevate your blood pressure, but if you are drinking water, you don't worry about that because what really elevates your blood pressure is sugar. Don't blame salt for what sugar does. Sugar you wouldn't believe. I was just thinking of a case that I had. I remember this because this person really suffered with a lot of well big time issues with blood pressure. When that person came to see me, I think he was 40 years old around there or whatever, and I said, well, I want you to cut out sugar and then monitor your blood pressure, cut out sugar. I've been cutting out salt. He said, doc, I said, I know you're confused. Your doctor's confused.

I said, now I'm going to get you to drink water. He said, I don't like water. I said, I don't care. You're going to drink it. You're going to do what I tell you. Trust me, you have no idea how many times I'd said that in a day in my clinic days. Trust me. Okay? You came to see me, right? Yeah. Some of you have come from a long way, yes or no? Yes. Right? And you're going to have to trust me Now, you're going to start drinking water and you'll get used to it. Don't wait till you're thirsty. Here's what you're going to do and you're going to cut out sugar and every week we're going to have a conversation and I will see you back in my office in about six weeks, but just trust me. Do what I tell you to do.

Cut out sugar, drink water, monitor your blood pressure, and don't do it every five seconds, okay? I had people come in and they had a binder on their blood pressure six, seven times a day taking their blood pressure. I said, you're giving me high blood pressure. Why are you checking your blood pressure so often? You're going to have a heart attack because you're checking your blood pressure so often. That's giving me high blood pressure. Anyway, they said, you want to read my binder? No. I said, I just took your blood pressure. I don't want to see your a thousand pages of blood pressure numbers. Who cares anyway, go home, drink water, cut out sugar. Just two things, trust me. Watch what happens with your blood pressure and then the weekly call. Dr. Martin, I can't believe I've added salt back to my diet. Oh, do I ever like salt on my food that I've been missing for the last 10 years?

Oh, is it ever much better today? I said, yeah, it wasn't salt. Salt was never the problem, and now you're drinking water. Think of your body, the river of life, the blood supply, right? 63,000. I don't know who counted one and a half times around the equator. It's a river. River needs to flow, and when you're dehydrated and people go, doc, I'm not dehydrated. I said, yes, you're, if you're not drinking 64 ounces or two liters of water a day, you're dehydrated just because you don't have a red light on top of your head going off. You need water. Your blood supply needs water. A lot of people get high blood pressure because the river's not flowing enough and then top it off, your kidneys are holding on to their toxins because of a lack of water. Amazing. You mean that's it? Well, I said, look at your blood pressure now.

You trust me now? I said, well, now you're on your journey and you've taken a major step. You found out that sugar is toxic. It's toxic. You got the memo. Now I know going to, don't be confused because the world out there says Coca-Cola and PepsiCo and all those companies go, well, you need sugar. Well, you need sugar, but you don't have to eat sugar to get sugar. You can eat a steak and your body won't turn it into glucose. Let your body turn a steak into some glucose. Don't eat glucose because then your body has to send in a mountain load of insulin to get rid of the sugar out of your bloodstream. Your body can't take sugar in the bloodstream. What one of the major side effects of diabetes is thirst. You see, your body is so intelligent, so fearfully and wonderfully made.

Your body is unreal, so when there's too much sugar in your blood stream, your body said, give me more water. I got to dilute that. I got to dilute the sugar. You just had a chocolate bar and your body goes, give me water because I got to dilute that sugar that's in the bloodstream. Guys, your body is so intelligent. We're dumb compared to our bodies. Medicine is dumb compared to our bodies. Dieticians are dumb compared to our bodies. The body knows what to do and we go against it. It's salt for high blood pressure or here's a medication and no one talks to them about their diet. No one talks to them about, you know what? This is another thing that drives me crazy, guys. Okay, well, I like watermelon, Dr. Martin. Isn't that water? There's a lot of water in watermelon. Yeah, I know, but it's not the same.

It's not the same. When you drink water, it has its own root to the bloodstream and it gets there rapidly and don't pass goat. When you eat water like in a watermelon or a lot of fruits have water or whatever, I'm not saying it's bad. All I'm saying is it'll eventually get into your bloodstream, but it's not doing the same thing. You need to drink water. You need to drink, not eat it. You can eat a little bit of it, but it's much different. Your body operates, and it's amazing to me, the testimonies over the years of people going, doc, you got me to drink water. I see people even today that used to be my patients, and they go, Dr. Martin, you got me to drink water? Yeah. How did you like it? Well, I hated your guts for the first few weeks, but what a difference that makes.

