1398. The Red Meat Myth: Why Harvard Missed the Mark

Join Dr. Martin in today's episode of The Doctor Is In Podcast.



Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone. How are you? Once again, welcome to another live this morning, and it's always good to have you guys come on with us live if you can, and we appreciate that. Of course. And we sure appreciate folks listening to our podcast. The Doctor is in. Okay, let's get to a couple of research items that I want to talk about. Okay, so one of them here, a new study, meta-analysis study, meaning good studies, could they look at other studies? And this has happened to me in practice. I am going to say 500 times, maybe not that many, but I think close to that over the years where oncologists have told their cancer patients not to take any supplements, it might affect the treatment, okay? And I've had many patients tell me that their oncologist told them, no probiotics might interfere with the treatment cancer treatment.

And look, you can understand I was in a difficult position, but I used to tell my patients, well, you need to question your oncologist. Okay? Because probiotic, any chemotherapy, any radiation, you're going to wipe out all your bacteria. It's going to wipe it out. Surely it would be a benefit to replace that bacteria and I was right. Okay. Meta-analysis study, looking at cancer treatments specifically and showing, listen to what it says. This is the headline. Probiotics Minimize the side effects of cancer treatments. Not only are they beneficial because you're replacing bacteria and you want to replace the good guys, it minimizes side effects of cancer treatment, chemotherapy, and radiation. You get less side effects. Why wouldn't that be good? Is there anything that probiotics don't do? They're on your side. Now remember we did a paradigm shift. I'm going to say 20 years ago, I used to tell my patients, okay, go back guys, into the 1990s.

Even in the 1980s, I used to tell my patients, take probiotics twice a year. They're good for you. And nobody even knew what they were. In those days. People were eating yogurt, but they did that because they thought they were going to lose their belly fat or whatever. Women love yogurt. I couldn't get over it. And I said, well, most yogurts got so much sugar that's feeding your bad bacteria, and there's not enough probiotic in a yogurt in one capsule of probiotic. Okay? I've done this on radio and whatever on videos too, teaching videos in order to get 50 billion bacteria, and you'll never get a multitude of strains because in yogurt you'll get some acidophilus. Nothing wrong with that, but you would have to eat 16,004 ounce yogurts to get what you would get in a therapeutic probiotic. 16, are you going to eat 16,000 yogurts?

No, you're not. And get multi strains. No, you're not. You can't. They're not available like that. They're therapeutic because different strains do different things. Now, one of the things, this study, and I'm glad it came out because I was saying this a long time ago, an oncologist, I know you're scared of every supplement, don't take supplements. You're taking cancer treatment and yada, yada, yada. I heard it all the time and to the few oncologists that I could actually talk to, I said, well, the best thing you could give your patients is tell 'em to take a probiotic. We got to be careful. It might interfere now, it won't interfere. You got trillions of bacteria in your body, not billions. You got trillions. You're wiping that out with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. You got to replace that. Anybody that you know guys, anybody that you know if they are cancer patients and to get the diagnosis of cancer, one of the things that I recommend are probiotics.

Not only for treatment therapeutically, it should be part of any cancer protocol. Not only preventing cancer, but if people get cancer, it is a protocol, it's a treatment. Now, I'm not saying it's a cure. I didn't say that, but it certainly should be part of a protocol, okay? Along with vitamin D, any cancer patient that I ever talked to, two things for sure. They were getting advice for her was taking probiotics and vitamin D. And actually the third one is DHA, because of a study done in Europe and they buried it. What happens? Cancer. Okay, cancer cells, guys, okay, this is in a nutshell, and it's a little bit more complicated than this, but this is just surface cancer cells are what? Ravenous. Okay? They need glucose. They need sugar. They want something quick and fast like a teenager. Give me something quick. I'm hungry.

Cancer cells are ravenous, okay? We know that. And they search for sugar. Now, when a tumor, okay, those are cancer cells, but tumors, they're looking for fatty acids. Tumors. The Trojan horse that you can put into a tumor is DHA. The tumor looks for that. And then DHA destroys it allows a Trojan horse to come in. And guys, some of you might have this. If you have it, I have it. I got to go get it. I'll post it again because every time I post it, what DHA does to tumors, it's incredible. Why isn't that headline news? And why aren't people talking about it? I don't know. I got a good idea why it's not popular, but it should be. So when it comes to cancer, I got my shirt on.

