1301. Fogged Minds: The Smog-Alcohol-Alzheimer's Link

Join Dr. Martin in today's episode of The Doctor Is In Podcast.



Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live and hope you're having a great start to your day. Okay, look, I literally just read this study and it's in the Washington Post, and if I can find exactly the original study, I will post it. Okay? I'm just reading an article about this study and it's on Alzheimer's. Now, what have I told you in the past, Alzheimer's is the number one killer in the United Kingdom and the number three killer in Canada and the United States. Guys in the 1970s was there Alzheimer's? Of course there was. Did we talk about it? Not much. Medical books, not much. It's an epidemic today. Now, is that because the population lives a little longer? Perhaps, but according to all the research, this is an epidemic and it's not. As a matter of fact, this is following 40,000 people and here are the risk factors according to this new study.

Like I said, if I get the original study and I will post it, I am just giving you commentary on the article that I read myself because I read, I don't know how many studies every day, every day, and some studies, who cares, but for me, I'm always looking to see, okay, that's interesting, that's interesting. This is what I, it's right up my alley or whatever, and Alzheimer's, this new study on Alzheimer's says three things. Three things are at the root of Alzheimer's, a study of 40,000 patients. And again, I got to get some more detail on that, but that's what I read, and they said three things are the main factors, okay? Here's what they said. New study number one factor is diabetes. The number one factor in dementia, Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's is just a form of dementia. It's the most aggressive form, and it ain't good as we know. Okay?

Now, the number one factor according to this new study is diabetes, and we know what diabetes is. It's sugar diabetes, okay? Just because they changed the name, just because they don't want to admit it, that don't mean nothing to us because we know what it is. In 1968 when my dad became a diabetic, he said to me, son, because I asked him a question. I said, why are you avoiding sugar? I couldn't understand it, like what? I knew, look, my grandfather died of diabetes, so it wasn't like diabetes. I didn't really understand it. I was in high school, but my dad said, son, it's sugar diabetes. What? Well, that means I'm not having any more sugar he said. That was 1968 guys, and here we are today, and if you ask a dietician, if you ask most medical doctors, most. You ask nutritionists even, you know what answer you'll get? Moderation. It's the motto of modern medicine when it comes to food.

That came out in the 1970s guys. I heard it in the 1970s. You got to understand, I went to school and in school, let me just give you a quote here. I put this quote down, Mark Twain, I love Mark Twain. Okay? Here's what he said, okay? And I had to write it down. I write a lot of things down, guys. I'm an old fashioned guy. Take out a pen and I write, okay? I know a lot of people like to use their smart devices and whatever, and they just type stuff in to remember it or whatever. Not me. I got to write it out, okay? It's me writing, okay? You can't always read my writing, but there's a method to my madness. I love writing things out. That's how I learned in school. When I heard it, I wrote it down and I had lots of notes. And then when I got ready for an exam, I would shorten those notes down to bullet points, and that's the way I studied guys. Okay? Anyway, what am I talking to you about this for? Oh, okay.

Mark Twain, listen to what he says. And guys, this is genius. Here's what he's saying. "Education is mainly what we have unlearned." Guys, that's me. Look, I took over 2000 hours of nutrition onto my nutritional PhD and even PhD in natural medicine, and like Mark Twain's got it right. Education is mainly what we unlearn, and here we are in 2024, and we have to unlearn. What do I mean? Well, the number one risk factor, according to this new study, and I've been saying this, you guys know this for years. What is the number one risk factor for Alzheimer's? The number one, sugar. Sugar. What did I say yesterday about the brain? You want a fat head. The problem with sugar is it's an energy when it gets into the brain, especially fructose, you are swimming in an ocean of glucose that you can't use. It's like you're at sea and you're thirsty, and you have no water except sea water. Are you drinking that? No.

You're surrounded by water. You can't drink that salt water, right? We know that, but that's what happens with fructose, especially high fructose corn syrup. The curse, it'll get to your brain. It damages the brain. And this is what even the main stream medicine is saying. The number one risk factor for Alzheimer's is. Now, listen, these people won Nobel Prizes in medicine in 2005. You know what they said? Alzheimer's is type three diabetes, and then it sort of gets swept under the carpet. I watched it, guys. I used to have a radio show that was let's blow your socks day on my radio show. When I reported back in 2005, this edict that came out from research that said, Alzheimer's is type three diabetes. It's diabetes of the brain. Didn't take long for that to be, it's not sugar. And remember, sugar's all right in moderation.