I've never stopped drinking water. It's amazing to me. You know how many people used to get kidney stones and they were dehydrated and no one ever told them? Don't be confused about that. Your body demands water. If you don't give it, it'll suck the water out of everything, your bones and everything, your body is like planet earth. How much of planet earth is water? Okay? I love flying over Northern Ontario where I am in Sudbury. We got so many lakes, it's incredible, but that's planet earth, water, and that's your body. 70 to 75% of your body is water, and you need to replace it. Don't be confused. You need to replace it. One of the simplest things we can do and the sweet spot for water, I'm telling you, because of my clinical experience, I don't care what other people tell me. I did this for 50 years and I told people for 50 years drink stinking water and it's 64 ounces or two liters, and some need a little bit more, but very few and I mean very few need anything less.

Get in a habit. It's a great habit to get into. Now, why did I do that for so long? Okay, we were talking about gout, okay? Don't be confused. Don't be confused. Okay, what else? Cholesterol. Do I have to go into it every day? Not every week, every day. Dr. Martin, I'm confused. My doctor wants to put me on a statin drug. My doctor says I'm going to have a heart attack. Well, you tell your doctor, he or she is giving me a heart attack by talking about cholesterol. Here's what you want, cholesterol. What? Yeah, don't be confused. You want cholesterol. Every cell in your body needs cholesterol, and they made it a boogeyman. Again, guys, think about this for a minute. Heart disease is worse than ever, not better, worse, still the number one killer heart disease, and if the big pharma had their way, they put statins in the drinking water and they actually tried in the United Kingdom, put it in the water.

It's like looking for love in all the wrong places, and I'll double down and I'll triple down. Cholesterol ain't the bad guy, ain't it's a good guy, and in my opinion, it never becomes a bad guy. Don't blame the police because they're at the crime scene. Don't blame the firemen because they're at the fire. Don't blame them. They're only trying to help, and this is a fact. The more you lower your cholesterol, the earlier you are going to die, so I kind of get a chuckle because every commercial you ever see about cholesterol is hell, hallelujah. I got my cholesterol down. Whoopee on your way to the grave. What your fat head is made up, a cholesterol up there, every cell in your body, you need cholesterol for your hormones. You even need cholesterol to absorb vitamin D properly. I mean it, it's almost daily, and a lot of times more than once or twice daily, Dr. Martin, I'm confused about cholesterol.

I said to this to thousands of people over the years, you can't make me care about your LDL. I can't care. You can't make me, it's not significant. It has nothing to do with heart disease. Your LDL and what we know about LDL. It's really important that it be elevated so that you have a good immune system and people are always trying to make cholesterol. The bad guy. I don't buy it, guys. I don't buy it. I can't. It doesn't make sense. Cholesterol is needed. Now, you can read blood work. There's really important things to look. When you look at your lipid profile, and I teach this in my book, sun Steak and Steel, I tell you what numbers to look for. You want low triglycerides, those fat balls that come from sugar mostly. Okay? Those fat balls are not good for you, not if they're high.

And then I like to look at HDL because it's a big part of metabolic syndrome, and you want your HDL to be high, not low, high density lipoprotein. You don't want that to be low. You want to have healthy cholesterol. You want to get it elevated, and I just don't give a hoot about total cholesterol or your LDL. I just don't. I don't, not for heart disease, okay? Not for heart disease. Don't be confused. Okay? Let's see. Do I have any more here? Oh, I'm we. I've been talking, talking, talking, talking. I'm just having so much fun. Okay? I think I pretty well touched on the ones I wanted to talk to pretty well. Okay? Okay. I've got to breathe, guys. Okay. We love you guys. You know that Send in your questions for question and answer Friday. One way for sure. To get 'em to us info@martinclinic.com. Email 'em to us, but you can put 'em up on our private Facebook group and we'll try and find them, but one way for sure is to get it at info@martinclinic.com, okay? I don't think I've told you lately that I love you, right? I haven't. Okay? I do very much thank you guys for making this program such as success. We ask you to share it. We ask you to our, give us a review if you want, on our podcast, the Doctors in podcast. Okay? We love you guys. We'll talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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