Don't feed the bears. Don't feed the bears cancer. And listen, some people who are a lot smarter than I am have talked about cancer being a fungus. The tumors are made up of yeast, fungus, okay? I've listened to pathologists that believe that every cancer's got a fungal base to it. Makes sense? You put yeast in bread, what happens? It grows, grows, grows. So you don't want to feed it. So part of the protocol, don't feed the bears, don't give them any sugar. Don't give those cancer cells fuel. Nothing quick. And I put this in my book, sun Steak and Steel, okay, have you got a copy of it? What did I say in there? Cancer hates steak. Hates it. Now, if you got our email this morning, okay, this, did you get our email this morning? We talked about study that came out out of Harvard.

Harvard study, and it gave me a migraine. That's why we had to write about it. Father and son got migraines. Tony Jr. We talk about it. Did you get a migraine son when you read the study? Yeah, so did I. It gave me a migraine. The silliness. That red meat is associated with cancer. That's been around a long time. But this one said in Harvard, red meat is associated with diabetes. Guys, I got an instant migraine. My blood pressure went up, my cortisol went up. I was stressed. It's so silly because you guys know this, but I got to say it again. Red meat consumption in North America is down 30%. Diabetes is up about 300%. Red meat consumption is down and diabetes is up 300% since 1980. It's insanity. This study blaming red meat. Oh, red meat, oh, it causes cancer. Plus it's a big factor in diabetes. It's just the opposite of that. Then I bring you to a country that has less diabetes than almost any other place in the world. I'm bringing you to Hong Kong. You know where the highest consumption of red meat is in the world? Sudbury? No, it could be because I'm here.

Okay? Red meat consumption is up in Sudbury. I promise you that because of meat. Okay? No red meat consumption is down in Canada and the US by 30% red meat consumption. The highest in the world is in Hong Kong. I've been there. They love their red meat. People think, oh, in Hong Kong, all they eat is rice. They're the highest consumption per capita of red meat. They have one of the lowest rates in the world of diabetes. Hello? Hello. And then you get a study in Harvard and you know how many people will run with that? They don't like meat. They don't like red meat. It drives them crazy. They love their salient. And guys, I got to push back. I got to push back. It's not true. It ain't true for cancer either because cancer hates it. Just can't survive on it. There's nothing in stake that cancer likes. And I'm telling you, and it's not a matter of being a carnivore. It isn't, but it's a matter of what your body needs. You see, think about this for a minute.

Every battery that you have in your body are called mitochondria, right? In your cells, your heart, your brain, your bones, whatever. All those cells, you got trillions of cells and they got batteries. They're called mitochondria and they're looking for fuel. And whatever fuel you give them, they'll take it. But if you want the right fuel, you better give them eggs, meat and cheese. EMC, because that's the highest source of nutrients in the world. It comes out of the animal kingdom. And I know it goes against the grain. I know that Harvard doesn't like it, but that doesn't make it not true. It's true. Your cells are looking for the best fuel and especially your brain. I'm reading another study. I won't go into it today. I want to do a little bit more detail on it. The amount of Louie body dementia, the increase of that dementia is catastrophic in numbers.

And part of it, guys, part of it is when the brain has bad fuel. What did they call Alzheimer's? Type three diabetes. And it really is this, your brain cells swimming in a sea of glucose that it can't use. It's like swimming in the ocean, but you can't drink the water. And when we send glucose up to the brain, and that's like, and too much of it, the brain is swimming in an ocean of energy or fuel that it can't consume. And those mitochondria up there are starving to death and the brain shrinks. And we've been teaching that consistently for a long time. Guys, do you think I just made up eggs, meat and cheese, the whole reset, by the way, coming back to diabetes, the whole reset was based on diabetes. I had so many diabetic patients and I started the reset with them, not with my other patients, not at the start.