And then it went back to that mantra, moderation, moderation and big pharma who know nothing about food and could care less about food. We're looking for love in all the wrong places when it came to Alzheimer's, and in the summer of 2022, as far as the Doctor Is In podcast, we reported that after looking at meta-analysis study. That means you know what meta-analysis studies are? They look at all the studies and they go, you know what? It's not really amyloid plaque in the brain that causes, that's what they said. They said, nah, it's not that, and that should have turned medicine on its head. But what did I tell you in 2022? Don't hold your breath. Why? Well, I'm not saying there's no good people in big pharma, so don't misquote me. I'm not saying there's not good people at Nestle's or Coca-Cola or Pepsi Cola or Kraft or anywhere else. I'm not saying there's no good people, but they have a vested interest to keep sugar in moderation.

You talk to a doctor about diabetes, okay, nevermind Alzheimer's, just diabetes. I don't know how many times I've been interviewed over the years, not only on my own radio show, but on literally hundreds of other radio and TV shows, okay? Anytime I did a book, anytime I wrote, I got a lot of media attention, I had a publicist. We got a lot of media attention, okay? You do that when you write a book, okay? You get a lot of it, and I'd get asked about diabetes because I talked about it all the time. I remember when I released the book, Serial Killers, Two Hormones that Want You Dead, insulin and cortisol, okay? And then all my hosts pretty well, okay, doc, let's talk about diabetes. Let's talk about insulin. Let you say it wants to kill us. What do you mean by that? I said, well, you know what diabetes is? No. Is it genetic? No, it's not. Like I said, my family's got diabetes. My grandfather died of it. My dad had it. We got a lot of diabetes in our family. I said, but it's not genetics.

I mean, there may be a weakness, but it's not genetics. It's an intolerance to carbs. What? Well, if you're a diabetic or pre or metabolic syndrome, you and sugar don't get along. You might like it, but it hates you. I said, that's what diabetes is. I would tell 'em the cat story. What? Well, I love telling it, so I'm going to say it again. True story. Lady comes into the office, allergies coming out the wazoo, eyes, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, barking. And I said, well, you got allergies. She said, I know, doc. That's why I'm here. I said, well, what are you allergic to? She said, my cat. I said, get rid of it. She says, I can't. And I said, well, I can't help you. Diabetes is an allergy to sugar and foods that turn to sugar, rapidly. Bread, pasta, rice, cereal, sugar, sweets, pastries like muffins and bagels. And oh Dr. Martin, it's 27 grain, whole wheat. I don't care. It's going to be sugar in five seconds, and you're going to pour out a boatload of insulin. And if you're a diabetic or metabolic syndrome or pre-diabetic or whatever, and your A1C is past 5.4, you're on the Titanic. And I said, now, no more sugar. What?

Guys, the answer, my friend is blowing in the wind. No, it's not. The answer's right in front of us. It's sugar. I was listening to a guy, James Carville, he said, it's the economy stupid. When Bill Clinton got elected, it's the economy, stupid and the world, they don't want to hear it. They don't want to hear about sugar. They want to talk moderation. Yeah, don't, okay, sugar, but in moderation, it's good for you. No, it's not. No, it's not. Like I've told you, when I was a kid, we had cookies and ice cream too. 25 pounds of it in the 1950s. My kids, I got four of them, okay? Did I put up five? I got four. I have four kids. Well, they're not kids anymore. My son, Dr. Martin Jr. is 50 years old. That makes me old. But my four kids, see, I studied the history of food in the 1970s. We were up to 50 pounds of sugar, and in 1980, they switched the sugar. They switched the sugar. Pepsi did it. Coca-Cola did it. Nestle did it. Kraft did it. Everybody did it. The peanut butter people or whatever, Kraft peanut butter. You know what they did? They switched from sugar, glucose to fructose. High fructose corn syrup made in the lab, cheap, addictive wants you coming for more and destructive.

And I've been screaming to anyone that would listen for years, lots of years screaming, I don't like this guys. And here we are today, Alzheimer's. Okay, guys, I'm getting older, okay? You notice, okay, I'm getting older. I don't want Alzheimer's, do you? Of course you don't. But look, I know it's not easy, but you got to just face the truth. And when these studies came out, it's not the only one, but I'm telling you, the number one thing on the hit parade and in terms of causative factor is diabetes, sugar, number one. Number two, they said was air pollution. What are we going to do about that? What are we going to do about that? Leave the planet? What are we going to do about that? And we want to make the planet better, and this, that, and the other thing. I get that. I'm on your side. I'm on the world side when it wants to get rid of pollution. I'm not big on getting rid of fossil fuels because I don't believe that's pollution, but that's, let's not get into politics. I'm going to stick to what I'm good at, food.