I started a 30 day program. I said, okay, we're going to watch you. We're going to supervise you. I want you to take your blood sugar every day, a couple of times a day. And here's what we're going to do. We're going to change your fuel. You're a diabetic. Here's what we're going to do. You like eggs? Yeah, eat lots. You like meat? Oh yeah. Eat lots. You like cheese? Yeah. Yeah. I like cheese. Good. You're going to love meat. I said, do you like bacon and eggs? Oh, doc. Yeah, I really like that. But I said, stop. We're not going to talk about your doctor right now. Do you like bacon and eggs? I love bacon and eggs. I said, have it every day for breakfast. Every day, seven days a week. What? Oh yeah. How many eggs, doc? I don't care. You're a diabetic.

You want to have three or four eggs every morning. Go for it. And don't worry about the cholesterol. You know how many referrals I got from my diabetic patients talking to other diabetic patients and a few of the physicians in town? Well, you got diabetes. Go talk to Dr. Martin. They were open to it. I said, well, we put 'em on a supervised day eating program meant for getting diabetes under control. It works. It works. And I would love to do a diet for cancer patients. Of course, I'm big time into prevention. I'd love to be able to do a cancer prevention diet. But the diet, when you have cancer is the same thing. You like eggs? Yeah, I love eggs. Good. Eat them. I want you to live on them. I want you to live on meat. I want you to live on cheese. You like cheese?

Oh, I love cheese doc. But no, no, no, no buts. No buts. This works. And I don't care, guys, if it goes against the grain, I understand that. Look at Harvard. Harvard is saying something. It's one of the silliest things I've ever heard in my life. It's the exact opposite of what they said. Oh, red meat is associated with diabetes and it's always done. These studies are always done on surveys, food surveys. Okay. So you ask a person, how much red meat did you eat in the last month? Guys, I don't remember how much red meat I ate yesterday. Nevermind last week or a month ago. Okay, wait a minute. You got cancer? How much red meat? Oh yeah, I eat red meat. Okay, here's what they don't ask. Are you a smoker? Do you drink?

When you say red meat, do you mean a hamburger? You're eating the bun. That's sugar. See, they don't ask those questions in surveys, and they're asking people to go back six months or whatever in their diet, and they go, yeah, well, how many hamburgers did you eat? How much protein did you eat? I don't know. I'll make it up. Did you eat any Oreo cookies? They never asked that. How many Oreo cookies did you eat? They don't ask that question in the survey. Do you think that might affect the outcome? Do you consume cream? The guy goes, yeah, ice cream.

It's a big difference, isn't it? Between cream and ice cream. Anyway, I know. I know I, I get uptight and I get a migraine. I don't like nonsense. I got no stomach for it. Steak consumption down 30%, diabetes up 300%. And what are we talking about? Get rid of steak. And you know what folks? The problem is a lot of people are going to listen to that. A lot of people are, I know you guys won't, but a lot of people are going to listen to that. But what are you going to do? What are you going to do? I'm just going to continue preaching. I'm going to preach the truth. And people don't listen. They're not Linda's and they're not Larry's and they're not listening. I feel for them. I really do. I feel for the general population out there, because they're being duped. They're being duped. I don't like when people get duped. What? Deception? Yep. What deception. Okay.

Two overarching principles. And I repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat one. The medical profession knows nothing about food. Okay? The medical profession knows nothing about food and the big food cares nothing for your health. You got those two things going. And the pharmaceutical industry in there. And look, there's some good people, there's great doctors, and there's great people in the food industry. There are great people in the pharmaceutical industry, but when you put those conglomerates together, we're in deep trouble in our health. Look around, guys. Look what you see. We're not getting healthier. We're getting sicker by the moment. And again, you have a medical conglomerate that knows nothing about food. The only thing they know, red meat, bad cholesterol, bad 2024 still. And then you have the food industry that don't care about your health. They really don't. And they want you to eat their products.

They're sugary, bad, fat, vegetable oils, and there's eight or 10 companies and they own all the food industry. They own it all. It's hard to change the narrative, guys. And that's why I appreciate you guys, because you're open to teaching. You're open to it, okay? That's why I love my audience. I always tell people around me, I'll compare my audience to any audience, any podcast audience, that nobody more educated on nutrition than my audience. Okay, guys, tomorrow, guess what? We're answering questions again. Questions. Questions and questions. So question and answer. Friday. And Dr. Martin's ranting. I get a workout on Fridays and Mondays too. Oftentimes we don't get to all the questions on Fridays, okay? Okay, guys. Send in your questions. Not too late. We love you dearly. We'll talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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