But air pollution, when they said that, I don't know. I haven't gone into the deep details yet of the study, but I'm wondering, gee, where's the worst air pollution in the world? As far as I know, it's in China, so I don't know. Is that where they got these? I don't know. All I know is we live in an environment, guys, you and I, we're surrounded by toxins, we're surrounded by plastics, we're surrounded by herbicides and pesticides like Roundup. It's in our food. Someone was telling me the other day, well, Dr. Martin isn't meat. What? They give antibiotics to the cows, and that gets into our system. Yeah, yeah, I get it. Look, I know we live from a far from perfect world, and it's in, but I said, what about Roundup in plants? It's everywhere. Monsanto's gift to the world Roundup. You are going to get away from that? Well, I eat organic. Yeah, but it's in the soil, man. I'm not saying you shouldn't eat organic. I'm not saying that at all. But if you think living in 2024, you are going to get away from everything that's in the air, the particles.

I used to gross people out, okay? You know what's dangerous is a microscope, okay? And I used to tell 'em, look, bring me a swab from your house. Go to your vent. Okay, well, we keep our house spic and span, doctor. That's an old term, isn't it? Spic and span. Anyway, I said, you bring me a Q-tip. I'm going to put it on a slide, and I'm going to show you with a high powered microscope. Look at the germs. Look at the bacteria. Look, look, look. And they go, ahhh. See you ain't getting away from it, man. You can wear a mask. Good luck. You have no idea how small these things are. You can clean your counter every five seconds. Don't do it. But people do it. They're germ freaks. I said, you're killing yourself.

Look, guys, air pollution, it's out there. It's around you. The soil is polluted. The world is polluted. There's plastic everywhere. There's Roundup in everything almost. There's antibiotics in food, in meat. It's all over the place. I don't go crazy over that. I believe in this. Take care of yourself. Become a lean, mean fighting machine. Turn your immune system on. Turn your body on. Your body has a wonderful, fearfully made immune system. That's what I've emphasized, because we live in a world, I'm sorry, Dr. Martin, I'm moving to Costa Rica. Well, it sucks to be the rest of us, and you'll get to Costa Rica and you'll find out, okay, hey, we live in an imperfect world.

Okay, now getting all excited. Okay? Now, number one, diabetes, number one cause. The second, they said in the study, the air pollution, that's what they said. Don't shoot the messenger. Three, alcohol, alcohol. Guys, one in three go together. What do I mean? Well, when they say diabetes, I talk to you about sugar and very specifically about fructose, high fructose corn syrup. You know what it acts like? What does it do to the liver?

Just like alcohol. Just like alcohol, fructose. It gets metabolized in the liver. Just like alcohol. It's a toxin. It's a toxin. Would you give your kid alcohol? No, but we give them high fructose corn syrup. Acts just like alcohol. It's toxic to the liver. And when the liver is full of that toxin, think of it, it affects the brain, Alzheimer's. It affects the heart, triglycerides and HDL, upside down. It affects the pancreas. It affects your blood vessels. Nothing good. There's nothing good. There's absolutely no nutritional value in alcohol or high fructose corn syrup. There's no nutritional value whatsoever. There isn't a biochemical thing in your body that needs either one of those things, and I'm not telling you, okay, you want to have a glass of wine, that's up to you. Okay? I'm just the messenger. I'm just the messenger, okay?

Isn't that interesting, guys? Okay, and I'll get you even more detail on it soon as I can find it. The Washington Post wanted money for me to continue to get all the source of it, but that's all right. I'll find it. Okay. And when I find it, I'll post it. New study, 40,000 adults. Top risk factors for Alzheimer's, diabetes, air pollution, alcohol, sugar, smog, and booze. I like that. Sugar, smog and booze. Okay, guys. Okay, morning sessions. Tomorrow. What's Friday? Question and answer Friday. Are you looking forward to it? I am. Send in your questions. We'll try and answer all of them. Sometimes we have to do question and answer Monday, too. Okay? But that's all right. I want you asking questions. Okay?

The best audience in the world is you guys. The top podcast in health in Canada, and we're aiming at the United States too. The Doctor Is In podcast, over 4 million downloads. All you guys, because you guys share even on Facebook. You know what? We have almost 90,000 followers on Facebook. Well, guys, that's you guys. Our private Facebook group, we got a private group. There's over 21,000 members of that private Facebook group. That's you guys. Okay? So share, continue to share. That's how algorithms work. Don't ask me about it. I don't even know what I'm talking about, but you guys have done this, okay? We thank you for that. Okay? We appreciate that. Okay. We love you. We'll talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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